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(Analog Communications)-ECE
Max. Marks: 10 M Time: 60 min Date:
Answer any TWO Questions 2x 5 Marks= 10 Marks

1a) with the aid of the block diagram explain the Super heterodyne AM Receiver principle. [3M]
b) What is an image frequency? What are the steps to be taken to improve image frequency rejection? [2M]
2a) Explain the necessity of Equalizer in PAM wave demodulation. [2M]
b) Explain clearly the generation and demodulation of PWM with the help of necessary diagram. [3M]
3a) How, FM wave is demodulated using balanced slope frequency discriminator, and what are its disadvantages? [3M]
b) The RF, local oscillator and IF frequencies of an AM receiver are 800 kHz, 1255 kHz and 455 kHz respectively
Determine i. image frequency ii. Image frequency rejection ratio for a loaded Q of 120. [2M]

4) Show that for small noise case, FOM of AM system with envelope detector is [5M]

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