Microeconomics Ex2

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Friday, 14 August 2020

By Tam Soon Liew

Economic Systems
Economic Systems Characteristics
Capitalism - Otherwise known as “Market Economy”

- Companies exist to make profit

- Minimal government intervention

- Willingness to change and adapt to current market

- Split between capitalist class and working class

Socialism - Production and distribution are owned, controlled and

regulated by the public

- Not driven by the laws of supply and demand

- Coordinated by a central planning authority

- Aims for a Egalitarian Society*

- Provision of basic needs by the government

- No competition

Mixed Economy - Co-existence of the public and private sectors

- Complete economic freedom

- Planned Economy

- Regulation of private sector

- Private property

- Reduction of inequalities of income and wealth

Islamic Economy - Economics is bound by aqidah, Sharia and morals

- Prohibition of Interest

- Zakat is collected from the wealthy to be distributed to

those that have strikingly low income

- Freedom of work and enterprise

- Entrepreneurs can only produce permitted goods and


*Egalitarian society : Society with no sense of class amongst its people according to their income and

Economic Systems 1

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