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Limitations of a PEST Analysis

1. The external factors considered during PEST analysis are dynamic and they change at a very
fast pace. At times, these changes may occur in less than a day’s time, thus making it tricky to
predict why and how these factors may affect the present or future of the project. On many
occasions, environmental changes that may have an adverse effect on the project may not be
noticeable during their initial stages. All that indicates that a certain amount of uncertainty still
remains even after carrying out a detailed PESTLE analysis, which to some extent defeats the
prime purpose of this analysis – cutting down the uncertainty click to enlarge.

2. Its simple presentation can also be considered a limitation. For PEST analysis, the usual
procedure is to present a simple list of the environmental factors that can affect the project.
Unless the attributing factors are critically examined in terms of the degree of impact, the
findings of the analysis don’t seem to be of much value.

3. Collecting enormous amounts of relevant data from the right sources becomes a bit of a
problem, especially since most of the pertinent data must be collected from external agencies.
This makes PEST analysis not only time consuming but costly as well. Also, getting the latest
data and keeping the analysis updated with it becomes a problem.

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