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Surveys are done so that you get an idea of what people think.

They are often a

very time-consuming process but it is totally worth it as the results you get are
based on real facts and you get input from the very people you are interested in.
For businesses, doing a survey on their target market means they see what their
potential customers want.

[Type the document title]

[Type the document subtitle]

Survey Results Report Template

Testing Conducted _________________

Prepared by: [Company]

Prepared for: [Client]

Submitted: [Date]
Document Status
Item Description
Document Title
File Name
Document Description

Document Revision History

Version # Date Changed By Description

Document Status
Item Description
Document Title
File Name

Document Status
Item Description
Document Title
File Name


EXECUTIVE SUMMARY..................................................................................................................................... 5
SURVEY OBJECTIVES........................................................................................................................................ 5
PARTICIPANTS.................................................................................................................................................... 5
Methodology......................................................................................................................................................... 5
DATA COLLECTED.............................................................................................................................................. 5
RESULTS................................................................................................................................................................. 6
Question 1.......................................................................................................................................... 6
Question 2.......................................................................................................................................... 6
Etc......................................................................................................................................................... 6
RECOMMENDATIONS....................................................................................................................................... 6
APPENDIX A – Survey Text............................................................................................................................. 6



The total number of individuals who attempted the card sort was ___ …
 Of those, ___ completed and saved their sort.
 Of those, ___ did not actually sort any cards.
The following results cover the __ participants who truly attempted the sort.

The survey was conducted using ________________.

The facilitator collected two forms of data:

 Qualitative: Qualitative data including participant comments.

 Quantitative: Quantitative data including card sort and category ranking metrics as well as
general frequency of similar terms used.

Appendix A contains the complete list of questions.

The results are broken out by category and listed by question.
Question 1

Question 2


 High – the greatest potential for improved user satisfaction
 Medium – greater potential for improved user satisfaction
 Low – the potential for improved user satisfaction
Recommendation Effect

1 High

2 Medium

3 Low

APPENDIX A – Survey Text


I. Introduction 1
II. II. Summary of Key Findings 3
III. III. Recommendations 7
IV. IV. Detailed Findings 10
V. A. Setting the Context: Awareness of Ocean Health and Connections to the Oceans 10 B.
VI. Knowledge of Ocean Functions 23
VII. C. Barriers to Increasing Concern 28
VIII. D. Building Commitment to Ocean Protection 32
IX. E. Attitudinal Groups 50
X. V. Methodology 69
XI. Appendix:
XII. Survey questionnaire with response totals

Survey Introductions
To add an introduction to your survey:
1. Go to the Design Survey section of your survey.
2. Add an Intro Page from the survey BUILDER in the left sidebar.
3. Click the text in the design to edit the Page Title and Page Description.

Learn more about adding and managing pages in your survey.

Writing an Introduction

It's a good idea to begin your survey with an introduction. Write an introduction with the
assumption that respondents don't know much, if anything, about the topic of your survey.

Use simple, clear language to briefly explain the topic and purpose of the survey. Your
introduction only needs to be three or four sentences, or a couple of short paragraphs at

Include the following useful information in your introduction:

 Your name or the name of the company or organization you represent

 The goal of the survey or what you're trying to find out
 How you'll be using the responses to make a difference
 If the responses are anonymous, confidential, or tracked
 Relevant instructions that aren't explained in the survey questions themselves
 Any consent statement or privacy policy required by your company or organization

It's likely that some of your survey questions won't apply to all respondents taking your
survey. You can use Skip Logic to guide respondents directly to relevant questions and
have them skip over questions that don't apply to them, providing a better surveying
experience for respondents and increasing the success of your survey project.

TIP! Learn survey best practices and guidelines to help you get the insights you need to
make smarter decisions at Surveys 101 (English only).

Example Introductions

Example 1

If you're looking to get feedback from your customers, make it clear what you're hoping to
do as a result. This lets them know you recognize and appreciate the time they're taking to
provide feedback.

We're conducting research on the different question types SurveyMonkey has to offer. We'd
love to hear from you about what question types you use the most and what question types
you want to see built. This will help us make improvements to the existing tool and prioritize
new features. The survey should only take 5 minutes, and your responses are completely
You can only take the survey once, but you can edit your responses until the survey is
closed on May 28, 2014. Questions marked with an asterisk (*) are required.

If you have any questions about the survey, please email us:

We really appreciate your input!

Example 2

When using SurveyMonkey Audience, if you're targeting respondents who don't exactly fit
your targeting needs, you can add a couple sentences to the introduction to encourage
respondents to approach your survey as a hypothetical scenario.

For instance, if you can't specifically target soon-to-be brides, you can ask married women
to think back to the time when they were planning their wedding.

We're a startup company looking to learn more about how women buy wedding dresses.
Reflect back to the time if and when you were looking for a wedding dress, and try to
approach this survey through those eyes.

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