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iis Scanned with CamScanner W@RLD TIMES INSTITUTE le Tatcaih Yea om 8th June Oy i ~ Intensive 45 days Competitive English Program ! * Special focus on Précis and Comprehension ~ Emphasis on the rules and basics of grammar ® Provision of quality reading material for Essay Practice of last 20 years past papers * In-house preparation strategy for: MCQs, Idioms & Phrasal Verbs Pairs of Words, Prepositions etc. * Limited number of students with individual focus Dally tests and weekly review exams Focused learning, intense practice Regular evaluation trations Open! 556814, 0302-555680 714747, 030 Scanned with CamScanner sah 20 To aA To Hin logs wt in te owns nc en carth, el bataen He re bonoath tos CSS Reforms and the Special Exam improving the governments performance forthe progress and prosper ‘of the country andits people has been the vision of rime str nvan Khan, And, ono word that apy depcsal his inialvs sincere assumed the ens ofthe counts reforms. From rronony to foreign policy, from securly policy fo governance, Re has been out 10 lira, Since cil sence isthe pley- implementation arm ofthe government, he has given greater atentin 1o reforming the bureaucracy ight fom recent perfornance evaluation of serious bureaucrats, This wasin is content ha a consituted a special taskforceled by his adviseron Frttutonal Reforms, DrIsrat Husain, The tak force has prepared a comprehensive package that will soon be presented for approvalofte cabinet andimplementation thereupon. een, ed th crn fom is much-avaied package during an in pier of changes for OSS exam ight fom selection of optional subjects fo proposal toc on: seiouscandidatesatanearerstage. Let'shave look atwhat the package contains, 7 tom falD hat has proposed screening test based on Multiple Choice Questions that wlleiminte the buk of CSS aspirants a thi stage. rrpeo passing tis test willbe subjected fo futher sreennginpsychamelriststs modeledon the Bish Civil Service so as t shortlist around Zdcanddales forthe witten examination, This seems arightstepandwe have been consistently advocating, fromour pages for, suchatestasit ‘cexemel dicta assessall 12papers of aspirants which umber between 15,000 and20,000 every year —Itis important to mention thatin te 07h of 39,000 students whohad applied frit, around 20,000 candidates actually took welve papers each Over the past few years, we have rental growthin the numberof aspirants andthe number isstl growing ovngtoincreased awareness on CSS\ exam and theillustious 1, here has been no capacity building ofthe Federal Public Service Commission to terview with a prestigious national daily. The package contains a conduct a screening testto sift the non-deserving and seen expor careeras wellas the prestige it offers. But, on the other han enabletto execute thistask perfectly. ‘Aferthe screening process and psychometric process, | ‘xilbeimited and aspirants will be expected to have some basic know jointhe Foreign Service of Pakistan (s)he willhave fo choose Intematon those who wish to join the Police Service of Pakistan would be require subjects, For another instance, students who want to join Pakstan Administrative Service (PAS) will have to opt fr ‘Governance andPublicPolicy. ‘Theretsnodenying the facthat mostofour bureaucrats lack speciastknowledge whichis amajorhandicapinthe nation's progress as specialists suchas engineers, doctors, scientists and olhers do nat get imely promotions or other incentives to effectively plan or execute projects in ther domains. Dr shat opines:"We have to move towards a blended approach in which the elatve strengths ofthe generalists and specialist are cplialyutized, Therefore, atthe time of induction, we shall create incentives for candidates to match her preferences wih some prior domain ‘confedge..we wilereatea cade of specialists who willbe exposedtotraning, upgradation oftheir sks over time anddefined career paths with resultsbased monetary rewards sothat we can dobetterjobin project screening, project appraisal, and projectevaluation." Indeed, efforts mustbe undertaken to promote and empower the specialists, Reserving top jobs for generalists may be anachronistic. Butthe idea thatsome departments ae prone to corupt practices because of lack of bright service prospects, and better job conditions would lead toless the candidates will appearin written exam. In this exam, the selection of optional subjects {edge ofthe service they aspire to join. For example, fan aspirantwants to nal Relations and International Law as his/her optional subjects. Similarly, sj to take Criminology and Civil & Criminal Procedure Codes as optional Political Science or comuptiondoes not sound convincing ‘nother prominent feature ofthe package is performance management by linking promations and pay-raise to the performance ofthe officer so thatthereis an incentive forthe officer to work hard because he or she wants o get promoted othe next grade. These concrete proposals need to be implemented with full zeal and vigour. Making the examination system robust and recruiting only the genuinely talented candidates and then tracking their performance through various tools Seem a good way to exhort them to serve their country with bestoftheirabiltiesandskils. Another subject of this editorials the announcement of a Special CSS Exam by Special Assistant to Prime Minister on Establishment Shehzad = HetooktoTwiterand on anaionalTV to announce that PMIKhas approved aspecial CSS exam (ofl 186 vacantpossin federal services Tisai exa tof 18 vacances card oern te last few years is expected to take place by yearend, Itis important to note that 188 seats include 41 of Sindh Rural, 19 of Sindh Urban, 49 of Balochistan, 2 of Islamabad Capital Territory, 22of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, and 39 {Punjab (Minorities quota), : ; Thisis agood step; however, the FPSC and the government must clear the air regarding this special exam as most aspirants ‘re in the midst of their preparations for CSS 2021 exam. The in n Poche raion groups in which seals ar to be filled must also be q Adeet Niaz Hi Scanned with CamScanner GENERAL 5 | From the Editor's Desk 8 | Letters to the Editor 21| The Shadow Pandemic 25 | Healthcare not Warfare 55 | The Petroyuan will Lead the Global Economy 56 | The World Must Prevent Virus-induced Hunger 60 | Forbes 30 Under 30 Asia List for 2020 65 | Covid-19 and the Nation-State 94 | How to Deal with Failure? INTER 12 | Geopolitical Consequences of Covid-19 15 | Covid-19 and US-China Tussle 22|| Spiral Engagement of Covid-19 24| To America with Love 26 | Religious Intolerance in India 29 | India's Defence Budget 2020-21 32 | Indo-US Ties I anYoya Bee POSIT ui uN Scanned with CamScanner | ahangie's fea comers oe Member APNS & ABC Cortied NATIONAL 33 | Civil Servicein Pakistan 35]| Security Consequences of Climate Change 39]| Evidence for Health Policy Design 45 | Emerging Trends in Strategic Arena and Pakistan @ @ 48 The Future of Uncontrollable Population in Pakistan. 50 | Water Crisisin Pakistan EXAWL PACK 78 {Coronavirus nd Refugees 82 Quick Tips to Improve Your Writing 83 | Ratios, Proportion & Variations £84 The Collapse of Neo-Liberalism {88 | Economic Growth without Distributive Justice 97 |GK Snippets +102 | Physical Geography 108 | World in Focus Scanned with CamScanner ‘ Woes Thar's Water raise eeeusotwtieh | lo raat mnPee 19 onde Every single rf the than the Cove" the ih ve ronan teams nel ro eens peti neritenoxs¥iN TT ' start of he ae soxget tat hee ‘abundant subsoil G eee | ot 25rion putin 28 ao rain water or | ee ve met trough supply of canal water, rad tte | the desert cai (RO) plant . the reverse osmo8S | ns ulin subsoil water rovg eration anymore. Thelong . ihe rearsagoate notOPe Spe i parsing aratrn sso TS special CSS Eran fem tn TH par ees he government has nator which POU : run othe alr WNP a in india, Another good sluion can be the recently announced its intenioy t lostas itflows towards Rann of asia ‘Thetederaland conduct a special CSS examinajon corazvtanoacna iat Nedd SPY Na NT antaan fil the lefover posts. But, the decison, tpeSndngoenmentsrerenseseOo rime raised more questions than answers, e¢ grounds: andorderthe constuction of fe waer- SUP important questions being raised by prospaciye taty as possbe Y aspirants are: whether the top posting g uaz eae lke PAS, PSP and FSP are also incudoa's Beneoor these examinations? If a candidate appears in a = the special examinations, will his/her attempt be counted by he FPSC? Wil here stil be reserved Youm-e-Takheer seats for uniformed personnel? The candidates the 22nd anniversary of its nuclear tests with great zeal and fervour, underscoring that the country’s desire to get nuclear capability was only meant to bring peace and make a balance of power in the region amid India's continued hostility. On this historic day, Pakistan conducted nucleartest onthe hills fof Chagai, in Balochistan in response to continued aggressive posturing by its neighbour, India. Pakistan's decision to test its nuclear weapons was followed by six nuclear tests by India in the second week of the same month of the same year. The day marks country’s achievement to make its way to the global nuclear club and itis also commemorated as the National Science Day to highlight Pakistan's achievements in the field of science, The then-PM Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharif and the military leadership did not succumb to pressure of international community especially the US-led western world who wanted Pakistan not to test its nuclear weapons. India's nuclear tests caused a public, outcry in Pakistan which made the leadership to realise that now it had become indispensable to test nuclear ‘weapons. As a result, Pakistan successfully tested Its nuclear devices while rejecting offers of aid amounting to millions of dollars. The decision made the country's defence impregnable, The Youm-c-Takbeer signifies that Pakistan did not want nuclear proliferation and it has achieved nuclear capabilly in response to the direct aggression and threats from India. Even today, Pakistan advocates for a South Asia thal is free of rhuclear weapons while showing its steadfast commit- menttonon-prolferation and global peace. ‘Mujahid Saleem Rawapindi ike every year, on May 28, 2020, Pakistan marks | | — ae” want to know whether it would not have been bette fo add these seats to the CSS 2021 examinations to lessen the ratio of unallocated candidates, rather than taking separate examinations. The authorities concemed should address these queries so that aspirants’ confusion is removed. Since most aspirants are preparing for the CSS 2021 attempt, itis necessary to give them a darty of mind so that they may concentrate on their studies. NNazra Irshad Lahore Need to Revive the NCHR iternatona bigaon an Paton ha etabised han Ts (NCH). But unortaeh san Ra Gmc toferyer tems eg on th Maya ye a NCHR, whic are set upto Mm fo pola ean treaties concerning orleans tee outer ee ther member te ataman and te cata enatsonaibodestiva te rato of conn ee Ya pale er fa oye epost a Paka Sa oe y uae 2. Wal a sy, Denne ann tenia yf human rights, ee conucinginvestgton# ing monitoring advising on legislation, reporting On and monitoring GOT performance, creating # na with the rehis and making recommendaions {> ens tah a mts vosi, Tad especially fora country ke Pakistan worktna ie ele 9 urts and the 90¥ fora year now. Itistioped that the em Soa sndent body function an But theirpartjp making the indepe’ oan Hosen _ Qed Scanned with CamScanner | accordance with INCHED Times: vite & & M.IKRAM RABBANI Shamshad Ahmad Former Foreign Secretary INTERNATIONAL | PAKISTAN RELATIONS WORLD. ‘AFFAIRS | Re | ! Bar aTia PAKISTAN ; RELATIONS Fs a RLD AFFAIRS a E-] i Best for ' | ns ri “ats ‘Amust read for those appearing in CSS, PMS, PCS CSS Interview & CSS, PMS Exams Cuttent Mfaits, MMA IR, MA Pol. Science {All Other Relevant Exam: Buy onling: ver, Scanned with CamScanner Ua we Peete Pea Will it accelerate the shift in > power from the West to the East? Bi MeN LUSSSur eb C Come Mae CoV cence UN KL the Westto the East. In his book, “The New Asian Hemisphere: The Irresistible Shift of Global Power to the East,” Kishore Mahbubani, a former DE or Se ai ar a Raat SME CEU CS Cid Males asur ne explains why Asiais rising, howit will alterthe world, and why the West—even thoughitshould celebrate Asia's rise—will have great difficulties adjusting to these changes. He argues further thatthe rise of Asia will be good eu a es us aun ued oR TIM a RUCK Ow a CUE ICE Icy aE aE CSe OR MICU CH CUA LEE CUO MES cue ea onliss nie Moteur ny in the last three decades and is currently the second biggest economy of the world, The rise of China and India along with the continuing weight of Japan surely marks one of the greatest shifts in power from the Westto the =a ONT The recent pandemic of Covid-19 and how number of people infected, by mid May, in Chin, h | the West and the East have responded to it japan, South Korea, India, Hong Kong, Singapors provides an interesting case to delve deep Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia was arc {AW into this thesis of shifting power put while the total number of deaths in these nine bi PONV SMD a MO eer ge NCCT TOL as Mahbubani, Prag Khanna and Stephen Walt, As of mid ‘This comparison between the West and the East Is Ven Cena Menno cena tan Comme CRT oT re RT MR TT Pre eTe UTC se te mae Men Oona en Om OT ICONIC EN CNNeee eNO France and Germany, have not been abletocontrolthe Asia in general, and Bast and Southeast Asia I ye at thei Pree Te COcLUUMC Co MCU LTO COTO VOT UC CSTT TOM MCG WoC LL ren more eR LOM eo ov TOON vere MeCN RCO MUM NURS * Mere Vee MOT WATT me UCR MPA CU cn ETRY Teo MRM MULC RCTS SO Dons aT eT TTC CCMMTToy Ts C SM Cesc e ee Venom CORE cn Trt Co Can RTT OCR TLL Scanned with CamScanner = gone remarkably well in controling the spread of the jnfection and preventing the loss of precious lives, China f gained almost complete control over the virus and ig ras ending medical aid 0 many countries including the ‘fester economic powerhouses. After steadying itself, a is sending assistance to others in the shape of doctors, masks and Ventilators. This is a clear display of fis soft power that may speed up a tipping of the geopolitical scales in its favour. Not only China, other fountries, 8 Singapore, Malaysia, South Korea and Australia, have also been praised for managing the pandemic relatively well. Meanwhile as of late February, the American public officials such as Larry Kudlow, the National Economic Council Director, were claiming that the United States had contained Covid-19. Since then we have seen an unmanageable spike in the number of confirmed cases and deaths in America. Maybe, the Americans declared the victory too soon. These different developments across the two hemispheres Center of Science and International Affairs of the Harvard Kennedly School also argue the same. They are of the view that Covid-19 will accelerate the shift in power from the West to the East and the main reason is the relatively slow and haphazard response to Covid-19 in Europe and. America, Summing up, I would say that Covid-19 is compara ble to the fall of the Berlin Wall Europe or the collapse of Lehman Brothers in the United States. It will shatter the world and will have wide- scale and far-ranging consequences we can only begin to imagine today slearly have the tendency to reshape the global order. In is Tecent issue, Foreign Affairs magazine interestingly Roted that the global orders have a tendency to change Sradually at first and then all at once. It further explains 41956, abotched intervention in the Suez laid bare the decay in British power, and marked the end of the United Kingdom's reign as a global power. Ths leads me {0 argue that the American policymakers should theenize that if the United States does not rise to meet However, one thing is certain. The disease has disrupted our lives to the scale of the Second World War. It has: disturbed markets and exposed the competence or Incompetence of governments. It will lead to permanent shifts in political and economic power in ways that will become apparent sooner than predicted by the Intellectuals who argued that the East is rising, Athar Mansoor is a civil servant presently pursuing a doctorate in technology’ and innovation policy. He can be reached at: n Scanned with CamScanner whl the impact of the Govi-19 pandemic onthe ajobal economy more cramati than any other shockin recent history the consequences of the vis forthe geopolitical order cul be even, more consequential. A redcal shin the joba political economy may be imminentin the post Covid-19 world, The emerging global coder willbe characterised by intensified geopolitical competion among the great powers, particularly between the United States and China. On the ater hand, many observers also opine that there could be more cooperation between nalions and an increase in globalization, or nations could isolate themselves from the world and look inward which means there would ‘be more regional cooperation inthe years to come, 2 been written order in whieh poking into the eng next after any articles have VB anout the new world experts have De of what happe TB tne threat of Covid-19 has abated These experts take up @ range of viewpoints: ‘The humanitarians place their blame on the actions of Therealsts elaborate on the issue [rom Power oriented views, and the liberals fexamine it ithin the framework ‘of a collaborative respons However, itis too early to judas the scope and long-term impact of the pandemic on the geopolitical landscape. But, what is undoubtedly clear is that the post-Covid-19 world will not be the same as before, Many things will change. Even though some prominent international relations scholars argue that we are now on the cusp of a new world order in ‘which the forces of uninterrupted slobalization process will give way to the forces of protective nationalism and nation-states will strengthen their status as the most legitimate political community. Some others think that globaliza~ tion is a never-ending process and the rise of such transboundary challenges as epidemics and environmental disasters will require more sglobally-coordinated responses. While the former group of scholars is more predisposed nx Z Or My ld on ‘political copy to the view that the emergin ne de terdependencies, as well as the inclined to believe that denen wee he Bl back m 80 turning ae globalization era is almost impossiyi, 2 POSSible. yy predictions seem correct, and we do not need to choose one at the expense ofthe other. First, it is certain that globalization will fce strong criticism. The coronavirus has demonstrated that unwanted incidents occurring in distant places can have a direct impact on our lives. The risks of global suppiy chains and instant financial transactions are so acute. The free movement of people across ee Rs Rniia The world will never be the sam? ‘ June 2020 Scanned with CamScanner inegabe seems toe the most important reason why the Uh has fast spread to countries beyond China. agnationin the Chinese economy has produced negative Xonomic outcomes in other countries, including pariclarly those which are unproportionally dependent achina-centric global supply chains. qtisno wonder that pulling up the drawbridges to prevent trafic in humans and goods has been the measure adopted by many countries. Second, the war on Covid-19 has also shown thatnation- states are still the most legitimate entities to provide the rnost effective remedies to the virus plague, Boosting different economic sectors by injecting great sums of money, adopting strict lockdowns, locking people in their homes, asking them to respect the social distance ing, treating them in well-equipped hospitals and tracing the physical movements of those who are infected with the virus could not have been handled by any authority but states Third, the years ahead will likely see the geopolitical ralry between the United States and China intensity. st protective ‘This power competition will likely transpire withina post- liberal international order in which neither the United States will continue to act as the chief provider of global public good nor China will acquiesce in the role of norm- taker. We already know that the United States under President Donald ‘Trump has already begun questioning the liberal international order from within. No matter if Trump is reelected in November, the isolationist and nationalist tendencies within American society will continue, We also know that China under President Xi Jinping has already adopted a more assertive and laimant role in international politics, and China has changed its course from the "bide your time and hide your capabilities" dictum of earlier times. ‘The war on Covid-19 has demonstrated that while the United States puts the main responsibility for the outbreak and mismanagement of the virus on China's shoulders, China has proven to be quite eager to play the role of the new provider of global public good, of which economic reconstruction and medical health stand out. Globalization might slow down across the world, yet it A Peep into the Future World Order ‘Tre current international order consists of four poles withthe United States being the "supreme power,’ followed by China whose power is increasing, ‘and Russia who stil has influence andis keen on resurrecting is lost power. And finally, thereis the European Union with ts remarkable influence. ‘Onoe the spread of Covid-19 is controlled, we will have to decide the future of the world. There is the possibility that nations will isolate themselves and ‘ocuson their own internal production with litle tono outside collaboration; in this event, we may find the new worldina more precarious situation than if ‘hevirus was stil spreading, This is due to th fact that, fornow atleast, the virus has pushed fora sense of solidarity between nations. there should be ‘focus on selfish-state behaviour later on, this would create a new world that is divided. As a result, countries would see each other as enemies and ‘geopolitical competition would accelerate. ‘e{usexamine two possible scenarios of what could rappen after the Covid-19 orsis passes. ‘One scenario is that nations. go into recession and collapse. In the meantime, the US does everything to protect its dominance over the others while Cina stil moving toward being a superpower. Russia too would move into post pandemic world while the EU is still present with fewer members ‘anda broken reputation. ‘cond scenario assumes thatthe US collapses and China takes over asthe only supreme power. The competition between China and Russia will ‘Sctelerate but China willnot become a transparent or open society like the US. Being a supreme power brings many advantages. A potential Chinese ‘bal hegemony could see similar incidents suchas whal we have seen inthe occupation of rag, Afghanistan, Vietnam and soon. Iwas ony recently "