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Ex. 1 Put the word in brackets into the correct form. (10 p)
At school, Jim Knowles had always wanted to be a (1) …………………………. (science), but he was
never good at Physics and Chemistry. Instead, being rather (2) …………………….. (art), he considered working
as a painter, but then decided that he would never make much money. When he eventually left school, he worked
for a while as a graphic (3) …………………. (design), but his heart wasn’t in the work and he rapidly got bored.
One day, he was reading an article about the lives of famous (4) …………….. (invent) and decided this was the
career for him. Having made this radical (5) ………………… (decide), he left his graphic design job.
Unfortunately, he was unable to find (6) …………………….. (employ) in the new career he had chosen. He
desperately needed some money and so he started work on an (7) …………………… (invent) that he hoped
would (8) …………………. (revolution) the modern kitchen and make him a fortune. Within six months, he
introduced the world to the result of his labours – an automatic fruit and vegetable peeler, which he believed
would take some of the (9) ………………………. (convenient) out of preparing meals. (10)
……………………… (fortune) for Jim, the public showed very little interest in this remarkable breakthrough and
he is now reconsidering his plans for the future.

Ex. 2 Replace the incorrect word or expression in bold with a correct one. More than one answer may be
possible. (10 p)
1. I met my current boyfriend during I was studying at university.
2. At this time I was walking down the stairs, I tripped, fell down and broke my arm.
3. We were waiting for the bus as suddenly a man ran towards us waving a knife.
4. The train had left previously we arrived at the station.
5. Your teacher will be a bit late this morning and should arrive by 10 am. By the time, please work on your
6. As soon as our meeting with the director, we sat down and made some plans for the company.
7. Later I had done my homework, I phoned my best friend.
8. Amy worked two years for a travel agency. It was in the meantime that she started travelling regularly to
9. Everyone was surprised when Mike was late, because he’d before always been very punctual.
10. If we leave at 8 o’clock we’ll miss our flight, so we’ll need to leave previously if we want to get to the
airport on time.

Ex. 3 Use the correct tense to complete these reported speech sentences. (10 p)
1. “I love chocolate”. She said she …………. chocolate.
2. “They are hoping to be here by noon.” He said ……………………………… there by noon.
3. “We played really well last week”. He said ……………………………….. the week before.
4. “We were planning to buy a house together”. He told me ……………………………………..
5. “I’ve bought Diana a present”. She told me ……………………………………………………
6. “I’ve been waiting for you for over an hour”. She said ………………………………………..
7. “I’ll finish the assignment by Monday”. She said ……………………………………………..
8. “I’m going to stay with some friends on Saturday night.” Gina said ………………………….
9. “I can pick Angie up at the airport”. He said …………………………………………………..
10. “Why is Simone crying?” She asked me why ………………………………………………….

Ex. 4 Unjumble the words (connected with materials, body and health) in these sentences. (10 p)
1. I’m bringing some tlsicpa knives and forks for the picnic.
2. He had four chesstti in his knee after he fell over on some glass.
3. She bought a really nice rltahee coat when she was in Istanbul.
4. She got a very high eeettpmaurr. I think I should call the doctor.
5. This shirt is 100% tnocot.
6. They delivered the shopping in large roddacrab boxes.
7. I walked into a table this morning and now I’ve got a black and yellow ibuser on my leg.
8. My dentist usually gives you an jencinito before he uses his drill.
9. He bought a nice ilsk scarf for his mother.
10. Coke cans are made of uimniulma and can be recycled.

Ex. 5 Some of these sentences have a word which should not be there. Decide which sentences are correct
and identify the extra word for the incorrect ones. (10 p)
1. Would you like some few coffee?
2. We’ve had a terrible weather recently.
3. Could you lend me a pen for a minute?
4. We will have another more information in the morning.
5. I want to know if you can give me some of advice.
6. The flat doesn’t have any furniture, I’m afraid.
7. Shall we send her much flowers?
8. I’m going to have a few tooth taken out this afternoon.
9. We haven’t had any news of him for over a week.
10. I can’t believe we’ve got so much luggage. We’re only going for the weekend.

Ex. 6 Choose the best alternative to complete these sentences. Choose both where possible. (10 p)
1. Joan can / manages to speak five languages fluently.
2. When he was only seven, Nigel was able to / could play the piano like a professional.
3. Could you / Did you manage to post my letter, or were you too busy?
4. My English isn’t good, but if I work really hard, I will be able to / can pass the FCE successfully.
5. I’m very surprised you were able to / managed to get to the office on time today.
6. It took several attempts, but eventually I managed to / could speak to his agent on the phone.
7. I couldn’t manage to / wasn’t able to swim until I was twelve.
8. I don’t think she’ll agree to help you, but I can/ manage to ask her, if you like.
9. I’m sorry, I did my best but I wasn’t able to / didn’t manage to get tickets for the show tonight.
10. I’ll write your report, but I can’t /don’t manage to finish it before Friday.

Ex. 7 Use reporting verbs from the box to rewrite these sentences in reported speech. (10 p)

admit deny suggest explain reminded warn

1. “Don’t forget to buy some more batteries!”
He reminded me to buy some more batteries.
2. “Ok! I did borrow your digital camera without asking”.
She …………………………………………………………
3. “We weren’t anywhere near the house when it was burgled.”
The accused man …………………………………………..
4. “I had to go to the dentist so I couldn’t come to the meeting.”
He …………………………………………………………..
5. “Don’t walk home alone at night.”
The camp director ……………………. the girls ………………
6. “Why don’t we have a picnic at the beach?”
Ella ………………………………………………………………

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