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Research Topic Research Problem Research Objectives

Effectiveness of Liquor Ban in Is there a correlation between the 1. To determine how crowd
Loakan Proper, Baguio City in increased of infected patients in the control is feasible in
preventing the spread of COVID- implementation of liquor ban? preventing the spread of
19. virus.
How effective is the 2. To identify if there are
implementation of liquor ban in direct relationship between
Barangay Loakan? liquor ban and crowd
3. To identify the negative
impact of alcohol to
immune system which
makes a person more
vulnerable to infectious
4. To determine the impacts
of liquor ban to alcohol
production / industry.
5. To analyze the
effectiveness in reduction
of alcohol-related harms in

Topic 5: 

Unit of Analysis: Willing residents of Loakan Proper, Baguio City and the Barangay Officials.
Researcher’s Interest: Highly satisfied. The researchers will have an idea on how liquor can help decrease the
cases of the COVID-19.
Researcher’s Competence, Capabilities and Limitations: Highly satisfied.  We will be dealing with the most of
the people who we think are most likely not require high standards so that we can conduct research on them.
Researcher’s Own Resource: Highly satisfied. It is a localized research so it would not cost a lot of money and
time to complete it.
"Researchability" of the Problem: Highly satisfied. People who are taking liquor during the pandemic is not
that hard to find since Loakan is not a big neighborhood.
 Importance/Social relevance: Highly satisfied. The research will help us understand why liquor ban can help in
controlling the crowd to avoid the increase of COVID-19 cases.
Novelty/Uniqueness of the Problem: Highly satisfied. Gathered datas from research can help support the reports
that implementing liquor ban is actually helpful in preventing the spread of the virus.
Feasibility: Highly satisfied. We will be dealing with barangay officials and residents which means they are
highly approachable and accessible.
Ethical: Highly satisfied. It is our first step to write a request together with the schedule and place where to
conduct the research as a formal and proper manner in approaching our respondents.

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