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Daisho ROLLING THE DICE Choose or roll on the tables below:

When you do something risky, roll 1d6 to find out how
A ​Lasers & Feelings​ Hack for L5R it goes. Roll +1d6 if you’re ​prepared​, and +1d6 if The players are...
you’re an ​expert​. 1. At the Imperial Court
● If you’re attempting a bushi action, each die 2. At a clan Daimyo’s function
under​ your number is a success. 3. On the Kaiu Wall
● If you’re attempting a courtier action, each 4. In the Shadowlands
1. Choose a clan, family and profession: die ​above​ your number is a success. 5. In a Clan’s holdings
● Crab:​ Hida, Yasuki, Kuni ● If you roll your number ​exactly​, you get to ask 6. In the untamed wilderness
● Crane:​ Kakita, Doji, Asahina the GM one question that he must answer To...
● Dragon:​ Mirumoto, Kitsuki, Tamori honestly. You may then choose to change 1. Investigate
● Lion:​ Akodo/Matsu, Ikoma, Kitsu your action and roll again. 2. Kill/destroy
● Phoenix:​ Shiba, Asako, Isawa If you have ​NO SUCCESSES​, the action fails. 3. Protect
● Scorpion:​ Bayushi, Shosuro, Soshi If you have ​ONE SUCCESS​, you succeed at a cost. 4. Capture
● Unicorn:​ Moto/Utaku, Ide, Iuchi If you have ​TWO SUCCESSES​, you succeed. 5. Secure
Each family specialises in training bushi, courtier or If you have ​THREE SUCCESSES​, you succeed 6. Locate
shugejna (and are listed in that order). You might critically. The GM will tell you what extra effect you A/An...
want to pick your family’s specialty, but you do not get. 1. Alliance/deal
have to. Helping: ​You may choose to help another player with 2. Monster
your action. If you succeed on your roll, the other 3. Item
2. Choose one virtue and one failure: player receives +1d6 on his roll. 4. Shugenja
● GI:​ Justice 5. Courtier
● YU:​ Courage 6. Bushi
● JIN:​ Compassion But the twist is...
● REI:​ Respect GM - RUN THE GAME 1. The Kolat are present and interfering
● MAKOTO:​ Honesty Play to find out what happens. Everything in the L5R 2. Maho - blood magic - is involved
● MEIYO:​ Honour world is political: no word is spoken, no fan raised or 3. Ninjas!
● CHUGI:​ Loyalty lowered, no trade deal brokered or broken, without 4. The players are too late
● JISEI:​ Self-Control am agenda. Each player character has many 5. Steel or magic protects the target
loyalties - to their friends and family, to their family 6. Political concerns protects the target
3. Choose your number from 2 to 5: daimyo, to their clan daimyo, to their Clan Champion,
● A high number means that you’re a ​BUSHI​, to the Emperor, and to the Empire itself - and not all
someone who is better with the katana (war, of them are equal. Test those loyalties, and see how
combat, duelling). far they are willing to go to maintain their honour,
● A low number means that you’re a their dignity, and their lives.
COURTIER​, someone who is better with the
wakizashi (etiquette, negotiations,

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