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ME2134 Fluid Mechanics I Tutorial 2

National University of Singapore

Department of Mechanical Engineering

ME2134 Fluid Mechanics I

Tutorial 2

1. The tank shown in Figure P1 contains a static liquid mixture whose density
increases linearly with depth. Determine the gage pressure in the liquid at the
bottom of the tank.
[Ans: 11.772 kPa]

Figure P1

2. Determine the gage and vacuum pressures at point A shown in Figure P2.
What are the gage and vacuum pressures of the air?
[ PA  Patm  11 996 Pa ; Pair  Patm  16 407 Pa ]

Figure P2

Semester 1, AY2017/2018 1
ME2134 Fluid Mechanics I Tutorial 2

3. Figure P3 shows a semi-circular gate AB hinged at B and held by a horizontal

force P applied at A. Determine the force P required for equilibrium.
[Ans: 1.644 106 N ]

Figure P3

4. Figure P4 shows a container with an unusual shape which is filled with water
up to a height h above the base. Determine the horizontal force, the vertical
force, as well as the magnitude and direction of the resultant force acting on
the curved surface AB. Assume that the container is of unit width
perpendicular to the plane of the paper, and OAB as an exact quadrant of a
circle. In addition, determine the point through which the resultant force acting
on curved surface AB passes through.
[Ans: FH   h  0.5 R   gR ; FV   h  0.25 R   gR ]

Figure P4

Semester 1, AY2017/2018 2
ME2134 Fluid Mechanics I Tutorial 2

5. Three different gate designs of negligible weight are used to hold back water
in a channel of width b as shown in Figure P5. Determine the force of the gate
against the blocks for each of the three gates.
 7   gh 2b 7  gh 2b
[Ans: (a)  gh 2b    ; (b) ; (c) ]
 32 24  3 24

Figure P5

6. As depicted in Figure P6, a triangular gate of height h and base 0.5h inclined
at an angle of 30 with respect to the horizontal prevents liquid of density 
from flowing out of a canal. The base of the gate is hinged and the liquid is
filled to an inclined height of 0.4h above the hinge. A solid block of uniform
density 0.25 is attached to the apex of the gate via a cord. Neglect the weight
of the gate. Determine the minimum volume of the solid block required to
open the gate.
[Ans: 0.0577h3 ]

Semester 1, AY2017/2018 3
ME2134 Fluid Mechanics I Tutorial 2

Figure P6

7. A ship model is being tested in liquids with different densities r to determine

the metacentric height GM. You are to treat the ship model as a cube of side L
with uniform density rS. Determine the variation of the metacentric height of
the model with respect to the relative density S of the model and the liquid (i.e.
S = rS/r, where 0  S  1 ). Also determine the range of S for which the model
is stable.
GM 1 1 S
[Ans:    ; 0  S  0.211 or 0.789  S  1 ]
L 12S 2 2

8. As shown in Figure P8, a barge with a rectangular cross-section of x by y (y >

x) and height h is used to ferry cargo from ships docked offshore to the inland
wharf. The barge is currently laden with goods such that it floats in seawater
of density r at a draught (draft) z and a C.G. at height c above the base. The
ship captain, being a greedy person, has suggested loading more cargo on the
top section of the barge, i.e. at height h above the base (see Figure P8). You,
as the engineer accompanying the barge onshore, are to advise the barge
operator what maximum additional mass M the barge is able to carry before
becoming unstable. Derive a closed-form equation for M.
1 M  x2 M h  c 
[Ans:  z    c  0]
2 xy   M  xyz  M
12 z  
 xy 

Semester 1, AY2017/2018 4
ME2134 Fluid Mechanics I Tutorial 2

Figure P8

Semester 1, AY2017/2018 5

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