A Study On Inventory Management in Lucas-Tvs PVT LTD, Chennai

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In partial fulfillment for the requirements for the award of the degree





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[Affiliated To Anna University Approved by AICTE]



This is to certified that this project report titled ”A STUDY ON I INVENTORY


Mr. T.V. BABU RAJ (Registration Number: 1065712) who carried out the research

under my supervision. Certified further, that to the best of my knowledge the work

reported herein does not form part of any other project report or dissertation on the basis

of which a degree or award was conferred on an earlier occasion on this or any other



Internal Guide Head of the Department

Submitted to Project and Viva Examination held on ____________

Internal Examiner External Examiner

I hereby declare that the project entitled ”A STUDY ON INVENTORY
MANAGEMENT IN LUCAS-TVS PVT LTD, CHENNAI”. submitted in partial fulfillment
of requirements for the award of the degree of MASTER OF BUSINESS
and not submitted for the award of any other degree, diploma or other similar title or prizes.



I express my sincere thanks and sense of gratitude to my respected Chairman
Thiru.K.N.RAMACHANDRAN for having granted permission to do the project work.

It’s with real pleasure that I record my indebtedness to my Principal

Dr.K.VIJAYA BHASKAR RAJU for extending his support to complete my project report.

My most sincere thanks are due to my respected HOD

Dr.SITA NEELANKANTAN who has given her valuable suggestions and guidance for
successful completion of this project.

My sincere thanks to my internal guide, Mr.C.GANESAN who has given his valuable
suggestions and guidance for successful completion of this project.

I am indebted to Mr.R.EMPERUMAN Personal officer of Lucas-tvs pvt ltd company,

for having granted permission to undergo this project and extended his valuable guidance as and
when required.

I wish to thank our department staff Mrs.M.KAVITHA, Mr.E.IYYAPPAN,

guidance and cooperation in the completion of the project work.

I am obligated to all the respondents without whom I could not have completed this
survey. My thanks to all of them with whom I had interacted.

I wish to thank my beloved parents, friends, senior students and those who have helped
me directly or indirectly to complete the project work successfully.
List of tables
List of charts
1.1 Introduction
1 1.2 Company Profile
1.3 Identified problem
1.4 Need for study
1.5 Objectives of the study
1.6 Scope of the study
1.7 Deliverables
2 2.1 Review of literature
2.2 Research Gap
3. 1 Type of project
3.2 Objectives of the study

3 3.3 Constraints and limitations

3.4 Data collecting method
3.5 Tools for Analysis
5.1 Summary of findings
5.2 Suggestions and Recommendations
5.3 Conclusions



4.1 Economic Order Quantity

4.2 ABC Analysis

4.3 Inventory Turnover Ratio



4.1 Economic Order Quantity

4.2 ABC Analysis

4.3 Inventory Turnover Ratio

Every organization need inventory for smooth running of its activities. It serves as a link
between production and distribution process. The investment in inventories constitutes the most
significant part of current assets/working capital in most of the undertaking. Thus it is very
essential to have proper control and management of inventories. The purpose of inventory
management is to ensure availability of materials in sufficient quantity as and when required and
also to minimize investment in inventories. Raw materials, goods in process and finished goods
all represent various forms of inventory.

Each type represents money tied up until the inventory leaves the company as purchased
products. Because of the large size of the inventories maintained by firms, a considerable amount
of funds is required to be committed to them. It is therefore absolutely imperative to manage
inventories efficiently and effectively in order to avoid unnecessary investments. A firm
neglecting the management of inventories will be jeopardizing its long run profitability and may
fail ultimately carriers a favorable impact on the company’s profitability.

The project work was undertaken was intended as “LUCAS-TVS LTD”, Padi. The study
consists of ABC analysis and the bin card system of the last 5years to know about the
performance of the company.

The empirical study conducted about inventory is an analytical research covering year

In the last part findings, Suggestions, conclusions are given for the analysis have been
used for analyze the financial soundness of the company.


Inventory control is vitally important to almost every type of business, whether product
or service oriented. A proper balance must be struck to maintain proper inventory with minimum
financial impact on the customer. Inventory control is the activities that maintain stock keeping
items at desired levels. In manufacturing since the focus is on physical product, inventory control
focus on material control.


Inventory means physical stock of goods which is kept in hands for smooth and efficient
running of future affairs of an organization at the minimum cost of funds blocked in inventories.
The fundamental reasons for carrying inventory is that it is physically impossible and
economically impractical for each stock item to arrive exactly where it is needed exactly when it
is needed.

Inventory management is the integrated functioning of an organization dealing with

supply of materials and allied activities in order to achieve the maximum co-ordination and
optimum expenditure on materials. Inventory control is the most important function of inventory
management and it forms the nerve center in any inventory management organization. An
inventory management system is an essential element in an organization. It is comprised of a
series of processes which provide an assessment of the organisation’s inventory.
Inventory generally refers to the materials in stock. It is also called the idle resource of a
company. Inventories represent those items which are either stocked for sale or they are in the
process of manufacturing or they are in the form of materials which are yet to be utilized.

Inventory is a detailed list of those movable items which are necessary to manufacture a
product and to maintain the equipment and machinery in a good working order.


A manufacturing firm generally carries the following types of inventories:


Raw materials are inventory items that are used in the manufacturer’s conversion process
to produce components, subassemblies or finished products. These inventory items may be
commodities or extracted materials that the firm or its subsidiary has produced or extracted.
They also may be objects or elements that the firm has purchased from outside the organization.
Even if the item is partially assembled or is considered a finished goods to the supplier, the
purchaser may classified it as a raw material if his or her firm had no input into its production.
Typically, raw materials are commodities such as minerals, petroleum, chemicals, paper, wood,
paint, steel and food items. However, items such as nuts and bolts, ball bearing, key stock,
casters, seats, wheels, and even engines may be regarded as raw material if they are purchased
from outside the firm.


Work-in-process(WIP) is made up of all the materials, parts (components), assemblies,

and subassemblies that are being processed or are waiting to be processed within the system.
This generally includes all materials from raw materials that have been released for initial
processing up to material that has been completely processed and is awaiting final inspection and
acceptance before inclusion in finished goods.
Any item that has a parent but is not a raw material is considered to be work-in-process.
A glance at rolling cart product structure tree example reveals that work-in-process in this
situation consists of tops, leg assemblies, frames, legs, and casters.


A finished good is a completed part that is ready for a customer order. Therefore,
finished goods inventory is the stock of completed products. These goods have been inspected
and have passed final inspection requirements so that they can be transferred out of work-in-
process and into finished goods inventory. From this point, finished goods can be sold directly to
their final user, sold to retailer, sold to retailer, sold to wholesalers, sent to distribution centers, or
held in anticipating of a customer order.

Any item that does not have a parent can be classified as finished good. By looking at the
rolling cart product structure tree example one can determine that the finished good in this case is
a cart.

Inventories can be further classified according to the purpose they serve. These types include
transit inventory, buffer inventory, anticipation inventory, decoupling inventory, cycle inventory,
and MRO goods inventory. Some of these also are know by other names, such as speculative
inventory, safety inventory, and seasonal inventory. We already have briefly discussed some of
the implications of a few of these inventory types, but will now discuss each in more detail.


Transit inventories result from the need to transport items or materials from one location
to another, and from the fact that there is some transportation time involved in getting from one
location to another. Sometimes this is referred to as pipeline inventory. Merchandise shipped by
truck or rail can sometimes take days or even weeks to go from a regional warehouse to a retail
facility. Some large firms, such as automobile manufactures, employ freight consolidates to pool
their transit inventories coming from various location into one shipping source in order to take
advantage of economies of scale. Of course, this can greatly increase the transit time for these
inventories, hence an increase in the size of the inventory in transit.

As previously stated, inventory is sometimes used to protect against the uncertainties of
supply and demand, as well as unpredictable events such as poor delivery reliability or poor
quality of a supplier’s products. These inventory are referred to as safety stock. Safety stock or
buffer inventory is any amount held on hand that is over and above that currently needed to meet
demand. Generally, the higher the level of buffer inventory, the better the firm’s customer
service. This occurs because the firm suffer fewer “stock outs” (when a customer’s order cannot
be immediately filled from existing inventory) and has less need to backorder the item, make the
customer wait until the next order cycle, or even worse, cause the customer to leave empty-
handed to find another supplier. Obviously, the better the customer service the greater the
likelihood of customer satisfaction.


Oftentimes, firms will purchase and hold inventory that is in excess of their current need
in anticipation of a possible future event. Such events may include a price increase, a seasonal
increase in demand, or even an impending labor strike. This tactic is commonly used by retailers,
who routinely build up inventory months before the demand for their products will be unusually
high(i.e., at Halloween, Christmas, or the back-to-school season). For manufactures, anticipation
inventory allows them to build up when demand is low(also keeping workers busy during slack
times) so that when demand picks up the increased inventory will be slowly depleted and the
firm does not have to react by increasing production time(along with the subsequent increase in
hiring, training, and other associated labor costs). Therefore, the firm has avoided both excessive
overtime due to increased demand and hiring costs due to increase demand. It also has avoided
layoff costs associated with production cut-backs, or worse, the idling or shutting down of
facilities. This process is sometimes called “smoothing” because it smoothes the peaks and
valley in demand, allowing the firm to maintain a constant level of output and a stable


Very rarely, if ever, will one see a production facility where every machine in the process
at exactly the same rate. In fact, one machine may process parts several times faster than the
machines in front of or behind. Yet, if one walks through the plant it may seem that all machines
are running smoothly at the same time. It also could be possible that while passing through the
plant, one notice several machines are under repair or are undergoing some form of preventive
maintenance. Even so, this does not seem to interrupt the flow of work-in-process through the
system. The reason for this is the existence of an inventory of parts between machines, a
decoupling inventory that serves as a shock absorber, cushioning the system against production
irregularities. As such it “decouples” or disengages the plant’s dependence upon the sequential
requirements of the system.

The more inventories a firm carries as a decoupling inventory between the various stages
in its manufacturing system, the less coordination is needed to keep the system running
smoothly. Naturally, logic would dictate that an infinite amount of decoupling inventory would
not keep the system in peak form. A balance can be reached that will allow the plant to run
relatively smoothly without maintaining an absurd level of inventory. The cost of efficiency must
be weighed against the cost of carrying the excess inventory so that there is an optimum balance
between inventory level and coordination within the system.


Those who are familiar with the concept of economic order quantity(EOQ) know that the
EOQ is an attempt to balance inventory holding or carrying costs with the costs incurred from
ordering or setting up machinery. When large quantities are ordered are or produced, inventory
holding costs are increased, but ordering/setup costs decrease. Conversely, when lot sizes
decrease, inventory holding/carrying costs decrease, but the cost of ordering/setup increase since
more orders/setups are required to meet demand. When the two costs are equal (holding/carrying
costs and ordering/setup costs) the total cost (the sum of the two costs) is minimized. Cycle
inventories, sometimes called lot-size inventories, result from this process. Usually, excess
material is ordered and consequently, held inventory in an effort to reach this minimization point.
Hence, cycle inventory results from ordering in batches or lot sizes rather than ordering material
strictly as needed.


Maintenance, repair, and operating supplier, or MRO goods, are items that are used to
support and maintain the production process and its infrastructure. These goods are usually
consumed as a result of the production process but are not directly a part of the finished product.
Examples of MRO goods include oils, lubricants, coolants, janitorial supplier, uniform, gloves,
packing material, tools, nuts, bolts, screws, shim stock, and key stock. Even office supplies such
as staples, pens and pencils, copier paper, and toner are considered part of MRO goods


Theoretical inventory is a measure of this inventory (i.e., it represents the minimum

inventory needed for to flow through the system without waiting). The authors formally define it
as the minimum amount of inventory necessary to maintain a process throughput of R. expressed

Theoretical Inventory=Throughput*Theoretical Flow time

In this equation, theoretical flow time equals the sum of all activity times (not wait time)
required to process one unit. Therefore, WIP will equal theoretical inventory whenever actual
process flow time equal theoretical flow time.

Inventory exists in various categories as a result of its position in the production

process (raw material, work-in-process, and finished goods) and according to the function it
serves within the system (transit inventory, buffer inventory, anticipation inventory, decoupling
inventory, cycle inventory, and MRO goods inventory). As such, the purpose of each seems to be
that of maintaining a high level of customer service or part of an attempt to minimize overall


The Automotive industry in India is one of the largest in the world and one of the fastest
growing globally. India manufactures over 17.5 million vehicles (including 2 wheeled and 4
wheeled) and exports about 2.33 million every year. It is the world’s second largest manufacturer
of motorcycles, with annual sales exceeding 8.5 million in 2009. India passenger car and
commercial vehicle manufacturing industry is the seventh largest in the world, with an annual
production of more than 3.7million units in 2010. According to recent reports, India is set to
overtake Brazil to become the sixth largest passenger vehicle producer in the world, growing 16-
18 percent to sell around three million units in the course of 2011-12. In 2009, India emerged as
Asia’s fourth largest exporter of passenger cars, behind Japan, South Korea, and Thailand.

As of 2010, India is a home to 40 million passenger vehicles and more than 3.7 million
automotive vehicles were produced in India in 2010 (an increase of 33.9%) making the country
the second fastest growing automobile market in the world. According Manufacturers, annual car
sales are projected to increase up to 5million vehicles by 2015 and more than 9million by 2020.
By 2050, the country is expected to top the world in car volumes with approximately 611 million
vehicles on the nation’s roads.

A chunk of India’s car manufacturing industry is based in and around Chennai, also
known as the “Detroit of India” with the India operation of BMW, Ford, Hyundai and Nissan
headquartered in the city. Chennai accounts for 60 percent of the country’s automotive exports.
Gurgaon and Manesar in Haryana are hubs where all of the Maruti Suzuki cars in India are
manufactured. The chakan corridor near pune, Maharastra is another vehicular production hub
with companies like general motors, Volkswagen, Skoda, Mahindra and Tata motors, Mercedes
Benz, Fiat and Force Motors having assembly plants in the area. Ahmedabad with the Tata Nano
plant, Halol with general Motors, Aurangabad with Audi, Kolkata with Hindustan Motors, Noida
with Honda and Bangalore with Toyota are some of the other automotive manufacturing regions
around the country.

The Indian Automotive Industry is manufacturing over 11million vehicles and exporting
about 1.5 million every year. The dominant products of the industry are two wheelers with a
market share of over 75% and passenger cars with a market share of about 16%. Commercial
vehicles and three share about 9% of the market between them. About 91% of the vehicles sold
are used by households and only about 9% for commercial purposes. The industry has attained a
turnover of more than USD 35 billion and provides direct and indirect employment to over 13
million people.

The supply chain of this industry in India is very similar to the supply chain of the
automotive industry in Europe and America. This may present its own set of opportunities and
threats. The order of the industry arise from the bottom of the supply chain i.e., from the
consumers go through the automakers and climbs up until the third tier supplier.
Interestingly, the level of trade exports in this sector in India has been medium and
imports have been low. Note that, with a high cost of developing production facilities, limited
accessibility to new technology and soaring competition, the barriers to enter the Indian
automotive sector are high and these barriers are study. On the other hand, India has a well
developed tax structure. The power to levy taxes and duties is distributed among the three tiers of
government. The cost structure of the industry is fairly traditional but the profitability of the
motor vehicle motor vehicle has been rising over the past five years. Major players, like Tata
Motors and Maruti Suzuki have material cost of above 80% but are recording profits after tax of
about 6% to 11%.

The level of technology change in the Motor vehicle Industry has been high but, the rate
of change in technology has been medium. Investment in the technology by the producers has
been high. System suppliers of integrated components d subsystem have become the order of the
day. However, further investment in new technology will help the industry be more competitive.
Over the past few years, the industry has been volatile. Currently, India’s increasing per capita
disposal income which is expected to rise by 106% by 2015 and growth in exports is playing a
major role in the rise and competitiveness of the industry.

Tata Motors is leading the commercial vehicle segment with a market share of about 64%
Maruti Suzuki is leading the passenger vehicle segment with a market share of 46%. Hyundai
motor India and Mahindra are focusing expanding their footprint in the overseas market. Hero
Honda Motors is occupying over 41% and sharing 26% of the two wheeler market in India with
Bajaj Auto. Bajaj Auto in itself is occupying about 58% of the three wheeler market.

Consumers are very important of the survival of the Motor Vehicle manufacturing
industry. In 2008-2009, customers sentiment dropped, which burned on the augmentation in
demand of cars. Steel is the major input used by manufactures and the rise in price of steel is
putting a cost pressure on manufacturers and cost is getting transferred to the end consumer.

The key to success in the industry to improve labor productivity, labor flexibility, and
capital efficiency. Having quality manpower, infrastructure improvements, and raw material
availability also play a major role. Access to latest and most efficient technology and techniques
will bring competitive advantage to the major players. Utilizing manufacturing plants to
optimum level and understanding implications from the government policies are essential in the
Automotive aHaving Industry of India.



Lucas- TVS was set up in 1961 as a joint venture of Lucas Industries plc.
Uk and TV sundaram Iyengar & Sons (TVS), India, to manufacture Automotive Electrical
Systems. One of the top ten automotive component suppliers in the world, Lucas Varity was
formed by the merger of the Lucas Industries of the UK and the Varity Corporation of the US in
September 1996. The company designs manufacturers and supplies advanced technology
systems, products and service to the worlds automotive, after market, diesel engine and
aerospace industries.

The combination of these two well-known groups has resulted in the establishment of a
vibrant company, which has dad a successful track record of sustained growth over the last three
decades. TVS is one of India’s twenty large industrial houses with twenty-five manufacturing
companies and a turnover in excess of US $2.3 billion. The turnover of Lucas-TVS and its
divisions is US $233 million during 2003-2004.

Incorporating the strengths of Lucas UK and the TVS group, Lucas TVS has emerged as
one of the foremost leaders in the automotive industry today. Lucas TVS reaches out to all
segments of the automotive industry such as passenger cars, commercial vehicles, tractors, jeeps,
two-wheelers and off-highway vehicles as well as for stationery and marine applications. With
the automobile industry in India currently undergoing phenomenal changes, LUCAS-TVS, with
its excellent facilities, is fully equipped to meet the challenges of tomorrow.

LUCAS-TVS Limited, along with its subsidiaries, design, develop, manufactures and
supplies automotive electrical systems. The company offer starter, wiper, blower, and fan motors
and alternators, headlamps, dynamo regulators, dynamos, ignition systems, and automotive
lighting products. Its products are used in passenger cars and commercial vehicles, tractors, jeep,
two-wheelers, and off-highway vehicles; earth moving equipment and genets; and stationary and
marine applications. Lucas-TVS Limited offers its products through a network of branches and
outlets serving customers in the United states/European markets….


The first car ran on India’s roads in 1897. Until the 1930s, cars were imported directly,
but in very small numbers.

Embryonic automotive industry emerged in India in the 1940s. Mahindra and Mahindra
was established by two brothers as a trading company in 1945, and began assembly of Jeep cj-
3A utility vehicles under license from Willis. The company soon branched out into the
manufacture of light commercial vehicles (LCVS) and agricultural tractors.

Following the independence, in 1947, the Government of India and the private
sector launched efforts to create an automotive component manufacturing industry to supply to
the automobile industry. However, the growth was relatively slow in the 1950s and 1960s due to
nationalization and the license raj which hampered the Indian private sector. After 1970, the
automotive industry started to grow, but the growth was mainly driven by tractors, commercial
vehicles and scooters. Cars were still a major luxury. Japanese manufacturing entered the Indian
market ultimately leading to the establishment of maruti Udyog. A number of foreign firms
initiated joint ventures with Indian companies.

In the 1980s, a number of Japanese manufacturers launched joint-ventures for building

motorcycles and light commercial-vehicles. It was at this time that the Indian government chose
Suzuki for its joint-venture to manufacture small cars. Following the economic liberations in
1991 and the gradual weakening of the license, a number of Indian and multi-national car
companies launched operations. Since then, automotive component and automobile
manufacturing growth has accelerated to meet domestic and export demands.

Following economic liberations in India in 1991, the Indian automotive industry has
demonstrated sustained growth as a result of increase competitiveness and related restrictions.
Several Indian automotive manufacturing such as Tata Motors, Maruti Suzuki and Mahindra,
expanded their domestic and international operations. India’s robust economic growth led to the
further expansion of its domestic automobile market which has attracted significant India-
specific expansion of its domestic automobile market which has attracted significant India-
specific investment by multinational automobile manufactures. In February 2009, monthly sales
of passenger cars in India exceed 1,00,000 units and have since grown rapidly to a record
monthly high of 182992 units in October 2009. From 2003 to 2010, car sales in India have
progressed at a CAGR of 13.7% and with only 10% of Indian households owning a car in 2009
(whereas this figure reaches 80% in Switzerland for example) this progression is unlikely to stop
in the coming decade. Congestion of Indian roads, more than market demand, will likely be the
limiting factor.


The TVS Group traces its origin to a rural transport services, founded in 1911 in
TamilNadu, India. Today, this renowned business conglomerate remains faithful to its core
ideals of trust, values, service and ethics. The TVS Group is India’s leading supplier of
automotive components and one of the country’s most respected business groups. With a
combined turnover of more than USD 5 billion, the TVS Group employs a total workforce of
around 25,000 charting a steady growth in terms of expansion and diversification; it currently
comprises around 43 companies. These companies operate in diverse fields ranging from two-
wheeler and automotive component manufacturing to automotive dealership, finance and
electronics. Uniting these multiple business is a common ethos of quality, customer service and
social responsibility.


To be a respected supplier in the global auto Industry, by developing innovative products

and solutions of value to customers through creative skills and involvement of employees,
supplier and dealers and use of contemporary technology.


• To be the supplier of choice of all leading vehicle manufacturers in India.

• To be a recognized OE supplier in Asia Pacific and Middle East markets.
• To achieve global recognition for its innovative approach to products and solutions.
• By 2010, sell INR 1400 crores [USD 300 Million] of products and solutions with a third
to customers outside India.


• Starters for passenger cars.
• Starters for light trucks.
• Alternator for diesel cars.
• Range of alternator.
• Type of wiping system.
➢ Integral type.
➢ Built in mounting frame.
➢ Linkage for opposed wipe pattern.
➢ Discrete type-3 Arm and Blades.


U.S.A, Ireland, Italy, Bangladesh, oman, Ukraine, Singapore, UK, Belgium, Turkey,
Egypt, Malaysia, Australia, Denmark, Spain, Srilanka, Thailand.


They TVS Group, with a turnover of over one billion dollars, is the largest manufacturer
of automotive components in India. The group produces auto electrical, diesel fuel injection
systems, braking systems, automotive wheels and axle fasteners.


• General Motors India

• Fiat India
• Hyundai Motor India
• Ford India
• Hyundai Motors
• Maruti Udyog
• Mahindra Renault
• Tata Motors


• Escorts
• Mahindra & Mahindra
• John Deree
• Standard combines
• Indofarm


• Kiroloskar oil Engines

• Birla Yamaha
• Lombardini India
• Greaves Cotton
• Tata Cummins
• Simpsons & co
• Caterpillar India
• Bharath Earth Movers
• L&T Komatsu.


• Kinetic Engineering.
• Yamaha Motor India.
• Hero Motors.
• Honda Motor Cycles & Scooter India Pvt.ltd.
• TVS Motor Co.
• Bajaj Auto.
• Mahindra & Mahindra.
• Royal Enfield.



1 Technology Award 1998-1999
2 Energy conservation Award 2000-2001
3 Productivity Award 2001-02
4 AU-TVS 5 star Award on 5S 2002
5 Hyundai Motor (100 PPM Award) 2003
6 Outstanding Overall Performance 2004
7 Superior Kaizen Award 2004
8 3 Times Deming Application Prize 2004
9 Gold Trophy for Manufacturing Excellence 2004-2005
10 Platinum Award Manufacturing Excellence 2005
11 Managerial Excellence in Manufacturing 2004-2005
12 BIS(Rajiv Gandhi National Award) 2006
13 Best Vendor Award 2000 & 2006
14 Mahindra Tractor Division (Best Quality Award) 2007
15 Honda (Best supplier Award) 2007

The first step while conducting research is careful definition of Research Problem.
”TO ERR IS THE HUMAN” is a proverb which indicates that no one is perfect IN THIS
WORLD. Every researcher has to face many problems which conducting any research that’s why
problem statement is defined to know which type of problem a researcher has to face while
conducting any study. It is said that,

“Problem well defined is problem half solved”

Basically, a problem statement refers to some difficulty, which researcher experiences in

the context of either a theoretical or practical situation and wants to obtain the solution for the




Every organization needs inventory for smooth running of its activities. It serves as a
link between production and distribution process. The investment in inventories constitutes the
most significant part of current assets/working capital in most of the undertakings. Thus, it is
very essential to have proper control and management of inventories. The purpose of inventory
management is to ensure availability of materials in sufficient quantity as and when required and
also to minimize investment in inventories. So, in order to understand the nature of inventory
management of the organization, I took this inventory management as a topic for my project, to
give findings and suggestions by adopting and analyzing different inventory control techniques.


• To analyze the efficiency of inventory management in Lucas TVS Ltd.


• To identify optimum levels of inventory which minimizes the cost.

• To study how ABC analysis is implemented in inventory management.
• To find inventory requirement for the next 5 years.


• To give the plan to the company what to order, when to order and how to order.
• It is useful for deciding operating profit and volume of inventory.
• It helps to develop the policies for the executives in inventory.
• It helps the company what items are goods are categorized.
• It helps to deal with forecasting in inventory.

• This study helps the company for ABC inventory system, in order to control the average
• Ratios have been calculated to assess the turnover of the inventory and the period within
which the turnover is recovered.
• ABC analysis is used to compute each item’s percentage of the total inventory in terms of
annual usage.
• Economic order quantity is assume that cost of managing inventory is made up solely of
two parts i.e., ordering cost and carrying cost.




In this review Mr. VIJAYARAMAN.R, who as done the project about a report Inventory
at WOIL, an inventory Management System is an essential element in an organization. It is
comprised of a series of processes which provide an assessment of the organisation’s inventory.
The inventory Management System also aids the organization in achieving its goals and
objectives with the primary focus on adding value for the customers. The management of
inventory of inventory adds value for customers (quality, speed, flexibility, and cost), and this is
the primary consideration of the Operation Management System. Inventory management is
possibly one of the richest areas of operations management, with many tools and techniques
available to help managers run their processes as effective as possible.

In this project he made an analysis for Export Oriented Units (EOU) and fixing norms for
Coffee Maker, Coffee Grinder, Grind Mill & Micro Oven. After finishing analysis he compares
between the Suggested norms and Existing norms. He also made as analysis of Washing
Machine and their norms for different classifications of washers at WOIL. Finally he used
correlation with statistical Tools. He also classified EOU’s & Washers products with ABC


In this review Mr. CHARLES ATKINSON explains inventory as inventory management

topics, he explains average inventory levels, in this topic he explained about two parts. This first
half part of this article covers how to find what inventory levels should be, and the second half
covers how to evaluate it..

Average Inventory Levels

Part 1: How to Optimize Average Inventory Levels?

In this part, it provides a brief description for how optimal inventory levels for materials
are kept. Essential, this section can serves as a starting point for inventory managers. The first
thing he determines the ideal inventory levels is a material’s Economic Order Quantity(EOQ).
This is the amount one should be ordering when you place orders.

Next he determine Safety Stock(SS). This is the amount that you should have remaining
when the EOQ arrives. This should be intuitive because safety is what you have when your
shipment arrives and when the order arrives (EOQ) it gets added to the safety stock.

It is clear that average minimum and maximum levels because you might not receive the
EOQ exactly when you planned to and therefore may have more or less. On average you should
have the SS amount when you receive shipments. Between these two average minimum and
maximum values lies long-term average inventory.

Part 2: How to assess (evaluate) Inventory levels?

Average inventory can be calculated by Simplistic Method.

Most methods of accounting take the beginning inventory of a period, add it to the ending
inventory of a period, and divide by 2. This essentially provides the mathematical average for a
given month.

Avg. Inventory =(Beginning Inventory + (Beginning Inventory + Units Produced – units

Sold) / 2

Or more simply:

Avg. Inventory =(Beginning Inventory + Ending inventory) / 2

Inventory means physical stock of goods which is kept in hands for smooth and efficient
running of future affairs of an organization at the minimum cost of funds blocked in
inventories. The fundamental reasons for carrying inventory is that it is physically impossible
and economically impractical for each stock item to arrive exactly where it is needed exactly
when it is needed. There are three basic reasons for keeping an inventory.

1. Time- The time lags present in the supply chain, from supplier to user at every stage, requires
that you maintain certain amounts of inventory to use in the “lead time”.

2. Uncertainty- Inventories are maintained as buffers to meet uncertainties in demand, supply

and movements of goods.

3. Economics of scale- Ideal condition of “one unit at a time at a place where a user needs it,
when he needs it” principle tends to incur lots of costs in terms of logistics. So bulk buying,
movement and storing brings in economics of scale, thus inventory.


• To stabilize production.
• To take advantage of price discounts.
• To meet the demand during the replenishment period.
• To prevent loss of orders.
• To keep pace with changing market conditions.


• The Transaction Motive which facilities continuous production and timely execution
of sales orders.
• The Precautionary Motive which necessities the holding of inventories for meeting
the unpredictable changes in demand and supplier of materials.
• The Speculative Motive which induces to keep inventories for taking advantage of
price fluctuations, saving in re-ordering costs and quantity discounts etc…


• Production cost.
• Capital cost.
• Ordering cost.
• Carrying cost.
• Shortage cost.


The main objective of inventory control is to achieve maximum efficiency in production

& sales with minimum investment in inventory.

Inventory control is a planned approach of determining what to order, when to order and
how much to order and how much to stock, so that costs associated with buying and storing are
optimal without interrupting production and sales.


The benefits of inventory control are

• Improvements in customers relationship because of the timely delivery of goods and

• Smooth and uninterrupted production and hence, no stock out.
• Efficient utilization of working capital.
• Economy in purchasing.
• Eliminating the possibility of duplicate ordering.


• Inventory is only created by spending money for material and the labor and overhead
to process the materials.
• Inventory is reduced through sales and scrapping.
• Accurate sales & production schedule forecasts are essential for efficient purchasing,
handling & investment in inventory.
• Management policies which are designed to effectively balance size and variety of
inventory with cost of carrying that inventory are the greatest factor in determining
inventory investment.
• Forecasts help determine when to order materials. Controlling inventory is
accomplished through scheduling production.
• Control is comparative & relative, not absolute. It is exercised through people with
varying experiences and judgment rules & procedures establish a base from which the
individual can make evaluation and decision.
• With the consistent practices being followed, inventory control can became
predictable and properly related to production and sales activity.
• Records do not produce control.


 Demand

It is the number of items required per unit of time. The demand may be either
deterministic or probabilistic in nature.

 Order cycle
The time between two successive orders is called order cycle.
 Lead time

The length of time between placing an order and receipts of items is called lead

 Safety stock

It is also called buffer stock or minimum stock. It is the stock or inventory needed
to account for delays in materials supply and to account for sudden increase in demand
due to rush order.

 Inventory turnover

If the company maintains inventories equal to 3 months consumption. It means

that inventory turnover is 4 times a year i.e., the entire inventory is used up and
replaced 4 times a year.
Inventory Control Techniques

Inventory control techniques are employed by the inventory control organizations within
the framework of one of the basic inventory models, viz, fixed order quantity system or fixed
order period system. Inventory control techniques represent the operational aspect of inventory
management and control.

Several techniques of inventory control are in use and it depends on the convenience of
the firm to adopt any of the techniques. What should be stressed, however, is the need to cover
all items of inventory and all stages, i.e., from the stage of Receipt from suppliers to the stage of
their use. Here some of the techniques used are the following:

• Economic order quantity

• ABC analysis
• Inventory Turnover ratio.



A decision about how much to order has great significance in inventory management. The
quantity to be purchased should neither be small nor big because coasts of buying and carrying
materials are very high. Economic order quantity is the size of the lot to be purchased which is
economically viable. This is the quantity of materials which can be purchased at minimum costs.
Generally economic order quantity is the point at which inventory carrying costs are equal to
order costs. In determining economic order quantity it is assumed that cost of managing
inventory is made up solely of two parts i.e., ordering cost and carrying cost. The cost
relationships are sown in below figure.



The inventory of an organization generally consists of thousands of items with varying

prices, usage rate and lead time. It is neither desirable nor possible to pay equal attention of all
items. ABC analysis is a basic analytical tool which enables management to concentrate its
efforts where results will be greater. The concept applied to inventory is called as ABC analysis.

Statistics reveal that just a few items account for bulk of the annual consumption of the
materials. These few items are called a class items which hold the key to business. The other
items known as B & C which are numerous in number but their contribution is less significant.
ABC analysis thus tends to segregate the items into three categories A, B & C on the basis of
their values. The categorization is made to pay right attention and control demanded by items.
The following procedure is suggested for developing an ABC analysis:

• List each item carried in inventory by numbers or some other designation.

• Determine the annual volume of usage and rupee value of each item.
• Multiply each item’s annual volume of usage by its rupee value.
• Compute each item’s percentage of the total inventory in terms of annual usage in rupees.
• Select the top 15 percent of all items which have the highest rupee percentage and
classify them as ‘A’ items.
• Select the next 20 percent of all items with the next highest rupee percentages and
designate those ‘B’ items.
• The next 65 percent of all items with the lowest rupee percentage are ‘C’ items.


• By exercising strict control on A class items, the materials is able to show the results
within a short period of time.

• It results in reducer clerical costs, saves time and effort and results in better planning and
control and increased inventory turnover.

• ABC analysis, thus, tries to focus and direct the effort based on the merit of the items
and, thus, becomes an effective management control tool.


Kohler defines inventory turnover as “a ratio which measures the number of times a
firm’s average is sold during a year”.
A higher turnover rate indicates that the material in question is a fast moving one. A low
turnover rate, on the other hand, indicates over-investment and locking up of working capital on
undesirable items.
Inventory turnover ratio may be calculated in different ways by changing the numerator,
but keeping the same denominator.
Stock turnover is measured in terms of the ratio of the value of materials consumed to the
average inventory during the period. The ratio indicates the number of times the average
inventory is consumed and replenished. By diving no. of days in a year by turnover ratio, the
number of days for which the average inventory is held, can be ascertained.


The past studies have laid emphasis on the maintenance efficient inventory management
for the company. The previous studies have adopted in regard to the maintenance of inventory
management. The inventory turnover was measured by various tools of analysis and ratios with
the help of past records..

The present study focus on the overall inventory turnover of the company. Unlike other studies,
this inventory management study has offered suggestions to standardize and improve the
effective maintenance of inventory department for having smooth flow of production of
products. This includes various analysis and ratios regarding the inventory requirement position
for the next five years.



Research is a process in which the researchers wish to find out the end result for a given
problem and thus the solution helps in future course of action. The research has been defined as
“A careful investigation or enquiry especially through search for new facts in branch of

“Research is a systematized effort to gain new knowledge”.

-Redman and Mory.


The type of project used is Analytical in nature the procedure using, which researcher has
to use facts or information already available, analyze these to make a critical evaluation of the



• To analyze the efficiency of inventory management of Lucas TVS Ltd.

• Data are collected through personal interviews and discussion with Finance-Executives.
• Data are collected through personal interviews and discussion with Material Planning
Deputy manager

• The data are collected from the annual reports maintained by the company for the report
maintained by the company for the past five years 2006-2010.
• Data’s are collected from the company’s website.
• Books and journals are pertaining to the topic
• To identify optimum levels of inventory which minimizes the cost
• To study how ABC analysis is implemented in inventory management
• To identify inventory requirement for the next 5 years

• The entire analysis applies only to LUCAS-TVS, Chennai.

• The study takes into account only the quantitative data and the qualitative aspects were
not taken into account.
• ABC analysis is not one time exercise and items are to be reviewed and re-categorised
• The authenticity of the financial statements has been checked with the book of accounts
of the company.


The research design constitutes the blue print for the collection, measurement and
analyses of data. The research design may be exploratory, descriptive and experimental for the
present study. The descriptive research design is adopted for this project.


There are numerous possible sources of data. The selection of the sources of data for a
particular study is important. It depends on the research objectives. The collected data have been
tabulated and analyzed in a systematic manner. Generally the sources of data is classified into
two categories

• Primary data
• Secondary data

My research is based on Secondary data.

Secondary data

Secondary data is data collected by someone other than the user. Common source of
secondary data for social science includes
1. From the annual reports maintained by the company.
2. Data are collected from the company’s website.
3. Books and journals pertaining to the topic.
4. Data also collected from company’s Records, Brochures, Magazines etc.


• Economic order quantity.

• ABC analysis.
• Inventory Turnover ratio.



YEARS 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10

EOQ 4024.62 4550.09 4068.74 3100.48 2532.76


The above table reveals that economic order quantity for the year 2006-2010. In the year
2006-2007 economic order quality was increased to 4024.62, 4550.09 and then 2008 the
economic order quantity was increased to 4068.74. Again in the year 2009 and 2010 the
economic order quantity was decreased to 3100.48 and 2532.76.



1 4024.62 0.296 1192.21 4
2 4550.09 0.29 1322.13 1
3 4068.74 0.32 1311.64 2
4 3100.47 0.40 1251.67 3
5 2535.75 0.35 893.13 5
TOTAL 1.66 5970.79


2 1322.14 1322.14 20 20 A
3 1311.64 2633.78 20 40 A
4 1251.67 3885.45 20 60 B
1 1192.21 5077.67 20 80 C
5 893.13 5970.79 20 100 C

The above table shows the classification of the A, B, C classes by using the ABC analysis
based on unit value. For A class unit value is more than Rs.100 and constitutes 65% of total
components, for class B the unit value is between Rs.25-100 constitutes 20% of the total
consumption and class C value is less than Rs.25 constitutes 15% of total components.


Net Sales

Inventory turnover ratio= ------------------------------

Average inventory


2005-2006 95,380.12 9598.93 9.94:1
2006-2007 114,171.59 11544.02 9.89:1
2007-2008 127,378.60 16,153.77 7.89:1
2008-2009 124,441.74 13,981.01 8.9:1
2009-2010 133,320.18 17,141.73 7.78:1

The above table shows that inventory turnover ratio for the past 5 years. In the year 2006
inventory turnover ratio was increased to 9.94. In the year 2008 the ratio was decreased to 7.89.
Again in the year 2009 the inventory ratio was increased to 8.9 and in the year 2010 the ratio is
decreased to 7.78.


• From the calculation of economic order quantity there is a variation in materials

purchased and placing an order. So in the year 2010 the EOQ value was decreased.

• In ABC analysis the A class unit value is more than 100 constitutes 65% of total items. B
class unit value is Rs.25-100 constitutes 20% of total items. C classes unit value is Rs.10,
constitutes 15% of total items. This leads to the company maintains the inventories based
on its unit value using this technique.

• From the past year data shows that the inventory was increased. So the organization is
expecting more inventories in future period i.e.2011.

• The inventory turnover ratio shows that increasing trend from 2006-2009 and except in
the year 2010 which shows that ratio was decreased.

• If they follow the EOQ, it will reduce the cost and to enhance the profit.

• Since A classes constitutes more percentage than B & C. There should be tight control in
inventories done through continuous check, order frequently to avoid over investment of
working capital.

• The company is requires to maintain stock levels in order to avoid stock out conditions
and help in continuous production flow.

• The company is expecting more inventories for future i.e. 2011. The management is
requires to maintain the same inventory level in the forth coming year also.
• The inventory turnover ratio indicates whether investment in inventory is within proper
limit or not. Inventory Turnover ratio requires to maintain high turnover ratio than the
lower ratio. A high ratio implies good and efficient business activities


A better inventory management will surely be helpful to the company to overcome their
problems and will pave way for reducing the huge investment or blocking of money in inventory.
From analysis we can conclude that the company can follow the Economic Order Quantity
(EOQ) for optimum purchase and it can maintain safety stock for its components in order to
avoid stock-out conditions & help in continuous production flow. This would reduce the cost and
enhance the profit.

Through ABC analysis we can maintain high percentage of items in inventories. Since
the inventory turnover ratio shows the increasing trend, there will be more demand for the
products in the future periods.

The explanatory study suggests LUCAS TVS LTD make relative high use of inventory
techniques similar to the concept of inventory management.

However this study provides little insight into the actual organizational processes and
action that proceed are initiated by these inventory management.

If they could properly implement and follow the norms and techniques of inventory
management, they can enhance the profit with minimum cost.

 M Y Khan P K Jain “Financial Management” 4th edition Tata McGraw Hill.

 Martand Telsang “Industrial Engineering & Production Management” S Chand & Co.

 R.Paneerselvam “Operations Research” Prentice hall Of India Private Ltd.

 S.P. Iyengar “Cost & Management Accounting” Sultan Chand & Sons.


 www.lucastvs.com

 www.inventorymanagementreview.org/inventory_basics/index


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