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The Marvels of Acupuncture and Chiropractic Laser Therapy

Acupuncture is a form of treatment where thin; tiny needles are inserted into the body of the patient at acupuncture points that may or
may not be near the zone of the problem. These days, instead of needles, even heat, pressure or lasers light are applied to the
acupuncture points as a part of the treatment. Acupuncture is based on the traditional Chinese medicine theory. This theory is based on
three concepts: Qi, Meridian and Acupuncture points. The Qi was the life energy that was believed to flow through our bodies instead of
blood in ancient China and it flowed through a channel network called the meridian and certain specific locations of the meridian were
the acupuncture points. Though there is no scientific proof of such points existing, the technique is even today helping innumerous
patients through several illnesses.
Chiropractic Laser Therapy Specialist in Portland

Japanese Acupuncture is also called the Meridian Therapy nowadays. Instead of herbs they prefer massages and
burning of Moxa for the relaxation part. The Japanese believe that the touch can simulate and make the surface of the
skin and hence Japanese Acupuncture doesn’t need the needles to be pierced in to a very great depth and hence is less
painful than Chinese Acupuncture. passed through.
Japanese Acupuncture Specialist in Portland

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