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Auditory learning is a type of learning style where the student can retain information by

hearing, like from a lecture. A Visual learner learns by retaining information through visuals-
picture, reading, power points. A social learner learns by directly working with others,
discussing and combining ideas is how this learning style works, outgoing, and people-centered.
An Independent learner learns by working or studying along, they are goal-oriented and self-
directed. Creative is a learning styler when you are not afraid to take risks and innovate your
ideas into the task or topic, learning through discovering is a method for creative learners.
Knowing a student's preferred learning style, specifically, ELL students is an advantage
to any teacher. Knowing how students learn allows you to adjust your instruction to fit each
child's needs. For an ELL student, if they are a visual learner but the other students are
auditory, you can add photos and key points to your slide for everyone, while you also give the
ELL student an outline to follow along with your teaching. During the transition for an ELL
student to a new school and environment, we can use the learning style we discovered for that
student and use it to help them learn their way around the school, learn classmates' names,
where certain things are in the classroom and even the rules.
For students who are auditory learners, I would record me teaching the lesson and allow
the student to listen to it in free time, or at home with headphones on. I would also be sure to
emphasize more of the important information in class out loud by repeating it and stressing it
verbally. For visual learners, I would be sure to include a photo by every word or topic when
talking about it. For spelling words, I would include a representation of that word, for rules I
would put clip art at the end of it, and for general categories around the room, I would make
sure it is labeled with words and a picture. Students who learn through a social style I would be
sure to partner up with another child who also does well in a social setting, while the kids who
work in an independent style better will be on their own, I would be sure to give every child a
choice but only if it is overseen by myself because I do not want someone who works better
independently working with their friend who works better socially. An independent learner will
always have the option to work alone, and within-group work there will be independent
assignments. For students who do well in a creative style, I will always be open to different
approaches that get the child to complete their work and work to the best of their ability.
During every activity, I will keep in mind what types of style learners I have in my classroom and
always give kids options without them knowing they have options because I want to
incorporate the style that fits every child's needs.

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