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Cesar Flores

Homework 1

1. Examine the spreadsheet to answer the following questions (25 points).

a. Assuming that all models sold by the company are represented on the
spreadsheet, how many different models does the company sell and what
are their names?
They are 6 models: BunnyKing, FarmBunny, JackRabbit, MadHare,
RapidBunny, and Super MadHare

b. Which model has the second-lowest unit cost and what is that unit cost?
Model: MadHare, unit cost: $247

c. Based on the spreadsheet, which of the company’s service centers gets the
most vacuum cleaners sent to it for service? Explain how you made your
MadHare is most the vacuum sent to it for service. I put in alphabetic
order using a filter (increase and decrease values) and discovered that 13
times this vacuum was sent for a service, being the total number of days in
the service 8.1 days, having an average of 0.6 day in the service area for
each vacuum.

d. Are DBV’s customers particularly wealthy? Use data on the spreadsheet to

justify your answer.
It is a difficult question to answer for 2 reasons based on excel sheet
First, the lifestyle they have in the information given by them only
indicates family income but does not mention how much their expenses
Secondly, the place where they live is no longer mentioned if they live in a
large or small town, countryside or urban and the frequency of their sales.

e. To the nearest tenth and assuming that the data in this spreadsheet are
typical for the company, how many vacuum cleaners total does the
company take in for service/ each day?
Dates Total Vacuums Total Days Average Repair
Repairs per vacuum
8/1/2019 17 19.1 1.123
8/2/2019 21 17.5 0.875
8/3/2019 18 19.9 1.11
2. There are some data quality issues present in the spreadsheet. For each of the
four categories of data quality issues shown below, indicate a column (for a-c)
or row (for d) where a corresponding data quality issue occurs, justify why
you feel that column has that data quality issue, and explain how the
presence of that data quality issue could negatively impact DBV. Be specific
in discussing the potential problems; stating “the analysis would be wrong”
(or similar) isn’t specific enough. (25 points)

a. Accuracy: HQCity in this column we find an error in Logan's

geographical location, which the city succeeds in Utah, Colorado,
Montana. Idaho has a county called Logan, but there is no city called
Logan in Wyoming. This is detrimental to the control of vacuum cleaners
brought to the service center. Causing the balance sheet to unbalance the
money that is invested in the service center. Another problem is SvcDays
showing on day 8/1/19 a negative symbol (-1.5) causing a decrease in the
days of services. This also affects the control of service days.

b. Completeness: in the Columns Gender HHI, Marital, Children and

HasPets we find that the data is not complete, because of those small
details we could lose our customers without knowing their real data or
how to address them.

c. Consistency: in the RegionName column we find abbreviations to the

regions: NW instead Northwest, Mnt instead Mountain. This impairs the
control of service centers over the services given per day.

d. Uniqueness: We find that on day 8/2/2019 the same service order 332 is
repeated twice. This also does not help the company to keep a better
control of how many services a day the service center performs, showing
false data.

3. Answer the following questions (< 30 words each). Explain both a

directionality (i.e., increase vs. decrease) and why you think it would have
that affect. (25 points)
a. How might pet ownership affect a likelihood to send a vacuum in for
servicing? Explain.
Decrease: We note that vacuum cleaners whose owners have pets (29
vacuums with 28.5 days of service) occupied more time in the service
center than they did not have pets (22 vacuums with 22.6 days of service).
Increase: Because vacuum cleaners are guaranteed, owners can do it
effectively by covering the vacuum cleaners' replenishments or matting
b. How might HHI affect a customer’s likelihood to send a vacuum in for
servicing? Explain.
At the end of the vacuum cleaner warranty period depending on service
costs and spare parts could affect people with lower household incomes,
as they would look for another brand of lower-cost vacuum cleaner,
leading to the loss of customers loyal to the company.
force the company to improve supply compared to the current market.

c. How might number of children in household affect a customer’s

likelihood to send a vacuum in for servicing? Explain.
it's a question that has several answers:
First, children can use it as a toy, it's a direct path to the service center
Second, the vacuum cleaner is going to suffer a rapid depreciation.
Third, middle- to high-income families could replace the vacuum cleaner.

d. How might marital status affect a customer’s likelihood to send a vacuum

in for servicing? Explain.
Decrease: if they are single and non-children think twice before sending
vacuum cleaners to the service center.
Increase: Married children are more likely to send vacuum cleaners to the
service center

4. What business questions (i.e., questions that might improve the company’s
profitability) would you expect that the data in this spreadsheet can answer?
Identify two of these questions and, for each,
(a) state the business question.
Based on excel sheet you can ask two questions:
First: How will sales increase in the Central, Northwest and Southwest
Second: How could the rating of lower-evaluation vacuum cleaners be

(b) state which data points in the spreadsheet you would use to answer the
Based on the excel sheet you could answer the two questions:
for the first question, I would look to standardize sales techniques by
looking for the best sellers and getting them to train the other sellers at the
minor retailers
For the second question, I would look for a way to improve the evaluation
of vacuum cleaners. I would look for added value to help vacuum
cleaners be better effective and raise the rating

(c) explain how answering the question would be beneficial to the company.
These questions would help the company improve its sales based on the
excel sheet. With an effective planting based on the experience of the best
sellers, the company could increase its sales and improve the evaluation of
low-rated vacuum cleaners.

(d) describe at least one data point not present in the data set that, if present,
would be helpful in answering the question; also explain how the absent
data point would be helpful. (25 points)
A point that is not present is the age of the model to be repaired, since old
models could offer the new current and more powerful models. It would
be important to know the useful life of the vacuum cleaner, as some
replenishments could not be easily found, and it would be more feasible
to sell new models. An offer would be to offer the change of the old model
as a payment start and you could take the new model already discounted
the initial fee.

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