Assessment 1: Project Outline PUBH6008: Capstone A: Applied Research Project in Public Health

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Running head: ASSESSMENT 1

Assessment 1: Project Outline

PUBH6008: Capstone A: Applied Research Project in Public Health

Student Name:

Student ID:
Topic: How the Australian parents perceive the need to immunise their children against


The Australian parents believe that the vaccination and the perceptions of risks are

subjective. According to the report published by Academic Rigour(2017) in, it has been found that the vaccination rate in Australia is stable and high,

i.e. 90-93% from 2003 to 2019. 7% of the children residing in Australia are not properly

vaccinated and the reason for this is due to some practical barriers. The parents of these 7%

children do not understand the need for proper vaccination and thus they reject all or some of

the crucial vaccines. The national target for vaccination is 95% and the vaccination

percentage in Australia needs to be improved in order to reach this target. Further, it has been

found that most parents who reject the vaccination or do not feel the need of timely

vaccination for their children reside in the cluster region. The residents of this region believe

1 that children are too

ASSESSMENT 1 young to receive vaccination as their immune system is fit than the older

individuals whose immune system are weak (The Department of Health, 2000). Moreover,

the parents of the children have many questions in their mind regarding vaccination such as

“Is the vaccination safe”, “Is it necessary to get vaccination”. All these queries of the patients

remain unsolved and thus they do not perceive vaccination as an important aspect. There are

some parents who are very scared and they turn to social networks or social media for

reassurance (Prosser et al., 2016). In doing so, they often get encountered against those

individuals who perceive vaccination as unsafe and thus the parents tend to avoid vaccination

due to this reason.

Research indicates that the confidence of the parents related to vaccination can be

treated as a spectrum. There are different types of unquestioning acceptance as well as

cautious acceptance and thus the parents can be regarded as “anti-vaccination” activists. The

parents who mostly feel hesitated to get their child vaccinated must try to consult a health
professional who will address their queries and issues related to timely vaccination of the

children (Academic Rigour, 2017). It has been found that the health professionals have tried

to provide the required information to the parents and thus help them with proper strategies

so that they can carry out the timely vaccination of their wards. Moreover, according to the

report of the survey published by Academic Rigour (2017) in, it has been

found that some of the parents were reassured and provided with the trust that nothing will be

hidden from them during the vaccination. This is likely to improve the confidence of the

parents and thus this it must be aligned with the different types of parenting values.

I have chosen this topic because I have found that this is one of the most alarming

topics among Australian parents. It is difficult to take the consent of the children at such a

tender age and thus parents must take an active role in vaccinating their children. On the

other hand, I have found that some parents find it difficult to gather reliable information

2 related to vaccination
ASSESSMENT 1 and thus they tend to run away from such a situation. I have found that

proper training of the medical workers will remove the myths and the mistrust among the

parents because the workers will be involved in spreading positive outcomes in a systematic

way. There are different benefits of immunization and thus it helps in the prevention of

antibodies for further protection of the children. I can say that the social benefits of

immunization are very vital and thus it helps in the promotion of equality and human

mobility among different sections of the individuals.

According to me, I also think that there should be a sharing of further knowledge

related to immunisation. The parents must be offered with some detailed information so that

they are aware of the effects of vaccination and thus it will help them to decide the positive

effects of vaccination. There are different types of risks related to immunization and thus it

should receive proper media attention so as to spread the positive effects among the parents,

children and the other related individuals.

There should be a systematic review carried out in order to carry out the project in a

systematic way. The news reports and the journals have highlighted different statistics and

information related to immunisation of the children. This will help in the prevention of the

clinical problem and thus it will help to address the concerns. The journals and the news

report has been published in the time period from 2012-2019. There will be proper review

carried out by the experts and this will help to provide proper direction to the study.

Gantt Chart

The Gantt chart depicts the project schedule. It helps the reader to get an overview of the task

schedule at a glance. This is depicted below in tabular and in graph form


Fig: Table showing the Gannt chart

Source: Author’s Creation

Fig: Graph depicting the time schedule

Source: Author’s Creation


Academic Rigour. (2017). Australians’ attitudes to vaccination are more complex than a

simple ‘pro’ or ‘anti’ label. Retrieved 2 March 2020, from


Prosser, N., Petersen, R., & Quinlivan, J. (2016). Survey of Australian father's attitudes

towards infant vaccination: Findings from the Australian Father's Study. Primary

Healthcare: Open Access, 6(2).

The Department of Health. (2000). Factors influencing vaccination uptake. Retrieved 2

March 2020, from


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