Aminolysis of Polyethylene Terephthalate Waste

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Polymer Degradation and Stability 91 (2006) 1850e1854

Aminolysis of polyethylene terephthalate waste

S.R. Shukla*, Ajay M. Harad
Department of Fibres and Textile Processing Technology, Institute of Chemical Technology, University of Mumbai,
Natahlal Parikh Marg, Matunga, Mumbai 400 019, India
Received 16 September 2005; received in revised form 4 November 2005; accepted 9 November 2005
Available online 18 January 2006


Polyethylene terephthalate in the form of waste fibres and disposable soft drink bottles was subjected to depolymerisation through aminolysis
using excess of ethanolamine in the presence of different simple chemicals, namely glacial acetic acid, sodium acetate and potassium sulphate,
as catalysts. The product bis(2-hydroxy ethylene)terephthalamide (BHETA) obtained was in its pure form with sufficiently high yields with all
the catalysts. The purified product was characterised by elemental analysis, melting point, IR spectroscopy, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR)
and Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC). The process of aminolysis reported here is economically viable since yields of BHETA are as high
as 91%, it has potential for further reactions to obtain useful products and the chemicals used as catalysts are common and cheaply available.
Ó 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: PET waste; Recycling; Aminolysis; Catalysts; Bis(2-hydroxy ethylene)terephthalamide

1. Introduction consumer products, large amount of PET waste is also generated,

which includes polymer manufacturing waste as well as the
Difference between the natural and the synthetic polymers products after the end of their useful life. With the increasing
lies primarily in the fact that the natural polymers are biode- pressure of keeping the environment clean, recycling the PET
gradable, making them less durable, while the synthetics have waste in an ecofriendly manner is the only solution.
long life due to their almost complete resistance to biodegrada- The chemical recycling of PET has been the subject of keen
tion. This aspect has caused a major concern to the environmen- interest as a valuable feedstock for different chemical processes.
talists from the point of view of polymer waste management. During chemical recycling, PET waste can be depolymerised
Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) is a semicrystalline ther- to base monomers or oligomers. With the use of solvents
moplastic polymer, which is used in the preparation of a variety for depolymerisation, generally called solvolysis of polymer,
of products differing widely in their physical characteristics methanolysis [2e4] and glycolysis [5,6] are the main possible
and hence, the end uses. The varieties of prominence are fibres routes. Hydrolysis [7e11] of PET is also possible using water
and filaments, sheets and soft drink bottles. under pressure.
The production of PET fibres started in the 1960s, and since Aminolysis is another method of chemical degradation of
then the global demand has grown rapidly at the rate of 8.3% PET, which has been little explored as compared to other tech-
per annum. niques. Depolymerisation of the PET waste using different
In the 1980s, PET began to be used popularly for the produc- amines such as allylamine [12], morpholine and hydrazine
tion of disposable soft drink bottles and in 1987, more than 700 [13], and polyamines [14] has been investigated at the Polish
million pounds of PET were consumed in their production [1]. laboratories. PET waste when treated for 2 h with an excess
As a result of the diversity of its applications in a high volume of of allylamine at 170  C under pressure of 2 MPa gave the
product N, N#-bisallyl terephthalamide. This product with
high melting temperature 217e219  C may be considered as
* Corresponding author. Tel.: þ91 22 24145616; fax: þ91 22 24145614. a high-temperature solid cross linking agent for unsaturated
E-mail address: (S.R. Shukla). polyester compositions.

0141-3910/$ - see front matter Ó 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
S.R. Shukla, A.M. Harad / Polymer Degradation and Stability 91 (2006) 1850e1854 1851

The present communication deals with the use of ethanol- Ethanolamine and hydrochloric acid were of Guaranteed
amine for the aminolytic degradation of PET waste in the pres- Reagent (GR) grade. Lentol FBOL (ICI Uniqema, Mumbai,
ence of different simple chemicals such as glacial acetic acid, India) was used as a non-ionic detergent for cleaning of poly-
sodium acetate and potassium sulphate as catalysts. The ester waste materials.
degradation product after purification was characterised by
a number of techniques. The mechanism of depolymerisation 2.3. Cleaning of polyester waste materials
has also been discussed.
Polyethylene terephthalate staple fibre waste was boiled
2. Experimental with a solution containing 2 g/L of Lentol FBOL for 1 h to
remove any surface finish and dirt present in the fibre mass.
2.1. Materials It was then washed thoroughly with water and air dried.
The soft drink bottle pieces were washed with the detergent
Polyester staple fibre waste was obtained from Reliance solution, rinsed with hot water and air dried.
Industries (Mumbai, India). The waste comprises short fibres
with 1.44 d and various lengths up to 5 mm. Clear polyester 2.4. Aminolysis of polyester waste material
soft drink bottles were procured from a local market. These
bottles were cut into small pieces of approximate size Ethanolamine was used for the aminolysis of PET waste
5  5 mm after separating from the non-PET components materials in the molar ratio 1:6 (PET:ethanolamine) under
such as labels and caps. reflux in the presence of different catalysts for time periods
varying up to 8 h. The catalysts, namely glacial acetic acid,
2.2. Chemicals sodium acetate and potassium sulphate, were used in concen-
trations ranging between 0.3 and 1.5% by weight of polymer.
Glacial acetic acid, sodium acetate, potassium sulphate and At the end of the reaction, distilled water was added in excess
sodium hydroxide were of Laboratory Reagent (LR) grade. to the reaction mixture with vigorous agitation to precipitate



H / Na, K
+ + + H2N CH2 CH2 OH
Ethanolamine (excess)

O OH / ONa, OK



O O H/ Na, K





Fig. 1. Mechanism of depolymerisation of bis(2-hydroxy ethylene)terephthalamide.

1852 S.R. Shukla, A.M. Harad / Polymer Degradation and Stability 91 (2006) 1850e1854

out the product, bis(2-hydroxy ethylene)terephthalamide Table 2

(BHETA). The filtrate contained mainly unreacted ethanol- Effect of depolymerisation time on yield of BHETA
amine and little quantities of a few water soluble PET degra- Time (h) Yield % in the presence of
dation products. The precipitate obtained was filtered and Acetic acid Sodium acetate Potassium sulphate
dissolved in distilled water by boiling for about 30 min. White Fibre Bottle Fibre Bottle Fibre Bottle
crystalline powder of BHETA was obtained by first concentrat- waste waste waste waste waste waste
ing the filtrate by boiling and then chilling it. It was further 4 52.4 42.0 60.5 58.04 58.5 41.25
purified by recrystallisation in water. It was then dried in an 6 61.5 54.0 75.0 65.9 71.05 59.00
oven at 80  C and weighed for estimating the yield. Different 7 69.3 62.0 87.05 77.8 80.3 68.05
techniques of analysis were used for its characterisation. 8 76.4 68.2 91.1 83.2 87.2 74.05
9 63.3 60.05 83.3 75.2 75.2 65.3

2.5. Characterisation of the product

Zahn and Pfeifer [15] carried out aminolysis of PET with
Melting point of the purified monomer, BHETA was deter- solutions of hydrazine, benzyl amine, ethylene diamine,
mined in an open capillary. Elemental analysis was carried out hexamethylene diamine, piperidine and aniline. They obtained
by using Heraus combustion apparatus. For Nuclear Magnetic different reaction products as the diamides of terephthalic acid,
Resonance (NMR), the product after aminolysis reaction was which do not possess any potential for further chemical
dissolved in solvent DMSO. Trimethyl Silane (TMS) was reactions.
used as an internal standard and the spectrograph was re- According to Popoola [16], the basicity of an amine relative
corded on JEOL, FT-NMR (60 MHz). Differential Scanning to water as well as its steric hindrance due to size decides the
Calorimetry (DSC) was performed with DSC 2100 (TA in- rate of degradation of PET. During aminolysis of PET with
struments, USA), using 100e240  C scanning window under methylamine, the methyl terephthalamide is obtained, which
nitrogen atmosphere. Infrared spectrum was recorded using is not enough reactive for its recycling into any useful product
KBr disc technique on PerkineElmer IR spectrophotometer through further reactions.
(Buck Scientific, Model 500). The present work attempts aminolysis as a route to depoly-
merisation of PET using ethanolamine in the presence of dif-
ferent catalysts, which are essentially simple chemicals. The
3. Results and discussion reaction has been shown to yield bis(2-hydroxy ethylene)ter-
ephthalamide (BHETA).
As the PET polymer consumption is very high, the waste gen- In this reaction, ethanolamine has two nucleophilic centres.
eration is also large due to its nonbiodegradability. PET as such Nitrogen is more electronegative than oxygen. The amine
does not create a direct hazard to the environment, but its high group of ethanolamine attacks on the ester linkage of PET.
inertness to the atmospheric and biological agents is the cause The catalysts used are glacial acetic acid, sodium acetate
of environmental problems. Recycling is feasible when the pro- and potassium sulphate, which form complexes with the car-
cess and the product of recycling are ecofriendly and cost effec- bonyl group [17,18] and increase its polarity. Amino group
tive. In chemical recycling, PET is depolymerised with various of ethanolamine attacks PET and BHETA is obtained as shown
solvents to get different products such as terephthalic acid, their in Fig. 1.
ester and bis(2-hydroxy ethylene)terephthalate [6]. The tereph- Table 1 gives the results of the optimisation of concentra-
thalic acid as well as its ester is conventionally used during tion of different catalysts during depolymerisation of PET
repolymerisation. Bis(2-hydroxy ethylene)terephthalate shows wastes to obtain BHETA. For all the catalysts used namely,
the potential for further chemical reactions, which has been acetic acid, sodium acetate and potassium sulphate the
explored at our laboratory and a few useful textile wet process- maximum yield of BHETA was achieved at 1% (w/w)
ing related chemicals have been synthesised. These findings concentration.
form part of further communication. Similarly, Table 2 indicates that 8 h reaction was optimum
to produce the maximum amount of BHETA. Beyond 8 h and
1% (w/w) catalyst concentration the yield decreased, probably
Table 1
Effect of different catalysts on yield of BHETA
due to further degradation of the amide formed.
Catalyst Yield % in the presence of
Acetic acid Sodium acetate Potassium sulphate Table 3
Fibre Bottle Fibre Bottle Fibre Bottle Elemental analysis of BHETA (formula, C12H16N2O4; molecular weight, 252;
waste waste waste waste waste waste melting point, 227  C)

0.3 41 40.7 48.0 58.8 40.5 44.05 Elemental Calculated Observed

0.5 61.5 52.7 77.0 63.5 61.8 59.0 analysis (%)
0.7 65.0 61.2 89.5 78.2 72.6 64.0 C 57.14 57.10
1.0 76.4 68.2 91.1 83.2 87.2 74.05 H 6.34 6.25
1.5 68.2 60.3 65.0 71.02 55.0 68.02 N 11.11 11.05
S.R. Shukla, A.M. Harad / Polymer Degradation and Stability 91 (2006) 1850e1854 1853

Fig. 2. IR spectrum of bis(2-hydroxy ethylene)terephthalamide.

Ethanolamine used for the aminolysis of PET was in excess waste. For the fibre grade PET, the molecular weight is lower
(PET:ethanolamineT1:6) to that required by the stoichiometric and the molecular weight distribution is narrower than that for
proportion for the reaction. the bottle grade PET in order to attain higher viscosity for the
It may be observed from the data obtained that by using any latter, necessary for the blow-molding process. This is
catalyst under optimised conditions, the yield of BHETA was achieved through modification using certain co-monomers
higher for PET fibre waste than for the bottle waste. Thus, and chain terminating agents [19e21].
the maximum yields of BHETA under optimised conditions The purified BHETA was characterised by elemental anal-
were 91.1% from PET fibrous waste and 83.2% from bottle ysis, and melting point. These results are given in Table 3,
waste. In the absence of any catalyst, the yield was only 52%. which confirm that the product of PET depolymerisation is
Similar were the results of depolymerisation of PET through BHETA. This was further confirmed through instrumental
glycolysis to obtain bis(2-hydroxy ethylene)terephthalate [6]. characterisation.
This difference in the yields was attributed to the molecular The IR spectrograph of the purified compound has been
weight and its distribution in PET fibrous waste and the bottle shown in Fig. 2. It may be clearly seen that the spectrograph

Fig. 3. NMR spectrum of bis(2-hydroxy ethylene)terephthalamide.

1854 S.R. Shukla, A.M. Harad / Polymer Degradation and Stability 91 (2006) 1850e1854

Fig. 4. DSC spectrum of bis(2-hydroxy ethylene)terephthalamide.

contains peaks at 1053 and 3289 cm1 indicating the presence has the potential of recycling it into useful products through
of primary alcohol. The peaks for secondary amide stretching various chemical reactions, which is being explored.
are observed at 1314, 1553 and 3368 cm1.
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