Enclosed Space

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CHL Progressor. List of Enclosed Spaces. ‘WBT F.Peak(Upper&Lower) | HFO Sett.Tank WET 1(Port&stb) Tunnel ‘WBT Aft Peak Tank(St.Gear R.) | HFO Serv.Tank W8T 2(Port&stb) Tunnel ‘WT 1(Port side in garage 1) | D.0 Serv.Tank W8T 3(Port&Stb) Tunnel WAT i(stb.side on main deck) | Bilge Tank WAT 4{Port&Stb) Tunnel | WT 2(Port side on main deck) | Bilge Sett.Tank 'WBT 2(Stb side in garage 2) WBT(Port&Stb)No.1,2,3, 'WBT 3(Port side on main deck) | Fresh Water Tank(Portable) | HFO Tank 1(Port&Stb)Vo.Sp2,3 ‘WT 3(Stb side in Ref.Hopper) | Lub.Oil Storage Tank HFO Tank 3(Port side) Vo.Sp.4 ‘WET 4(Port side main deck) | Cylinder Oil Storage Tank HFO Tank 3(Stb side) Vo.Sp.3 ‘WBT 4{Port side in Load.Hopp.) | Gen.Eng.L.O Storage Tank ‘WET 4(Stb side in Ref.Hopper) | Gen.Eng.L.0 Settling Tank HFO Tank 2(Port&stb) ‘WT 4{Stb side in DD area) _| Purified LO Tank HFO Tank 3(Port&stb) Chain Locker(Port&.Stb) Evaporation Tank Crane Pedestal(Crane 1,2,3) | F.0 Sludge Tank LO Sump Tank M/E Cofferdam Tank LO Residue Tank Stuff Box Tank F.0 Drain Tank LO Drain Tank LO Sludge Tank ‘Main Air Bottle Tank(X2) Factory Air Bottle Tank HFO And DO Overflow Tank 07/035 2015 Paris Tokyo MoU — ove. No oor 07.88 CIC: Crew Familiarization and Gearbulk Entry of Enclosed Spaces“ ™ ists fas dn ae =a sob) aay 3/6/2015 Concerns all vessels Senior officers must include this circular in thier handover note until 30 November Please note that this campaign have been announced by Paris And Tokyo MOU but other MOUs are likely to follow. The Campaign will start 1st of September. All Vessels to carefully study the procedures and regulations regaring Enclosed Space Entery and GAs monitoring. All vessels shall initiate Safety campaign 0401.13.68 "13/068 Safety Campaign Enclosed Space entry”. Due Date for completion 31st July. ALL vessels must Make a List of enclosed spaces in accordance with resolution A 1050 (27) All these spaces must be suitable marked and secured from entry. List to be Sent to SEQM and Superintendent due date is 31st of july. All Vessels must have completed at least 2 Drills between 1st June to 31 August , All newly signed on personal must complete drill before first enclosed entry. The drills should be fully documented and in accordance with Solas regulations. All Vessels must check gas measuring equipment and how to use the equipment including how use and maintenance is logged. -Remove all equipment that is disused. Caution: These drills have an element of Danger and this must be mitigated by Risk Assessment and proper briefings. 2015 Paris MoU CIC: Crew Familiarization and Entry of Enclosed Spaces Concentrated Inspection Campaigns (CICs) have been held in the Paris MoU region over the past years. These campaigns focus on a particular area of compliance with international regulations with the aim of gathering information and enforcing the level of compliance. Each = a 07/035 2015 Paris Tokyo MoU ove. No 0401 07.88 CIC: Crew Familiarization and Gearbulk Entry of Enclosed Spaces“ (4 Crealars Records ad ivomaton Rev. Date 01- Sip Crna 07 spect As ees ‘campaign is prepared by experts and identifies a number of specific items for inspection. Experience shows that they serve to draw attention to the chosen area of compliance. Concentrated Inspection Campaigns focus on specific areas where high levels of deficiencies have been encountered by PSCOs, or where new convention requirements have recently entered into force. This is the case of the 2015 Paris MoU CIC focusing on Crew Familiarization and Entry of Enclosed Spaces. This campaign will be carried out jointly with the Tokyo MoU and other MoUs may join as well. According to the resolution \iSC.350 (92), in relation to the CIC on Crew Familiarization and Entry of Enclosed Spaces in 2015 this amendments shall enter into force on 1 January 2015. CHAPTER Ill LIFE-SAVING APPLIANCES AND ARRANGEMENTS Part B Requirements for ships and life-saving appliances Regulation 19 “ Emergency training and drills The existing text of paragraphs 2.2 and 2.3 is replaced with the following: After existing paragraph 3.2, a new paragraph 3.3 is inserted as follows: "3.3 Crew members with enclosed space entry or rescue responsibilities shall participate in an enclosed space entry and rescue drill to be held on board the ship at least once every two months.” After the renumbered section 3.5, the following new section is added: 3.6 Enclosed space entry and rescue drills 3.6.1 Enclosed space entry and rescue drills should be planned and conducted in a safe manner, taking into account, as appropriate, the guidance provided in the recommendations developed by the Organization’. Each enclosed space entry and rescue drill shall include: A checking and use of personal protective equipment required for entry; .2 checking and use of communication equipment and procedures; .3 checking and use of instruments for measuring the atmosphere in enclosed spaces; .4 checking and use of rescue equipment and procedures; and 5 instructions in first aid and resuscitation techniques." la iahetieechienininnie 07/035 2015 Paris ‘Tokyo MOU — ox. No 0401.07.88 CIC: Crew Familiarization and Gearbulk Entry of Enclosed Spaces Cat Raced oman ae ce ee The following new subparagraph is added: "5 risks associated with enclosed spaces and onboard procedures for safe entry into such spaces which should take into account, as appropriate, the guidance provided in recommendations developed by the Organization’. The recommendations developed by the IMO are the Revised Recommendations for Entering Enclosed Spaces aboard Ships (Resolution A.1050 (27)). GISS Procedures 0307.22 Enclosed space entry and Work Non tank 0307.27 Enclosed Space Entry and work 0313.09.1.15 Pump room & cargo hold/tank entry 0307.03. 06 Checklist Enclosed spaces 07/035 2015 Paris ‘Tokyo Black —o.. No oaor 07.89 Sea /Indian Ocean MoU CIC: Gearbulk CHECKLIST and additional Guidance" 04- Crna Ret nme es ecusoamnase po.0) ume bhan ed choy 7/8/2015 Concerns all vessels ALL vessels are to complete the attached checklist from DNVGL and send to SEQM and copy to superintendent with any comments if negative response to any of the questions by 31/8. Guidance to questioner Q1 Are there measures in place to test the atmosphere of an enclosed space to confirm it is safe to enter? Tanks shalll be tested before entry and at regular intervals and after work breaks , all applicable gases shall be recorded . Q2 Are crew members responsible for testing the atmosphere in enclosed spaces trained in the use of the equipment referred to in Question 17 ‘All crewmembers that are assigned to use the equipment for gas measuring must be fully familiar with the use a, Logs of training and use of instruments must be maintained on board, Ensure that everyone have completed Seagull module 127 in accordance with the training matrix. Please discuss the dangers different cargoes poses and under what conditions Lack of oxygen can be encountered. Also discuss where you can encounter elevated levels of carbon monoxide , H2S and flammable gases. Q3* Are the crew members familiar with the arrangements of the ship, as well as the location and operation of any on-board safety systems or appliances that they may be called upon to use for enclosed space entry? Ensure that everyone is familiar with locations ad use of BA sets /Stretchers block and tackles and Oxygen and resection equipment . Also discuss commination both internally and who to contact externally . (shall be included in risk assessments) Q4* Are crew members responsible for enclosed space emergency duties, familiar with those duties? ‘All Crew members must be able to tell the inspector what to do in case of emergency including alerting procedures , donning of equipment and use of rescue equipment. QS Is the training manual available on board and its contents complete and customized to the ship? i 07/035 2015 Paris ‘Tokyo Black oe oaror8 Sea /Indian Ocean MoUCIC: Gearbulk CHECKLIST and additional Guidance” Ne 00 (4- Croare Recor a information Rev. Date ister! Lar oan Ai o Ss oer. By onan Ani Kogborg Ensure that the SOLAS training and fire manuals are available and updated to reflect the equipment that is carried on-board , Evidence of revision should be available by sign and date of the responsible officer. Insert the list of Enclosed spaces and list of equipment to use for both entry and rescue in the manual. Q6" s there evidence on board that enclosed space entry and rescue drillsare conducted in accordance with SOLAS Chapter III, Regulation 19? Please carefully study the regulation on how to complete the drill, ensure that the dril is completed and recorded as per the regulation and that an adequate risk assessment has been made for each drill. 3.6.2 Each enclosed space entry and rescue drill shail include: checking and use of personal protective equipment required for entry; checking and use of communication equipment and procedures; checking and use of instruments for measuring the atmosphere in enclosed spaces; checking and use of rescue equipment and procedures; and instructions in first aid and resuscitation techniques. wavs Q7 Have the ship's crew participated in an enclosed space entry and rescue drill on board the ship at least once every two months in accordance with SOLAS Chapter Ill, Regulation 19.3.3? All vessel must have completed Enclosed space and entry drills bi- monthly in addition drills shall be carried out when more than 25% of the crew have been changed or before Actual Enclosed space entry if crewmembers participating in the operation is newly signed on . Q.8* Are crew members responsible for enclosed space entry aware of the associated risks? Please ensure that this subject is carefully discussed with all personnel . Q9 * During the CIC, the PSCO is to observe an enclosed space entry andrescue drill. Did the drill comply with the requirements of SOLAS Chapter II, Regulation 19.3.6? Once again ensure that drill is carried out in accordance with the regulation , ensure to show the officer a Risk assessment for the drill ( make sure that you have a generic assessment prepared and amend it to reflect the actual space for the drill and personnel involved. Q10 Is the ship detained as a result of a "NO" answer to any of the questions? Note 1 For PMoU, questions 1 & 2 are for information purposes only Note 2 For TMoU all questions apply Note 3 Each question should be answered and only one box ticked for that question. Note 4 Questions with an asterisk indicate Code 30 (detention ) may be issued Ta 07/035 2015 Paris [Tokyo Black owe ouorse Sea /Indian Ocean MoUCIC: Gearbulk CHECKLIST and additional Guidance (04 Creare Records a inoraton Rev, Date 01 Sip Cele OF pectons Acs ‘pe. By Lars Jonan Ari Klingons Lack of understanding and incompliance with the procedures might result in detention so these drills are top priority for all vessels. But more importantly lack of compliance and understanding of these procedures will lead to fatalities! Act safe, stay safe, your responsibility ! 27 July 2015 LAUNCH OF JOINT CONCENTRATED INSPECTION CAMPAIGN ON CREW FAMILIARIZATION FOR ENCLOSED SPACE ENTRY The Maritime Authorities of the Tokyo and the Paris Memoranda of Understanding (MoU) on Port State Control will launch a joint Concentrated Inspection Campaign (CIC) on Crew Familiarization for Enclosed Space Entry. The aim of the CIC is to ensure effective procedures and measures are in place to safeguard seafarers on board ships when entering and working in enclosed spaces and to check compliance with the applicable requirements of the SOLAS Convention. This inspection campaign will be held for three months, commencing from 1 ‘September 2015 and ending 30 November 2015. The ship’s procedures and measures that are in place with respect to enclosed spaces will be checked in detail for compliance with the requirements of SOLAS during a regular Port State Control inspection, conducted under the new inspection regime (NIR) within the Tokyo and Paris MoU regions. Port State Control Officers (PSCOs) will use a list of 10 selected questions to establish that crew members with enclosed space duties are familiar with relevant equipment and have received training to carry out their duties and identify and understand the hazards associated with entry into enclosed spaces. Additionally there are questions aimed at gathering information about the existence of measures in place to test the atmosphere of an enclosed space to confirm it is safe to enter and remains safe whilst persons are within the space. If deficiencies are found, actions by the port State may vary from recording a deficiency and instructing the master to rectify it within a certain period of time to detaining the ship until serious deficiencies have been rectified. In the case of detention, publication in the monthly detention lists of the Tokyo and Paris MoU web sites will take place. It is expected that the Tokyo and Paris MoUs will carry out approximately 10,000 inspections during the CIC. The results of the campaign will be analyzed and findings will be presented to the governing bodies of the MoUs for submission to the IMO. ntact Paris MOU Tokyo MOU Mr. Richard W.J. Schiferi Secretary General Paris MoU ‘on Port State Control PO Box 16191 2500 BD The Hague The Netherlands Tel: +31 (0)70 456 1509 Fax: +31 (0)70 456 1599 E-mail: Richard.Schiferii risMmOu.or Web-site: www.parismou.org Mr. Mitsutoyo Okada Secretary, Tokyo MOU Secretariat Ascend Shimbashi 8F 6-19-19, Shimbashi, Minato-ku, Tokyo Japan 105-0004 Tel: +81-3-3433 0621 Fax: +81-3-3433 0624 E-mail: secretariat@tokyo-mou.org Web-site: www.tokyo-mou.org Paris MOU Tokyo MOU Regional Port State Control was initiated in 1982 when fourteen European countries agreed to coordinate their port State inspection effort under a voluntary agreement known as the Paris Memorandum of Understanding on Port State Control (Paris MOU). Currently 27 countries are member of the Paris MOU. The European Commission, although not a signatory to the Paris MOU, is also a member of the Committ ‘The Paris MoU is supported by a central database THETIS hosted and operated by the European Maritime Safety Agency in Lisbon. Inspection results are available for search and daily updating by MoU Members. Inspection results can be consulted on the Paris MoU public website and are published on the Equasis, public website. ‘The Secretariat of the MoU is provided by the. Netherlands Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment and located in The Hague. The Memorandum of Understanding on Port ‘State Control in the Asia-Pacific Region, known ‘as the Tokyo MOU, was signed among eighteen. maritime Authorities in the region on 1 December 1993 and came into operation on 1 April 1994. Currently, the Memorandum has 19 full members, namely: Australia, Canada, Chile, China, Fij, Hong Kong (China), Indonesia, Japan, Republic of Korea, Malaysia, the Marshall Islands, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, the Philippines, the Russian Federation, Singapore, Thailand, Vanuatu and Vietnam. The Secretariat of the Memorandum is located in Tokyo, Japan. The PSC database system, the Asia-Pacific Computerized Information System {APCIS), was established. The APCIS center is located in Moscow, under the auspices of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation Port State Control is a check on visiting foreign ships to verify their compliance with international rules on safety, pollution prevention and seafarers living and working conditions. It is a means of enforcing compliance in cases where the owner implement or ensure compliance. The port State ‘and flag State have failed in their responsibility to ‘can require defects to be put right, and detain the ship for this purpose if necessary. It is therefore also a port State's defence against visiting substandard shipping. Enclosed Space Entry And Work Gearbulk =" 03- Procedres Rev. Date Doe.No—oo0r27 OF Soe Working Pracsoos Asoc 8y Sta Seve Purpose This procedure is established to secure the safety of personnel during entries into enclosed ‘spaces. KEYWORD _ [ACTIVITY DOCUMENT [General ___|Any tank or other space that has been isolated from the Isurroundings for a period of time should be regarded as dangerous. Lack of oxygen should always be suspected in all enclosed spaces, particulary if they have contained water, have been subjected to damp or humid conditions, have contained inert gas or are adjacent to, or connected with, other inerted tanks. [Such spaces shall not be entered except upon permit given by the Master. IResponsible officers onboard tankers, should be familiar with the procedures described in ISGOTT regarding Enclosed [Space Entry, and code of Safe Practise for Solid Bulk Cargoes |(8C code) as applicable... Responsibility IChief Officer is responsible for measuring the atmosphere in lenclosed spaces and completion of the Check List. IThe Master shall approve the Permit for Entry and Work in lenclosed spaces. General Procedure 7. In order to evaluate the safely risk related to entry and work in enclosed spaces, a Safe Job Analysis (SJA) shall be performed. 2. Asigned and approved SJA shall serve as a basis for the issuance of enclosed space entry permit 3. A separate Work Permit shall be issued for Cold/ Hot Work. ‘SUA (Guidance for Evaluation BALLAST [TANKS IMain safety risk in ballast tanks is low Oxygen content, lparticutarly if the tanks have not been used for some time and/ lor if tanks are heavily corroded. |Generally, no one shall enter a ballast tank before the latmosphere has been checked for Oxygen content. For safe entry and work (hot and cold): The Oxygen content |shall be about 21% for entrance without Breathing Apparatus. If there is reason to believe that oil or other toxic substances lhave contaminated ballast water, additional checking must be carried out. During work in ballast tanks, CO and toxic gases may lcontaminate the atmosphere and Oxygen may be reduced due Ito insufficient ventilation. This must be taken into consideration lwhen issuing Work Permit (Duration of Work Permit) Enclosed Entry Permit [KEYWORD ACTIVITY DOCUMENT DocNo —oxor.ar Enclosed Space Entry And Work Gearbulk = |Guidance for lEvaluation CARGO! FUEL TANKS, (03- Procedues Rev. Date 07 Sate Working Pracos Aove.8y _Séa Soave |With respect to Oxygen content, same guidelines as for Ballast 'Tanks applies. For entrance and work additional safety risks will be Hydrocarbon Gases and possible other toxic substances in |Cargo/ Fuel Oil For safe entry and work (hot and cold) a reading of no more ithan 1% LEL must be obtained on a combustible gas indicator. [The risk of other toxic gases should be evaluated based on the specification of the Cargo/ Fuel oils which have been carried in the tank in question. Gases from chemicals and paint used must be considered and risk evaluated. Sufficient equipment lfor adequate measuring of suspected toxic gases must be jonboard. |Guidance for \Certain bulk cargoes are liable to oxidation, which in turn may Evaluation result in Oxygen reduction, emission of toxic fumes and self- ICARGO _ heating. Others may not oxidise, but may emit toxic fumes HOLDS/ [particularly when wet. TANKS IMany other commodities frequently carried in bulk are liable to Jcause Oxygen depletion in cargo space or tank; these include, |Grains, Ferrous metals, Metal Sulfides Concentrates and Coal ICargoes. In addition some may emit explosive gases, like Imethane, etc. [Marking of _ |The following sign shall be permanently marked on all access | Warning hold access points to enclosed spaces: Signs hatches and ldoors DANGER LACK OF OXYGEN, Enclosed Do not enter without permit Entry Permit |The warning sign shall be welded & painted on the hatch. [The Entry Permit shall be displayed by the access when the latmosphere has been found safe for entry, The validity of the lentry shall always be stated on the sign. (Oxygen content shall be about 21 % Hydrocarbon gas content shall be maximum 1% of LEL |For more detailed information ref. "Code of Safe Practice for [Solid Bulk Cargoes’ (BC Code) or ISGOTT as appropriate, KEYWORD _|ACTIVITY DOCUMENT |Guidance For |Instruments used for measuring must be properly calibrated in Measuring accordance with manufacturer instructions. ‘Atmosphere |OXYGEN MEASURING: In Enclosed |When tanks/ compartments shall be entered from top, the ‘Spaces measurements shall be carried out through hose down to the Ooe.No 030727 Enclosed Space Entry And Work Gearbulk = = 03 Proceoures Rev. Cate 07 Ste Working Practos Ao 8y Sip Save bottom, and measured at 3 levels, and result entered into the lform. If there is reason to believe that ventilation is not effective, Ithe enclosed space to be evacuated, and all work to be stopped. When the ventilation has been restored/effectiveness improved, new measurements must be taken, at various positions in the tank. Ifa job is scheduled / expected to take more than one working lday, a new entry procedure and issuance of entry permit to be ldone every subsequent day. New measurements shall be taken after breaks. (coffee and Imeal breaks) HYDROCARBON GAS MEASURING: [Before entry, measuring of hydrocarbon gas shall be taken Irom around the tank and also close to the worksite. For other tanks/ compartments, measurements for Hydrocarbon gases shall be carried out if there is a risk that hydrocarbon gas may be present. TOXIC GASES MEASURING: If there is suspicion of other toxic gases, breathing apparatus [shall be used or proper measuring instruments obtained. Safety [Equipment [The following equipment shall be stationed immediately loutside Ithe space and ready for immediate use: 4. One self contained breathing apparatus 2. One resuscitation equipment 3. One emergency breathing apparatus 4. One rescue harness complete with lifeline 5. At least one safety torch (ex proof), fully charged Personal measuring instrument, measuring 02, HC, H2S land CO shall be carried by one of the personnel entering an lenclosed space even when an entry permit is issued. Enclosed entry permit [KEYWORD [ACTIVITY [DOCUMENT [Control of lenclosed lspace entries [One signal man to be present at the point of entry at any time. [The OOW to be informed by the signal man about all personnel lentering and leaving the enclosed space. A record of personnel Enclosed entry permit List of personnel Deco oor27 Enclosed Space Entry And Work Gearbulk ae 03- Procedures Fev. Date 07 - Sate Working Praces Pope By Sto Soave lentering and leaving the enclosed space shall be kept by the | entering loow & leaving [This list to be filed together with the entry permit after Icompletion lof the work. In addition to the signal man, at least one person entering an lenclosed space shall carry a radio Multiple entry [One entry permit to be issued for each enclosed space lpermit intended to be entered. It is not allowed to enter more than one space pr permit Filing of [Enclosed space entry form shall be filed together with all Entry Permit relevant |documentation for the actual job. (Ie SJA and List of personell lentering / leaving ) References _ |These instructions are based upon content of "Intemational ISGOTT ‘Safety Guidelines for Oil Tankers and Terminals", ISGOTT - Sth Ed - 2006 Chapter 10, and the BC Code Enclosed Space entry oe No Gearbulk and Work - Non Tank Rev. No. 3- Procedures Rev, Date (7 Sae Working Practons ‘ey 307.22 1 Purpose This procedure is established to secure the safety of personnel during entries into enclosed spaces. Procedures: Key Aetivity Document [General JAny tank, cargo hold and adjacent spaces or lany other spaces that has been isolated from the Isurroundings for a period of time should be regarded las a dangerous area. IThis could be for various reasons such as but not limited to lack of oxygen, carbon monoxide lemission, remnants of fumigation gasses ( even after \ventilation ), Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) etc. |Such spaces shall not be entered except upon permit lgiven by the Master. [All officers onboard GB vessels, should be familiar lwith the procedures regarding Enclosed Space Entry, land code of Safe Practise for Solid Bulk Cargoes (BC lcode) as applicable. = enclosed space enty pdt [Responsibility (Chief Officer is responsible for measuring the latmosphere in enclosed spaces and completion of the ICheck List. IThe Master shall approve the Permit for Entry and |Work in enclosed spaces. General lprocedure In order to evaluate the safety risk related to entry land work in enclosed spaces, a Safe Job Analysis |(SJA) shall be performed. 2. A signed and approved SJA shall serve as a basis, lior the issuance of enclosed space entry permit I3. A separate Work Permit shall be issued for Cold/ Hot Work. ISJA [Guidance Ballast Tanks INo one shall enter a ballast tank before the latmosphere has been checked for Oxygen content. For safe entry and work: The Oxygen content shall be about 21% for entrance without Breathing |Apparatus. If there is reason to believe that oil or other toxic |substances have contaminated ballast water, ladditional checking must be carried out. During work in ballast tanks, CO and toxic gases may contaminate the atmosphere and Oxygen may be reduced due to insufficient ventilation. This must be [Enclosed entry permit i Enclosed Space entry oe No onorza and Work - Non Tank Rev.No Ot Gearbulk 03 - Procedures, Rev. Date or-susnag ein ee ltaken into consideration when issuing Work Permit (Duration of Work Permit) (Guidance INo one shall enter a bunkers tank before the lEnclosed entry Bunker Tanks atmosphere has been checked for Oxygen content. [permit For safe entry and work: The Oxygen content shall lbe about 21% for entrance without Breathing |Apparatus. For entrance and work additional safety risks will be Hydrocarbon Gases and possible other toxic Isubstances in Bunkers Oil, such as Hydrogen Sulfide (2s). For safe entry and work (hot and cold) a reading lof no more than 1% LEL must be obtained on a combustible gas indicator. [Sufficient equipment for adequate measuring of lsuspected toxic gases must be onboard. [Guidance No one shalll enter a cargo hold or adjacent spaces _—_Enclosed entry [Cargo Holds —_|which have been closed for some time before the permit latmosphere has been checked for Oxygen content. IFor safe entry and work: The Oxygen content shall [Emission of Toxic lbe about 21% for entrance without Breathing |Gases from Cargo lApparatus., |- GB Vessels If there is reason to believe that there could be ltoxic gases present due to but not limited to carbon —_ [Fumigation of monoxide emission from forest products or remnants |Cargoes - GB lof fumigation gases additional checking of the Vessels latmosphere must be done. [Sufficient equipment for adequate measuring of Dangerous lsuspected toxic gases must be onboard. |goods certificate - |Gearbulk [Marking of hold |The following sign shall be marked on all access points] Warning Signs laccess hatches |to enclosed spaces including cargo holds that have land doors lbeen closed for some time and cargo holds where one | _ Enclosed lsuspect presence toxic gases: Entry Permit DANGER LACK OF OXYGEN, [Do not enter without permit |The warning sign shall for ballast and bunkers ltanks be welded & painted clearly visible next to the jentrance. |For cargo holds be placed clearly visible next to the lentrance if hold has been closed for some time or one lsuspect lack of oxygen or toxic gases. ie Enclosed Space entry ne No Gea rbulk and Work - Non Tank Rev. No 3- Procedures Fev. Date 07 - Soe Working Practons owe By [The Entry Permit shall be displayed by the access when the atmosphere has been found safe for entry IThe validity of the entry shall always be stated on the sign. loxygen content shall be about 21 % LEL |For more detailed information ref. “Code of Safe Practice for Solid Bulk Cargoes” (BC Code). Hydrocarbon gas content shall be maximum 1% of 07 22 o [Guidance For Measuring |Atmosphere lin Enclosed ISpaces instruments used for measuring must be properly calibrated in accordance with manufacturer instructions. lOXYGEN MEASURING: lWhen tanks/ compartments shall be entered from top, Ithe measurements shall be carried out through hose ldown to the bottom, and measured at 3 levels, and result entered into the form. If there is reason to believe that ventilation is not leffective, Ithe enclosed space to be evacuated, and all work to lbe stopped. When the ventilation has been restored, new measurements must be taken at various positions in Ithe tank. If ajob is scheduled / expected to take more than one lworking day, a new entry procedure and issuance of lentry permit to be done every subsequent day. HYDROCARBON GAS MEASURING: [Before entry, measuring of hydrocarbon gas shall Ibe taken from around the tank and also close to the lworksite. IFor other tanks/ compartments, measurements for Hydrocarbon gases shall be carried out if there is a risk that hydrocarbon gas may be present. lTOXIC GASES MEASURING: If there is suspicion of other toxic gases, breathing lapparatus shall be used or proper measuring instruments obtained. Emission of Toxic |Gases from Cargo GB Vessels [Fumigation of ICargoes - GB Vessels Dangerous \goods certificate - IGearbulk Safety Equipment IThe following equipment shall be readily available and ready for immediate use: lEnclosed entry permit SS aT Is Enclosed Space entry Doo cnorze and Work - Non Tank Rev.No ot Gearbulk 03 - Procedures: Rev. Date or-sunog reo ae 11. One self contained breathing apparatus l2. One resuscitation equipment 13. One emergency breathing apparatus 14. One rescue hamess complete with lifeline I5. At least one safety torch (ex proof), fully charged Personal measuring instrument, measuring 02, HC, H2S and CO shall be carried by one of the personnel lentering an enclosed space even when an entry permit lis issued. Control of [One signal man to be present at the point of entry at Enclosed lenclosed lany time. entry permit Ispace entries |The OOW to be informed by the signal man about all personnel entering and leaving the enclosed space. A | List of personnel record of personnel entering and leaving the enclosed | entering & leaving Ispace shall be kept by the OOW. This list to be filed ltogether with the entry permit after completion of the lwork. In addition to the signal man, at least one person lentering an lenclosed space shall carry a radio [Multiple entry [One entry permit to be issued for each enclosed space lpermit intended to be entered. It is not allowed to enter more Ithan one space pr permit. Filing of [Enclosed space entry form shall be filed together with lEntry Permit __|all relevant documentation for the actual job. (.e SJA land List of personnel entering / leaving ) Work Permit - Deck and Cranes - GB1.doc el MSC/Cire.744 ANNEX Page 12 PSCO Questionnaire PSCOs will verify that the crew is familiar with enclosed space entry and ensure that effective procedures and measures are in place for the safety of the seafarers onboard. Ql. Are there measures in place to test the atmosphere of an enclosed space to confirm it is safe to enter? SOLAS Ch.III, Reg. ‘a. Atmospheric testing equipment is suitable in measuring and determining the acceptable levels of oxygen and flammable or toxic gases Oo b. Atmospheric testing equipment is in good order, properly calibrated and evidence kept on board. c. Atmospheric testing equipment is serviced in accordance with the LI manufacturer's instructions. 4d. If testing equipment not provided on board, ensure that other suitable procedures are in place in the SMS among the key shipboard operations. [L] 22. Are crew members responsible for testing the atmosphere In enclosed spaces trained in the use of the equipment referred to in Q.1? ‘a, Records of crew trained in the use of testing equipment to be readily available for inspection. b. Manufacturer's Instructions for the testing equipment are available onboard. c. Persons responsible shall have knowledge of the operation of the equipment and are aware of limitations in testing the equipment. 4d, Persons responsible are also familiar with hazards associated with the ship type or cargo. oO Q3*. Are the crew members familiar with the arrangements of the ship, as well as the location & operation of any onboard safety systems or appliances that they may be called upon to use for enclosed space entry? = SOLAS, Ch. II-2/ Reg. 15.2.2 PSCO Questionnaire PSCOs will verify that the crew is familiar with enclosed space entry and ensure that effective procedures and measures are in place for the safety of the seafarers onboard. a. Crew are aware of spaces identified as enclosed spaces for the purpose of entry as described in SMS. b. An enclosed space entry permit form includes all information as per the ‘Appendix to the IMO Res. A.1050(27). c. Permit form is implemented in the SMS and issued by Master or the nominated responsible person. 4. Permit form to be completed prior to entry by the personnel who enter the space. e. Crew familiar with the location and use of safety equipment that may be used for enclosed space entry and rescue (e.g. fire extinguishers, breathing apparatus, etc) [1 @: an intial risk assessment has been carried out to identify all enclosed spaces onboard, and is periodically revised to ensure its continued validity. f. The risk assessment form to be duly signed and be attaches to relevant permit. Q4*, Are crew members responsible for enclosed space emergency duties, familiar with those duties? SOLAS 2013, Amend. Ch.III/Reg. 19 a. Crew members are familiar with their assigned emergency duties as per ‘muster list and be able to demonstrate them. b. SOLAS does not specifically require enclosed space emergencies to be Identified on the muster list but, in the event of such emergency, duties should be clearly assigned. QS. Is the training manual available on board and its contents complete and customized to the ship? SOLAS 2006, Amend. Ch. III/Reg. 35 a DNV:GL PSCO Questionnaire PSCOs will verify that the crew is familiar with enclosed space entry and ensure that effective procedures and measures are in place for the safety of the seafarers onboard. a. Crew must have knowledge where the training manual is located. bb. The training manuals must be located in the crew mess and recreation rooms, or in each crew cabin. c. The training manual must be in the working language of the ship. Q6*. Is there evidence on board that enclosed space entry and rescue drils oe conducted in accordance with SOLAS Chapter III, Regulation 197 a. Drills to be conducted in accordance with relevant procedures and be documented as appropriate. bb. Checklists, permits and risk assessment forms to be attached in dril's report. c. See also Q9 oO (Q7. Have the ship's crew participated in an enclosed space entry and rescue Guil onboard the ship at least once every 2 months in accordance with = SOLAS Ch. III/ Regulation 19.3.3? Oo a. Drills should be carried out once every two months as @ minimum. b. Dates of enclosed space entry and rescue drills to be recorded in log book. 11 «When drs are not held at the appointed time, an entry shall be made In the log book stating the reason. PSCO Questionnaire PSCOs will verify that the crew is familiar with enclosed space entry and ensure that effective procedures and measures are in place for the safety of the seafarers onboard. oO Q8*. Are crew members responsible for enclosed space entry aware of the associated risks? Responsible crew members should know and be aware of a. the safe levels of oxygen, flammable or toxic vapours . unsafe atmosphere may occur in spaces adjacent to those spaces where 2 i hazard is known to be present . the limitations of any testing and need to continue monitoring the LI conditions for the duration of the entry. Q9*. During the CIC, the PSCO is to observe an enclosed space entry and rescue drill. Did the drill comply with the requirements of SOLAS Ch. III, Reg. 19.3.6? 1a. The drill should be conducted in a safe area on the ship and in a safe manner. b. The proposed drill scenario must be credible and realistic in relation to the ship c. The drill shall include: = checking and use of personal protective equipment required for entry; = checking and use of communication equipment and procedures; = checking and use of instruments for measuring the atmosphere in enclosed spaces; PSCO Questionnaire PSCOs will verify that the crew is familiar with enclosed space entry and ensure that effective procedures and measures are in place for the safety of the seafarers onboard. = checking and use of rescue equipment and procedures; - instructions in first aid and resuscitation techniques. Q10: Is the ship detained as a result of a "NO" answer to any of the questions? PSCO may detain the ship as a result of a "NO" answer to questions with an LI asterisk (3, 4, 6, 8 & 9). Approved by ..

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