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Community Edition (v.1.01) - p.

1.5 Community Edition Changelog (v.1.01)

The Community Edition (“C.E.”) of ​Kingdom Death​ 1.5 is a project created and designed
by community members of the ​Lantern’s Reign - Kingdom Death Discord​. If you have any
questions regarding the Community Edition, feel free to join the Discord Server and reach out to
the team for answers.

Our Purpose:
The purpose of the Community Edition is to rebalance existing elements in ​Kingdom
Death: Monster​ to allow players more options​ without​ undermining the game’s core design. The
C.E. team aims to work alongside the ​Kingdom Death​ community to create a stronger, more
enjoyable, gaming experience that incorporates smart fixes for artificial difficulty GOTCHAS
and other weaknesses within KD:M.​ ​All notable ​changes​ to ​Kingdom Death: Monster ​created
for the Community Edition project will be documented in this file.

The first release contains improvements on the basic ​Kingdom Death: Monster ​1.5 Core.
In this first release the team wanted to combat the dichotomy between worthwhile weapons and
proficiencies and those that needed something “more” to them. The game’s 1.5 update
introduced new issues alongside its improvements to the game’s gear and story—the strongest of
weapons and proficiencies limited survivor diversity. While KD:M 1.5 incorporated new efforts
to improve on the game, the community has found several of the balance changes to gear and
weapon proficiencies to be underwhelming or lacking in power, utility, or both. The Community
Edition team will continually work to improve upon this design.

The first release includes changes to:

- Weapon Proficiencies, Gear, Armor sets, Settlement Locations

We’re working on further releases at this time as well as “bug fixes” to existing C.E.
redesigns. These will be introduced at a later date to balance the game furthermore. The next
release will consist of:

- Settlement Events, Innovations, Story Events

Other ​Kingdom Death ​gameplay aspects, such as monster rewards and expansion content,
will also be considered as C.E. evolves.
Community Edition (v.1.01) - p. 2

The Community Edition Team

​ atreon







Spiraling Cadaver

Neo Mocha
Community Edition (v.1.01) - p. 3

Changes / Updates / Bug Fixes ​v.1.0 → v.1.01

- Dagger Specialization
- Updated text to clarify the intention of the mechanics:
- When you ​draw ​a trap, it triggers. When you ​reveal ​a trap,
you may place it back on top of the hit location deck in any
order, without triggering.

- Club Specialization
- Updated text to be consistent ​with other specializations.

- Club Mastery
- Updated card text​.

- Whip Mastery
- Updated card text (for clarity).

- Hollow Sword (Broken)

- Added the “Broken” keyword.
- Updated punctuation.

- Dragon Slayer
- Added missing blue up and red right affinity.

- Final Lantern
- Updated card text and graphics.

- Screaming Horns
- Updated card text. Discoveries made while playtesting the 1.5
Core version of this gear produced a repeatable exploit that
enabled survivors wearing the item to gain nearly unlimited
insanity while facing certain monsters. The card changes are meant
to curb potential broken gear interactions.

- Lion Headdress
- Removed the Accessory gear special ability. This change was
brought about in order to limit the potential armor combinations
that this gear could work with. The previous version was too strong
and required a slight nerf.
Community Edition (v.1.01) - p. 4

- God Mask
- Updated gear special ability text: “At the start of your act, if
insane​, gain 1 survival. You may perform a survival action one
additional time once per round.”

- Forsaker Mask
- Updated card text (for clarity).

- Boss Mehndi
- Gears costs changed in the Change Log to match the costs of the
Settlement Location.

- Phoenix Armor
- Updated card text (grammar changes).

- Skullcap Hammer
- Updated card text (for clarity).

- Dragon Slayer
- Card text updates (for consistency among ​Early Iron ​weapons).

- Dragon Slayer (Broken)

- Card text updates (for consistency among ​Early Iron ​weapons).

- Whistling Mace
- Updated card text (grammar changes).

- Feather Shield
- Updated card text (comma included).

- Thunder Maul
- Card design updates (for consistency).

- Muramasa
- Card design updates (for consistency).

- Lantern Halberd
- Card design updates (for consistency).
Community Edition (v.1.01) - p. 5

I. General Rules Changes

Community Edition (v.1.01) - p. 6

Duplicate Weapons:
● Omitted.

● Unchanged.

- The Paired ability has always suffered from being a circumstantial benefit to
survivors at best. Extra speed in Monster means running extra risk of hitting the
trap card. This provides little benefit when encountering monsters, especially
higher level monsters, on the hunt. While the Community Edition team
considered many options on how to address this, in the end it was decided to
leave it as is, and instead focus on giving Paired weapons extra power through
abilities when weapons with the keyword are dual wielded. This keeps with the
theme of high risk/high reward, while also opening up further avenues of design
space and providing players with a greater variety of potent weapon options
farther into the game.

● A gear special rule. When a survivor attempts to wound a Super-dense location
with a Frail weapon, it is Broken at the end of the attack.

● A gear state and special rule. When frail weapons are Broken, flip the gear card.
(If there’s no alternative side, the gear is unusable until it is repaired.)

- At the start of the settlement phase, update the settlement storage with the
broken gear’s name and highlight that it is Broken.
- During the develop step, you may repair broken gear by spending either an
endeavor or basic resource per each piece of gear.
- Broken gear cannot be nominated for anything during the settlement phase.
- Many broken weapons can still used on subsequent hunts. Others become
useless once they’ve been broken and players will be unable to use them until
they have been repaired.
- Some broken weapons change weapon type intentionally.
Community Edition (v.1.01) - p. 7

Early Iron:
● A special rule for gear. When rolling to wound with a weapon with Early Iron, any
rolls of “1” will end the attack and discard unresolved wounds.

- The Community Edition team improved the wording for the Early Iron special rule in
order to be less punishing to players.

“Perfect hit range”:

● “Perfect hit ​range”​ ​refers to the modifiers that reduce the number needed on a
rolled attack die to score a perfect hit. Perfect hits are perfectly placed attacks
that always hit a monster, even if the normal attack roll wouldn't be accurate
enough to hit. Any number within a survivor's ​Perfect hit​ range is treated as if a
Lantern 10 was rolled: you hit the monster and trigger perfect hit special gear
- Erza is equipped with Speed Powder which increases her Perfect Hit Range by
+1. Erza's ​Perfect hit ​range is 9+.
- Later she gains the Timeless Eye Fighting Art, which further increases her
Perfect Hit Range by +1. Erza's ​Perfect hit ​range​ ​would then be 8+.
Community Edition (v.1.01) - p. 8

II. Weapon Proficiencies

Community Edition (v.1.01) - p. 9

1. Dagger Proficiency
● Specialization
CE: Core

Change(s): - Updated card text: “When attacking with a dagger, after drawing hit
locations, reveal an additional one for each Perfect hit. Select hit
locations equal to the number of hits then place unresolved cards back
on top of the hit location deck in any order. In addition, if you’re
attacking with a dagger in the monster’s blind spot, gain an extra +1 to
your Perfect hit range.” (CE v.1.01)

Explanation: Dagger Proficiency has struggled to find its appropriate niche in the
Kingdom Death: Monster 1.5 Core. Daggers, which are generally high in speed
and low in strength, have been routinely outperformed by the stronger weapon
options that are available to survivors over the course of a campaign. The
Community Edition team redesigned Dagger Proficiency to make the most out
of weapons speed while allowing for daggers to be a viable choice of
armament when out hunting.
Dagger users now want to get to the monster’s blind spot and get as many
perfect hits in as they can in order to filter the hit location deck—reducing the
risk to both themselves and allies while on the attack. Furthermore, Perfect hits
now operate on a range—in a similar manner to critical hits. Gameplay
elements, like dagger specialization/mastery and the Timeless Eye fighting art,
Community Edition (v.1.01) - p. 10

are able to increase this range as well as stack bonuses (i.e. a lucky dagger
master with Timeless Eye would have a perfect hit on a 7+). Many daggers in
the game have also gained extra abilities that make use of the Perfect Hit
mechanic, the better to take advantage of the new proficiency.

Clarification (CE v.1.01) : When you draw a trap, it triggers. When you reveal a
trap, you may place it back on top of the hit location deck in any order without
triggering it.
Community Edition (v.1.01) - p. 11

● Mastery
CE: Core

Change(s): - “Dagger masters gain an extra +1 to their Perfect hit range when
attacking with daggers. In addition, they add +1d10 to each wound
attempt when attacking with daggers in the monster’s blind spot.”

Explanation: In the 1.5 Core of KD:M Dagger mastery did little to bolster the strengths of
the weapon-type in a meaningful way. While the original mastery allowed
survivors the choice to attempt to re-wound specific hit locations, this ability did
not make daggers more fundamentally viable or mechanically inspired
weapons to pursue a mastery for.
Dagger Proficiency in the Community Edition introduces limited monster
control effects and focuses on developing the niche the team saw for daggers
as weapons meant for attacking the monster’s blindspot. Adding 1d10 to
wound attempts will allow for survivors to bring daggers into mid- to end-game
monster hunting scenarios with confidence. Additionally, the +1d10 to wound
attempts added by dagger mastery is not the same as the “Sharp” weapon
keyword. The two will stack with one another.
Community Edition (v.1.01) - p. 12

2. Club Proficiency
● Specialization
CE: Core

Change(s): - “Gain +1 accuracy when attacking with clubs. After an attack in which
you have wounded with a club, reveal the top 2 AI cards and then place
them back on the top of the deck in any order. Limit once per attack.”

Explanation: The changes to Club Proficiency that were introduced with the KD:M 1.5
Core provided greater incentive for players to utilize clubs throughout a
campaign. However, the proficiency offered survivors little benefit should they
work toward mastering the blunt weapon type. Club Specialization in CE aims
to raise the utility and viability of clubs as a weapon type with AI Manipulation
reminiscent of the Rawhide Headband.
Community Edition (v.1.01) - p. 13

● Mastery
CE: Core

Change(s): - “Gain +1 accuracy (in addition to Club Specialization) when attacking

with clubs. When attacking with a club, on a Perfect hit double your
wound attempt total for each wound attempt during this attack.”

Explanation: CE Club Mastery utilizes the 1.5 Core specialization ability, while now also
doubling all wound attempts for the attack, in order to retain the strongest
aspects of the previous proficiency. This is an optional alternative to the 1.5
Core Mastery. The additional +1 to accuracy stacks with Club Specialization.
Community Edition (v.1.01) - p. 14

3. Whip Proficiency
● Specialization
CE: Core

Change(s): - “Gain +1 strength when attacking with a whip. When you wound with a
whip, instead of moving the top AI card into the wound stack, you may
move the top card of the discard pile. Limit once per attack.”

Explanation: In ​Monster​’s 1.5 Core, whips were an underutilized weapon and tool. The
Community Edition team redesigned Whip Specialization in order to mitigate
these weaknesses and bolster whips into a weapon type worth pursuing.
A survivor pursuing whip mastery will be feeling stronger sooner as whips
gain +1 strength when they gain specialization and the other +3 when they
become a master. This, combined with the slight upgrade in strength that most
whips have received, helps smooth out whip progression, and lets a survivor
compensate for their lower strength much earlier.
Community Edition (v.1.01) - p. 15

● Mastery
CE: Core

Change(s): - Updated card text: “Whip masters gain +3 strength (in addition to Whip
specialization) when attacking with a whip. Whenever a whip master
hits the monster with a whip, they gain the ​Priority Target​ token.” (CE

Explanation: Whip Mastery in the KD:M 1.5 Core offered players little reward as gaining
strength alone doesn’t provide much utility in particularly trying hunts. Thus, in
keeping with the theme of manipulating mood cards and provoking the
monster, CE Whip Mastery introduces a new ability which awards the priority
target token to a survivor whenever they hit a monster, making it a stronger
version of the Provoke ability. This far increases a survivors chance of catching
a monsters attention during the showdown phase and controlling the fight, and
opens new and interesting strategic avenues for players.
The 1:3 split of the original +5 strength bonus, coupled with buffs to gear,
was introduced to solve the weapon types weaknesses both in the mid- and
Community Edition (v.1.01) - p. 16

III. Weapons and Gear

Community Edition (v.1.01) - p. 17

1. Bone Smith
● Settlement Location

Change(s): - Gear cost change: Bone Axe (1x Bone, 1x Organ → 2x Bone)

Explanation: While a minor change, updating the gear cost for the Bone Axe was a
decision made to combat what was felt to be a prohibitive cost. Organs gained
in KD:M’s earliest Lantern Years are often some of the most important
resources for the development of an early player or group’s settlement.
Utilizing the organs a hunting party returns with to meet the specific
Community Edition (v.1.01) - p. 18

requirements for innovating and developing Organ Grinder gear is often the
first choice for both new and veteran players. While costing two bones is a
minor change from a bone and an organ, the C.E. team believe that this change
will allow for just a touch more early game variety as survivors begin their first
forays into the darkness.
Community Edition (v.1.01) - p. 19

● Gear
- Bone Axe

Change(s): - Updated weapon cost: 1x Bone, 1x Organ → 2x Bone

- Updated gear keyword: ​Frail
- Updated gear “state”: Bone Axe (​Broken​)
● Attack Profile: 2/6+/3 → 2/6+/1
● Gear special rule removed: ​Savage
● Removed red affinity

Explanation: With updates to both its costs and card, the Bone Axe is now susceptible to
becoming a “broken” version of itself. The decrease in attack strength and
omission of the Bone Axe’s gear special ability, a theme common among the
new “broken” weapons, were debuffs chosen to incentivize either repairing or
replacing the weapon as soon as possible.
Community Edition (v.1.01) - p. 20

- Bone Blade

Change(s): - Updated gear keyword: ​Frail

- Updated gear “state”: Bone Blade (​Broken​)
● Attack Profile: 2/6+/2​ →​ 2/7+/1
● While broken, the Bone Blade is considered a dagger.
● Removed red affinity

Explanation: All of the frail weapons in the KD:M 1.5 Core were updated to have
“broken” versions of themselves. This early-game sword, when broken,
becomes a weakened dagger.
Community Edition (v.1.01) - p. 21

- Bone Dagger

Change(s): - Updated gear special rule: ​Paired ​was​ ​added.

Explanation: The Bone Dagger remains largely unchanged in the Community Edition. As
an early-game weapon choice, the Bone Daggers now offer players a different
paired weapon option from the Lion Beast Katar. ​The daggers are still
relatively simplistic to use while receiving both indirect buffs and gear rule
Community Edition (v.1.01) - p. 22

- Bone Darts

Change(s): - Updated gear keyword: ​Frail

- Updated gear “state”: Bone Darts (​Broken​)
● Can not be used anymore
● Removed red affinity

Explanation: The Bone Darts changes are straightforward and need little explanation. A
broken dart stands little chance to wound a monster and, given their utility in
Monster​’s early-game as a ranged weapon option, they warrant a quick fix.
Community Edition (v.1.01) - p. 23

2. Skinnery
● Settlement Location

Change(s): - Updated weapon requirement(s): Rawhide Whip → Ammonia

requirement removed.

Explanation: The Community Edition changes to the Skinnery immediately allow players
access to a non-bone weapon—which makes up for unfortunate resource draws
that might have otherwise stopped settlement development.
Community Edition (v.1.01) - p. 24

● Gear
- Rawhide Whip

Change(s): - Updated crafting requirement(s): Ammonia is removed.

- Updated gear special rule: ​Reach 2​ was added.

Explanation: The Ammonia requirement was removed from the Rawhide Whip in order to
allow players a greater range of viable weapon choices in the early-game and
pursue different proficiencies. The Rawhide Whip also gains “Reach 2” for
thematic parity with the other whips available in the Core game.
Community Edition (v.1.01) - p. 25

3. Catarium
● Settlement Location

Change(s): - Updated weapon cost: White Lion Boots (1x White Fur, 1x Hide → 1x
White Fur, 1x Bone)
- Updated gear previews of affinities

Explanation: The decision to change the cost for the White Lion Boots was made in order
to update the cost requirements to be more in line with the design of the gear
itself—as the boots are made of both the White Lion’s fur and bones. The new
settlement location also showcases the updated affinities on the gear.
Community Edition (v.1.01) - p. 26

● White Lion Armor Set


Change(s): - Updated armor values: Survivors wearing the White Lion armor set gain
+2 armor to all hit locations (was +1 before).

Explanation: Rebalancing the 1.5 Core armor sets started with examining what made
certain sets more lackluster than others. The White Lion set lacked in utility,
affinity positioning, and provided too little armor to warrant the cost of building
it. In order to bring out the best of this DPS set, the C.E. team updated the set
bonus to provide an additional +1 to armor while also buffing each piece of
gear necessary for completing the WL set. All together, the changes to the
White Lion armor set and gear should improve its benefit to players throughout
a campaign.
Community Edition (v.1.01) - p. 27

● Gear
- Cat Fang Knife

Change(s): - Updated weapon values: 3/6+/2 → 3/6+/4

- Updated gear special rule: ​Paired​ was added.
- Updated gear special ability: "On each ​Perfect hit​, you may instead
draw a hit location from the top of the discard pile.”

Explanation: As the weapon gated behind the level three White Lion, the Cat Fang Knife
was disappointing in the 1.5 Core. Though it had a decent gear special ability, it
lacked strength and did not have a proficiency capable of boosting its mid- to
end-game viability.
The C.E. version of the Cat Fang Knife provides the community with a
strong dagger option for the later years of a campaign—especially when its
strength is augmented by other gear, bonuses, and its own mastery. The new
gear special ability allows players a new avenue of monster manipulation while
both reducing the chance of drawing the trap card and increasing the chance of
killing on a deathblow monster hit location. 
Community Edition (v.1.01) - p. 28

- Lion Headdress

Change(s): - Updated gear special rule: ​Outfit​ was added.

- Updated gear special abilities: “On ​Arrival​, gain +1 strength token.”
● Puzzle affinity added: “When you critically wound, gain the
Priority target ​token.”
- Updated gear special rule: ​Accessory ​removed (CE v.1.01)

Explanation: The Lion Headdress has received a major overhaul in the Community
Edition. The original offered players nothing more than additional head armor
to incentivize building it. Without any supplemental abilities or effectiveness,
the headdress gave little reason to be built. The C.E. team wanted to change
that entirely. The weaknesses of the gear outweighed any strengths it had. Yet,
through the team’s combined efforts, the updated Headdress engenders several
new strategic avenues for players through improved abilities and new special
gear rules, while also allowing it to combine with different armor sets.
Community Edition (v.1.01) - p. 29

- Lion Skin Cloak


Change(s): - Updated gear special rule: ​Outfit​ was added.

- Updated affinities: Up blue affinity was added.

Explanation: The Lion Skin Cloak gained a new keyword and affinity in the Community
Edition, allowing for different builds to utilize the White Lion armor set bonus.
Community Edition (v.1.01) - p. 30

- White Lion Boots


Change(s): - Updated gear cost: 1x White Fur, 1x Hide → 1x White Fur, 1x Bone
- Updated gear keyword(s): “Heavy” was removed. “Bone” was added.

Explanation: The C.E. team updated the White Lion Boots costs to reduce the amount of
hide necessary to build the boots. The addition of the “bone” keyword is
included to reflect the change in materials needed to craft the gear. Removing
the “heavy” keyword from the armor gear allows for greater armor set variety
in variant campaigns, as well as reducing the risk posed by Cracks in the
Ground, thus increasing its appeal.
Community Edition (v.1.01) - p. 31

- White Lion Coat


Change(s): - Updated gear keyword: “Heavy” was removed.

- Updated gear affinities: Right blue affinity added.

Explanation: The Community Edition updates to the White Lion Coat notably include a
new blue affinity. This affinity was added to allow for new possibile gear
arrangements to better activate special gear abilities and affinity puzzles. The
removal of the “heavy” keyword keeps the coat in line with the rest of the gear.
Community Edition (v.1.01) - p. 32

- White Lion Gauntlet


Change(s): - Updated gear keyword(s): “Heavy” was removed.

- Updated gear special ability: “Once per hunt phase, after revealing a
monster hunt card, you may archive it and draw a new card from the
same monster hunt deck.”

Explanation: One of the weaknesses of the White Lion armor in the 1.5 core was a lack of
utility, especially when compared to the Screaming Antelope’s set. The
Community Edition sought to provide such utility to the White Lion armor
through the gauntlet’s new special ability. The C.E. Lion Gauntlet’s new gear
special ability adds a new layer of interactivity into the game through hunt
phase manipulation—allowing players to re-draw unfortunate monster hunt
event cards once per hunt phase. It is also no longer a piece of “heavy” gear as
well in order to put it in line with the rest of the armor set.
Community Edition (v.1.01) - p. 33

- White Lion Helm


Change(s): - Updated gear keyword(s): “Heavy” was removed.

- Updated gear affinities: Left red affinity added.

Explanation: The White Lion Helm received a new affinity in order to facilitate different
gear grid combinations and increase its synergy overall with the redesigned
White Lion armor set. Removing the “heavy” keyword allows for greater armor
set variety in variant campaigns.
Community Edition (v.1.01) - p. 34

- White Lion Skirt


Change(s): - Updated gear keyword: “Heavy” was removed.

- Updated gear special ability: “When you ​Pounce​, gain +1 accuracy for
your next attack this turn.”

Explanation: Remaining largely unchanged, the White Lion Skirt gains the ability that
was originally associated with the White Lion Gauntlet. Relocating the
accuracy bonus to Pounce to the skirt allows for the armor set to retain all of the
aspects that had made it worthwhile. Removing the “heavy” keyword allows for
greater armor set variety in variant campaigns.
Community Edition (v.1.01) - p. 35

4. Weapon Crafter
● Settlement Location

Change(s): - Updated gear options: The Scrap Shield has been moved from the
Blacksmith to the Weapon Crafter.
- Updated gear cost (Skullcap Hammer): Cost changed from 2x Bone, 1x
Scrap → 2x Bone, 1x Hide, and 1x Scrap.
Community Edition (v.1.01) - p. 36

Explanation: The inclusion of the redesigned Scrap Shield and updated costs to Weapon
Crafter weapons both new and old rehauls the value of the Weapon Crafter as a
settlement location. Now, the Weapon Crafter offers a greater number of viable
and unique—while still properly gated—weapon options for training
proficiencies past the early-game.
Community Edition (v.1.01) - p. 37

● Gear
- Scrap Shield

Change(s): - Updated attack profile: 2/7+/3 → 2/7+/5

- Updated weapon costs: 3x Bone, 2x Scrap, 3x Leather → 2x Bone, 2x
Scrap, 2x Leather

Explanation: ​ Scrap Shield in the Community Edition is meant to be an offensive shield for
training shield mastery in the early and mid-game. The cost of the weapon,
while reduced, remains largely unchanged due to it now being arguably better
gear than the Leather Shield as an attacking weapon.
Community Edition (v.1.01) - p. 38

- Scrap Sword

Change(s): - Updated puzzle ability activation costs: 2x Red affinity, 1x Blue affinity
→ 1x Red affinity, 2x Blue affinity.

Explanation: The Scrap Sword is a decently strong weapon in the 1.5 Core. While
potentially obtainable as early as Lantern Year 1, the sword’s usability faltered
due to its lackluster affinity puzzle costs (originally two red affinities and one
blue). Rather than give the weapon any new abilities or stat changes, the
Community Edition team changed the Scrap Sword’s affinities to increase its
synergy with gear like the Luck Charm (which make the weapon more viable
on the hunt).
Community Edition (v.1.01) - p. 39

- Counter-Weight Axe

Change(s): - Updated affinity puzzle ability wording: “On a ​Perfect hit​, a wound
attempt in your attack automatically succeeds.”

Explanation: The Counterweighted Axe was a weapon sought after for its extremely
strong gear special ability. Builds meant to take advantage of the axe’s strength
trivialized showdowns and allowed for easy kills on the harder monsters with
little to no issues. The Counterweighted Axe’s incredible utility undermined the
greater balance of the game. Why try other weapons when you could have four
Counterweight Axes? This set a precedent for change.
Th​e C.E. version of the Counterweighted Axe uses the same wording as the
Acid-Tooth Dagger’s gear special ability in order to retain the core strengths.
This addition, like all of the Community Edition, is optional and you may
decide whether or not you’d like to incorporate it into your game.
Community Edition (v.1.01) - p. 40

- Whistling Mace

Change(s): - Updated attack profile: 3/6+/3 → 3/6+/4

- Updated weapon keyword: “Whip” was added.
- Updated card text: “I” capitalized for the ​Unwieldy ​gear special rule.
(CE v.1.01)

Explanation: The C.E. Whistling Mace introduces small buffs to this once lackluster blunt
weapon. While the mace itself only gained a single additional strength, the
addition of the “whip” keyword produces a weapon with greater mid- and
late-game utility capable of being bolstered further by the Lantern Armor. As
this Whistling Mace remains more of a club-style bludgeoning weapon than a
whip, it does not gain any additional reach.
Community Edition (v.1.01) - p. 41

- Skullcap Hammer

Change(s): - Updated attack profile: 2/7+3 → 2/5+/5

- Updated weapon costs: 2x Bone, 1x Scrap → 2x Bone, 1x Hide, 1x
- Updated card text. (CE v.1.01)

Explanation: The Skullcap Hammer was buffed in order to better compete with weapons
of the same class—namely the Bone Club and the Riot Mace. As it was already
a weapon with a strong ability, the increase in cost was a necessary to balance
out the stat boosts.
Community Edition (v.1.01) - p. 42

- Rainbow Katana (Broken)


Change(s): - Updated gear special rule: ​Frail

- Updated gear “state”: Rainbow Katana (​Broken​)
● The weapon is unusable and requires immediate repair.
● Removed red affinity

Explanation: As another frail weapon included in the 1.5 Core, the Rainbow Katana was
updated in the Community Edition to have its own “broken” gear state.
Community Edition (v.1.01) - p. 43

- Zanbato (Broken)

Change(s): - Updated gear special rule: ​Frail

- Updated gear “state”: Zanbato (​Broken​)
● Attack Profile: 1/6+/6 →2/6+/3
● Updated gear special rule(s): ​Deadly ​and ​Slow​ removed.
● Updated gear keyword: The “grand weapon” keyword was
exchanged for “sword.”
● Affinity puzzle ability removed.

Explanation: Like the Rainbow Katana and the other frail weapons updated by the
Community Edition, the Zanbato is no different. It now has a new “broken”
version. While broken the Zanbato loses its “grand weapon” keyword and
becomes a broken, yet still viable, “sword”.
This addition, like all of the Community Edition, is optional and you may
decide whether or not you’d like to incorporate it into your game, so it does not
need to replace the Dung Beetle Knight Zanbato..
Community Edition (v.1.01) - p. 44

5. Stone Circle
● Settlement Location

Change(s): - Updated gear costs: Boss Mehndi

● 1x Golden Whiskers, 1x Bone → 1x Golden Whiskers, 1x Bone,
1x Organ.
- Updated gear cost: Beast Knuckle
● 1x Large Flat Tooth, 1x Pelt → 2x Coffin Bone, 1x Large Flat
Tooth, 1x Pelt
Community Edition (v.1.01) - p. 45

- Updated gear previews of affinities

● New Screaming Antelope resource added: "Coffin Bone”
● 1x Large Flat Tooth, 1x Pelt → 2x Coffin Bone, 1x Large Flat
Tooth, 1x Pelt

Explanation: With the upgrades to both the Boss Mehndi and the Beast Knuckle, cost
changes were necessary. ​The "Coffin Bone" is a new strange resource that
will be a rewarded to survivors after defeating a level 2+ Screaming
Antelope. The strange resource will be added directly to settlement
Community Edition (v.1.01) - p. 46

● Gear
- Beast Knuckle

Change(s): - Updated gear cost: 1x Large Flat Tooth, 1x Pelt →

2x Coffin Bone, 1x Large Flat Tooth, 1x Pelt
- Updated attack profile:​ ​2/6+/4​ → ​2/5+/4
- Updated gear affinities: Up red affinity added.
- Updated puzzle affinity ability: “While​ Paired​: Gains ​Sharp​.”

Explanation: The C.E. Beast Knuckle was made with KD:M’s mid- to late-game in mind.
With both greater accuracy and the inclusion of “Sharp,” the antelope katar is
able to put out a far better damage output while also offering the utility of
decreasing a monster’s toughness. The updated gear cost and the new Coffin
Bone Resource force you to hunt level 2+ Screaming Antelopes to gain this
strong weapon. ​You gain 1x “Coffin Bone” directly to your settlement
storage as reward for each defeated level 2+ Screaming Antelope
Community Edition (v.1.01) - p. 47

- Boss Mehndi

Change(s): - Updated gear costs: 1x Golden Whiskers, 1x bone → 1x Golden

Whiskers, 1x bone, 1x hide
- Updated gear affinities: Right green affinity added. Down red affinity
- Updated gear special ability: “While ​insane​, you and adjacent ​insane
survivors gain +1 accuracy and reduce any suffered brain damage by 1,
to a minimum of 1.”
- Updated gear keyword: “Symbol” was added.

Explanation: While Boss Mehndi in 1.5 had its uses, it was a lackluster piece of gear
often overlooked for its weaknesses—a lack of affinities and generally
detrimental speed buff. C.E. Boss Mehndi solves those issues and redesigns the
gear into an insane survivors dream accessory, while also giving it the
“Symbol” keyword to allow it to combine with the Necromancer SFA, like all
the other mehndis. The Community Edition overhauls the Boss Mendhi into a
truly valuable gear to have out on the hunt.
Community Edition (v.1.01) - p. 48

- Lance of Longinus

Change(s): - Updated gear special rule: ​Irreplaceable​ removed.

Explanation: The “irreplaceable” gear special rule was removed in the Community
Edition as a quality of life change meant to improve the weapon without
changing the essentials of it.
Community Edition (v.1.01) - p. 49

- Screaming Horns

Change(s): - Updated gear text: “Scream: Non-deaf ​insane​ survivors gain +1

movement until the end of the round. Other non-deaf survivors gain +1

Explanation: Discoveries made while playtesting the 1.5 Core version of the Screaming
Horns gear produced a repeatable exploit that enabled survivors wearing the
item to gain nearly unlimited insanity while facing certain monsters. The card
changes are meant to curb potential broken gear interactions which allowed
deaf survivors to gain insanity indefinitely.
Community Edition (v.1.01) - p. 50

6. Leather Worker
● Gear
- Hunter Whip

Change(s): - Updated attack profile: 3/6+/3 → 3/6+/4

Explanation: ​The C.E. version of the Hunter Whip modifies the weapon through a slight
strength adjustment. The added strength from the Community Edition version
of Whip Proficiency, as well as the ability buffs, make this a more formidable
tool for monster hunting.
Community Edition (v.1.01) - p. 51

7. Barber Surgeon
● Settlement Location

Change(s): - Updated gear previews of affinities

- Updated gear costs: Musk Bomb (7x resources → 4x resources)

Explanation: The Barber Surgeon settlement location card changes were necessary after
updating the gear. The change in cost of overpriced Musk Bomb was necessary.
Community Edition (v.1.01) - p. 52

● Gear
- Bug Trap

Change(s): - Updated gear affinities: Down green affinity and right blue right affinity
- Updated gear special ability: Dice roll requirement for ability activation
removed. A ​Bug Patch​ terrain card will now be automatically added to
the showdown board.

Explanation: ​ The C.E. Bug Trap was designed in order to add value to a piece of gear that
had been considered by the team as both underutilized and bland. With new
affinities and a special ability that offers automatic utility, the new Bug Trap
will allow for survivors to guarantee themselves a Bug Patch terrain card at the
start of a non-Screaming Antelope showdown.
Community Edition (v.1.01) - p. 53

- Musk Bomb

Change(s): - Updated gear cost: 7x resources → 4x resources

- Updated gear special ability: “Archive Musk bomb” ruling removed.
“Use once per showdown.” ruling added.

Explanation: ​ The Musk Bomb was an overly expensive and disappointing option to
include in a settlement’s arsenal in the 1.5 Core. The Community Edition
version was designed with cost effectiveness and utility in mind.
Community Edition (v.1.01) - p. 54

- Speed Powder

Change(s): - Updated gear special ability: “Increase your ​Perfect hit range​ by +1.”

Explanation: ​ C.E. Speed Powder was redesigned to be a more unique item that is capable
of boosting the strength of gear which rely on “Perfect hits” to trigger their
special abilities.
Community Edition (v.1.01) - p. 55

8. Plumery
● Settlement Location

Change(s): - Updated gear previews.

Explanation: After updating the affinities for multiple pieces of Plumery gear, changes to
the settlement location were necessary to reflect what the Community Edition
team had changed.
Community Edition (v.1.01) - p. 56

● Phoenix Armor Set


Change(s): - Updated armor ability: ​Charge​ removed. ​Temporal-Mental Recovery

- Updated card text grammar (CE v1.01)

Explanation: ​The Phoenix armor set and its bonus in the 1.5 Core were rather insipid.
Though its “Charge” ability had potential, the armor remained underpowered
and lacking in utility in comparison to the Screaming Antelope armor. For the
Community Edition the team wanted to incorporate the thematics of ‘time
manipulation’ that the Phoenix monster has into the armor built from it through
a recovery mechanic. Given that a survivor has no ability to control time
themselves, the armor ends up randomly repairing a part of itself over the
course of a showdown.
The Insanity requirement for it to activate is also a thematic design choice
and a limitation. The Phoenix Plackart’s ability—which remains integral to the
set—gradually drains insanity while a survivor is fighting and balances the set.
Additionally, because “Temporal-Mental Recovery” is an uncontrollable ability
that only works when the location rolled is damaged, it needs to be powerful
enough to make up for it not always triggering.
Community Edition (v.1.01) - p. 57

● Gear
- Feather Shield

Change(s): - Updated attack profile:​ 3/7+/0 →​ 3/6+/0

- Updated gear special rule: ​Block 1​ increased to ​Block 2​.
- Updated card text: “Reduce any suffered brain damage by 1, to a
minimum of 1.” (CE v.1.01)

Explanation: ​As a mid- to late-game shield, the original Feather Shield was lacking as a
defensive option. The C.E. Feather Shield provides players with a slightly
improved version of the original that beter compliments the armor set.
Community Edition (v.1.01) - p. 58

- Hollow Sword

Change(s): - Updated attack profile: 3/5+/3 → 2/5+/5

- Updated gear special rule: ​Frail
- Updated gear “state”: Hollow Sword (​Broken​)
● Attack Profile: 2/5+/5 → 2/6+/4
● Weapon ability: On a ​Perfect hit​, make an additional attack roll.
● Affinity puzzle ability: “While ​Paired​: Gains ​Sharp​.”
● New Affinities: Left red affinity and right green affinity.

Explanation: ​The Hollow Sword was another piece of 1.5 gear that the C.E. team felt
could benefit from being overhauled. The weapon gains a better attack profile
in the Community Edition and an interesting change from other frail weapons.
While ​Broken​ the Hollow Sword gains access to new affinities and abilities.
Now, part of the challenge in taking advantage of this weapon’s strongest
properties include trying to break two Hollow Swords for maximum benefit.
Community Edition (v.1.01) - p. 59

- Sonic Tomahawk

Change(s): - Updated attack profile: 3/5+/2 → 2/6+/5

- Updated weapon keywords: “Ranged” and “thrown” were added.
- Updated gear special rules: ​Paired​ and ​Range: 3​ added.
- Updated gear affinity puzzle: “While ​Paired​: Gain 1+ accuracy, +2
strength, and ​Savage​ when attacking with this weapon.”

Explanation: The C.E. Sonic Tomahawk incorporates several weapon buffs. The
“thrown” weapon keyword was added to the Sonic Tomahawk to compliment
its throwing axe design. Despite having less range than the Bone Darts, the C.E.
Sonic Tomahawk offers players a mid- to late-game throwing weapon, which
will benefit from a future Thrown Proficiency. Furthermore, dual wielding
Tomahawks keeps with the theme of increasing in power when ​Paired​ by
increasing the weapons’ strength and accuracy even further to offer players
greater potential to face higher level monsters.
Community Edition (v.1.01) - p. 60

- Phoenix Faulds

Change(s): - Updated weapon affinities: Left green affinity and down blue affinity

Explanation: ​ The Phoenix Faulds were updated in the Community Edition with new
affinities. This change allows for new gear grid combinations and allows the set
greater utility for activating puzzle affinity abilities, which it was sorely lacking
Community Edition (v.1.01) - p. 61

- Phoenix Gauntlet

Change(s): - Updated weapon affinities: Left red affinity added.

Explanation: ​ With most of the Phoenix Armor set being changed in the Community
Edition to include new affinities, it made sense for the Phoenix Gauntlet to be
updated as well.
Community Edition (v.1.01) - p. 62

- Phoenix Greaves

Change(s): - Updated weapon affinities: Left green affinity added.

Explanation: With its new affinity, the Phoenix Greaves are now able to fit into multiple
different locations on a gear grid in order to fulfill affinity requirements for
other items/gear.
Community Edition (v.1.01) - p. 63

9. Blacksmith
● Settlement Location

Change(s): - Updated gear list: Scrap Shield removed from Blacksmith and moved to
Weapon Crafter.

Explanation: ​ In order to better the diversity of usable gear, the Community Edition team
decided on removing the Scrap Shield from the Blacksmith and adding it to the
Weapon Crafter. By the time many players end up building their settlement’s
Community Edition (v.1.01) - p. 64

Blacksmith they are looking for the stronger defensive options found in the
Beacon Shield, rather than the offensive focus that the Scrap Shield arguably
had. When moved to the Weapon Crafter the shield offers survivors more
options for training shield proficiency in the earlier lantern years of a campaign.
Community Edition (v.1.01) - p. 65

● Gear
- Ring Whip

Change(s): - Updated attack profile: 2/5+/0 → 2/5+/3

- Updated gear special rule: Improved wording for ​Early Iron ​added.

Explanation: ​ The Ring Whip becomes a more potent end-game weapon in a settlement’s
arsenal in the Community Edition. The viability and usability of the whip is
augmented through the addition of CE Whip Proficiency and a few, strong
Community Edition (v.1.01) - p. 66

- Lantern Sword

Change(s): - Updated gear special rule: Improved wording for ​Early Iron ​added.

Explanation: ​ The Lantern Sword remains largely unchanged, save for the inclusion of
Early Iron​, due to the potential of gaining one early on in a campaign–largely
due to the Open Maw settlement event.
Community Edition (v.1.01) - p. 67

- Lantern Glaive

Change(s): - Updated gear special rule: Improved wording for ​Early Iron​ added.

Explanation: ​ The Lantern Glaive also remains unchanged save for the inclusion of the
Community Edition wording for ​Early Iron​.
Community Edition (v.1.01) - p. 68

- Lantern Dagger

Change(s): - Updated attack profile: 2/7+/1 → 2/7+/2

- Updated gear special rules: ​Sharp​ and the improved wording for​ Early
Iron​ added.
- Updated weapon special ability: “While ​Paired​: On a Perfect hit, gain
♞​ ​to spend after your attack. Limit once per attack.”

Explanation: ​ The C.E. Lantern Dagger incorporates several improvements that, alongside
the general buffs to daggers, enhance it into a powerful end-game weapon
option worth attaining. The new weapon special ability allows players a myriad
of potential offensive and defensive applications during a showdown. Landing
a perfect hit will allow survivors wielding a pair of these daggers incredible
freedom around the showdown board.
Community Edition (v.1.01) - p. 69

- Dragon Slayer

Change(s): - Updated gear special rule: ​Frail

- Updated gear special rule: Improved wording for ​Early Iron ​added.
- Updated gear state: Dragon Slayer (​Broken​)
● Attack Profile: 1/6+/9 → 2/6+/0
● Devastating 1​ and ​Slow​ removed.
● Sharp​ added.
● While broken, the Dragon Slayer is downgraded from a grand
weapon to a “sharp” club.
- Updated gear text (correct ​Early Iron ​text included).

Explanation: The Dragon Slayer, like other frail weapons, is now susceptible to breaking
and entering the ​Broken​ state designed by the C.E. team. The broken Dragon
Slayer concludes the list of weapons that gain the new ​Broken​ keyword and
gear state. It ​offers players little more than a weapon to swing until it is
Community Edition (v.1.01) - p. 70

10. Mask Maker

● Gear
- Man Mask

Change(s): - Updated gear keywords: “rawhide” and “leather” added.

- Updated gear special rule: ​Outfit​ was added.

Explanation: The “Rawhide” and “Leather” keywords, combined with the ​Outfit​ special
rule were added to allow this mask to better synergize with core game armor
sets—such as the Rawhide and Leather sets.
Community Edition (v.1.01) - p. 71

- White Lion Mask


Change(s): - Updated gear special rule: ​Outfit​ was added.

- Updated required special ability affinities: Now it requires two red
completed affinities to activate rather than two green.

Explanation: The ​Outfit​ special rule was added to allow this mask to better synergize
with the White Lion’s. The changes to the affinities necessary to activate the
mask’s special ability was a thematic change as well as an indirect nerf to
builds relying on abusing the Acanthus Doctor SFA.
Community Edition (v.1.01) - p. 72

- Antelope Mask

Change(s): - Updated gear special rule: ​Outfit​ added.

Explanation: The ​Outfit​ special rule was added to allow this mask to better synergize with
the core game armor sets.
Community Edition (v.1.01) - p. 73

- Phoenix Mask

Change(s): - Updated gear special rule: ​Outfit​ added.

Explanation: The ​Outfit​ special rule was added to allow this mask to better synergize
with the core game armor sets.
Community Edition (v.1.01) - p. 74

- God Mask

Change(s): - Updated gear special rule: ​Outfit​ added.

- Updated gear special ability: “At the start of your act, if ​insane​ gain 1
survival. You may perform 1 survival action an additional time per
- Updated gear special ability text: “At the start of your act, if ​insane​,
gain 1 survival. You may perform a survival action one additional time
once per round.” (CE v.1.01)

Explanation: ​ Despite the God Mask’s puzzle affinity being exceptionally difficult to
design around, the Community Edition team was able to transform this piece of
gear into a mask truly worthy of a god. It may remain tough to activate, but is
certainly worth attempting to achieve.
Community Edition (v.1.01) - p. 75

11. Post-Watcher
● Gear
- Final Lantern

Change(s): - Updated gear keyword: “Lantern” added.

Explanation: Updated to include the “Lantern” keyword, as confirmed by Poots.

Community Edition (v.1.01) - p. 76

- Oxidized Lantern Dagger


Change(s): - Updated gear special ability: “While ​Paired​: On a ​Perfect hit​, gain ♞
to spend after your attack. Limit once per attack.”

Explanation: ​ Given the changes to the non-oxidized version of the Lantern Dagger, adding
its new ability to the stronger version of the dagger was a logical change to
keep the weapon strong and desirable during the lantern years preceding the
Gold Smoke Knight.
Community Edition (v.1.01) - p. 77

- Oxidized Ring Whip


Change(s): - Updated attack profile: 2/5+/3 → 2/5+/5

Explanation: After updating the non-oxidized version of the Ring Whip for the
Community Edition, the Oxidized Ring Whip was in need of a new attack
profile. As an end-game weapon born from electrified corpse of a fallen
Watcher, it was important to consider how we could strengthen the weapon
without pushing it into a game space where it would be broken or overpowered.
Thus, the team concluded that enhancing the weapon’s strength alone would be
enough to cement it as a solid weapon worth pursuing as a settlement prepares
for the inevitable arrival of the GSK.
Community Edition (v.1.01) - p. 78

12. Rare
● Gear
- Forsaker Mask

Change(s): - Updated gear special ability text: “ At the start of your act, if ​insane​,
gain +1 :activation:. At the Aftermath, you may archive this item to gain
the ​Mask Maker​ Settlement Location.” (CE v.1.01)

Explanation: A compromise between the original version of the Forsaker Mask and the
1.5 version made the most sense to the C.E. team as it incorporates the best of
Community Edition (v.1.01) - p. 79

- Lantern Halberd

Change(s): - Updated gear keyword: “Lantern” added.

Explanation: It should have the Lantern Keyword. Confirmed by Poots.

Community Edition (v.1.01) - p. 80

- Muramasa

Change(s): - Updated gear special rule: ​Frail

- Updated gear “state”: Murama (​Broken)

Explanation: ​ The Community Edition team decided that a broken Muramasa would be
necessary considering the new changes to frail weapons.
Community Edition (v.1.01) - p. 81

- Thunder Maul

Change(s): - Updated gear special rule: Instead of suffering a severe arm injury,
survivors wielding the Thunder Maul “suffer the dislocated shoulder
severe injury”.

Explanation: ​ One of the big problems with the Thunder Maul was the weapon’s tendency
to get the survivor using it killed. The Thunder Maul remains a dangerous, but
very powerful, weapon in the Community Edition of KD:M​.

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