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Proverbs 3:5

Vol. 3 No. 1 January 18, 2011

Lenape Valley Regional High School

2010-2011 Teacher of the Year

Lenape Valley Regional High School Announces 2010-2011 Teacher of the Year, Mr. Pete Corea.

Knee Deep Club Ice Fishing Contest

n Sunday, January 23 the Knee Deep Club of Lake or at the club’s official weigh sta-
Hopatcong will hold the first of its ice fishing con- tions located at Dow's Boat Rental, Lake Hopatcong and
tests on Lake Hopatcong. The contest will begin at Lakes End Marina, Landing. Mail-in entries must be
6 a.m. and end at 4 p.m. The entry fee is $20 for club mem- received by Saturday, January 22, 2011; in-person entries
bers and $25 for non-members ($20 entry and $5 insur- can be made until 8 a.m. the morning of the contest. In the
ance). An 80 percent payout of entry fees will go to the event the contest is postponed due to unsafe ice conditions,
anglers weighing in the three heaviest Perch/Crappie, it will be rescheduled for Sunday, February 20, 2011. If the
Pickerel and the three heaviest fish of any other specie contest is held, a second ice contest will be held under the
excluding Muskie. Entry forms are available online at same rules on February, 20th. Please see the contest entry
form for a complete contest rules.

Hopatcong Republican Club

Reorganization Meeting

he Hopatcong Republican Club will Republicans. New members are encour-
meet at the Hopatcong Civic Center aged, and should sign up with the executive
on Tuesday, January 25, 2011. This board prior to the meeting. Dues are $15
meeting is the annual reorganization meet- per year.
ing. Doors will open at 7:15 p.m. The meet- Members can also find more information
ing will start at 7:30 p.m. Refreshments on the Web at http://www.sussexcounty-
will be served. Future events can
This meeting is open to registered be found under “GOP Calendar.”
Page 32 • Tell Them You Saw It In The Musconetcong News • January 2011
Tell Them You Saw It In The Musconetcong News • January 2011 • Page 31
Page 30 • Tell Them You Saw It In The Musconetcong News • January 2011

Facial Rejuvenation....
continued from page 25 more invasive therapies to regain your
receive two treatments per week for 5 to 6 youth not only on the outside, but also on
weeks. Maintenance sessions are scheduled the inside. In our clinic, cosmetic acupunc-
according to the individuals needs and are ture entails a detailed health history in addi-
usually recommended on a monthly basis to tion to just doing facial acupuncture. To
enhance results for many years. Changes really get results, we also treat the underly-
may be seen as soon as the first treatment is ing causes of each patient’s aging process.
completed, but each succeeding treatment For example, a person with a lot of facial
builds on the last. The program is safe, sagging and puffiness may also exhibit
effective and brings with it none of the great signs of indigestion, insomnia, with some
expense, adverse effects or toxicity of more depression. This person will receive facial
invasive approaches that involve drugs or acupuncture in addition to being treated by
surgery. The following before and after pic- tonifying her spleen, moving her liver Qi,
tures show the disappearance of lines utiliz- and calming the mind. Hence, each treat-
ing only acupuncture: ment is highly individualized to meet the
How Does Facial Rejuvenation Work? needs of each patient. In addition to the
According to the latest research in der- acupuncture treatment, many patients also
matology and Dr. Howard Murad, a profes- receive Chinese Herbal formula’s to target
sor of dermatology at UCLA and Vogue areas of disharmony and renew original
magazines proclaimed “One of America’s beauty by enhancing adequate blood flow,
top dermatologists”, the problem is free rad- moisture, energy and circulation.
icals. Aging skin ...wrinkles, sagging, Skyland’s Anti- Aging program also
enlarged pores, puffiness, thin and dry includes the use of all natural facial clean-
skin…is due to the damaged caused by free ing and toning products to enhance your
radicals. Free radicals are destructive mol- new youthful look which help to prevent
ecules. They destroy the integrity of other free radical formation from harsh chemicals
molecules. They first attack and destroy the used in facial cleaners and cosmetics. In
walls of your skin cells. So if you imagine addition to your treatment you will also
your cells as being like a water balloon. receive dietary and lifestyle awareness that
Free radicals are like a knife that pokes will further reduce the production of free
holes into it. The balloon will then leak like radicals that cause aging.
a sieve…and your cells become dehydrated. I have been living my dream for over 10
They become deflated and dehydrated, years of helping my patient’s to enjoy better
because all the vital fluid and nutrients have health, living a more vibrant and energetic
leaked out. life, eliminating their pain, preventing heart
Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture helps disease and cancer through dietary and
restore the integrity of your skin cells by lifestyle changes, helping couples achieve
stimulating the nervous, circulatory and their dream of having a child and now help-
hormonal systems to boost collagen and ing my patient’s to turn back the hands of
elastin production. time. It is my pleasure and joy to help you
Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture can achieve your health, well-being and
actually take five to fifteen years off your longevity goals for 2011. Our mission is to
face. Some of the most common effects of serve you and provide you with a total heali
facial rejuvenation include: ng experience.
· Reduction of fine lines Start today – move towards a healthier,
· Diminished deep wrinkles more beautiful, energized, and younger-
· Droopy eyelids are lifted looking you!
· Jowls are firmed Please visit to
· Under eye bags are reduced see a video demonstration on both facial
· Puffiness around the eyes is reduced or rejuvenation and traditional acupuncture
eliminated treatment.
· Increase of blood and lymph circulation to
the face increases skin moisture Deborah Waddell completed her Master’s
· Increased collagen production level degree from the Eastern School of
· Improved muscle tone Acupuncture in Mont-clair, NJ. She received
· Dermal contraction her Acupuncture Certifi-cation from the New
· Tightening of pores Jersey Board of of Medical Examiners (C.A.)
· Brightening of the eye area and from the National Commission for the
· Improving hormonal balance to help with Certification of Acupuncturists (Dipl. Ac.).
acne Deborah also has a degree in Biology and
· Reducing evidence of stress from the face Chemistry with summa cum laude Honors
Acupuncture Facial Rejuvenation is a from Felician College.
safe and effective alternative to the use of
Tell Them You Saw It In The Musconetcong News • January 2011 • Page 29




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Page 28 • Tell Them You Saw It In The Musconetcong News • January 2011



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Tell Them You Saw It In The Musconetcong News • January 2011 • Page 27

Resolve To Get Financially Healthy

With 11 Tips For 2011
American Debt Counseling Experts Suggest
Small Actions Lead to Healthy Financial Habits

t the start of every new year, mil- explaining the error and any supporting
lions of people resolve to spend less documents that prove your claim.
and save more yet, despite the best Information is power. The first step to tak-
intentions, many will not take the necessary ing control of your financial situation is
steps to really make a change in their lives. knowing exactly where you stand. Open
Sometimes just small actions are required to your bills when they arrive and check your
set people on the right path toward financial monthly bank statements. If problems arise,
security, according to credit counselors at don't avoid them. Gather your information
the national non-profit American Debt together and meet them head on.
Counseling (www.americandebtcounsel- Save a dollar a day. A dollar may not buy much today but $300 will, and that's about
Barbara Stark, ADC's director of education how much you'll have by year's end if you
and community development, recommends save just $1 a day starting now. You can
that people start with small, achievable save $5 to $30 per week at the grocery store
goals and build on their successes. In keep- by using coupons. That's nearly one month
ing with the non-profit credit counseling of $1-a-day savings in just one trip to the
organization's mission to promote financial store.
literacy, Stark offers these 11 must-do Pay bills on time. The largest factor in
financial wellness steps for 2011 on behalf determining your credit score is whether
of American Debt Counseling: you pay your bills on time. Therefore, the
Pay yourself first. Every month put a little best way to increase your credit score is to
money aside before paying any bills. Start start paying your bills on time each month.
small with as little as $5 or $10 out of every Do the planet and your wallet a favor. Be
paycheck and stick with it. It's not so hard to more energy efficient and help the environ-
find the money; just give up one movie or ment while saving on fuel costs. Invest in
one trip to the fast food restaurant. rechargeable batteries and energy efficient
Reward yourself. Motivate yourself to save. appliances and lighting. Plan your week so
For example, estimate how much it will cost that you can run several errands at once
for a night out on the town. Then keep track rather than taking the car out on several
of the money you save by taking your lunch trips.
to work until you've "earned" your evening Be prepared. No one wants to think about
out and can enjoy it without any guilt. getting sick, losing a job, facing a fire or
Cheer on your team. Expenses are a family eviction, going through a natural disaster or
affair and it's time to get everyone on your lots of other terrible things that could hap-
team involved. Huddle and define your pen. Make 2011 the year you plan for the
financial goals such as buying a TV, replac- worst with an emergency fund and evaluate
ing an appliance, going on vacation or sav- your insurance coverage. A rule of thumb
ing toward college tuition or retirement. for an emergency fund is to save enough for
Create a game plan for achieving your goals three months of living expenses.
and review it periodically through the year Reduce your debt. New federal regulations
to make adjustments. for credit cards require billing statements to
Get it together. At a minimum, organize disclose just how long it will take you to
your bills, bank account statements and tax pay off your debt if you make only the min-
documents. A carton, file system or imum payment. If you need help getting
expanding file can become your personal your debt under control consult a certified
financial assistant, saving you time in locat- credit counselor from a reputable, non-prof-
ing important documents, ending confusion it credit counseling organization such as
over how much money you have, alerting American Debt Counseling.
you to possible extra fees for late payments Based in Sunrise, Fla., American Debt
and account overdrafts and being there to Counseling, Inc. is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit
address questions regarding discrepancies organization providing financial education
with your finances. programs as well as confidential and profes-
Order your credit history. It's free and it's as sional certified credit counseling and debt
easy as logging onto www.annualcreditre- management services across the nation., a service created by the three American Debt Counseling, Inc. is BSI reg-
major nationwide consumer reporting istered and a member of the Association of
bureaus (Equifax, Experian and Credit Counseling Professionals.
TransUnion). You can get a free report once For a free budget review from a certified
a year from each bureau to review. Report credit counselor please call 1-888-DEBT-
any errors to the reporting bureaus with a USA, or go online to www.americandebt-
highlighted copy of the report, a letter
Page 26 • Tell Them You Saw It In The Musconetcong News • January 2011
Time To Get Organized
With Help From Sherry Onweller,
Professional Organizer

s one of your New Year’s Resolutions to get your home,
work or life organized? Make this the year it really hap-
pens. Sherry Onweller, Professional Organizer from
Sherry’s Organizing Solutions, has some ideas for you.
First, always remember that organizing is a process; it is
about having an action plan which can be broken down into
manageable chunks. The key to success is being sure that
your organizational systems and time management methods
are in sync with your lifestyle.
Some Organizing tips that Sherry recommends are:
- Know your organizing priorities and stick to achieving
- Break your organizing priorities and goals down into
manageable pieces and write them down.
- Try to take immediate action on things that need a
reply, like: email, an RSVP, a permission slip from school,
etc. If you are going to take the time to read these things,
you might as well take immediate action so you don’t have
to revisit them later.
- Have a plan in place for productive ways to use idle
time (i.e. check email while waiting in a long grocery line,
if you know you will have 15 minutes while waiting for a
child to finish an activity, bring your bills along with you,
in a bin with: stamps, address labels and your checkbook
and pay your bills while waiting in your car).
Getting organized will allow you to have better control
over your life and give you a sense of wellbeing. You will
no longer feel stressed by your surroundings. Once you
experience the benefits of setting up systems and organiz-
ing your physical space, you will be motivated to stay
Sherry Onweller is a Professional Organizer based out of
NJ. Sherry’s Organizing Solutions provides sympathetic
and nonjudgmental organizing and de-cluttering services to
residential and business clients. Sherry offers organizing
help to: families, business people, students, children,
retirees and female adults with ADD.
Sherry can be reached at Sherry’s Organizing Solutions:

Prepare Now for Home Purchase

enders and Realtors alike agree that now is a great
time to start planning for home ownership. Interest
rates are still low and home prices continue to come
down! The Housing Partnership’s seminar series, “Step by
Step to Home Ownership,” continues to draw a large group
of attendees each month. The next workshop will be held
on Thursday, January 20th and 27th, from 5:45 p.m. to 9:30
p.m. at The Housing Partnership, 2 East Blackwell St.,
Dover, NJ.
This comprehensive workshop provides unbiased infor-
mation to prepare you for the biggest purchase of your life.
The two-evening seminar focuses on working households
who want to learn all the steps in the home buying process
– with no sales pressure! The workshop features a credit
expert, the mortgage application process, financing, calcu-
lating how much you can afford, working with a Realtor
and the role of the attorney, plus many more hints on get-
ting started. Volunteer presenters for this series include rep-
resentatives from two local banks, Peapack Gladstone, and
Chase Bank, along with the North Central Jersey
Association of Realtors and the Bar Association.
The Housing Partnership’s Bank Guide contains infor-
mation on mortgage products through their 16 member
lenders, as well as information on matched savings clubs
and down payment assistance. There is a non-refundable
registration fee of $35, which includes the text book and
light refreshments.
The Housing Partnership, a United Way agency and
chartered member of the NeighborWorks America, works to
strengthen communities and households through home
ownership. For registration information, please call 973-
659-9222, or download a registration form at www.hous- Pre-registration is required.
Tell Them You Saw It In The Musconetcong News • January 2011 • Page 25

United Way... FACIAL REJUVENATION – A Wonderful,

continued from page 13
income, and health. These are the building blocks for a
Holistic Approach to Reversing the Aging Process

good life – a quality education that leads to a stable job, ould you like not hands of time on your face, circulatory and lymphatic media, such as on ABC
enough income to support a family through retirement, and only to look 5 to but do nothing to physiolog- systems, acupuncture offers Television’s “Good
good health. We address issues most critical to the future of 10 years younger ically make you feel a completely natural path to Morning America,” Fox
Morris County by bringing attention, expertise, and but also feel years younger younger, increase your ener- facial rejuvenation that News and Public
resources to them. It is our goal to create long-lasting as well? Skyland’s gy, promote overall well- many have called an “aston- Broadcasting System’s
changes that prevent problems from occurring. Together, Acupuncture and Wellness ness, help you to sleep bet- ishing experience.” “Healthweek.” Madonna,
united, we can inspire hope and create opportunities for a Center’s Anti-Aging pro- ter and overall turn back the Promoting collagen produc- Jessica Parker and Cher uti-
better tomorrow. For more information, and to learn what gram can do just that. hands of time both inwardly tion increases muscle tone lize facial rejuvenation to
it means to LIVE UNITED, visit us on the web at
Facial Fillers and cosmetic and outwardly! and elasticity helping to maintain the work they’ve or call (973) 993-1160.
surgery can only change the Cosmetic Surgery in the firm the skin, fill out wrin- had done surgically.
United States is a multimil- kles, and reduce bags and This delicate use of ultra
lion-dollar industry; mil- sagging without recovery fine facial acupuncture nee-
JOAN SIRKIS LAVERY, ESQ. lions of women are on a time, lost work time, or hide dles are placed both on the
quest to restore youthful- from family and friends face, neck and body which
ness to their face and neck. while healing. develops collagen and stim-
Since 1989 As the risks and complica- Facial rejuvenation uti- ulates the rejuvenation

BANKRUPTCY tions, and at times disfigure-

ment, from invasive surgi-
cal treatments and chemical
lizing acupuncture
becoming a more popular,
non-surgical method for
is processes. While your skin
is reacting to the subtle
stimulation, the treatment is
◆ RELIEF FROM CREDITORS exfoliants become increas- those who want not only to also adjusting energy
◆ Chapter 7 - Liquidations ◆ Chapter 13 - Wage Earner Plans ingly public, many people maintain beauty, radiance throughout your entire
are discovering the effec- and vitality in the face, but body. Each treatment is
FREE CONSULTATION tiveness of cosmetic also improve their overall approximately 1 hour long
683 WASHINGTON STREET • HACKETTSTOWN acupuncture to rejuvenate health and well being at the and is part of a ten to twelve
Evening Hours Available • Call 908.850.6161 the face. By activating the same time. Cosmetic treatment series. For opti-
We are a Debt Relief Agency and can help you file for Bankruptcy Relief under the Federal Bankruptcy Act facial muscles, increasing acupuncture has even been mal results, it is recom-
Mention This Ad & Receive A $25.00 Discount collagen and boosting the featured in the mainstream mended that the patient
continued on page 30

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Page 24 • Tell Them You Saw It In The Musconetcong News • January 2011

Prickly Pear... Housing Partnership Opens

continued from page 23
like Chocolate Ganache Cake and Carrot should be permitted to enjoy this supremely
Foreclosure Intervention Center

Cake as well as newer offerings such as decadent dessert. Wow! he Housing Partnership is pleased to Partnership offices. The application will
Blueberry Short Cake and Key Lime Pie, The Prickly Pear is open everyday but announce the opening of their new then be collected along with other docu-
the choices were extensive. Our server Monday. They are certainly worth visiting, Foreclosure Intervention Center at ments during the workshop. Following the
explained that many of the items, like the but they are than just a great place to dine. their offices in Dover. The center, serving workshop, the counselor will schedule a
cheesecake and the bread pudding, are pre- They offer an extensive catering menu with all of Morris County, is funded through a one-on-one interview to review each case
pared in various ways so that Tuesday’s everything from hors d'oeuvres, platters, grant from NeighborWorks America. individually. During the interview the coun-
preparation may be quite different from and entrees to breakfasts and brunches. If you are a person facing foreclosure selor will help the household create a work-
Saturday’s creation. They’re located at 80-30 Main Street in and you are concerned about keeping your out plan through a budget, find alternatives
On that evening, my friend chose the Hackettstown. For more information, go to home, you are invited to attend a free to foreclosure, collect any additional docu-
Coconut Bay Breeze Sponge Cake, a new or call Foreclosure Intervention Workshop held ments and contact the lender.
offering of moist cranberry sponge cake them at (908) 979-0003. For general ques- weekly at the Housing Partnership, a HUD The Housing Partnership, a United Way
with a delicious pineapple filling and a tions, you can also email them at certified counseling agency. Agency, is a NeighborWorks America char-
white butter cream icing with toasted and for cooking The goals of the 90-minute workshop are tered member focused on home ownership
coconut. I generously offered to help him by classes, send your questions to cooking- to provide an overview of the foreclosure preservation and strengthening communi-
taking several bites. Personally, I think this process and timeline, foreclosure preven- ties and families through home ownership.
item should be a standard offering on the After my visit to the Prickly Pear, I tion alternatives and to review necessary If you wish to attend, please call Tracee
menu. would like to share one last quote. “Seize Lilly at the Housing Partnership at
information to start the intervention
My dessert choice was the Grand the moment,” Erma Bombeck once said. (970)659-1414 to register for the foreclo-
Marnier Chocolate Sponge Cake with “Remember all those women on the Titanic sure intervention workshop. Pre-registra-
An information package along with an
Chocolate Icing and Shaved White who waved off the dessert cart.” Bon tion is required.
application can either be emailed, mailed or
Chocolate. Perhaps only those over 21 appetit!
available for pick up at the Housing

Check out NJFAD Get Your Business Noticed with the


hen the holiday madness is ticed with Friends And Devotees to Find AND WE CAN PROVE IT!
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Call 973-252-9889 for information
the season have ended…When mind and spirit.
you’re ready to re-center your life around NJFAD is sponsored by the First
health and well-being… Presbyterian Church of Stanhope, and run
Check out NJFAD. by 3 local women (Christa Dulio, Robin
What the initials stand for is debatable. O’Reilly and Tina Wallace) who have over
Primarily, FAD stands for Fitness And 50 years of health and fitness education
Dance. The NJ could be New Jersey (obvi- experience between them. They will be
ously) or North Jersey (since they currently offering fitness classes for adults and teens
operate out of the Stanhope FPC), or, as it such as Pilates, Yoga, Aerobic Dance and
says on their literature… Cardio Kickboxing. Children’s classes will
It’s Not Just a FAD, it’s a way to Life! include ballet/tumbling, hip-hop and others.
This is not a cookie-cutter, gym type sit- For more information please call 973-
uation. It is a “grass roots” type of program 598-5635, email,
that is concerned with the whole person— visit their website or attend the
the place where each individual is encour- open house December 28th 1:30 – 3:30 or
aged 7:00 – 9:00. Come out and decide what
through Focus And Determination prac- NJFAD means to you!

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Tell Them You Saw It In The Musconetcong News • January 2011 • Page 23

Prickly Pear...
continued from page 22 secret. The potatoes were baked, then
with fresh tomatoes, roasted peppers, garlic, mashed and fried with corn, bacon bits, and
capers, and a savory lemon demi glace. bleu cheese. The other accompaniment was
The salads were a delightful surprise. haricot verts, which is a French green bean,
The Prickly Pear Salad was a bibb lettuce, longer, thinner, and more tender than most
with shaved fennel, Roquefort cheese, American varieties.
toasted walnuts, and Prickly Pear I ordered the Wild Mushroom Chicken
Vinaigrette, a light dressing that is mildly Breast, a tender chicken breast with a
sweet and slightly fruity, an excellent superb spinach and mushroom stuffing. It
choice. was accompanied by chive mashed pota-
The Arugula Salad contained ripe straw- toes, grilled baby asparagus, and several
berries, sweet candied pecans, and a very large plump shrimp. A savory light demi
creamy, delicious crumbled goat cheese. glace completed the dish.

10% OFF
10% OFF
This was all topped with an absolute “must-
try” champagne vinaigrette.
For our entrees, my friend had ordered
Since everything was so delicious, and
we were still hoping to sample something
from the impressive dessert menu, it was
Not be combined with any other offer. Not be combined with any other offer. the Grilled Skirt Steak, which our host sug- with sincere regret that my friend and I
gested he substitute with a fillet mignon. asked our server to kindly package up the
The meat was extraordinarily tender and remains of our entrees for later.

10% OFF
10% OFF
juicy, just as a good fillet should be. Its
accompaniments included a magnificent
potato dish called Tuscan Bacon Bleu
The dessert menu was, indeed, impres-
sive. All of the Prickly Pear’s desserts are
homemade on premises, and with standards
Caramelized Corn Potatoes. Chef Andes
Not be combined with any other offer. Not be combined with any other offer. continued on page 24
was kind enough to share his preparation

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Page 22 • Tell Them You Saw It In The Musconetcong News • January 2011

Prickly Pear... The Prickly Pear is different from other

eateries in other ways as well. For a truly
what dining pleasures are waiting to be dis-
covered here. I brought a friend and we
continued from page 21 unique evening out, the Prickly Pear offers were seated at a white linen-covered table.
for their salad. “It was arugula, strawber- unique experience. Their menu is updated classes culminating in a four-course dinner The décor was elegant, yet understated, the
ries, pinola nuts, and Prickly Pear vinai- twice annually, with dishes added or that includes an appetizer, salad, entrée, and lighting and soft music enhancing the
grette, drizzled with white chocolate.” removed according to what’s fresh for the dessert. Chef Joe prepares everything. “He serene atmosphere.
At last year’s Battle of the Chefs in season. show them how to prepare it and then he Although my companion was happy
Chester, Andes received another honor. His “There are some classics,” says Linda, serves it,” explains Linda. “He sets up right with the ice water in stemmed glasses, I
award-winning sirloin was, explains Chef “that stay on, that have been on since we in the dining room. Once he demonstrates ordered a diet soda, admittedly my weak-
Andes, “a sirloin crostini, a little crostini opened.” that course, it’s served.” ness. Our server brought a basket contain-
toast with roasted garlic cream cheese, and Because freshness is important at the Patrons bring their own wine, and class- ing a small loaf of warm bread along with a
then the shaved sirloin on top with Prickly Pear, some popular menu items are es are quite popular. Linda notes, “We’ve dish of whipped butter.
caramelized onions. It’s actually an appetiz- included according to availability. “We have had couples come to do it. We’ve had Following the suggestion of our hosts,
er on the menu…” he notes. “At least a ver- fish delivered every day of the week,” groups. We limit it to about forty people.” we chose the Stuffed Zucchini Ribbons and
sion of it.” Linda points out. “Sushi lovers really enjoy The “Prix-Fixe Lunches” are also a dis- the Shrimp Spedini for our appetizers. The
Jean-Anthelme Brillat-Savarin, an early our rare tuna. It’s sushi-grade tuna.” tinctive part of the menu. “It’s been very first was slices of zucchini rolled around a
19th century French lawyer, magistrate, An exceptional dining experience popular,” says Linda. “It’s three courses, a superbly moist, creamy stuffing of spinach,
politician, and author of 'Physiologie du at the Prickly Pear is important to both Chef soup or salad, lunch selection, and a dessert roasted peppers, oyster mushrooms, and
gout' (The Physiology of Taste), said, "The Joe and his wife. They offer menu items that for $12.95.” Lunch selections include menu Parmesan cheese, topped with a tangy
discovery of a new dish does more for the are both enticing and inspired. Yet they classics like Buffalo Chicken Pannini, lemon garlic sauce.
happiness of the human race than the dis- respect the individual preferences of their Garlic Pepper Seared Rare Tuna Wrap, and The Shrimp Spedini was a shrimp
covery of a star." That insight certainly patrons. “We have a couple of vegetarian Chicken Caesar Wrap. Dessert choices mousse with fresh mozzarella and spinach,
rings true today in a society where innova- dishes,” explains Linda. “He’s (Chef Joe) include items like Chocolate Mascarpone served with two plump shrimp standing
tion and creativity are so valued, and dining always willing to accommodate anyone’s Mousse. guard at the sides. This creation was topped
is such an important part of our culture. dietary needs. He’ll make anything as long On a recent visit, I discovered for myself
Dining at the Prickly Pear is always a as he has the ingredients here.” continued on page 23

Monday, February 14, 2011

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1 Mount Olive Road • Budd Lake • 973-448-0300
Tell Them You Saw It In The Musconetcong News • January 2011 • Page 21

World-Class Dining
Experience at Prickly Pear
By Kathryn Davis rather than exact measurements." The

ating,” said Italian designer Elsa talent Andes possesses in the kitchen has
Schiaparelli, “is not merely a earned him a reputation among loyal
material pleasure. Eating well patrons.
gives a spectacular joy to life and con- “I’ve traveled throughout the world,”
Make Your Valentine’s Day tributes immensely to goodwill and happy says Joe Seitz, a Prickly Pear regular. “What
companionship. It is of great importance to he does here is amazing. He reminds me of
Reservations Now! the morale." a European mom-and-pop restaurant, a fam-
Call 908-879-0003 Does eating well have to require interna- ily place. The food here is amazing. The
tional travel or even a trip into Manhattan? kitchen,” he adds, “is spotless. That’s how I
COOKING CLASSES ARE BACK! Happily, it does not. In the very heart of judge a place.”
Call For Details! Hackettstown, one can discover the excep- The creations of Chef Andes have gar-
tional cuisine of the Prickly Pear nered awards such as the People’s Choice
Restaurant. Owners Linda and Joe Andes Award for last year’s Art of Chocolate ben-
5.00 OFF $
10.00 OFF $
10.00 OFF opened in September of 2006, and have efit in Randolph.
$25 or $50 or Gift Certificate Purchase been tempting palates ever since. Over the “I took coconut,” the chef explains of his
more check more check ($60 or over) years, Joe Andes, a 25-year veteran chef, chocolate sushi creation, “with green food
Limit 1 per table. Limit 1 per table.
Not valid on Holidays. Expires 12/31/10 Not valid on Holidays. Expires 12/31/10 Expires 12/31/10 has catered for numerous celebrities includ- coloring to look like wakami (a seaweed
ing Billy Joel and Larry Holmes. salad). I laid out chocolate and tempered it
Marcel Boulestin, chef, French a little bit to make it pliable, and I did a
Restaurateur, and author, said, "Cookery is sweet sticky rice in there.”
not chemistry. It is an art. It requires instinct Wife Linda notes an additional award
and taste
continued on page 22

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Page 20 • Tell Them You Saw It In The Musconetcong News • January 2011

100 Years Ago Edison’s Battery Proved

Electric Cars Can Do An Endurance Run of 1,000 Miles
By Michele Guttenberger Street with a final climb up Mt Washington,

n 1898 Thomas Edison, developed an New Hampshire before returning home.
alkaline cell utilizing iron for the nega- The Bailey made its first battery charge in
tive terminal and nickelic oxide for the Waterbury Conn. On the 3rd night the
positive terminal. The electrolyte- a solu- Bailey had reached Manchester VT meeting
tion that conducts electricity was potassium up to the challenge of the Peru Mountain
hydroxide, similar to today’s nickel-cadmi- with rough roads and heavy grades.
um and alkaline batteries. The cells were Their big gas powered competitors
well suited to industrial and railroad use. laughed at the small electric cars claiming
The Edison alkaline battery was resistant to they would never make this challenging ter-
being overcharged or marred from remain- rain. But the electric cars did. The only
ing uncharged for long periods of time. hitch the electric cars faced was lack of
These batteries had a voltage of 1 to 1.35 water power at the electric lighting station
volts. in VT to recharge. The Bailey remained
Although Edison had a close friendship undaunted driving through Clairmont and
with Henry Ford, Edison believed in elec- Newport NH past Sunapee Lake with a
tric cars. He promoted the electric car as night stop at Plymouth for recharge. They
cleaner, quieter and easier to drive than gas got to their meet- up -the Mt Washington
powered automobiles. The Edison Electric Hotel in Breton Woods. They only experi-
Company was the battery supplier to S.R. enced a slight delay from their planned
Bailey & Company which only manufac- scheduled time.
tured electric automobiles. The company After their rest in Breton Woods the cars Bailey ended production of the electric Museum in West Orange, NJ.
built these electric automobiles in their were prepared for their ascent to the summit automobile and Edison had also shifted his The Edison Museum - Open Wednesday
Amesbury, Massachusetts plant from 1907 of Mt Washington. This ascent would be focus to other technology. However, through Sunday. Hours are 9:00am -
to 1915. Their showcase model was the 6,000 feet. It was an amazing site to see 2 Edison still retained his own personal elec- 5:00pm. Regular Entry Fee is $7.00 - 211
Bailey Electric Phaeton. It was touted as a electric cars each with only a 2 ? horsepow- tric automobiles. They can still be seen Main Street West Orange, NJ 07052 Visit
cross country vehicle which could drive 100 er motor pulling a 1 ton load through a 14 – today at his estate garage at Glenmont website for more details
miles on a full charge under ideal condi- 27 percent grade. which is also part of the Thomas Edison
tions. This was a very impressive claim The New York Times exclaimed in mar-
since electric cars in this era had a very lim- vel over the battery that brought power to
ited drive time per battery charge of 20-2 these cars. “It seems incredible that the
miles. power of streams and coal can be changed
Bailey and Edison did not simply make to an invisible force capable of being stored
this battery endurance claim; they set off to in the little steel cans of this battery to be
prove it. On September 17, 1910 they com- drawn on at will”.
peted with gas powered cars in a challenge Unfortunately, the electrics could not
- the 1,000 mile auto endurance run. The keep pace with the more powerful gas-
road tour started from the Touring Club of fueled cars and in the end lost out to the
America located on Broadway and 76th gasoline powered automobiles. By 1915

Attention Schools, Organizations, Churches, etc.

Send us your photos, press releases and upcoming events
and we’ll publish them in our next issue.
Email us at
Tell Them You Saw It In The Musconetcong News • January 2011 • Page 19

Hopatcong Teacher Named New Jersey State Teacher of the Year

ew Jersey Acting Commissioner of prestigious award is sponsored by the New works as a teacher at the Tulsa Trail Maranzano, said.
Education Rochelle Hendricks Jersey State Department of Education and Elementary School (grades 2-3), Danielle Kovach won over $35,000 in
announced at the N.J. State Board sponsored by the New Jersey Education Hopatcong, New Jersey. Danielle began her grants for her school in the area of technol-
of Education meeting in Trenton today that Association, Educational Testing Service, teaching career in Hopatcong Borough in ogy which earned Tulsa Trail School the
Danielle Kovach of Tulsa Trail Elementary ING, and Smart Technologies. 1997 when she graduated from Kutztown recognition as being a SMART Showcase
School is New Jersey’s State Teacher of the Danielle Kovach is Hopatcong University with a B.S.Ed in Elementary School, one of two in New Jersey.
Year. Danielle is a third grade special edu- Borough’s Teacher of the Year, Sussex Education. She then completed two mas- A year ago she won $10,000 grant from
cation teacher at Tulsa Trail Elementary County Teacher of the Year, and as of today ters’ degrees: M.Ed. from East Stroudsburg Honeywell for a “Classroom Makeover”
School in Hopatcong, New Jersey. The New Jersey State Teacher of the Year. She University in 2000, and M.A. from New and was featured on New Jersey’s
Jersey City University in 2007. Classroom Close-Up television program
“Danielle Kovach is an outstanding edu- with her “Superheroes of Safety,” a show
cator and exceptional person,” stated featuring her students’ efforts to keep chil-
Superintendent of Schools Dr. Charles dren safe from childhood predators.
Maranzano, Jr., “She brings an abundant Danielle’s greatest reward as a teacher is
amount of enthusiasm to the classroom the assurance that she has not only made a
every day. Her students are both nurtured difference in the lives of her students, but
and pushed to the highest possible outcomes has also made an impact on those around
due to Danielle’s dedication.” Dr. her. Her role as a teacher does not begin, nor
Maranzano believes that Danielle’s success end in the classroom. It is all encompassing,
is indicative of the overall positive and sup- in every facet of her life. She places great
portive teaching environment in Hopatcong. value on the role her family plays in her life
“She excels as an educator and will be the and lives in Roxbury Township with her
first to tell you that she works in a very sup- husband Mike and three boys.
portive and collaborative educational A local media website has been activat-
atmosphere. Danielle is very humble and ed: Please
credits everyone around her for the success- click on the State Teacher of the Year ban-
es and accomplishments in her life,” ner.

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Page 18 • Tell Them You Saw It In The Musconetcong News • January 2011

Events Calendar...
continued from page 10 Environmental Center, 621 B Eagle Rock,
Chinese circus traditions to life. & Heritage Council, 9B Moran St., Newton.
public. (973) 770-1000. Internationally Roseland. $5 members, $7 non-members.
Workshop: Bins and Scopes for Birding– Open to public. (973)383-0027. A work-
known artist, John Rush, will run a two- 10:30 am to noon. Children grades K to 5.
Scherman-Hoffman Wildlife Sanctuary, 11 shop that provides peer support and cri-
hour workshop for beginners and those with 973-226-6082 or
Hardscrabble Road, Bernardsville. $5. 2 pm tiquing for fiction writers.
some experience. Take a field
to 4 pm. Open to public. (908) 766-5787. Thu, Feb 10
Fri, Feb 4 trip to a nature preserve and see how sap is
Learn about the optical equipment needed Lecture: Alzheimer’s Disease, the
Theater: New York Gilbert & Sullivan extracted from maple trees to make maple
for bird watching. Workshop will provide Importance of Research &
Players, HMS Pinafore– Community syrup. Later walk back to the center to
hands-on comparisons of the various binoc- Understanding Clinical Trials– Library of
Theatre, 100 South Main, Morristown. $37- enjoy hot chocolate and snacks.
ulars and spotting scopes available on the the Chathams, 214 Main, Chatham. Free,
$62. 8 pm. (973) 539-8008. A tale about New Shanghai Circus– Community
market. registration. 7 pm. Open to public. 973-586-
overblown nationalism, personal ambition Theatre, 100 South Main, Morristown. $25
Workshop: Loving Oneself by Listening– 4300. Find the latest research efforts to
and forbidden love amongst British social or $32. 3 pm & 7 pm. (973) 539-8008.
Sussex County Library - Main Library, 125 treat, prevent, stop and reverse decline in
classes. Enjoy astonishing acrobats, jugglers and
Morris Turnpike, Newton. Free. 2 pm to 4 memory and functioning owing to
Sat, Feb 5 contortionists in this spellbinding perform-
pm. Open to public. 973-948-3660 ext. Alzheimer’s disease.
Nature: Maple Sugaring– Essex County ance that brings more than 2,000 years of
3418. Debbie Morris, Life Coach/Business Fri, Feb 11
Consultant/Yoga Instructor/NIA Teacher Dance: Savion Glover– Community
will help participants learn to be more lov- Theatre, 100 South Main, Morristown. $37-
New Shanghai Circus Comes to ing to themselves. $87. 8 pm. (973) 539-8008. Considered the
Sun, Feb 6 world’s greatest tap dancer, Tony-winner
The Community Theatre Theater: Beauty and the Beast– Savion Glover combines the rhythms of
Community Theatre, 100 South Main, bebop and hip-hop with bold and seemingly

embers of the National Council of Tickets are $40 a person (basic); $55 a Morristown. $12. 1:30 & 4 pm. Ages 4-10. impossible footwork.
Jewish Women (NCJW), West person (sponsor); and $65 a person (patron). (973) 539-8008. A tale about the transfor- Sat, Feb 12
Morris Section, will be dazzled The National Council of Jewish Women mative power of love when a Young Belle Circus Science– Newark Museum, 49
by the high-flying exploits of the New (NCJW) is a grassroots organization of vol- discovers the kindness and goodness of a Washington Street, Newark. $. (973) 596-
Shanghai Circus, Saturday evening, unteers and advocates who turn progressive Beast. Note: Does not feature music from 6550. Discover the amazing science that
February 5, at 7 p.m., at the Community ideals into action. Inspired by Jewish val- the Disney film. makes circus performances famous.
Theatre in Morristown. ues, NCJW strives for social justice by Wed, Feb 9 Presented by the Newark Museum in col-
Astonishing acrobats, jugglers and con- improving the quality of life for women, Fiction Writers Workshop (second laboration with Ringling Bros. and Barnum
tortionists will seemingly defy gravity with children, and families and by safeguarding Wednesday of month) – Sussex County Arts Bailey – The Greatest Show on Earth.
breathtaking feats of boundless energy as individual rights and freedoms.
they stretch the limits of human ability in For further information about the NCJW,
this spellbinding performance that brings West Morris theater party, contact Joy
more than 2,000 years of Chinese circus tra- Buchfirer of Morristown, co-VP of fund-
ditions to life. A fun-filled after-theater raising, at 973–451–1233;
party will follow.

Attention Schools,
Organizations, Churches, etc.
Send us your photos, press releases and
upcoming events and we’ll publish them
in our next issue.
Email us at
Tell Them You Saw It In The Musconetcong News • January 2011 • Page 17
Page 16 • Tell Them You Saw It In The Musconetcong News • January 2011
Tell Them You Saw It In The Musconetcong News • January 2011 • Page 15


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Tell Them You Saw It In The Musconetcong News • January 2011 • Page 13

United Way of Northern New Jersey

Celebrates National Mentoring Month

uring the month of January, volun- the mentor movement,” said Michelle
teer mentors across the nation are Roers, Director of Community Impact at
celebrating the positive effects United Way of Northern New Jersey, Morris
mentoring has on individuals in their com- County. “Mentoring has a positive impact
munities. In honor of National Mentoring on individuals young and old. By taking
Month, United Way of Northern New these classes, you are taking the first step in
Jersey’s Morris County office is offering an becoming a mentor and changing the life of
opportunity for community members to get someone in your community.”
involved and become a mentor. National Mentoring Month was created
This month, United Way will host free by the Harvard School of Public Health and
training classes for any individual interested MENTOR, and is celebrating its 10th year.
in becoming a mentor. This training can be In honor of this national celebration, people
applied to professional or personal situa- across the country are focusing on how we
tions where one might mentor another per- can work together to increase the number of
son. By taking part in the training classes, mentors and assure brighter futures for
participants learn about the mentoring young people.
process, and the rewards, challenges, and To learn more about United Way of
profound impact mentoring has on both the Northern New Jersey, Morris County’s
mentor and “mentee.” Mentor Training Center, visit
The training takes place at United Way
of Northern New Jersey’s Morris County To register for United Way’s free mentor
offices in Cedar Knolls. Participants must training classes, contact Shaunna Rubin at
attend all four sessions to complete the or call
training. Sessions will be held January 24, 973.993.1160, x142.
26, 21, and February 2 from 6:00pm to About United Way of Northern New
9:00pm. Jersey, Morris County
“We are proud to support National United Way is working to advance the
Mentoring Month by offering opportunities common good by focusing on education,
for community members to get involved in
continued on page 25


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Page 12 • Tell Them You Saw It In The Musconetcong News • January 2011

Get Fit & Have Fun!

Jazzercise 1 Day Sale January 24

azzercise, the world’s leading dance fit- Judi Sheppard Missett, who turned her
ness program, has an incredible offer love of jazz dance into a worldwide dance
for people looking to get fit for the exercise phenomenon, founded the
New Year. On Monday, January 24, for one Jazzercise dance fitness program in 1969.
day only, new customers can register for Judi has advanced the business opportuni-
Jazzercise at Succasunna and Lake ties of women and men in the fitness indus-
Hopatcong and get unlimited Jazzercise try by growing the program into an interna-
classes for only $29 per month for the first tional franchise business that today, hosts a
three months (with joining fee and registra- network of 7,800 instructors teaching more
tion). than 32,000 classes weekly in 32 countries.
“The Jazzercise 1 Day Sale offers new The workout program, which offers a
customers a cost efficient way to get fit fusion of jazz dance, resistance training,
while having fun,” said instructor Stacey Pilates, yoga, cardio box movements and
Oshrin. “Jazzercise customers can burn up Latin style movements, has positively
to 600 calories in a 60-minute class that fea- affected millions of people worldwide.
tures a fusion of jazz dance, yoga, kickbox- Benefits include increased cardiovascular
ing, resistance training, Pilates and more set endurance, strength, and flexibility, as well
to popular music in a friendly group fitness as an overall "feel good" factor. Additional
class environment.” Jazzercise programs include Junior
Jazzercise is located at Rte 10 East in Jazzercise, Jazzercise Lite and Personal
Succasunna and Lake Hopatcong 828 Rte Touch. For more information, contact
15 South. Your membership is good in both Oshrin at 973-252-9778 Succasunna. Or
locations unlimited classes most with 973-663-0030 Lake Hopatcong For further
babysitting. information go to
About Jazzercise www.RoxburyJazzCenter.Com .

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Tell Them You Saw It In The Musconetcong News • January 2011 • Page 11

Cats, January 29 & 30 at The Mayo Center for the Performing Arts

xperience the magic, the mystery and the memory of anniversary season, holding its place as the longest contin- its 18-year run on September 10, 2000 with 7,485 perform-
Cats, the groundbreaking, Tony-winning musical uously touring Broadway musical in history. On May 11, ances. That record was broken by The Phantom of the
based on the poetry of T.S. Eliot and a score by 1981, Cats opened at the New London Theatre in the West Opera on January 9, 2006 when Phantom celebrated its
Andrew Lloyd Webber, on Saturday, January 29, 2011 at 8 End. Eight years later it celebrated its first important mile- 7,486th curtain. Based on T.S. Eliot’s Old Possum’s Book
p.m. and Sunday, January 30, 2011 at 2 p.m. at The Mayo stone: after 3,358 performances Cats became the longest of Practical Cats, and with music by Andrew Lloyd Webber,
Center for the Performing Arts. Tickets are $57-$87. running musical in the history of British theatre. Cats Cats won seven 1983 Tony Awards including Best Musical,
Produced by CATS-Eye, LLC, the national tour of Cats played its final performance on its 21st birthday, May 11, Best Book of a Musical, Best Lighting and Best Costumes.
is the only production in North America sanctioned by 2002. In October of 1991 Cats became the longest continuous-
Andrew Lloyd Webber. With original direction by Trevor Cats opened on Broadway October 7, 1982 at the Winter ly touring show in American theatre history. Five conti-
Nunn and choreography by Gillian Lynne, this is the Cats Garden Theatre in New York City and continued to live up nents, 26 countries, over eight and a half million audience
credited with the British invasion of Broadway. to its motto "Now and Forever." On June 19, 1997, Cats members and 27 years later, Cats is still America’s most
The national tour of Cats recently celebrated its 27th became the longest running musical on Broadway. It ended loved family musical. Celebrating not only 27 years but the
birth of the musical spectacular, Cats is still revolutionary
and awe inspiring. Now that it was been seen by millions of
audience members worldwide, it is time to celebrate with
the whole family the magic, the mystery, the wonder of

Get Your Business Noticed

with the
Call Tim at 973-262-2156
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Page 10 • Tell Them You Saw It In The Musconetcong News • January 2011

Events Calendar...
continued from page 2 by Scouts to earn their merit badges. High Point State Park, 1480 State Route 23, ing comedians at the BEST comedy club in
Thu, Jan 20 Sun, Jan 23 Sussex. Free. 12 noon to 3 pm. Open to pub- the country!
Comedy: One Man Star Wars– Knee Deep Club Ice Fishing Contest– lic. (973) 875-4800. Celebrate winter with Mon, Jan 31
Community Theatre, 100 South Main, Lake Hopatcong$20 members, $25 non- an ice fishing demo, birdseed crafts, snow Food: Chefs with Flair– Hyatt
Morristown. $27-$42. 8 pm. (973) 539- members. 6 am to 4 pm. Open to public. show walk, storytelling, sing-alongs by a Morristown, 3 Speedwell Avenue,
8008. Travel to a galaxy far, far away and Enjoy the thrill fire with cookies and cocoa. Morristown. $35-$75. 5:30 pm to 9 pm.
enjoy a hilarious one-man show which and fun of ice fishing. Main-in entry forms Nature: Winter Wonderland Hike– Open to public. (908) 685-8040 ext. 308 or
recreates the characters, special effects and are due Jan 22, 2011. Plainsboro Preserve, 80 Scots Corner, Enjoy an elegant,
music from the original Star Wars trilogy. Young Performers Workshop Spring Cranbury. $3 members, $5 non-members. upscale food and wine tasting event pre-
Workshop: Step by Step to Home Session Interviews– Centenary College, 2:30 pm. Open to public. (609) 897-9400. pared by some of NJ finest chefs to benefit
Ownership (Jan 20 & Jan 27) – The 400 Jefferson, Hackettstown. Call for times. The Artie Shaw Orchestra– Sitnik Theater American Lung Association.
Housing Partnership, 2 East Blackwell, Ages 8-18. 908-979-0900 ext 2. of Lackland Center, Centenary College, Tue, Feb 1
Dover. $35 registration, includes textbook. Tue, Jan 25 Hackettstown. $$. 4-6 pm. (908) 979-0900. Mad Science: Star Trek Live (Feb 1 & 2)
5:45 pm to 9:30 pm. Open to public. Caregivers Support Group Meeting (last The Greatest Generation, as well as – Community Theatre, 100 South Main,
Sponsored by The Housing Partnership, a Tuesday of every month) – Sussex County Boomers, Xers, Ys and Zs, will be able to Morristown. $8. 10 am and 12:15 pm. For
United Way agency. 973-659-9222 or Homestead Auditorium, 129 Morris experience the sound of a real big band! school children grades 3-8. (973) 539-8008. Learn Turnpike, Newton. Free. 5:30-6:30 pm. Theater: Cats (Jan 29-30) – Community When Romulan forces invade from the
about the process of buying a home at this Open to public. Theatre, 100 South Main, Morristown. $57- future, the newly formed Starfleet Academy
two-day workshop intended for first-time Hopatcong Republican Club $87. Sat 8 pm, Sun 2 pm. (973) 539-8008. of audience cadets must work together to
buyers. Reorganization Meeting– Hopatcong Experience the magic, the mystery and the save Earth!
Fri, Jan 21 Civic Center, Hopatcong. 7:15 pm. Open to memory of this groundbreaking, Tony-win- Thu, Feb 3
2011 Lenape Valley Patriots Youth members and registered Republicans. ning musical all over again. Moms Club of Stanhope Meeting (1st
Lacrosse Registration (Jan 21-22) – or www.sussexcoun- Sun, Jan 30 Thursday of the month) – First Presbyterian
Lenape Valley High School, 28 Sparta All-Star Comedy Fundraiser for Eric Church of Stanhope, 100 Main, Stanhope.
Road, Stanhope. $175 boys, $125 girls. Fri Wed, Jan 26 LeGrand Believe Fund– Stress Factory, 90 Open to women residents. (973) 601-0656.
6-8 pm, Sat 9 am-noon. Open to boys and Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance Church, New Brunswick. $30. 8 pm. (732) Workshop: Watercolor Painting (Feb 3 &
girls in grades 3 to 8. Www.lenapevalley- Meeting (last Wednesday of month) – 545-4242. Join the Stress Factory in raising 5) – Sussex County Library-Louise Childs, Morristown Unitarian Fellowship, 21 money to benefit Rutgers Football Player 21 Sparta, Stanhope. Free, registration
Sat, Jan 22 Normandy Heights Road, Morristown. Free Eric LeGrand and his family. The evening required. Thu at 6 pm, Sat at 10 am. Open to
Field Trip: Wallkill River National but donation is requested. 7:45 pm. Open to will feature a great show with top headlin- continued on page 18
Wildlife Refuge– Scherman-Hoffman public. (973) 994-1143.
Wildlife Sanctuary, 11 Hardscrabble Road, Project Homeless Connect– Moore Street
Bernardsville. $15 members, $20 non- Firehouse, 110 Moore Street, Hackettstown.
members. 1 pm. Open to public. (908) 766- 10 am to 4 pm. Open to all volunteers.
5787. Naturalist Ken Witkowski will guide or (908) 835-
participants to find winter raptors, passer- 3550. An annual event that provides infor-
ines and possibly Short-eared Owls. mation to homeless individuals on services,
Harlem Gospel Choir– Community including health care, housing, temporary
Theatre, 100 South Main, Morristown. $27- assistance, veteran’s services, mental health
$42. 8 pm. (973) 539-8008. The most and substance abuse services, and legal
famous gospel choir in America shares its services.
message of love, inspiration and joy of faith Thu, Jan 27
with rich harmonies that touch the depths of Stanhope Senior Citizens Club Meeting
your soul and lift your spirits. (4th Thursday of every month) – First
Maple Sugaring Demo (Jan 22-23, 30 & Presbyterian Church of Stanhope, 100
Feb 5, 12, 13) – The Great Swamp OEC, Main, Stanhope. Open to seniors. (973)
247 Southern Blvd, Chatham. $3. 2 - 3 pm. 347-8285.
Open to public. Sponsored by Morris Fri, Jan 28
County Park Commission. 973-635-6629. Country Folk Art Show (Jan 28-30) – NJ
Learn how to identify and tap maple trees, Convention and Expo Center, 97 Sunfield
make syrup over a wood-fired evaporator, Ave, Edison. $8 admission. Fri. 5-9, Sat.
and taste test different syrups. 10-5, Sun. 10-5. Open to public. (732) 417-
Nature: New Jersey Owl Prowl– 1400. Show features artisans from across
Plainsboro Preserve, 80 Scots Corner, the country offering unique decorating and
Cranbury. $3 members, $5 non-members. 6 gift items.
pm to 8 pm. Open to public. (609) 897- Golden Dragon Acrobats– The Theatre at
9400. Join sanctuary director Sean Grace as Raritan Valley Community College, 118
he tries to call in some of New Jersey’s noc- Lamington Road, Branchburg. $25. 7 pm.
turnal hunters. (908) 725-3420. From the People’s
Workshop: Geology (Scout Merit Badge Republic of China, Golden Dragon
Series)– Weis Ecology Center, 150 Snake Acrobats combines award-winning acrobat-
Den Road, Ringwood. $10 members, $15 ics and traditional dance with ancient and
non-members. 1 pm to 4 pm. Open to Boy contemporary music to present a show of
Scouts. (973) 835-2160. Study the materials breathtaking skill and spellbinding beauty.
that make up the earth and the processes Sat, Jan 29
that change it over time. Course can be used High Point State Park Winter Festival–
Tell Them You Saw It In The Musconetcong News • January 2011 • Page 9

Dance For A Cure...

continued from page 7 experiences. form.” While dancing, and doing what they variety of dances that incorporate all forms
biopsy which came back positive for Stage Her childhood friend died in September love most, they will “give back as well,” she of dance such as ballet, tap, lyrical, contem-
II Ductal Carcinoma in situ (or DCIS), the from bone cancer. A father of one of her says. porary and jazz. Girls from 7-years old to
most common type of noninvasive breast dance student’s is a three-time survivor and Thrun’s hope is “finding a cure; to help 18 will perform competitive dance routines
cancer in women. With DCIS, the cancer is still fighting. The head ballet teacher at scientists and studies be found.” choreographed by teachers on TDC staff as
cells are found in the breast’s milk ducts. the center survived breast cancer after she TDC collected close to $500 last year for well as outside choreographers, says
Since Michel’s cancer had spread into had a mastectomy and chemotherapy two breast cancer through its fall clothing drive. Michel.
breast tissue of one of her breasts, she opted years ago. In addition, she and Volz both This year, the center’s goal is to raise “All the dances are competitive,” she
for a double mastectomy which she under- lost their fathers to prostate cancer. $10,000 through monies raised from the says. “All high level dancers that train in
went on Dec. 14 at Overlook Hospital in “It’s close to us; we really wanted to performance as well as another clothing dance at least 10 hours a week” will be per-
Summit, followed by immediate reconstruc- have more of an impact,” explains Michel. drive in the spring. forming.
tive surgery. Michel will be in recovery for “The kids really want to do something and All proceeds raised from the dance per- For advanced tickets, call 973-252-0931.
at least a year, needs additional reconstruc- make a difference.” formance will go to SUTC, an organization Tickets will also be sold at the studio and at
tive surgery, and may have to undergo Another one of Michel’s students, created to accelerate groundbreaking cancer the door for a $5 donation. There are 600
chemotherapy or hormonal therapy based Rachel Thrun, has also been touched by the research that will get new therapies to seats available. For those unable to attend
on test results of her breast tissue. disease after her mother- Julie Ashton of patients quickly and save lives. the performance, donations can be made to
As a survivor, Michel is pleased with the Flanders- was diagnosed with breast cancer SUTC’s purpose is to enable cutting-, under the team name
advancement in cancer treatments and is in late September. Ashton underwent a dou- edge research to find a cure to all types of TDC Shooting Stars.
hopeful for the future. ble mastectomy in the fall. cancer such as breast, prostate, skin and Celebrating its 20th year anniversary this
“My story is common,” says Michel. Thrun, a junior at Mt. Olive High school brain. “SU2C's goal is to bring together the September 2011, TDC offers a variety of
“The technology to treat what I have is real- who has been attending Theater Dance best and the brightest in the cancer commu- classes for ages 2.5 years old through adult
ly advanced. I think from all of the fundrais- Center since she was three years old, is the nity, encouraging collaboration instead of such as ballet, Pointe, tap, jazz, hip hop,
ing there’s a lot of improvement. My hope student leader for the Stand Up To Cancer competition,” according to the organiza- lyrical, ballroom, adult fitness, acrobatics,
is the money we raise will help the students fundraiser. tion’s mission statement. “By galvanizing boys only classes, voice, private and group
in my class, that there will be a vaccine or “There’s been a lot of personal connec- the entertainment industry, SU2C creates lessons, and award winning competitive
something.” tions,” says Thrun. “Being touched person- awareness and builds broad public support dance teams.
Michel is all too familiar with the dis- ally and having dance teachers touched as for this effort.” For more information, visit www.thea-
ease, not only by her personal battle but well, it’s good to inspire others and do it by TDC Shooting Stars Dance For a Cure
through people in her life facing similar something that we love and that is to per- will include a 2.5 hour performance of a

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Page 8 • Tell Them You Saw It In The Musconetcong News • January 2011
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Hopatcong Women’s Club

To Hold General Membership Meeting

he Hopatcong Women's Club will lowed by a white elephant. All local
hold its general membership women are invited to attend. For further
meeting at the Civic Center on information, call 973-398-1267 or 973-
Lakeside Blvd. on Wednesday, Jan. 19 398-5021.
at 10:30 AM. Lunch will be served fol-
Tell Them You Saw It In The Musconetcong News • January 2011 • Page7

Theater Dance Hosts

“Dance For A Cure”
By Cheryl Conway

ersonally affected by cancer either as
victims or through loved ones, mem-
bers of Theater Dance Center of
Flanders will host a fundraiser this month to
help find a cure.
Theater Dance Center invites the public
to its performance - TDC Shooting Stars
Dance For a Cure-on Sunday, Jan. 30, at 5
p. m. at the Mt. Olive Middle School.
Tickets are $5, and all proceeds will go to
Stand Up To Cancer (SUTC), a program of
the Entertainment Industry Foundation.
members of TDC. Michel, 48, of Flanders,
Any amount of money raised for this
recently had a double mastectomy after
cause will make a difference in the lives of
being diagnosed with breast cancer in
others who may someday be diagnosed with
October. Detection of a lump in her milk
cancer or have a relative fighting against the
duct went unnoticed during her annual
mammography in April. It was during her
“We have a bunch of young girls at our
annual physical in September when her pri-
studio that dance and who could face breast
mary doctor conducted a breast exam and
cancer someday,” says Millene Michel, co-
found a lump deep in her breast.
owner and artistic director of Theater Dance
When Michel returned for a second
Center. Michel co-owns the studio with
mammography and ultrasound in October,
Mary Ellen Volz, who also serves as busi-
the radiologist questioned Michel’s diagno-
ness director of the center. “Hopefully any
sis by her physician, especially when noth-
money raised from this school will make a
ing showed up. There was a change in the
breast tissue, however, so Michel went for a
Facing the disease is all too familiar for
continued on page 9
Page 6 • Tell Them You Saw It In The Musconetcong News • January 2011

Lace Day Helps Keep a Tradition Alive

By Elsie Walker over 500 years and it is more beautiful than the machine tional, and have made many handkerchiefs. I also made lots

t used to be common that people learned about creating made lace, although some of that can be exquisite as well. of holiday ornaments. I have several knitted shawls and
handmade items from a family member or neighbor It can be humbling to see the amazing laces made in the scarves, too.”
and, in that way, the skill was handed down and kept 1400’s. We need to be aware of our past and preserve the The joy and pride in creation, which the lacers enjoy, is
alive. In this age of technology, machines do so much for us techniques for the future, “ explained Lee Daly of Newton, being passed on to a new generation…in the traditional
that sometimes the “art” of making things by hand seems to president of the Lost Art Lacers of North Jersey. way.
be getting lost in the shuffle. However, some people are Wolfe added, “There is so much going on in the world, “We currently have one young lady who has been mak-
still following that “hand it down” tradition. and people are so busy running from one activity to anoth- ing lace since she was 9 and is now 13, and takes private
“The lady across the street from me was a tatter, and she er. Any type of handcraft is a good way to slow down and lessons whenever it fits into her school schedule. Another
always said that I had to learn to carry on the art. She has catch our breath. No longer do folks have to depend on young lady started lace making when she was 11 and still
been gone for many years now, but I am still carrying on! “ these skills to earn a little extra money, but that is no reason makes lace now that she is out of college. She
said Dottie Wolfe of Stanhope. to lose them. No handcraft should become a lost art!” had taught many of her friends the basics of lace making as
Wolfe is a member of the Lost Art Lacers of North Susan Keenan, of Blairstown, the treasurer and demo well,” said Daly.
Jersey. Founded in 1976, this group of over 50 members is chair of the group, learned to tat while serving in the Peace
a charter chapter of the International Old Lacers, Inc and is Corps in Chile. She noted that it can be relaxing and Winter Saleabration!
helping to keep the skill of making handmade lace alive. fun…especially when done in a group. Besides tatting,

his winter ReStore of the Sussex County
An annual event is the group’s Lace Day. Held each year Keenan also does bobbin lace and Carrickmacross (an Irish Habitat for Humanity (SCHFH) is keeping its
just before Valentine’s Day, the event offers lace making lace dating back to 1820). doors open! To start off the New Year, SCHFH
supplies, lace making demonstrations and “Try-Me” Table, What types of things do these women use their lace for? is celebrating the completion of two housing projects
lace exhibits, and lace workshops for children (pre-registra- “Hankies. So far, I have made 158 lace hankies for funded in part through ReStore sales. ReStore is offer-
tion required). This year’s Lace Day is February 5, 2011 myself. My goal is to have made 100 lace hankies in each ing sale pricing on major appliances, interior doors,
from 10:00 am – 4:00 pm. It’s open to the public and will century that I have lived. I also make designer pincushions, lighting fixtures and much, much more! Patrons are
be held at The Meeting Hall in Olde Lafayette Village, doilies, and so forth, said Keenan. invited to stop by, visit, shop and help another Sussex
Routes 94 and 15 in Lafayette. (The snowdate is February “Any more, I seem to make mostly jewelry. I still need County family improve its housing situation. The store
12th). In addition, adult lace making workshops will be to make some more doilies for the church,” shared Wolfe. is open on Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 12 noon and is
held the following day (pre-registration required). For For Daly, it is not so much the end product, but the cre- located on Milk Street in Branchville, NJ. For more
details, see the group’s website at: http://www.lostartlac- ative journey that she likes: “I enjoy the process of lace- information, please call 973-948-4850 or visit the Web making rather than work towards a goal of a finished proj- site SCHFH is 100 percent
“The tradition of handmade lace has been around for ect, but I have made many motifs, both modern and tradi- volunteer organization!

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Tell Them You Saw It In The Musconetcong News • January 2011 • Page 5

Roll Up Your Sleeves!

As More Snow Falls, More Blood Donors Are Needed
anuary is National Blood Donor shudder to think what would've happened if and regularly thereafter. Area businesses, the only place to get this precious resource
Month, and New Jersey Blood Services our communities hadn't answered our call local governments and community groups is from volunteer blood donors.
(NJBS), a division of the New York for help after the blizzard. NYBC, and the are asked to step up and take the National Fewer than five percent of healthy
Blood Center (NYBC) is urging the com- hospital patients we serve, thank you,” said Blood Donor Month Challenge by holding Americans eligible to donate blood actually
munities it serves to donate today and help Rob Purvis, NYBC Vice President. community blood drives this month, in the donate each year. In New Jersey, only two
to replenishment the blood supply, which is The purpose of National Blood Donor spirit of impromptu, unified team responses percent actually donate. Dedicated blood
critically low after the recent blizzard Month is to increase awareness of volunteer gaining popularity on YouTube and donors striving to change those statistics
caused the cancellation of many drives. blood donation. First-time and regular Facebook. include:
"We're still down about seven percent donors are encouraged to make a difference Blood is traditionally in short supply People can donate one pint of whole
from what we need in blood donations, and to their communities by scheduling an during the winter months due to holidays, blood every 56 days. An adult of average
we need everyone's continued help. We appointment to give blood every January, travel schedules, inclement weather and ill- weight has about 10 to 12 units of blood, so
ness. Approximately 25 percent of regional one pint is easy to spare. If you cannot
blood collection comes from high schools donate, then please ask someone to donate
and colleges, many of which have winter for you. NYBC is thankful for the individ-
recess this month. uals, employers, community groups,
Each day in the United States, more than schools and religious organizations that are
40,000 units of blood are needed in hospi- steadfast in their commitment to blood
tals and emergency treatment facilities for drives during the winter season and
patients with cancer and other diseases, for throughout the year.
organ transplant recipients, and to help save To donate blood or for information on
the lives of accident victims. how to organize a blood drive, please call
Approximately five million Americans will toll free at 1-800-933-2566 or visit
receive a blood transfusion this year, and

Get Your Business Noticed with the

Call Tim at 973-262-2156 for information
Page 4 • Tell Them You Saw It In The Musconetcong News • January 2011
Tickets Now Available
Mt. Olive Community Bible Church for All-Star Line-up in Long Valley
Hosts “Boys Brigade”
ickets are on sale
now at Valley Music
Center for: Idlewheel

or twenty years the Mount Olive Community Bible Church has provided a
young boy's program called "Boy's Brigade" featuring YOUTUBE sensa-
tion Mree Hsiao, Jim Breuer
We currently meet in the Sandshore School gym in Budd Lake at 6:30 pm to 8:00 "The Heavy Metal Man"
pm. ages 6 - 12. The program is led by three adults who lead in games, crafts, snack, and Barry McGuire at The
and Life Lessons from the Bible. Studio of Long Valley.
Consider sending you son to this positive 'experience each Wednesday night. We Come out for great music
also hold some special events which the group looks forward to through the year. If while supporting the non-
you are interested please call 973 229 2002 and ask for Neil. profit group, Tri-County
Music and Arts (aka TRIC-
MA). TRICMA has been
working hard to provide
2011 Lenape Valley Patriots Youth members with community
music ensembles and live
Lacrosse Program Registration entertainment since this past
August… and things are
these groups, Dave White
and George Moran of
these three shows in particu-
lar are expected to be
starting to heat up. Their TRICMA have been book- "standing room only". This

he 2011 Lenape Valley Patriots The registration cost is $175 for boys
Youth Spring lacrosse program will and $125 for girls. This fee covers insur- community groups have ing shows in The Studio of is why TRICMA will be
be having a registration for their ance, protective gear, uniforms and a sub- performed at Hackettstown Long Valley to help offset selling tickets in advance at
upcoming spring season at Lenape Valley scription to lacrosse magazine for each par- Community Day, Heath the cost of renting the Valley Music Center in
H.S. on Friday, January 21 from 6 p.m. to 8 ticipant. Village as well as at Warren rehearsal space. 2011 will Long Valley, NJ.
p.m. and on Saturday, January 22 from 9 Please visit County Community College be a year of great shows If you are interested in
a.m. to 12 noon. for addi- and will be restarting with acts like: Jim Breuer's coming to a show or joining
All Byram, Netcong and Stanhope boys tional information, forms, photos and rehearsals this January for "Heavy Metal Man", a community ensemble
and girls in grades 3 to 8 are eligible to reg- updates. their Jazz Band, Fiddle Idlewheel, Barry McGuire please visit:
ister for this league, which is now in its fifth Come join the fastest growing sport in Club, String Orchestra and and several other acts from or email:
year. the United States and in Sussex County! Beginning Band. around the region. Seating
In order to help support is limited for all shows, but
Tell Them You Saw It In The Musconetcong News • January 2011 • Page 3
Page 2 • Tell Them You Saw It In The Musconetcong News • January 2011

Events Calendar
Art: Posing Beauty, African American Images from the Open to public. Call Brian Oleksak at 973-948-3040. The Theater: Oliver! (Feb 4-6, 11-13, 18-20) – Brundage Park
1890s to the Present (Feb 2 - Apr 28,2011) – Newark Master Gardener program is a volunteer training program Playhouse, Carrell Road, Randolph. $. Fri & Sat at 8 pm,
Museum, 49 Washington Street, Newark. $. 973-596-6550. administered by Rutgers Cooperative Extension. The cur- Sun at 2 pm. (973) 989-7092 or www.brundageparkplay-
An exhibit that explores the ways in which African riculum covers botany for gardeners, soils and fertilizers, Relive the memorable stories of Oliver, The
American beauty has been represented in the media. landscape plant selection, plant pest diagnostics and pest Artful Dodger, Fagin, Nancy and other characters from the
Comedy Workshop for Adults (Saturdays from Jan 22 to management, vegetable gardening, tree fruits, turfgrass Charles Dickens’ timeless novel Oliver Twist. This beloved
Mar 12) – Black River Playhouse, 54 Grove St., Chester. management and houseplants. musical is sure to entertain the entire family.
$195 tuition. Saturday 9:30 to noon (8-sessions). Open to Mental Health Support Group Meeting (every Monday) Theater: Wizard of Oz (Feb 4 - 27) – Palace Theatre,
public. (908) 892-5458 or Learn – First Baptist Church of Sussex Fellowship House, Main Route 183, 7 Ledgewood Avenue, Netcong. $. Fri. 7:30,
the secrets of improvisation and stand-up comedy with a Street and Route 23, Sussex. 3-6 pm. Open to public. (973) Sat. & Sun. 4. All ages. (973) 347-4946. Join Dorothy, Toto
class designed for beginners and comically curious. Course 875-9451. Attendees may enjoy refreshments, socialize, and friends in this timeless classic as they journey to the
will help show you how to bring more laughter into your obtain educational materials on mental illness and commu- Land of Oz to see the Wizard.
life. nity resource listings and participate in a rap session. Workshop: Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA)
Depression and Bipolar Support Group Meeting (every Pocono Choral Society (thru May 2011) – Lackland (Fridays from Feb 18 to Apr 15) – Sussex County Library-
Wednesday) – Redeemer Lutheran Church, 37 Newton- Center Sitnik Theatre, Hackettstown. $20-$25. Sundays at 5 Main, 125 Morris Turnpike, Newton. Free. 9 am to 1 pm.
Sparta Road, Newton. Free. 7:30-8:30 pm. Open to public. pm. (908) 979-0900. Open to seniors and income eligible residents. (973) 579-
(973) 948-6999. A weekly meeting is held for those suffer- Skies Alive! Bird Migration in the Garden State (thru 0555. Volunteers will be available to provide personal state
ing or know someone who is suffering from depression. June 2011) – Newark Museum, 49 Washington Street, and federal tax assistance at no charge.
Fall-Winter 2010 Art Exhibit (thru Jan 2011) – Morris Newark. $. (973) 596-6550. An exhibit that focuses on New Wed, Jan 19
County Administration and Records Building, Atrium Art Jersey’s bird migration and the importance of preserving Hopatcong Women’s Club Meeting (3rd Wednesday from
Gallery, Court Street, Morristown. Free. Open to public. natural resources. Sep to May, except Jan) – Civic Center, Lakeside Blvd.,
(973) 285-5115, ext. 10. Theater: A Fairy Tale Princess Tea Party (Jan 22 - Feb 5, Hopatcong. 10:30 a.m.. Open to women residents. 973-398-
Gowns: From Birth to Bedroom to Ballroom (thru Feb 2011) – Pax Amicus Castle Theatre, 23 Lake Shore Drive, 1267.
2011) – Acorn Hall, 68 Morris Avenue, Morristown. $6. Budd Lake. Tickets $12. Call for time/date. Children ages Theater: Click, Clack, Moo– Community Theatre, 100
Call for days/time. (973) 267-3465. Exhibit showcases the 4-13. (973) 691-2100. South Main, Morristown. $12. 4 pm. Children ages 3-9.
varieties of gowns that define a woman’s life – christening, Theater: Bad Dates (thru Mar 6) – Lackland Center Sitnik (973) 539-8008. Cows that type? Hens on strike! Farmer
ball, wedding, dressing, and nightgowns. Theatre, 400 Jefferson St, Hackettstown. $. Call for Brown’s animals protest their working conditions in this
Master Gardener Training (Ongoing from Sep to May) – date/time. (908) 979-0900. A transplanted Texan tries to hilariously “moo-ving” musical based on the award-win-
Cooperative Extension Office, 127 Morris Turnpike, balance the pressures that come with a new career as a New ning book.
Newton. $300 tuition. Wednesdays, 10 a.m. to 12 noon. York City restaurateur. continued on page 10

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