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Varieties of English
English is a worldwide
language. Between 1.5 billion
and 2 billion people across the
planet speak English. Between
400,000 people are native
English speakers. In view of
these statistics, many consider
the English language to be a
world language. Since the
English language has become
so widespread, it is no surprise
that different varieties of
English have arisen.
There are many varieties of
English spoken in the world.
The oldest variety of English is
British English, spoken in the
United Kingdom.
Approximately 60 million
people are native British
English speakers. The variety of
English with the largest number
of native speakers is American
English, with 225 million native
speakers. The other major
varieties of English are
Canadian English, Australian
English, New Zealand English,
South African English and
Indian English. Some linguists
also recognize another
classification of a variety of
English known as World
English. All varieties of English
share the same basic tenets of
the language, but certain
words, phrases or linguistic
constructs may differ. For
instance, in British English, one
says I’m going to hospital. In
American English one says I’m
going to the hospital. In British
English one may say he is going
to the cinema, in American
English one says he is going to
the movies, and in South
African English, the phrase is
going to the bioscope.
2. Keeping Fit
The fitness boom of the past
decades led to a big rise in the
numbers of people
participating in sports and
other physical activities. A
healthy body becomes a
fashion, an ideal of the life of
today. Those who pursue the
latest fitness fashion are
convinced that staying in good
physical form requires much
more than regular exercise and
balanced meals. For anyone
who really wants to be healthy,
fitness has become an integral
part of their lives.
There are many opportunities
for keeping fit. First of all, it is
necessary to do exercises.
People of different ages can
design exercises that will fit
them. Running, jumping,
swimming, bending and
stretching are among the most
popular exercises. Many people
prefer jogging, which is the
cheapest and the most
accessible sport. Walking is a
very popular activity too. Even
moderate physical activity can
protect against heart disease
and strokes as well as improve
general health and the quality
of life.
What about myself? I’m taking
up fitness and I adore
swimming because it’s really
interesting and helps to keep
your fit. Especially I like
swimming in summer. Of
course because of it’s really
So everyone can benefit from
being a little more active.
Making small changes like using
the stairs instead of the lift or
walking or cycling instead of
taking the bus can help people
live a more active, healthier
and enjoyable life.
4.Your first public performance
-цирковая студия.
Выступление в парке
фотографировались. Была вся
семья. Я переживала, но все
окей было.
Раньше это не было такой
проблемы, хотя сейчас я
очень боюсь их. Надо с этим
5. Good and bad manners
The manners and habits of a
person tell a lot about his
personality. We often form our
opinion of a person after
meeting him and observing his
manners. People like a person
having good and pleasing
manners. They like his
behavior. Such a person talks,
behaves and meets others in a
sweet way. Firstly, he greets
other people who are older
than he. He shows proper
respect to his elders.
A well-mannered person tries
his best not to injure the
feelings of others. He never
makes a show of his ability or
learning or wealth to make
others feel lowly. He does not
mind the faults of others. He
knows that all human beings
make mistakes and have their
weaknesses. So if a person
displeases or troubles him, he
does not get angry.
Good manners like the ones
described above make real
friendship and love possible.
Friendship and love between
two or more people will
continue long if they are well
People do not like a person
with bad manners. They dislike
his behaviour, his way of talking
or meeting others. Such a
person displeases others with
his manners and habits. He
does not properly entertain
them. At his place of work, he
does not receive visitors in a
pleasant way. He does not
listen well to them and does
not satisfy them with his
An ill-mannered person is often
proud in his behavior. He
makes a show of the things that
he possesses or of his
knowledge. He does not have
the patience for the faults of
others and gets angry very
soon. Bad-mannered people
cannot continue to be friends
for long. They mind each
other’s faults and begin
disliking each other sooner or
later. They do not like to help
others in difficulty, as they are
6. Health and well-being
'Health' is a state of complete
physical, social and mental well
being and not merely the
absence of disease. Health is
thus a level of functional
efficiency of living beings and a
general condition of a persons
mind, body and spirit, meaning
it is free from illness, injury and
pain. It is a resource of
everyday life and a positive
concept emphasizing physical
Good health is a matter of great
concern, to maintain it, healthy
living and a disciplined life is a
must. One of the best ways is
to drink plenty of water as it
reduces the risk of infection,
keeps your skin healthy,
reduces the risk of heart attack,
burns body fat and regulates
our body temperature. We
should sleep well as it relaxes
our body and reduces stress.
We need to have a balanced
diet and go for long, brisk
walks. Our motto should be to
keep our body clean in order to
remain healthy. We must laugh
more as laughing is a therapy
and a secret of good health.
The government should include
integrated health programs
into their public policies and
control specific health
In conclusion, achieving a good
health is not a function of
single factor but a combination
of many different variables.
While medicine can be one
important factor, lifestyle
clearly can play a better role in
providing a sound health to
people on all three grounds:
physical, mental, and social.
Also, since the lifestyle solves
the health problems from
grassroots level, the solution
are more long lasting than that
of medicines. Therefore, it has
rightly been said that the key to
good health is not medicine,
but lifestyle.
7. The importance of good
In such a competitive world,
education is the essential
requirement of every
individual. Education fulfills
one’s life with joy and
happiness. An educated person
is more satisfied with his life, or
we can say that education gives
the reason to be alive in this
There are lots of reason why is
education important in one’s
life. The very first thing that
one can get livelihood that is
that prior thing in human life to
live. Education is a platform by
which one can get success and
reach the top of destination. It
is a fact that the more
educated you are the much
wealthier you are.
Education improves the
mentality and behavior of
people. Thus, educated people
are more sensible and calm.
They treat animals and nature
politely too. They have an
advanced and developed mind.
Education makes a man be
responsible and follow the
rules and regulation of the
society. Hence they have
unique fame in the community.
Also, they work thoughtfully
and improves their social
status. Such qualities
sometimes offer them
recognition of good leader or
respected profession.
Today, you live in a technical
world just because of educated
people. People invented lots of
gadgets, machines, instrument,
communication tools, etc. In
earlier days, there was lack of
education. But today,
education systems are growing
day by day and thus, people
enlarge their views all over the
8. Tastes differ
9. Entertainment in the 21
Today life is full of stress and
anxiety and especially in
metropolitan cities situation is
the worst. Everyone is busy
with his life, no time for family
and himself even. Every person
is running behind his hectic
schedule. Life become so fast
but still no time to relax for 5
minute and release the stress.
Entertainment can add salt in
this discomfort and distasteful
life. It is the way of
entertainment which keeps the
life going. Else life becomes
very dull and boring.
Entertainment gives the life its
charm and energy.
Entertainment can be of any
type depending on one's choice
and likes. A tired person after
coming back from office, if got
a 15 minute time to watch its
favorite show then that time is
enough to relax his tiring mind.
This small time period of
entertainment can give a smile
and a soothing effect to his
One of the greatest
developments of our time is
Technology. It has greatly
impacted the entertainment
industry. Each and every
fundamental aspect of the
entertainment industry has
changed due to the technology.
Technology has changed
everything. The film industry
has expanded into the reality
series, the television shows.
Music is a great way to relive
the day to day stress. Almost
every person is interested in
any kind of music. People of the
older times love classical music
whereas kids like rhymes and
children music.
Going out for picnic, chatting
with family members or
friends, dancing, singing etc.
can give pleasure to a tired and
sick mind. These simple ways
lift up the mood and can buzz
the day and put the life at an
In short, any sort of
entertainment should be there
in life to remove the boredom
of life and to make the life
dynamic and exciting always.
10. How do you know when
someone’s lying
Lying and deception are
common human behaviors. The
reality is that most people will
probably lie from time to time.
Some of these lies are little
white lies intended to protect
someone else’s feelings (“No,
that shirt does not make you
look fat!”). In other cases, these
lies can be much more serious
(like lying on a resume) or even
sinister (covering up a crime).
But I follow some rules to
endificate a liar. Some of them I
have read in the book. And
most of them really help me.
For example liars touch their
face, mouth or throat. This
subconscious body language
may indicate that someone is
lying to you. If you notice
someone touching their face
who normally doesn't, it is a
little red flag to keep in the
back of your mind.
They repeat themselves. If
someone begins to stammer,
repeating words or phrases, it
is a sign that they are trying to
think of what to say next. This
may indicate that they are
concocting a story to tell.
They pause before answering.
A long or abnormal pause
before someone answers a
question may be a tip-off that
they are lying. This is especially
true if the answer should be
simple and obvious.
They look toward the door.
Subconsciously, we look where
we want to go, someone who is
uncomfortable may look
toward a door, or at the
minimum break eye contact
with you when they are lying.
Others may look at their watch,
signalling their desire to not
spend more time in the
Finally, and perhaps most
importantly, I trust
myinstincts. I might have a
great intuitive sense of honesty
versus dishonesty.
11.When can people sue for
-car accident or some other
-moral damage ( your boss or
colleagues tease you)
- рассказать историю про
собаку которая меня покусала
12. what would you put in a
time capsule
-some pictures that will tell
about what was going on
-some of gadgets( they had an
opportunity to see it)
-a letter ( cause it describes the
best what happened then)
- I would include a compilation
of the most popular and the
most controversial music of the
present era, and some
background information on the
songs and artists. Song lyrics,
like poetry, can go beyond the
written words of a book or a
story, and give an in depth
prospective on people and their
lives. Guiding the new
information and technology of
today, computers serve as the
most useful tool for teaching
and productivity across the
globe. With the aid of
computers, new and better
systems are manufactured and
put to work constantly.
13.what would you include in a
plan to improve your English
When we learn our native
language, first we listen, then
we speak, then we read and
finally we write. Listening,
speaking, reading and writing
are the four language skills we
need to develop for complete
To achieve these four basic
language skills, you need to
surround yourself with English:
make English part of your life at
home, at work, during your free
Listening: It plays a very
important part in learning any
language. So, I will listen to
music more watch movies, TV
shows, news, entertainments,
the radio – try the classics.
I’m going to Attend plays,
exhibitions, talks, etc. in English
organized by English speaking
schools or communities.
Speaking:It is often the hardest
of the four language skills.
That’s why I’m going to Join
voiced chats. Technology has
advanced a lot in terms of
social networks so, wherever
you live, you’ll find a chat-room
to join. Im going to Talk to my
friends in English. Im keen on
reading that why I will read a
lot of articles and books in
I want to have a job that
connects with English. Im sure
it will help me a lot. And my
biggest dream is go to a camp
abroad. Where I can practice a
14.What makes you laugh and
There are so many thing that
makes me laugh and cry.
Laughing is the key to a healthy
and happy life. I love to sit and
laugh with my close friends and
family. Everyone has a different
laugh and seeing someone else
laugh makes us feel good too.
But not everything is similarly
funny for everyone as we all
have a different taste in
I laugh the most when I see a
comedy movie. The funny
characters in the film make me
laugh a lot. I find it hilarious
when someone mimics the
sounds that the animals and
birds. I also laugh a lot when
grandfather makes jokes. He
tells stories mixed with silly
jokes and our family enjoys
laughing while he narrates. I
burst into laughter when
someone tickles me in my
stomach. I don’t why but it’s
really strange.
The latest thing that made me
laugh was my friends. We got
together had a picnic told jokes
to each other and it war really
hilarious. Sometimes my
stomach can hurt because of
the laughing. But I adore this
The things that makes me really
sad. Loosing friends makes me
sad because you have so much
fun, secrets and friendship built
up and then if one thing goes
wrong it all goes wrong. You
start to fight and loose trust in
each other, you can't say
anything out of order in case
they snap at you. You feel like
as if you have lost your whole
world. You feel as if you have
no one left and then when you
lose a whole group of friends
it’s even worse. It’s hard when
you see them nearly every day
and then you remember all the
fun times you had together and
you wish you could get them
back but you can't.
Troubles in my families or
someone’s disease.
The next one is some drama
15.Have you ever tried any
complementary therapies

16.What would you improve in

the Ukrainian education
Firstly, there are still a lot of
partially superfluous and
unnecessary things in the
school curriculum. This is
especially true of the exact
sciences. This is not only about
excessive requirements, but
also about the amount of time
allocated to studying theorems
and formulas that 99 percent of
students in adulthood will
never need if they themselves
do not have children. Seven
total hours of algebra and
geometry per week is the norm
for schools with a mathematical
bias, but not for educational
institutions, potential
applicants for the Nobel Prize
are not prepared in principle. It
is possible to teach an average
school student four basic
mathematical actions in a
shorter period of time - many
of them have enough
elementary school courses.
In schools, it is necessary to
form the ethics of winners
among students, people who
after graduation will not wait
for the state to do something
for them. At universities, it is
necessary to consolidate these
intentions, giving students
practical work right from the
very beginning of training. And
this should not be the quasi-
practice that Ukrainian
students go through, but real
practice in real sectors
-a low salary of the teachers
17.Is there a clash of cultures
in Ukraine?
Culture clash is when 2 or more
cultures disagree about their
beliefs or way of life. Luckily
We don’t have a great number
of such cultures clash. Most of
them are religious. It happens
because everyone has their
own point of view on most life
situation. Religion culture is
one of the cultures that
influence on individual beliefs.
Media culture is a culture that
heavily influence people in
Ukraine too. The media’s
images send a message that is
widely received influencing the
thing we buy and the way we
dress. The beliefs of traditional
customs and other cultures
usually don’t advocate the
same message which changes
an individual’s personal views.
-other nationalities (no
18.Have things changed in
your city over the last 10
-there a lot of reconstructions
of buildings and parks in our
city ( horky park Schevchenko
garden Молодежный park that
neat Pushinska street)
- We have better level of
education in our universities
- We have a new park that
called Feldman Park
-There is a huge number of new
cultural places and some
shopping centers
-Increase a level of
I’m really ptoud of this changes.
And I Know that I’m proud that
I live in kharkiv
19. What are advertisers trying
to sell us
Advertisers play on emotions
and our desire to be part of the
in-group. From watching
television to browsing social
media channels and even
standing at the bus stop, we’re
exposed to as many as 5,000
advertising messages every
There’s two things that
motivate people: what’s in it
for them and what other
people are doing. Many
advertisers will try to tap into
emotional needs to satisfy the
For example, every shampoo
cleans hair. At a basic level a
marketer might try to say why
their shampoo can clean
someone’s hair better than
other brands of shampoo.
However, it’s well established
that shampoo cleans hair now
so marketers don’t need to
communicate that. What they
will do instead is try to tap into
an emotional connection and
say, for example, that their
shampoo cleans your hair and
makes you beautiful and
If you find yourself particularly
excited or happy about a
product or service, then an ad
may have tapped into your
emotions. That's because
advertisers try to press your
Ever notice how people in an
ad for a candy bar or a fast-
food restaurant are often super
attractive and don't really look
like the sort of person who
often eats candy bars or
burgers slathered with bacon?
Sure, you have. Well,
remember: The brand is doing
that for a reason.
Glossing over cost. Hey, this
product hardly costs a cent.
You can probably think of many
types of products and services
like that, where an ad, for
instance, doesn't mention that
the shipping and handling costs
are more expensive than the
product itself. But, generally,
those instances won't haunt
you for years to come. But
when you're buying a car or a
house, that's another story.
20.When can you have mixed
It can be different occasions.
But the first that comes to my
mind is my prom at school…….
And it related and to university
-every time when I visit my
grandparents cause I know that
I cant live with them. But in the
other hand its really amazing
when we’re together and do
-my birthday
-when I have public
21.What is considered
disrespectful in this country?
-do not greet with people you
know. Its really disrespectful
-act so loud when you are in a
public place (drink alcohol )
-not give up the seat to elder
people or pregnant or woman
with heavy shopping bags
-did not respect our holidays
and some religion holidays
- to say ты when you’re talking
with people you don’t know or
they older than you
-did not respect elder
-when you are rude with other
people. And it doesn’t matter if
you are at work or not.
-discuss some religion and
politician topics. I mean talk
something bad about
someone’s religion or
politician’s views.
22.Think of the differences
between emails and letters
E-mail is the transmission of
messages and files via a
computer network. Today, e-
mail is a primary
communications method for
both personal and business
use. You use an e-mail program
to create, send, receive,
forward, store, print, and
delete e-mail messages. The
message can be simple text or
can include an attachment such
as a word processing
document, a graphic, an audio
clip, or a video clip. Just as you
address a letter when using the
postal system, you address an
e-mail message with the e-mail
address of your intended
recipient. Most e-mail
programs have a mail
notification alert that informs
you via a message and/or
sound when you receive new
When we are talking about
letter, we have to move the
early ages. When there is no
technology invented or people
were not getting used to the
fast ways of connecting to
someone. They used to send
letter’s to someone they want
to share their feelings with, any
message they want to convey,
or even the King’s and their
army heads use letter
communication to tell them
about war. The only way to
communicate with one another
in ancient time was letter in
which you write your message
or information and send it to
the other person you want to
communicate. But in the 1960s
E-mail changed a lot of it. Letter
communication replaced with
E-mail which was super fast.
I prefer Emails cause its really
fast and comfortable. But at
the same time I think that we
don’t have to forget about
letters. At least its really
romantic when someone is
writing you a poem in a letter. Il
looks like it made from all the

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