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2, Issue 9 October 2019

Get Started with Multicloud

Integration, Management
and Optimization
Few enterprises have a wholly
homogenous cloud environment.
Here’s how IT professionals can best
integrate, maintain and optimize
their heterogeneous platforms.
By Christopher Tozzi

Copyright ©2019 Informa USA, Inc., All Rights Reserved


CONTENTS The Goals of Multicloud Architectures. . . . . . . . 3

Two Categories of Multicloud
Workload Deployments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Integrating Multicloud Workloads . . . . . . . . . 5
Monitoring in Multicloud Environments . . . . . . 6
How to Optimize Workload Performance
in a Multicloud Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Upgrading and Expanding Multicloud
Environments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
What It Takes to Secure a Multicloud
Architecture. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Identify Anti-Patterns in Multicloud
Architecture. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Balancing the Benefits Against
the Challenges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

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T The Goals of Multicloud
he world is more than a decade
into the age of cloud computing Architectures
and having just one cloud is often Managing a multicloud environ-
no longer enough. Instead, enterprises are
ment starts with understand-
increasingly adopting heterogeneous cloud
ing the goals that multicloud is
architectures that combine resources and
intended to deliver. Since more
services from multiple public and private
clouds mean more risk and
clouds. In many cases, those clouds exist
more complexity to manage, the
alongside, and must integrate with, on-
decision to add multiple clouds
premises infrastructure as well.
to an infrastructure should not
Managing one cloud in a way that ensures be made haphazardly; it should
reliability, performance and cost-efficiency is instead reflect specific business
challenging enough. But when an enterprise goals that are best served by
introduces multiple clouds from different using more than one cloud.
vendors into its infrastructure, the difficulties
of maintaining and integrating cloud-based There are several such goals
resources multiply. that might push an enterprise to
implement a multicloud archi-
Enterprise IT organizations must implement tecture. One common goal is to
solutions that let them monitor, analyze and reduce cloud computing overhead
secure multicloud environments effectively. by finding the most cost-effective
They must also adopt processes for upgrad- options from the cloud service
ing and expanding infrastructures composed menus of multiple vendors. By
of disparate clouds. increasing the number of options
This report, intended as a guide to multicloud management, available, multicloud helps enterprises establish a configuration
examines these challenges and their solutions. It discusses of services that serves their needs at the lowest cost. Achieving
the various tasks and considerations that arise in a multi- optimal return on infrastructure spending can be more difficult
cloud environment and identifies best practices for address- when a business is locked into just one cloud vendor and thus
ing them in ways that help enterprises achieve the goals that has no opportunity to comparison shop when adding a new
typically lead them to pursue multicloud infrastructures. type of cloud service.

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A second common reason for adopting mul-
ticloud is to gain access to different services
offered by different vendors. Although core
cloud computing services, such as virtual
When an enterprise introduces
server and container hosting, are available
from all major cloud vendors, some clouds
multiple clouds from different vendors
offer specialized types of services that are
not available from competitors; others may into its infrastructure, the difficulties of
maintaining and integrating cloud-based
offer specific configurations that are propri-
etary only to one vendor. For example, one
cloud may offer a certain type of container
orchestrator or Linux distribution that is not resources multiply.
supported by other clouds.
Third, multicloud architectures have also deeply dependent on that cloud vendor’s fall into one of two categories. The first
become popular as a way to improve the re- tools and services. Not only does that involves deploying the same workload on
liability and availability of cloud-based work-
make migration to other clouds difficult, it two or more clouds simultaneously. For
loads. When workloads are spread across
also presents possible budget risks when example, a business might store copies of
multiple clouds at the same time, disruptions
the vendor raises costs. Using multiple the same data in both AWS S3 and Azure
to those workloads are less likely, because
clouds inherently pushes businesses to Storage. By spreading data across multiple
if one of the clouds hosting the workload
fails, the other still remains available.This adopt practices and tools that are cloud-ag- clouds, that business would gain greater
availability is predicated upon the workloads nostic and can be used on any cloud. By availability and reliability, while paying the
being configured in such a way that they can extension, if a multicloud business chooses higher costs that arise from mirroring data.
continue running even if one cloud fails. in the future to swap one cloud vendor for The other main type of multicloud deploy-
another, or to migrate a particular workload ment pattern: running multiple workloads
Finally, multicloud strategies help enter- to a new cloud, it is typically easy to do so
prises mitigate the risk of vendor lock-in. at once, with some workloads running
without the encumberment of lock-in. in one cloud and the others in another
Although it is certainly possible to develop
a single-cloud strategy that gives a business cloud. This approach provides the cost
the freedom to move workloads to anoth- Two Categories of Multicloud efficiency and cloud agnosticism benefits
er cloud without great difficulty, it is also Workload Deployments described above, but it does not make
easy when using just one cloud to become Most multicloud workload deployments individual workloads more reliable than

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they would be if the business used just a cross-cloud compatibility tools provided to be running in the same infrastructure
single cloud. by cloud vendors focus on importing because they’re managed in one view.
workloads from another cloud, rather than Crossplane and Kubernetes are examples
It’s possible to use both types of deploy-
offering support for ongoing integration of popular tools that can be used to cre-
ment strategies at once, too. Some work-
between workloads spread across clouds. ate a universal control plane for multicloud
loads might be distributed across multiple
clouds to maximize availability, while Consequently, enterprises typically turn
others are hosted in one cloud or another, to third-party platforms or custom-built The chief drawback of using this approach
depending on which cloud offers the best solutions for integrating cloud workloads. to integrate multicloud workloads is
pricing for a given use case. There are two main ways to go about business are restricted to the feature set
doing this. One is to rely on a type of tool and operational procedures of whichever
Integrating Multicloud Workloads called a universal control plane, which universal control plane is used. For ex-
No matter whether workloads are dis- abstracts workloads away from the under- ample, Kubernetes expects workloads to
tributed across clouds, or an enterprise lying clouds that host them. IT teams then be deployed as containers, and it requires
chooses to use different clouds to host deploy, manage and integrate those work- configurations to be managed in a partic-
different workloads, it’s typically necessary loads through the control plane’s interface. ular way. Thus, Kubernetes may not be an
to integrate those workloads with each With a universal control plane, businesses excellent multicloud integration solution
other. Integration takes many forms: shar- do not need to rely on individual cloud for businesses that have workloads to
ing data between workloads; managing all vendors’ tools to integrate or manage deploy that cannot be easily containerized,
workloads from a central monitoring hub; their workloads; all workloads appear or whose IT teams lack expertise with
unifying all workloads within a common
security and access-control framework,
to name just a few examples of common
integrations that make multicloud architec- By increasing the number of options
tures easier and more efficient to manage.
The chief challenge in achieving multicloud
available, multicloud helps enterprises
integration is, generally speaking, cloud
vendors do not go out of their way to
establish a configuration of services that
make it easy to integrate a workload run-
ning on one cloud with another workload serves their needs at the lowest cost.
hosted on a competitor’s cloud. Most

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the technical assumptions that Kuberne- dards-compliant and can connect easily However, the API approach also demands
tes makes regarding how environments enough to resources on an external cloud. more hands-on effort from IT personnel,
should be configured. both up front and for maintenance. En-
Using APIs as the basis for multicloud in- terprises have to write custom code to
Another approach to multicloud integra- tegration offers enterprises a more gran- achieve integrations between different
tion is to integrate cloud workloads via a ular level of control over how workloads workloads. They also have to maintain
cloud-agnostic API which allows adminis-
interact between clouds. It also allows that code and update it whenever cloud
trators to manage workloads using each
them to take full advantage of the native vendors update their APIs.
cloud’s native tools. Although the native
APIs that cloud vendors provide for their functionality of the services on each cloud
various services are often easier to use they use, since those services are not Monitoring in Multicloud
in conjunction with other services on the abstracted away, as they would be when Environments
same cloud, most such APIs are stan- using a universal control plane. The approach that enterprises take to in-
tegrating their workloads on a multicloud
architecture plays a major role in deter-
mining how they will manage and monitor
their environment.
For businesses that use a universal control
plane, the control plane’s management
interfaces and monitoring tools serve as
the basis for configuring and tracking the
environment. Depending on the extent
of the functionality that the control plane
offers natively in this regard, businesses
may or may not also choose to leverage
third-party management and monitoring
solutions that work with the control plane.
To go back to the example of a multicloud
environment created using Kubernetes, an
enterprise may wish to adopt an exter-
nal tool designed to collect data from
Kubernetes, identify anomalies and pro-

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vide administrators with visualizations or agement consoles of each of the clouds programming since most modern cloud-
alerts to help them interpret the health of that it uses; in the latter case, administra- aware monitoring tools are able to extract
their environment. Since Kubernetes itself tors may find themselves having to navi- data directly from all of the major public
provides little in the way of native moni- gate between different management tools clouds.
toring tools, third-party solutions would be on different clouds in order to manage the However, it’s often necessary to do a cus-
valuable in this context. same multicloud workload. tom configuration within the monitoring
Alternately, if a business creates its own in- When it comes to monitoring a mul- tools so they work effectively with mon-
tegrations between multicloud workloads ticloud environment that is integrated itoring data that originated from multiple
using APIs, the process of managing and using APIs rather than a universal control clouds. For example, a monitoring tool
monitoring the multicloud environment plane, enterprises must typically collect may need to be configured to understand
will be less centralized and may require monitoring data directly from each cloud that two databases running on different
more manual effort (while also offering that they use, then aggregate that data in clouds are part of the same workload and
more control). The business would need a centralized monitoring tool. Fortunately, should be monitored and analyzed as such
to configure and manage workloads using this process is relatively straightforward by the APM tool.
either APIs or by working from the man- and does not require extensive custom
How to Optimize Workload
Performance in a Multicloud
The chief challenge in achieving Optimization (of workload performance,

multicloud integration is, generally speaking,

reliability and cost) in a multicloud envi-
ronment boils down largely to planning
and strategy, rather than specific tools or
cloud vendors do not go out of their way to platforms. Although some APM tools can
help to identify performance bottlenecks,
make it easy to integrate a workload running downtime or cost-inefficiencies in the
ways that workloads are deployed in the
on one cloud with another workload hosted cloud, the greatest performance, reliability
and cost gains to be made in a multicloud
on a competitor’s cloud. environment are unlocked by making the
right architectural decisions regarding how
workloads are structured and distributed.

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To optimize performance, enterprises

must first identify the likely bottlenecks
within a multicloud workload. In the case
of applications that are distributed across
clouds and rely on the public Internet to
exchange data between one cloud and an-
other, network bandwidth limitations are
the most common source of performance
problems. Thus, making intelligent deci-
sions about where the network fits within
multicloud workloads is a critical step for
optimizing performance.
Generally speaking, multicloud workloads
will achieve the best performance when
the amount of data they exchange over the
network between clouds (as opposed to
data transferred over a network within the
same cloud) is minimized. Thus, a workload Maximizing reliability (which means the the reliability of this workload would re-
that consists of a virtual server running in ability of a workload to remain available quire hosting instances of both the virtual
one cloud, and a database hosted in an- even if disruptions occur to the infrastruc- machine and the database in two or more
other, is not likely to perform well, because ture hosting it) in a multicloud environ- clouds at the same time, so that if either
data transfers over the Internet between cloud failed, the workload would be avail-
ment requires eliminating single points of
the database and virtual machine will be able from the other cloud.
failure within the architecture of a work-
slow. A better architecture for this type of
workload would be to host the virtual ma- load. The example above of a workload An important consideration for multicloud
chine instance and its accompanying data- that consists of a virtual machine in one reliability optimization is striving to ensure
base in the same cloud, but configure them cloud and a database in another is (in that no part of a workload in one cloud
to failover automatically to another cloud addition to being prone to poor perfor- depends upon a resource in another cloud
if necessary. This approach would improve mance) also not very reliable, because the to work, even if it normally communi-
performance while still taking advantage of failure of either cloud would cause the cates with resources in another cloud. For
multicloud to improve workload reliability. workload to stop functioning. Maximizing example, a business could distribute data

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across two clouds by mirroring copies of

the same data in both cloud’s storage ser-
vices. If the application that accesses the
data requires both copies of the data to
The API approach also demands more
be available and in sync, a failure in either
cloud would cause the entire workload
hands-on effort from IT personnel, both up
to stop working. Instead, the application
should be designed to work even if one
front and for maintenance.
copy of the data is not available. And if
the data copies are not in sync with each
other, the application will need to be con- es look only at the price lists for different order to remain as effective as possible in
services. The process can be simplified by achieving their core goals.
figured in a way that allows it to decide
which copy of the data to “trust.” using the cost calculators that most cloud
Since multicloud environments and busi-
vendors provide to generate an estimate ness needs vary so widely, there is no
As for cost optimization in multicloud of the actual cost of a given workload single best practice to follow for upgrading
architectures, the chief consideration, as running for a certain period under the and expanding multicloud architectures.
noted above, is for enterprises to make configuration that a business would use. However, it is wise for businesses to
intelligent decisions about which services Then, compare that cost with the figures reevaluate their multicloud strategies on
to consume from which cloud vendors, provided by other providers’ calculators. a semi-annual or yearly basis, in order to
based on the cost, performance and fea- Attempting to predict the costs manually determine whether the configurations
ture sets of each vendor. A best practice based on price lists leaves an organization they are using are still the best fit for their
when selecting a service is to determine at risk of overlooking some costs (such workloads. They might find that anoth-
the essential features or functionality that as data egress fees, which can be easy to er cloud provider has introduced a new
the service must deliver to host a given forget when pricing a cloud service) and service, or lowered its price for an existing
workload, then look for the cloud provid- arriving at an inaccurate estimate. service, in a way that makes it a more
er that offers all of those features at the compelling choice for a given workload,
lowest cost. Upgrading and Expanding for example.
Given the many variables and conditions Multicloud Environments It’s worth noting, too, that even services
that affect cloud pricing, however, finding Cloud services are always changing their and prices within the same cloud can
the lowest-cost service based on desired service offerings, features and prices. Mul- change in ways that impact multicloud
features can be challenging when business- ticloud architectures must change too in strategies. A business’s cloud storage

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service might introduce a new storage tier levels of network-borne threats than are management, or IAM, tools and frame-
that is a better fit for a customer’s needs, workloads that exist within a single cloud. works provided by each cloud vendor are
for example. Or it may change pricing a starting point, although enterprises can
for one of its cloud regions, giving extra Effectively addressing multicloud security also take advantage of third-party tools
incentive to move workloads to a different challenges requires taking a multilayered that can audit IAM configurations for secu-
region. approach to security by deploying tools rity problems.
In order to maintain the flexibility to The multicloud workload itself must be
modify or expand multicloud architectures secured, too, using whichever tools and
whenever needed, it is a best practice
to prefer third-party management and To optimize processes are appropriate. If a workload
consists of a virtual machine and a data-

monitoring tools whenever possible, as base, anyone responsible for securing their
opposed to the native tools offered by enterprise should take steps to detect and
cloud vendors. As noted above, third-party
enterprises must
address vulnerabilities within the operat-
tools make it easier to avoid dependency ing system running the virtual machine.
on a particular cloud. They also simplify In addition, encrypt and secure the data
the process of expanding a workload into
a new cloud.
first identify the associated with the workload.

What It Takes to Secure a

likely bottlenecks Ideally, any admin can tackle these tasks
via third-party tools that will work on

within a multicloud
whichever cloud or clouds are hosting the
Multicloud Architecture workload. In some cases, it is possible to
Securing multicloud architectures is funda- encrypt data or manage workload security
mentally more challenging than securing
a single cloud or an on-premises environ-
workload. using a cloud vendor’s native tools, this
approach is less effective in a multicloud
ment. Multicloud architectures simply have environment, because no single native tool
more complexity, and therefore a greater and processes that address each of the will apply to all multicloud workloads.
potential to be misconfigured in a way threats that could impact a multicloud
that creates security vulnerabilities. In ad- environment. A third layer to secure is the network.
dition, because multicloud workloads are Here, multicloud security can be particu-
often distributed between different clouds The first layer to secure is the underlying larly challenging, because it is impossible
and rely heavily on the network for com- cloud infrastructures that host multicloud to define a clear network perimeter in
munication, they are exposed to greater workloads. Here, the identity and access a multicloud environment where data is

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exchanged constantly between different geographic areas. Most cloud vendors it will significantly decrease performance
clouds. Thus, the workload cannot simply allow data to be distributed automatically or bloat bills. Most cloud providers don’t
be placed neatly behind a firewall in order across various data centers that they own make information about egress perfor-
to be protected from threats. in different locations, so that if one data mance and pricing particularly easy to find,
center fails, the data remains available. This so this can be an easy mistake to make.
But that does not mean firewalls have no
approach provides virtually the same level
place in multicloud environments. They are A third anti-pattern to consider: the failure
of data reliability as using multiple clouds.
still useful for helping to prevent unautho- to integrate on-premises infrastructure
rized access to resources. A general best However, georeplication features are with multicloud environments. Although
practice is to configure a firewall on each generally limited to data that is hosted in enterprises that adopt multicloud strate-
cloud that hosts a workload (or part of the cloud. They don’t support other types gies can run many or most of their work-
a workload) using a whitelist approach, of workloads, such as virtual machines. loads in the cloud, it is common for at
which means blocking all traffic by default Thus, multicloud architectures are a good least some data and applications to remain
and allowing only traffic from endpoints solution for businesses seeking to make on-premises for privacy, security, perfor-
that are known to be secure. For example, entire workloads more reliable by mirror- mance or other reasons. The specific ap-
a cloud firewall could be used to block ing them across different geographic areas. proach that businesses take to connecting
all traffic from the public Internet, except these on-premises workloads with those
Another anti-pattern to spot and break: running in different clouds will vary, so it
traffic that originates from specific end-
don’t plan adequately for data egress rates. is important to keep on-premises com-
points on an external cloud that are part Egress refers to data transferred from one patibility in mind and avoid cloud-based
of the same workload. cloud into an external environment, i.e. an adopting tools or services that cannot
on-premises server or another cloud. Not integrate with on-premises resources.
Identify Anti-Patterns in only does sending data out over the Inter-
Multicloud Architecture net introduce a risk of delays (since band- The final multicloud pattern to be wary of:
Perhaps the best way to think about width on the Internet is typically much failing to evaluate the tradeoffs of multi-
successful integration and management more limited than it is within a cloud’s cloud architectures effectively. Although
of multicloud architectures is to identify internal networks), but it can also steeply multicloud provides important workload
antipatterns, or counterproductive practic- increase cloud computing costs. That is accessibility and reliability and cost efficien-
es that businesses sometimes follow when because, in most cases, cloud providers cy, the tradeoff for these advantages, as ex-
plained above, is added complexity, greater
working with multiple clouds. charge fees every time data egress occurs.
challenges in integrating workloads togeth-
One common anti-pattern is to use a For this reason, it is critical to architect er, a greater risk of security vulnerabilities
multicloud architecture for the simple multicloud environments in ways that min- and more. Thus, it is crucial to perform a
purpose of replicating data across multiple imize data egress, especially in cases where proper cost-benefit analysis when consid-

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ering a new multicloud service or work- of benefits, but they also impose unique duced by multicloud strategies.
load. Pursuing multicloud for its own sake, challenges. IT pros will have to mitigate
There is extra work involved in Integrat-
rather than because of a clear positive the performance bottlenecks and reliabil-
ity shortcomings of workloads that span ing, managing and optimizing multicloud
gain, undercuts the advantages that multi-
multiple clouds; that secure multicloud environments. But enterprises may benefit
cloud architectures can potentially confer. from reducing the risks of vendor lock-in,
environments at every level and layer of
the infrastructure and workload; and that taking advantage of vendor-specific fea-
Balancing the Benefits Against reflect an intentional, well-planned effort tures from multiple vendors, and enjoying
the Challenges to realize the benefits of multicloud, with greater accessibility and reliability among
Multicloud architectures deliver a range an understanding of the tradeoffs intro- their enterprise workloads.

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