To My Future Me: Liceo Javier

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To my future me

How do I see myself in my future? This

difficult and possibly uncertain question
since we do not know our future but only
the present. Although there is a way to
shape your path and know where you are
going. To all this in 5 years I see myself
finishing my degree being a different
person, mature and who knows what it is
to really live. How life is actually shown
and also be open to learning new things.
To all this I want to arrive at that we can
decide our way, both the good and the
bad. Also that we will always have
mistakes that make you stronger and
make you grow as a person.
Finally I want to say that I hope to be a
change for people. Something different
from what is common today. I know it is
difficult but with effort it can be
achieved. That is why I invite you also to
be able to be the change that this society
needs since together we can achieve it.

Disfrutad del semestre,

Liceo Javier

Juan Francisco Santizo EATT Juanfra


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