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Cathay Pacific Airways has ordered 30 A350 XWB long range aircraft. (Picture © Airbus S.A.S./computer rendering by Fixion.)

Airbus A350 XWB

A350 XWB (extra wide body), the aircraft that Airbus Industrie did not
want to build, is now visibly taking shape, propelled by fully committed
engineering and management teams within Airbus itself and throughout
its supply chain. George Marsh reviews the project so far.

n responding to Boeing’s radical B787 to fabricate a large composite pressure slightly trumps the 50% of the B787. The
Dreamliner, Airbus first hoped it could vessel that has to accommodate hundreds European contender is 53% composite,
get away with an upgraded develop- of passengers. Nor was it clear how 19% aluminium-lithium, 14% titanium, 6%
ment of its established A330 twin, but such a plastic fuselage would behave in steel and 8% other materials.
this concept cut little ice with potential service. Unknowns range from the likely
customers so the European company had effects of fatigue on a structure subject to Of course, operators are not interested in
to think again. Ultimately, it put forward an repeated thermal and pressure cycles, to competition around plastic content for its
altogether new aircraft, gaining competitive detection of damage in composites and own sake, but are keen to have the weight
edge by giving it a wider fuselage than that subsequent repairability. and performance benefits that composites
of the B787 (hence ‘XWB’). can bring. Reassured that Airbus has
Yet, stung by Boeing’s bold adoption recovered from its wrong-footing by Boeing,
Airbus leaders had to backtrack on their of a predominantly composite airframe, 35 customers have (at time of writing)
previous assertions that Boeing was foolish including the fuselage, Airbus has ordered 573 A350 XWBs. (Airbus claims
to adopt a reinforced plastic fuselage for followed suit, notably specifying reinforced this number of firm orders and another
its Dreamliner. Plastic fuselages are an plastics for its wide ovoid fuselage as 80 commitments.) Something around 600
undoubted challenge because previous well as wings, empennage and other copies is a creditable tally given that the
commercial passenger jet fuselages have primary aerostructure. In fact, the billed aircraft was officially launched in 2006, more
been metal and no-one knew how best 53% composite content of the A350 than three years after the B787.

20 REINFORCEDplastics NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2010 0034-3617/10 ©2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

Composites advantage a 4% larger wing area, achieved by extending composite production processes as manu-
the trailing section aft. facture ramps up towards the 10 aircraft per
Airbus believes it has advantages in the
month rate targeted.
composites arena. For a start, while Boeing
has had to make a large jump from barely Intensive development
10% composites content in its B777 airliner A modified production strategy for the A350
to the B787’s 50% figure, Airbus was an An intensive development effort has sees Airbus relying on a select group of Tier 1
early composites adopter and has gained achieved significant milestones. One, reached supplier/partners chosen for their ability to
expertise while progressively adding fairings, in December 2008, was Maturity Gate 5, the shoulder full responsibility for delivering large
nacelles, empennages, control surfaces and point at which the aircraft configuration is pre-assemblies that are complete and ready
wings to its composite structures port- considered fully defined. MG5 cleared the for assembly into the final aircraft. It has
folio. It now has extensive experience of way for detailed design of components not gone quite as far down the dispersed
reinforced plastics fabrication and service and enabled production of jigs and tooling outsourcing track as Boeing first aimed to do
behaviour, while composites engineers on to commence for long-lead items. This is and, by maintaining closer supervision within
the A350 programme benefit also from crucial in the case of composites, for which its partnership arrangements, hopes to avoid
the 15% plastic content in the Airbus A380 production requires early commitments to the supply chain pitfalls that have afflicted
‘superjumbo’. Admittedly, Airbus might still tool manufacturers. Airbus regularly updates the Dreamliner programme.
have preferred to maintain its more incre- its data to these suppliers and many of the
mental approach to composites adoption required tools are now available. The Maturity The biggest difference in approach between
but, goaded by its competitor, it is now fully A milestone, which encompasses MG5 and the airframers, however, is that related to
committed to the plastic fuselage revolu- earlier gates, was followed last year by Matu- fuselage manufacture. Whereas Boeing
tion. Although low-weight metal solutions,
rity B, by which point all design teams had is producing the B787 fuselage in large
primarily aluminium/lithium alloy and metal/
finalised their designs. monolithic tape-wound barrel sections that
composite hybrids such as GLARE, were
are subsequently joined, Airbus has opted to
considered, composites won out because of
Today the A350 XWB is progressing steadily clothe a pre-fabricated fuselage skeleton with
the prospects for greater integration, fewer
from the design and development phase large carbon fibre composite panels. This less
parts and fasteners, lower maintenance and,
towards production. Airbus has assembled radical solution reduces risk, says Airbus, while
it seems, the favourable attitude of airlines
to the precedent set by Boeing. a detailed digital model of the aircraft for also having the advantage that panel proper-
use as a common reference for compo- ties can be optimised to their locations in the
Paradoxically, the European planemaker nent manufacture by its own sites and fuselage (whether crown, belly or sides) with
gains from not being the leader in this its suppliers. Rather than rely too much resultant weight saving. Other benefits include
particular airframe race since it can learn on this, however, the airframer has also easier handling, less expensive autoclaves
much from the problems experienced by implemented a demonstrator programme and the fact that having a panel fail at post-
Boeing that have led to a likely three-year under which a physical mock-ups of the manufacture inspection for any reason is less
delay in first deliveries of B787s. Although fuselage, wing and other major structures of a setback than losing a complete barrel.
the A350 programme is facing delays are being produced. A350 programme head Stringers and most frames are of carbon,
of its own, so far these are of the order Didier Evrard describes this activity as an though certain frames in high load areas are
of months rather than years. With first essential ‘bridge between the digital model titanium so that crashworthiness criteria can
deliveries and service entry likely in 2014, and the real world,’ important for validating be met. Airbus reversed an earlier decision to
the new Airbus should not be nearly as
far behind its competitor in terms of its
availability as was once anticipated.

Broadly, the A350 family will comprise three

aircraft sizes; the A350-800, A350-900 and
A350-1000 designed variously to carry 270 to
350 passengers (up to 400+ in the highest-
density configuration). The aircraft was
conceived as an A330/340 replacement and
will compete with larger variants of Boeing’s
new B787 and its existing B777 long-range
widebody twin. All A350s will have a range
in excess of 8,000 nautical miles. The variants
will share a largely common wing design and Manufacture of the A350 XWB lower wing shells commenced in August 2010 at Illescas in Spain.
wing span though the -1000 model will have (Picture © Airbus S.A.S.) NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2010 REINFORCEDplastics 21


Parts of the wing are manufactured else-

where. The role of Spirit AeroSystems in
producing the fixed portion of the forward
part of the wing, including the forward
spar, has already been mentioned. GKN
Aerospace has invested substantially in the
site at Filton that it acquired from Airbus in
2008. Here, co-located with the Airbus wing
design activity, it is setting up to produce
the entire portion of the wing aft of and
including the rear spar, except the wing
skins which are being manufactured in
mainland Europe and certain trailing edge
components being made by GE Aviation at
Hamble near Southampton in the UK.
GKN Aerospace’s rear spar for the A350 XWB demonstrator wing.

use metal stringers in favour of co-curing Hamburg, with a production area of some Dozens of organisations around the world
carbon stringers within the skin panels. This 15 000 m2, was completed this summer. are involved in the supply chain. Aerolia,
reduces the number of separately fabricated At a ceremony in July a topping out the French aerostructures specialist that
parts and fasteners. Crossbeams, however, wreath decorated with carbon fibre was emerged out of Airbus in 2009, is respon-
are of aluminium-lithium. a symbolically appropriate part of the sible for A350 nose and fuselage structures
occasion. A new composite production in both metal and composite, and has
The nose section is only partly composite, facility at Stade currently has a workforce invested €160 million in a new composites
metal having been retained because the of about 100, but this is expected to grow facility. Its own supply chain tail includes
one-piece carbon fibre structure that to nearer 500 as production builds up to Corse Composites (landing gear doors),
had earlier been considered would have full rate. In July, Spirit AeroSystems formally Latecoere (nose fairing), plus a number of
required titanium reinforcement to meet opened a new 46 500 m2 composite design associates. In Germany, Premium
bird strike requirements, making it uncom- manufacturing facility in Kinston, North Aerotec, a similarly semi-autonomous
petitive on cost. Carolina, after a two-year construction EADS subsidiary, is producing much of
phase. By now, some 200 people there the forward fuselage plus parts of the aft
Airbus Hamburg is responsible for fuselage are engaged on Airbus work, a tally that is fuselage including the side shells, floor grid
development and final assembly, with an expected to rise to about 700 over the next and aft pressure bulkhead. Its investment of
associate plant at nearby Stade producing few years. some €360 million in the programme has
some carbon fibre panels. Centre fuselage included €6.5 million on a new 25 m long
build-up takes place at the Aerolia (formerly The A350 has a wing and centre wing by 8 m high South Korea-built autoclave
Airbus) site in Saint-Nazaire, France, using box that are more extensively composite weighing 260 tonnes. This is installed at a
upper and lower shells provided by Spirit (about 80%) than on previous Airbus new production hall at Augsberg.
AeroSystems Inc in North Carolina, USA. aircraft and the production arrangements
reflect this. With majority production Figeac Aero, also in France, is to manu-
Wings are produced mainly in the UK (Filton of the wings taking place in the UK, facture floor sections under sub-contract
and Broughton), while the centre wing Airbus has expanded its capability at to Aerolia while FACC AG, the Austrian
box is manufactured at Nantes in France. Broughton, North Wales, with a new company now majority owned by the Xian
However, Spirit AeroSystems is responsible 46 000 m2 factory dedicated to A350 Aircraft Industry Group, has a contract to
for the wing fixed leading edge including XWB wing production. Wing design produce blended winglets along with a
the front wing spar, a 105 ft long composite and engineering take place at the number of other A350 components. The
structure weighing some 2000 lb. Tail- Airbus UK site at Filton, Bristol. Duqueine Group, France, is to fabricate
plane (empennage) components are being fuselage frames for Premium Aerotec and
produced by Airbus Spain and Germany, Broughton is due to commence assembly Aerolia, plus window frames for Spirit
and in China. Final assembly of the aircraft of the first wing about now. According to AeroSystems. Frame production work has
will take place in Toulouse, France. Brian Fleet, head of the wing programme, also gone to Alliant Techsystems (ATK) in
the British operations had to fight hard to the United States, along with manufacture
Many of the production facilities, including keep wing production in the UK and have of fuselage stringers. ATK recently spent
those for composites, are new. A €150 committed to efficiency improvements €175 million on expanding its composite
million fuselage assembly hangar at aimed at cutting cost by around 30%. production facilities.



China’s Avicopter, one of the country’s

composite leaders, has a joint venture (JV)
with Airbus parent EADS to produce A350
rudders in a new factory at the Harbin Hafei
Airbus Composite Manufacturing Centre. This
JV is also to produce A350 elevators, under
contract to Aernnova Aerospace in Spain.
Airbus and China have an understanding that
5% of the A350’s airframe should be built in
China, a commitment that was fully fulfilled
with the recent allocation of wing spoiler
and droop panel manufacture to Chinese
companies. Another EADS joint venture is
that with German company SGL to produce
fuselage frames. Goodrich Corporation is to Premium Aerotec has started manufacturing fuselage panels for the A350 XWB, using MAG tape laying machines.
(Picture © Premium AEROTEC GmbH.)
supply composite engine nacelles and thrust
reversers. Korean Air Aerospace Division is to
fabricate three of the aircraft’s safety-critical Use of parallel workflow lines is expected to plants from as far afield as the United
composite doors. enable up to ten A350s to be produced per States, Korea, Malaysia and China.
month eventually.
Automating composite production has
‘Becoming real’
engaged a number of suppliers including:
MAG Industrial Automation Systems, A key production milestone achieved at
provider of Viper automated fibre placement As with the Dreamliner, A350 production Nantes in December 2009 prompted Didier
machines used at several production sites; involves considerable movement of large Evrard to declare, “the A350XWB is becoming
M Torres, supplier of gantry-style automated aerostructures. Fuselage items manufac- real!” This happened when work on the centre
tape laying, fibre placement and inspec- tured in North Carolina will be shipped wing box (CWB) began with the fabrication
tion machines; Flow International, manu- across the Atlantic to be received at a of a large carbon composite panel. The panel,
facturer of machine tools for composites, new Spirit facility in Saint-Nazaire and with its 36 m2 surface area, was formed using
including abrasive waterjet units; plus Aim assembled there into the full 65 ft by 20 ft a new state-of-the-art tape laying machine
Engineering and several other jig and tool centre fuselage frame section, which next and is the largest ‘monobloc’ composite panel
specialists. Hexcel Composites expects to goes to Hamburg for full fuselage integra- ever manufactured at Nantes. Subsequently,
make billions of dollars over the life of the tion. These and other fuselage sections tooling for the keel beam was commissioned
programme by providing composite mate- completed at Saint-Nazaire are transported in Nantes in June. This is a large item that
rials, principally its HexPly toughened epoxy by Beluga – an Airbus A300 modified to enables the lower shell of the keel beam and
product incorporating intermediate modulus carry outsized cargoes in its large whale- the lower panel of the centre fuselage to be
carbon fibre. Two years ago Hexcel opened like cargo belly – to either Hamburg or laid up in one go. Assembly of the first keel
a carbon fibre production plant at Illescas Toulouse. Since Saint-Nazaire, Hamburg and beam is due to start about now.
near Toledo, Spain, fibre from which goes to Toulouse all have waterside access, items
a partner plant in nearby Paria for conver- may optionally be shipped by sea. At Stade, in August, work began on one of
sion into prepreg. the largest carbon fibre reinforced plastic
Spirit AeroSystems will despatch its wing (CFRP) items on the aircraft – a 31.6 m
Final aircraft assembly will take place in contribution to its operation in Prestwick, by 5.6 m upper wing shell. A massive
Toulouse where a new A350 XWB assembly Scotland, for integration into the wing autoclave facility installed at the plant can
unit is being built close to an existing leading section before the latter is trans- accommodate and cure two of these shells
A330/340 production line at a cost of ported to the final assembly site. The main simultaneously. Airbus’ use for the first time
€140 million. The 7.4 hectare assembly body of the wing, complete with the trailing of automated tape laying to produce this
area, nearing completion after almost two edge portion, is flown from the wing shell is aimed at ensuring speedy produc-
years of construction, has impressive ‘green’ assembly site at Broughton, UK, to Toulouse tion, and consistent high product quality.
credentials. There is a high proportion of as a final assembly item. In September, Airbus in Spain unveiled an
natural lighting, and with 27 000 m2 of even larger piece of wing skin at its Advanced
photovoltaic roofing and an advanced Centre wing boxes are transferred from Composites Centre in Illescas. The 32 m by
energy management system, the site is Nantes to Saint-Nazaire for integration. 7 m lower wing cover, a double-curvature
expected to generate over half of its energy. Other items are transported to European item fabricated to precise tolerances, is one of NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2010 REINFORCEDplastics 23


about three months, forcing it to compress

the originally intended 15-month flight test
programme into 12 months in order to
meet early delivery commitments. Industry
analysts and sources within Airbus suggest
that the final delay will be greater than this.

Although manufacture of initial parts is now

under way, these are for the demonstrator
mock-up and parts for the first production
aircraft, MSN001, come next. Start of final
The second large test composite fuselage section for the A350 XWB was completed in Hamburg, Germany, in 2009. assembly of MSN001, the first A350-900,
(Picture © Airbus/M. Lindner.) has been pushed back from the second
quarter of 2011 to the third quarter, with
the biggest CFRP components ever built by together in a conductive network. (Boeing first flight projected for mid 2012. The
the aeronautical industry. is incorporating an electrically conducting ensuing compressed flight test programme
metal mesh within its B787 fuselage lay-up.) will require five aircraft to amass 2,600 flight
Meanwhile in the UK, GKN Aerospace engi- hours before certification can be achieved.
neers early this year fabricated and evaluated Another vital aspect of fuselage evolution is The sixth aircraft manufactured will be the
their first composite wing spar, intended for panel development. In September/October, first for customer delivery.
the A350 wing box demonstrator. Preparations Airbus flight tested an A350 CFRP fuselage
are now being finalised at Filton for series panel on an A340 test aircraft, where it was Airbus cites four main issues stretching the
production of spars using automated fibre installed in place of a standard metal panel. development timescale: airframe sizing, the
placement and other automated techniques. The 14 m2 panel, produced at Nantes, incor- electrical structure network, the wing root
porates microphones so that technicians can join, and fuselage damage tolerance. Of
At the same time, 11 Airbus and associated assess the panel’s acoustic behaviour when these, the first two are considered resolved
sites in Germany, France and Spain have combined with various insulation materials. and progress on the other two is said to be
been working together to produce a demon- This is to determine to what extent acoustic good. Didier Evrard admits that the decision
strator fuselage. Recently the programme energy will be transmitted into the aircraft to push back fabrication is due to working
completed a second large test fuselage through a stiff carbon structure, a matter that in so many areas with carbon fibre. He says
section (the parallel part of the fuselage is is still in question. Fuselage sections equipped that, unlike with metal, it is not possible to
produced in three sections). The 18 m long with fully furnished cabins will be used for commit from a global finite element model
section, with a diameter of more than 6 m, assessing the acoustic characteristics of a full and that with composites ‘you only get one
served to develop and validate the compete composite fuselage. Production of panels is chance.‘ He adds that the delays should
process chain, from the manufacture of commencing at Premium Aerotec, Aerolia and affect only the -900 variant. The smaller -800
individual panels, frames and clips to shell other aerostructure partners. should follow a year after the baseline -900,
assembly, section assembly and production and the largest -1000 a year after that.
of long circumferential joints. Airbus has Frames, too, are a particular composites focus.
also had to develop and refine methods for Duqueine produced its first frame for Airbus’ In addition to evidence of slippage in
producing fuselage frames, window frames, demonstrator fuselage in January, using a detailed engineering, sources within the
fasteners and doors, including a hybrid multiaxial prepreg bending process that it supply chain say that shipments of some
CFRP/titanium door structure being used for developed in partnership with Airbus over the parts are up to six months late. Analysts
the first time. previous two years. ATK Aerospace Structures may well be justified in suggesting that the
recently delivered its first composite stringers, first -900 delivery will not take place before
As well as establishing production proc- produced using its proprietary automated stiff- 2014. Moreover, early aircraft are likely to
esses, demonstrators are used to validate ener forming system, and frames will follow. be overweight.
the Electrical Structure Network (ESN), a
critical matter with composites since elec- Even so, customers do not seem unduly
Longer wait
trical paths for lightning strikes have to be perturbed at present. Given the prospect
engineered into the structure rather than Given what is, even for Airbus, a quantum of an exceptionally light, largely plastic
being freely available as in metals. This is leap further into composites, it is perhaps low-maintenance long-range widebody
achieved on A350 fuselages by connecting not surprising that the development aircraft offering operating costs some 20%
metal frames, aluminium strips attached to programme is slipping behind schedule. So lower than current-generation jets, they are
composite frames, the metal floor grid etc far the airframer has admitted to a delay of prepared to wait a little longer. ■


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