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Structure of a class. 14/09/2020.

1. - Introduction:
a) Professor starting the class asking about MANAGERS, EXECUTIVES AND DIRECTORS.


c).- El professor tell the topic. MANAGERS, EXECUTIVES AND DIRECTORS.

2. - Developing.

b) Through q10

4. - Final.
A) What did you learn today?
B) did you like it the class?
C) Thanking for the class and leave takings.
Executive director

In the US, an executive director is a chief executive officer (CEO) or managing
director of an organization, company, or corporation. The title is widely used in
North American for-profit organizations, though many United States nonprofits
have adopted the title president or CEO
Confusion can arise because the words executive and director occur both in this
title and in titles of various members of some organizations' boards of directors.
The role of the executive director is to design, develop and implement strategic
plans for the organization in a manner that is both cost and time-efficient. The
executive director is also responsible for the day-to-day operation of the
organization, which includes managing committees and staff as well as
developing business plans in collaboration with the board. In essence, the
board grants the executive director the authority to run the organization. The
executive director is accountable to the chairman of the board of directors and
reports to the board on a regular basis – quarterly, semiannually, or annually.
The board may offer suggestions and ideas about how to improve the
organization, but the executive director decides whether or not, and how, to
implement these ideas.
The executive director is a leadership role for an organization and often fulfills
a motivational role in addition to office-based work. Executive directors motivate
and mentor members, volunteers, and staff, and may chair meetings. The
executive director leads the organization and develops its organizational

Director ejecutivo


En los EE. UU., Un director ejecutivo es un director ejecutivo (CEO) o director

gerente de una organización, empresa o corporación. El título se usa

ampliamente en organizaciones con fines de lucro de América del Norte,

aunque muchas organizaciones sin fines de lucro de los Estados Unidos han

adoptado el título de presidente o director ejecutivo.

Puede surgir confusión porque las palabras ejecutivo y director aparecen tanto

en este título como en los títulos de varios miembros de las juntas directivas de

algunas organizaciones.
El papel del director ejecutivo es diseñar, desarrollar e implementar planes

estratégicos para la organización de una manera que sea eficiente en cuanto a

costos y tiempo. El director ejecutivo también es responsable del

funcionamiento diario de la organización, que incluye los comités de gestión y

el personal, así como el desarrollo de planes de negocios en colaboración con

la junta. En esencia, la junta le otorga al director ejecutivo la autoridad para

dirigir la organización. El director ejecutivo es responsable ante el presidente de

la junta directiva e informa a la junta con regularidad: trimestral, semestral o

anualmente. La junta puede ofrecer sugerencias e ideas sobre cómo mejorar la

organización, pero el director ejecutivo decide si implementar o no estas ideas

y cómo hacerlo.

El director ejecutivo es una función de liderazgo para una organización y, a

menudo, cumple una función de motivación además del trabajo en la oficina.

Los directores ejecutivos motivan y orientan a los miembros, voluntarios y

personal, y pueden presidir reuniones. El director ejecutivo lidera la

organización y desarrolla su cultura organizacional.

United Kingdom (UK).

In the UK, an executive director is a member of a board who is also an
employee with a senior role. It is common for boards to have several executive
directors, e.g. for different departments. There is no legal difference between an
executive and a non-executive director (NXD or NED), but there are
considerable differences in the expectations associated with the role.

Reino Unido (UK).

En el Reino Unido, un director ejecutivo es un miembro de una junta que

también es un empleado con un cargo senior. Es común que las juntas tengan
varios directores ejecutivos, p. Ej. para diferentes departamentos. No existe

una diferencia legal entre un director ejecutivo y un director no ejecutivo (NXD o

NED), pero existen diferencias considerables en las expectativas asociadas

con el puesto.

Difference Between Executive Director vs. Managing Director

Executive directors are acting as an intermediary between the company and the

board under their supervision company takes progressive action and attains the

predefined goal of the organization. Executive Director plays a vital role in the

organization who takes charge of the day-to-day activities and puts the best

efforts for future endeavors while working with other board of

directors. Managing directors have the utmost responsibility of managing the

resources and regulate the operations of the organization, which results in

company prosper and profit. They maintain professionalism and don’t lose their

patience even in a drastic situation to maintain a positive outlook. Managing

directors are primarily in their offices working 9 to 5.


Los directores ejecutivos actúan como intermediarios entre la empresa y el

directorio bajo su supervisión. La empresa toma acciones progresivas y

alcanza el objetivo predefinido de la organización. El Director Ejecutivo juega

un papel vital en la organización que se encarga de las actividades diarias y

pone los mejores esfuerzos para los esfuerzos futuros mientras trabaja con

otros miembros de la junta directiva. Los directores generales tienen la máxima

responsabilidad de administrar los recursos y regular las operaciones de la

organización, lo que da como resultado la prosperidad y la rentabilidad de la

empresa. Mantienen el profesionalismo y no pierden la paciencia ni siquiera en

una situación drástica para mantener una actitud positiva. Los directores

generales están principalmente en sus oficinas trabajando de 9 a 5.

Executive Director:
Executive Director works proactively and designs better strategies to advance

the company that helps to make financially stable and forward. Executive

directors are the solely responsible bodies who take their own decisions

independently in favor of the organization without consent to the chairman of

the board. Nevertheless, they also motivate their subordinates in critical affairs.

And continuously put efforts in the development of their subordinates, promote

the company’s philosophy.

Director ejecutivo:

El Director Ejecutivo trabaja de manera proactiva y diseña mejores estrategias

para hacer avanzar la empresa que ayuda a hacerla financieramente estable y

progresiva. Los consejeros ejecutivos son los únicos órganos responsables que

toman sus propias decisiones de forma independiente a favor de la

organización sin consentimiento del presidente del consejo. Sin embargo,

también motivan a sus subordinados en asuntos críticos. Y continuamente

poner esfuerzos en el desarrollo de sus subordinados, promover la filosofía de

la empresa.

Job responsibilities of executive director comprise of:

 Investigate the company’s operation and upgrade the system to

enhance productivity.

 Maintain the ethic from top to bottom of the business chain.

 Estimate the operational amount require and maintain a surplus

to meet the unexpected demand.

 Keep an update on market trends what proximate change require

to meet the demand.

 Supervising department managers and quality reviews.

 Align different opinions and shape them into a strong plan.

 Ensure that the company adheres to ethical practice.

 Formulate different sets of policies to run an organization and

adhere to it.

 Managing their direct reports, with hire/fire capabilities.

 Develop, then manage policies and programs to obtain the

company’s mission.

Las responsabilidades laborales del director ejecutivo comprenden:

• Investigar el funcionamiento de la empresa y actualizar el sistema para

mejorar la productividad.

• Mantener la ética de arriba a abajo en la cadena empresarial.

• Estimar el monto operativo requerido y mantener un excedente para

satisfacer la demanda inesperada.
• Mantener una actualización de las tendencias del mercado que
requieren los cambios inmediatos para satisfacer la demanda.

• Supervisión de gerentes de departamento y revisiones de calidad.

• Alinee las diferentes opiniones y déles forma en un plan sólido.

• Asegurar que la empresa se adhiera a la práctica ética.

• Formular diferentes conjuntos de políticas para administrar una

organización y adherirse a ella.

• Gestionar sus subordinados directos, con capacidades de

contratación / despido.

• Desarrollar y luego administrar políticas y programas para obtener la

misión de la empresa.

Managing Director:
Managing directors fuel the businesses through their years of experience and

leadership that helps to systematize the workflow, manage the budgets and

regulate the expenses. More occasionally, being a face of the company they

travel far to meet the business need, attain meetings or give speeches to other

boards, regional executives or the media. The managing is also responsible for

research and development programs that will help cater to new businesses with

new technology.

Director general:

Los directores generales alimentan los negocios a través de sus años de

experiencia y liderazgo que ayuda a sistematizar el flujo de trabajo, administrar

los presupuestos y regular los gastos. Más ocasionalmente, al ser un rostro de

la empresa, viajan lejos para satisfacer la necesidad empresarial, lograr

reuniones o dar discursos a otras juntas, ejecutivos regionales o medios de

comunicación. La gerencia también es responsable de los programas de

investigación y desarrollo que ayudarán a atender a las nuevas empresas con

nueva tecnología.

Managing Directors involve himself as such:

 Directing company resources.

 Insist coworkers and subordinates and mediating into issues.

 Assign responsibilities to individuals for department projects.

 Maintaining a competitive outlook to meet business needs.

 Interacting with clients and the public.

 Ensure the selection and retention of the right person.

 Monitor company’s progress by making corporate and business plans.

 Design strategic plan and assistance to members of the board in the

development of the industry.

 Ensure the right policies that comply with relevant regulations are


Los Consejeros Delegados se involucran como tales:

 • Dirigir los recursos de la empresa.

 • Insistir en compañeros de trabajo y subordinados y mediar en los


 • Asignar responsabilidades a las personas para los proyectos del

 • Mantener una perspectiva competitiva para satisfacer las necesidades


 • Interactuar con los clientes y el público.

 • Asegurar la selección y retención de la persona adecuada.

 • Supervisar el progreso de la empresa mediante la elaboración de

planes corporativos y comerciales.

 • Diseño de plan estratégico y asistencia a miembros del directorio en el

desarrollo de la industria.

 • Asegurar que se creen las políticas adecuadas que cumplan con las

regulaciones relevantes.





People are often confused about the differences between the CEO and the
president of a company. Add in the title of managing director and the
confusion multiplies. In small businesses in particular, many owners assume
multiple roles since they're ultimately responsible for the company's success
anyway. But if you're an owner considering which title to take, there are
distinct differences between the job functions of the roles.
CEO: The Big Boss
The chief executive officer (CEO) is the Top Dog, the Head Honcho, and the
Number One in command. No one is higher up in the company than the CEO.
As the one at the top, the CEO sets the vision and mission for the company.
He's the one with the big, strategic plan who sees far into the future.

In a small business, the CEO is probably the owner, too. If so, the CEO knows
better than anyone why the company was founded, its big reason for being
and what the strategic goals are for the long term. The CEO informs and
confers with the board of directors, if the company has one. But unlike
nonprofit organizations, where the CEO is hired by and answers to the board,
the CEO of a small business is more likely to use the board of directors as
advisers, each with a different expertise. Sometimes the CEO is also chairman
of the board of directors.

President: Second in Command

When a business has both a CEO and a president, the president is always
second in the chain of leadership. The CEO usually chooses the president or,
if someone else is responsible for culling candidates, the CEO interviews them
and has the final say in who gets the job. The CEO and president will work
closely together, so they must have a good working relationship and respect
each other's abilities.

The president oversees day-to-day business functions. He understands the

company's vision and mission as defined by the CEO, and it's his job to
determine how these will be accomplished. He typically sets interim goals to
meet at specific intervals, and relays these goals to the vice presidents or
managers who are tasked with planning how they will direct their staff to meet
these goals in their areas.

One Title or Two?

One combined title. Many small business owners feel that having both a
CEO and a president would be too many bosses at the top for the size of their
company. Instead, they have one person who serves as both the CEO and
the president of the company. If the owner is directly involved with the
business, he would likely take this top role.

This person's official title would be, "Sandra Smith, President and CEO."
Either job title can be listed first. The point is to make clear that Smith fills both
roles. This means she sets the vision and mission, plus handles the day-to-
day operations of the company.

Two owners, two titles. If the business is owned by more than one person,
the titles become more complicated. The one who has the most company
shares, or who invested the most money in the company, could be the CEO.
Or the co-owners might decide that one is more of a long-range
thinker while the other is better working with people hands-on, so the
former becomes the CEO and the latter is the president.

CEO only. Some owners feel that "President and CEO" sounds a bit too
pompous for their small company and want to choose one title or the other,
but not both. In that case, CEO is the appropriate choice. If you choose
president instead, others outside the company may wonder, then, who the
CEO is – the person who will give final approval on any deals.

What is a Managing Director?

The title of managing director is sometimes used instead of the CEO title. This
is primarily a British title used in lieu of CEO, however, and one that would
be confusing in the U.S. The word "managing" sounds hands-on, as if the one
with this title would be handling day-to-day operations. Since that's not the role
of a U.S. CEO, the title of managing director would likely be misunderstood.

What’s the Difference in Duties Between the

CEO & the Chairman of the Board?
The differences in the duties and responsibilities between the CEO
and the board chair are clear. In simple terms, the CEO is the top
senior executive over management while the board chairperson is the
head of the board of directors.
The CEO is the top decision-maker for the company and the person
who oversees the daily operations and logistics. All of the senior
management executives report to the CEO. The CEO is the chief
operating officer and usually delegates many of the responsibilities to
other senior, mid-level and lower-level managers, depending on the
size of the company. The CEO’s position entails focusing on the
strategic plan, which includes strategizing about the competition and
which markets to enter. The CEO reports directly to the board of
By contrast, the board chairperson of a company is the head of its
board of directors. The board of directors is elected by the
shareholders, and they’re charged with protecting the investors’ best
interests. Part of that responsibility includes ensuring that the
company is stable and profitable. Boards usually meet at least
quarterly to set long-term plans, review and monitor the financial
reports, monitor and oversee the senior-level executives, and vote on
major decisions.
Board directors are responsible for recruiting, appointing and
evaluating the CEO’s performance and replacing those who don’t
meet performance expectations.
The board chairperson has substantial power. The person appointed to
this position sets the board’s agenda and facilitates board meetings.
The board chairperson usually has a close working relationship with
the CEO, but the chair doesn’t play an active role in the management
of the daily operations.
Striking the Right Balance of Power between the CEO and the Chairman of the
Companies have the liberty to find the balance of responsibility and
authority between the CEO and the board chairperson. For this reason,
the balance of power between the CEO and the chairman varies
substantially even within similar industries.
Since the board chairperson is superior to the CEO, the CEO has to
get the board chairperson to approve any major moves. While the
board chairperson has the ultimate power over the CEO, the two
typically discuss all issues and effectively co-lead the organization.
Some companies find that their operations fare better when the CEO
has considerable flexibility in running the operation.
The best way for the CEO and the board chairperson to stay connected
is with a board management software program by Diligent
Corporation, where they can be assured their discussions are
The CEO is sometimes allowed to choose the senior executives. It’s
common for a company’s bylaws to guarantee retiring executives a
board seat. In this way, the CEO effectively influences board
Some companies are continuing to hang on to tradition and assign the
CEO as the board chairperson.
Why A Company’s Chairman and CEO Should Not Be Same
As noted earlier, some companies are choosing to allow the CEO to
also serve as board chairperson. This is more common in large
companies. Financial experts agree that CEOs of high-growth
companies shouldn’t have the same person serving as CEO, especially
for high-growth companies.
The board’s primary responsibilities are strategic planning, oversight
and abiding by the principles of good corporate governance. In recent
years, companies in Europe and the United States have seen the value
in spending more time in providing value to the CEO and the senior
executives. Boards of directors typically have varied industry
experience and a good understanding of overall economic trends,
which make them valuable resources for the senior leadership.
For companies to be successful, they need a CEO who is dedicated to
the responsibilities on a full-time basis. Managing a board of directors
is also a full-time job. Both positions are of such importance that
when one person serves in both roles, it’s difficult, if not impossible,
to serve both positions well.
There’s no clear answer about whether one person should fill both
positions and there are no regulations that require one structure over
the others. The debate has been going on for the last couple of decades
with no clear answer in sight. As it has been becoming more common
for boards to choose independent board directors to serve in the role of
board chairperson, the general thought has been that independent
board directors are the people best suited to serve as board
The main benefit in separating the two roles is that it distinctly
separates the roles of the board and management. The separation also
allows each person to devote the proper time to their role. Since the
board of directors is tasked with evaluating the CEO and senior
executives and setting their pay, separating the CEO and the Chairman
of the Board roles eliminates potential conflicts of interest.
3 Reasons to Separate CEO and Chairman Positions
Having an independent board director as the chair gives one person
the ability and authority to speak on behalf of the board. An
independent director is also better able to represent individual director
perspectives to the CEO. An independent Board Chair is also more
likely to elicit opinions and perspectives that will challenge the CEO
and enable him or her to think differently about certain issues. The
Chairman of the Board acts as the main liaison between the board and
management. The person who fills this role is valuable during crisis
situations in dealing with external groups such as investors and the
media. Overall, an independent board chair provides the necessary
balance with the CEO position.

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