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NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC STUDENT BOOK SERIES EDITORS JoAnn (Jodi) Crandall Joan Kang Shin AUTHOR Kate Cory-Wright eee | ¢_» CENGAGE LEARNING «© Learning” ‘Austral «ral Japan «Korea «Msco Singapore «Spain Unite Kingdom + United States NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC LRT Td This is our world. I say everybody move... Everybody's got a song to sing. | say everybody stop... Each boy and girl. everybody stop! aa: Ue Cuore This is our world. | say “our,” you say “world.” Everybody's got a song to sing. Our! Each boy and girl. World! This is our world! Our! World! | say “boy,” you say “girl.” Boy! Girl! Boy! Girl! Unit 1 Allin Our Family Unit 2. Fresh Food Unit 3. Long Ago and Today Units 1-3 Review. Hello! agree! Let's, Unit 4 Get Well Soon! Unit 5 My Favorites .. Unit 6 Wonders of the Sea. Units 4-6 Review Tora What's wrong? | don’t understand. Unit 7 Good Idea! Unit 8 That's Really Interesting! Unit 9 The Science of Fun .. Units 7-9 Review... . Wow, that's cooll . What does that mean? Let's, Irregular Verbs Cutouts Stickers 20 36 52 . 54 55 56 72 .88 104 107 108 . 124 . 140 . 156 158 159 160 161 In this unit, 1 + describe physical appearance. + describe emotions. + talk about plans. + write a journal entry. Look and answer. 1, What is the girl holding? 2. What is she wearing? 3. Who are the other people in the photo? ) Listen and read. rr: az ) Listen and repeat. te:a3 Hi, I'm Andrea. Here we are at the Martinez family picnic. All my relatives are here. We're a big family. Some of us look the same. Some of us are very different. Our pets are different, too. My cousin thinks my dog Roxy is uglier than his dog Max. But Roxy is cuter. Roxy is also smarter and friendlier. stronger ee I 6 What did you learn? How are the people different? Discuss with a partner. Which dog is friendlier? Roxy is friendlier. ) ©} Listen, read, and sing. tr:as ey I'm taller than you. He’s taller than me. We're all different. Yes, we're different. And I like being me! My dad is shorter than your dad. Your dad is younger than mine. Our car is faster than their car. Your car is faster than mine. It goes fast. CHORUS. My dog is smarter than his dog. That dog is bigger than mine. My dog is funnier than your dog. It’s happy all the time. CHORUS Work with a partner. Talk about you. Take turns. you /1 my dad / your dad our car / your car my dog / your dog Your dad is tall but _My dad is taller GRAMMAR tr:as My best friend is bigger than | am. I'm shorter than he is. My dog is friendlier than my sister's cat. My dog is cuter than her cat. 6 Read. Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of the word in parentheses. 1. My brother Mun-Hee is __bigger_ (big) than 1 am. 2. My older sister is _________ (friendly) than my little brother. 3. My Aunt Mae-Ran is _________ (smart) than my uncle. 4, My grandmother is _____ (short) than my mother. 5. My cousin Shin is _________ (nice) than me. 6. My catis____ (cute) than your dog. Work in a group. Take turns. How are you and your relatives different? 1am taller than my cousin, and stronger, too. 6 Write. Now compare the people in your group. Use words from the box. old short small strong tall And I'm friendlier than my cousins, young 11 6 Listen and repeat. Look at the pictures. Match. tr:as wavy hair glasses —~ -_ =D straight hair curly hair 1. She looks just like her mother. a. But he wears glasses, and | don’t. 2. My cousin is really cute. b. They both have straight hair. 3. My cousins are very different. c. 1 love his wavy hair. 4, My brother has blue eyes like me. d. But they both have curly hair. @® Listen and stick. Work with a partner. Talk about you. rr:a7 12 ® Read. Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of the word in parentheses. . What's your Aunt Sonia preparing for the reunion on Saturday? She ___________ (make) her famous chocolate cake. v . Are you doing something special at the reunion? ]____ (run) in the three-legged race, and 1 —_____ (eat) lots of chocolate cake. 3. What are you doing for your grandmother's birthday next week? }___ give) her a card and a box of candy. ®©® Play a game. Cut out the cards on page 161. Play with a partner. Listen, talk, and act it out. Guess what | am doing after lunch? See After lunch you're playing soccer. VA he / 13 Listen and read. tr:9 Where Do Your Eyes Come From? The color of our eyes and our hair are family traits. How tall we are, how big or small we are, and the shape of our face are all family traits. We say that we inherit these traits from our parents. Look around you. Many people have the same color eyes or color of hair, but they all look different. It’s the special combination of all of these common traits that makes us special. No one else has the same combination of traits that we do. Are your earlobes attached to the side of your face? Or do they hang free? How do you fold your hands? Do you cross your right thumb over your left thumb? Or do you cross your left thumb over your right thumb? It's fun to look for these traits with your family and friends. Try it! most common second most common rarest EYE COLOR unattached earlobe attached earlobe CW right thumb over left thumb @® Read. Check T for True and F for False. 1. Eye color is not a family trait. @®©® 2. All people with black hair look alike. @®® 3. No one has the same combination of traits you have. @) © 4. We have the same traits as our family. (ORG) Work with a partner. Choose three traits. Who did you inherit these traits from? Discuss. nose shape Ihave a long face. | inherited it from my mother. Her face is very long. shape of face eye color Blonds have more hairs on hair color their heads than people with brown hair do. type of hair Take a class survey. Survey your class. How do you fold your hands? Who has attached earlobes? Record the information on the bar graph. INHERITED TRAITS 2 | _ 5 - es 3 3 = a crosses right crosses left attached unattached thumb over left thumb over right earlobes earlobes 15 Journal Entries In a journal, you write about things that happen in your life and how they make you feel. @ Read the journal entry. What emotions does the writer describe? Underline the emotion words. September 4 Today was my finst day in fourth grade. I go to a big school, and some of my classmates are new every year. It's nice to meet new friends, but I'm always a little worried and scared at first. Today a girl with curly brown hair smiled at me. A boy with black hair and glasses asked my name. All the kids in my class were friendlier than I expected. They made me feel happy to be there. My old friend Sam was there, too. Now he’s taller than me. But I don't care. I think I'm smarter! He thinks fourth grade is harder than third. But I think it's more fun. I'm happy to be back in class. ® Write. Write a journal entry about a day in your life. Describe things that happened and how they made you feel. ® Work in groups of three. Share your writing. Take turns. Listen and fill in the chart. Puta eCity 16 a NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC Mission Wis Understand the Cavan Orono Cercant ican human family. Can ne acre 180,000 years ago.” Spencer Wells, Geneticist Feo ne secon) How can you learn more about the human family? Why is it important to understand how — we are the same and how we are different? Discuss and write the best ideas in the box. Work with another group. Share your ideas. Are they the same or different? Which ideas does everyone like best? c4\) Make a class Big Book on family features. 18 a ywewn Find a photo of your family, and talk to your family about physical characteristics you share. ¢ Who in your family has eyes like yours? ¢ Who has hair like you? ¢ Who has the same mouth as you? ¢ Who has the same nose as you? . Work in groups of four to make a Big Book page. Divide the page into four parts. Paste your picture in one of the four parts. Write the names of relatives that you look like. Now Ican... © describe physical appearance. ©, describe emotions. © talk about plans. write a journal entry. Here | am. | get my brown eyes from my dad, 19 Listen and read. tr: a10 Listen and repeat. tr: a1: Every week people go to the supermarket to buy vegetables like green beans and cucumbers that come from big farms. Some supermarkets also sell fruit and vegetables from small local farms. But most people think food from the garden is fresher and tastes better than food from a supermarket. Some lucky people have space to grow food in their own gardens. For example, they grow carrots, onions, and cabbages. Many other people do not have space at home, but sometimes they work together to grow food in a community garden. It’s easier than you think to grow vegetables. First you dig. Then you plant the seeds. But remember to water the plants! And you have to weed the garden sometimes. When the vegetables are ripe, they are ready to pick. a cucumber an eggplant Fae Work with a partner. What did you learn? Ask and answer. Be e they as taste fresher! Why do people grow their own vegetables: € 23 A 24 Listen, read, and sing. te: a:2 Pumpkin, lettuce, peppers, and beans. Something's growing, and it’s green. Pumpkin, lettuce, peppers, and beans. Something's growing, and it’s green. Working in the garden, working in the sun, working in the garden is a lot of fun. | have to water the garden. | have to weed and dig. I look after my garden. Those weeds grow very big! Pumpkin, lettuce, peppers, and beans. Something's growing, and it’s green. Pumpkin, lettuce, peppers, and beans. Something's growing, and it’s green. We can pick cabbage in the garden. We can pick some green beans, too. We can plant carrots in the garden. | like to garden, don’t you? CHORUS Pumpkin, lettuce, peppers, and beans. Something's growing, and it’s green. Pumpkin, lettuce, peppers, and beans. Something's growing, and it’s green. Work with a partner. Ask and answer. 1. What are three things you can pick? 2. What are two things that you have to do in the garden? TR:A13, | have to water the vegetables every day. | don't have to buy any more seeds. She has to plant the tomatoes She doesn't have to in a sunny place. weed today. Read. Complete the sentences. 1,.]_______________plant these seeds this week. __ 2. My brother is stronger than me, so he _______________ dig. 3. Luisa____________ weed the garden today. 4,My mom water the plants at home. 4 5. Farmers often _______ buy new seeds. 6. He _____..__ pick tomatoes this week. m"a\ ase 0 Work with a partner. Look and make sentences. 6 What about you? Write five things you usually have to do. In the morning 1 In the afternoon | In the evening 1 On weekends 1 On Sunday 1 6 Work in a group. Take turns. Compare what you have to do. What do you have to do in the morning? @© Listen and say. Read and write about what you do. tr:as4 How often? bY i) a Weed weed weed garden gerden gorde | fog} every day —¥ cat fruit | eat érvit| eat fruit | eat frvit| eat fruit | eat fruit| eat fruit weed weed Weed take fom 0 to garden garden garden | Fe ket erie eat fruit | eat fruit | eat fruit] eat fruit| eat fruit| eat fruit| eat fruit three times —> "ccd d ed | go to wee’ we (a week) garden garden garden | market eat fruit | eat fruit | eat fruit| eat fruit| eat fruit | eat fruit se ot Weed weed weed plas garden garden garden | nZe eat fruit | eat fruit eat fruit] eat fruit | eat fruit | eat fru |ea Plant 1, Every day ]____ _ 2. On Fridays 1 3. Three times a week 1 4. Twice a year} 5. Once a month | __ @® Work with a partner. Ask and answer, and then stick. How often do you ride your bike ‘on (Fridays) ‘once (a month) ‘twice (a year) 28 | GRAMMAR tr:a15 What would you like for lunch? I'd like a bowl of vegetable soup. © Read. Complete the dialogue. A: Welcome to Mario’s Café. What ___ ould you like _ to order today? B: |] _____________ some pumpkin soup and zucchini bread. C:1______ some chicken and rice, please. D: | usually order pie, but today ]________ some ice cream. Play a game. Play with a partner. Make sentences. Take turns. 29 isten and read. rr: ais Where’s Your Food | Some fruits and vegetables travel a long way to get to your table, Thanks to transportation, you can enjoy watermelon or strawberries any time of the year. But many people prefer to eat local food from community gardens or local farms. These small local farms produce fruit, vegetables, and grains. Some of them also raise animals for milk and meat. People can have fresher food because these farmers grow it locally. What about cities? There isn’t much space to have farms. One way to grow food in a city is on a roof! In this roof garden, a class of children grew 453 kg (1,000 pounds) of vegetables in one year. The children grew cabbages, carrots, lettuce, and even strawberries! They had to water the plants and weed them, but they enjoyed the food they grew in their outside classroom. From? expensive variety to transport - | eae available less flavor all year bad for the farmers can environment sell more _, less variety _essvariety fresher not available St year healthier (004 for may be more 8 Boor local economy © Read. Make complete sentences. 1. Some fruits and vegetables a. in cities. 2. It is very expensive to b. travel a long way. 3. Food from local farmers c. is rooftop gardens. 4. There are no small farms d. transport fresh food. 5. In cities, a way to get fresh food e. is fresher and better. © Complete the chart. Read the problem. Write the solution. ‘oblem EDT There is no local food in winter. Transportation of food is expensive. There's no space to grow food in cities. @ Work with a partner. Talk about producing food. Use these words. food fresh grow.—local_~=—smeat_-—plants-— raise Farmers grow most of the food we eat. Food from local farms is fresh. Most people spend about five years of their life eating. Paragraphs of Opinion In a paragraph of opinion, you express your opinion about something. You give the reasons why you feel this way. You can also use words and expressions that introduce your opinion, such as I think, in my opinion, and I believe. ® Read. How does the writer introduce opinions? Underline the words and expressions. Fresh Food or Canned Food? When you shop for food, you can buy fresh food or canned food. Which is better? I think fresh food tastes better. Fresh food is good for you. It does not have any extra salt or sugar. You know just what you are eating. But you have to wash it first because sometimes it is a little dirty. There are some positive and negative things about canned foods, too. In my opinion, canned food is more convenient because it lasts longer than fresh food. ‘Also, with canned food you can always have fruit and vegetables—even in winter. But canned food usually has extra salt or sugar, and I believe this is bad for you, Also, canned foods make more trash because you have to throw the cans away. I think fresh foods are better than canned foods. ® Write. Write about food from supermarkets and food from local farms. Describe some positive points and some Negative points about each one. Express your opinion. @ Work in a small group. Share your writing. Listen and take notes. Write down the names and opinions of your classmates. 32 NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC i J 4 reciate local-food. “tearing how r een alae ne aT an fone Misia elae cen reer E importantito appreciate local food? Work in AT EC -icele) om ato nuyclins Emerging Explorer eon How can you show you appreciate local food? , ete T SECM CRN eLCS aCe EMMA =O of). Jalapefio a Tener on SER g ro NS Tule atte aoe coat m ee SS A xX Did you know that a tomato is really a fruit? ©) talk about obligation. ©) describe frequency, ©) discuss and order food. ©) express my opinion. GY Produce Jota of Tomatoes, And : Tom \ Ahoes are, great . pia q/ o 35 In this unit, | will * describe what people did in the past. * talk about what the past was like. * compare the past and the present. * write a unified paragraph. a , a. a box. \ computer. Father and son biking to school, Uttar Pradesh, India ety 37 | people spend time long ago? fe was different from ours. How did a typical day begin? It began when the sun came up! There were no electric lights, so people Ciel Urea Ceara TaN NOUTae Mee Neonat Nem cook, make soap, wash the dishes, EURO lume Tel ie their sons to make useful things for the house, garden, or market in town. Some children moved away from home to learn a craft or trade by working as apprentices. At night, families used candles COON LC MMNOACeLCe Lag ees AL) PCT CRM am cee OM ENA LCe ™ play guessing games, or tell SeeM eI RUN ol og Cc a _ 38 , 6 Work with a partner. What did you learn? ~ Ask and answer. Why did people get - up with the sun? $s They wanted to do their chores in the ===, daytime. They didn’t have electric lights. electric light i a ( ww 40 Listen, read, and sing. tr: a19 Things were different long ago, different in so many ways. Things were different long ago, different from today. Long ago, children walked to school, but today | ride my bike. Long ago, we learned to sew our own clothes, but now we buy the clothes we like. CHORUS We used to read by candles at night. But now we read by electric light. We used to talk only face-to-face. Now we use a cell phone to call a different place. CHORUS. People spent time with friends by the fire. Instead, now we play video games. But a friend is still a friend until the end. Some things will never change! CHORUS: Work with a partner. Ask and answer. 1. How do you get to school? How did your parents get to school? 2. What do you do on the weekend? What did your parents do on the weekend when they ‘were your age? TR: AZO Long ago, children walked to school, but | ride my bike. Many years ago, people didn’t have TV. They told stories instead. Complete the sentences. 1. Long ago, mothers and daughters sewed clothes at home. Today we buy clothes in stores __ 2. Many years ago, people couldn't play video games, —_______________ they played some fun board games. 3. Long ago, people didn’t have computers. They wrote letters 4. Many years ago, people didn’t have cars, they did have horses and carts. Siberia, Russia - eG Same or different? Write true sentences. ig Ago aT EN People had fireplaces. We have fireplaces, too. People made their own soap. | We buy soap in a store instead. People walked everywhere. People played board games. People read by candlelight. People sewed their own clothes. eo Work in a group. Talk about your grandparents’ lives and your life. How are they different? My grandmother washed clothes by hand, but | use a washing machine instead! 6 Listen and say. Then read. Check T for True or F for False. rr:n21 modern 1. Video games are modem toys. 2. Parents say that cleaning your room is an important chore. (®) (®) 3. A pencil eraser is expensive. @® 4. Typewriters are old-fashioned. @® 5. This sentence isn't difficult. @®® ® Work with a partner. Talk and stick. Look at this. What do you It's very expensi 44 ® Complete the sentences. 1.1 think riding a skateboard is ____ (difficult) riding a bike. 2. Getting exercise is ______ (important) watching TV all day. 3. Video games are _— (expensive) board games. 4. Board games are ______ (old-fashioned) video games, but they're fun to play. 5. Our new house is __________ (modern) our old one. ® Play a game. Cut out the game board on page 163. Play with a partner. Make sentences about the pictures. This phone is more old- © Tails: fashioned than this one. @:: Move — 1 space. 2 spaces. 45 isten and read. te:azz From Walking — to Biking The bicycle is not the idea of just one person. Over time, many people contributed to its development. The first bicycle was made of wood. It had two wheels but no pedals. You didn’t ride it—you walked it! It was called Boneshaker a “hobby horse” or “walking machine.” The velocipede came next. Velocipedes had pedals. seer Pedals were a good idea. With pedals, people could ride instead of walk or push their velocipedes. But velocipedes were hard to ride on cobblestone streets, and so they were : called “boneshakers, ee Later, people rode a new kind of bicycle called a “high wheeler.” It was made of metal and had a high front wheel and solid rubber tires. It was more comfortable than a boneshaker, but people could fall off easily. Women didn’t ride high wheelers because women at the time wore long skirts. They rode a machine with three wheels, called a tricycle. The next bicycle went back to two wheels of the same size. It had metal parts and pneumatic tires, and was called the “safety bicycle.” This design became the standard for modern bicycles. Then companies began to make bicycles for children. Now everyone enjoys bicycles! eur Por ® Complete the sentences. 1. The hobby horse had two wheels but________pedals. 2. Velocipedes were __________ to ride on cobblestones. 3. High wheelers had _______parts and rubber tires. 4. Safety bikes had two wheels of the —__ size. Complete the timeline. Read the text again. Put the bicycles in order to complete the timeline. Boneshaker Hobby Horse High Wheeler Safety Bicycle Tricycle © Work with a partner. Talk about bicycles. Ask and answer. 1. Are bicycles now just for children, or for adults, too? 2. Do you have a bicycle? When and how do you use it? 3. Why are bicycles a good idea? Iride my bike to school every day. The longest bike ever made was about 36 m (117 ft.) long! 47 Paragraph Unity Ina paragraph, the topic sentence tells the main idea. The other sentences that make up the body give facts and examples about the main idea. A paragraph has unity when all the sentences refer to the main idea. @ Read. This paragraph has five sentences that do not belong. Two are crossed out. Find the other three and cross them out. School in the Old Days Long ago, school was different from the way it is now. Many towns had one-room schoolhouses, and all student's went to the same one room. There was just one teacher, who taught all students of different ages. Att the-students-in-my-ehass-are- nine-or-ter-years-otd: Students sat on hard wooden benches in rows. My-cltss-hes-comfortable-desksonetor-each student: They copied the alphabet, numbers, and poems onto slates with chalk. They also practiced their handwriting every day, They used quill pens and ink to write neatly. I use a computer to write. They copied texts and memorized long paragraphs from the one or two books the teacher had. I don’t like to memorize things from books. When students didn’t do their work, the teacher used branches from trees to punish them. My teacher is Kind, so she doesn't use branches. Some teachers made bad students stand in a corner and wear a pointed hat called a dunce cap. Students felt ashamed, and they looked silly, too. School is very different now. © Write. Write about life long ago. What did children do after school? What kinds of work did they do? What were their houses like? What clothes did children wear? Choose a topic. Make sure your paragraph has unity. ® Work in a group. Share your writing. Listen and take notes. 48 NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC Appreciate the past. aig rt) ‘tant to appreciate the past? Discuss. What can you and other kids do to show how you appreciate the past? Work in a small group. Think Oo eS era Lo Seed ec Le gy ~ iS ih | “The past is a source CMO et are Fo areal TRON Yoga Gyan rate Wolken Stephen Ambrose (1936-2002) CIN Creny Ce eran caealanieintthy ‘SE, PT aL CL ce UCR LM Se they the same or different? Which idea does eT hase ct) te Make a poster about life in the past and life now. 1. Choose a topic such as clothing, toys, sports, food, houses, or games. 2. Research information about your topic in the past and now. 3. Compare and contrast details related to your topic. 4. Cut out or draw pictures to support your writing. 5. Create a poster with your pictures and information. 6. Sign your poster. Kites are my favorite toy. But they weren't always toys! _ Now lIcan... ©, describe what people did in the past. oe | © talk about what the past was like. | compare the past and the present. | ©) write a unified paragraph. 1 | Listen. How did this family live? Listen and draw lines from column A to B, tr:aza A - B c We sewed clothes often. | washed the clothes every day. My mom and my sisters began the day at 5 am. Ts a day. My dad made the fire sometimes. My grandma told funny stories on the weekend. My grandpa grew vegetables once a week. 6 Listen again. How often did the family members do each activity? Draw lines from column B to C. tr:azs 6 Work with a partner. Compare life in that family and your life today. How is it different? How is life different in your family? ie That family began the day at 5 am, but in my family we get up at 6 am. We do, too. But on ed 2 Saturday and Sunday we get up much later! 52 — 6 Work in groups of three. Take turns. Ask and answer questions. Take notes. 1, How many brothers and sisters do you have? 2. Would you like another brother or sister? 3. Who is your favorite relative? Why? 4. Do most people in your family have straight, curly, or wavy hair? 5. Who wears glasses in your family? 6. What is your family doing next weekend? 6 Work in groups of three. Compare your information. I'd like a baby sister. No way! | don’t want a baby sister or brother! 6 Look and read. Read the sentences. Circle which clock each sentence is about. o o e on $14.50 $19.90 $40.00 $45.00 « This clock is for younger children. It’s smaller than the other clock for children. @)b ¢ d . It is more modern than the other adult clock. a bc d wr . This one is good for children. It’s more expensive than the other children’s clock. a be d It is more old-fashioned than the other clocks. It’s taller, too. a bc d It is very cute. It's cheaper than the red clock. a bed > 7) Write. Compare two of the clocks. Use five words from the box. big cute expensive funny interesting modern old old-fashioned small ugly My mom would like one of these clocks for her birthday. In some ways I think she'd like clock c more than clock d because . . . Let’s 6 Listen and read. rr: azs Sofia: Hello, Mrs. Gomez. How are you? Mrs. Gomez: I’m very well, thank you, Sofia. Please come in. Sofia: Thank you. Sofia: Hi, Carla! What's up? Carla: Not much. Hey, do you want a soda? Sofia: Sure! Thanks. Hello. : Good morning, aoe are Be in He verametanank you. casera fow are you today’ im fine, thanks. Good evening. What's up? Not much. Hil What are you doing? Nothing. Hi there! How’re you doing? Fine. Hey! How's it going? I'm cool. / I'm good. Not bad. e Work with a partner. Greet each other. Use the chart. Take turns. 54 cance eee | agree! 6 isten and read. rr:az7 Cho: What do you think about making a poster? Jong: 1 think that’s a great idea. Mun-Hee: lagree. Posters are fun. Jin: Really? | disagree. Everybody makes posters! Hyo: I think so, too. lagree. J agree with (Jong). I think so, too. What do you think (about) 2 est deel disagree. Everybody makes Not again! Let's do Surveys are cool. something else. Let's do a (report). What do you think? Really? | don’t think so. Reports are boring. 6 Listen. You will hear two discussions. Read each question and circle the answer. tr:aze 1, How many students want to do a survey? al ob2 3 2. How many students want to write a report? al ob2 3 e Work in groups of four. Prepare and practice discussions. Share your opinions about one of these projects. © Preparing a talk about dinosaurs ° Making a poster about vegetables * Doing a survey about chores 55 In this unit, Iwill... * talk about health and lines. + describe actions. + give advice. « talk about cause and effect. @ Listen and read. te: 029 @ Listen and repeat. tr: a20 Our bodies are amazing. Every day they work hard to keep us healthy. But everyone gets sick sometime: hen you have a cold, it means germs entered your body. You can't see germs, but they can make you sick. Some germs can live for two hours on your desk. So use tissues when you sneeze or cough! And wash your hands with soap. feel dizzy WEN ce [e} ese Me (ores tele ROMEO ie slide That’s a good place to keep a thermometer. So if you have a fever, you know where y Z CCCetS Tce en ron NVATUATLAeMTOte ng 3 you feel bad. You may get an earache, a an headache, a stomachache, or a toothache. 58 to find it. That’s also a good place to keep bandages, tape, and scissors. a Ee : - a togthache, a oe Bi daces | Eliimeciel de :, ee 2) Work with a partner. What did you learn? Ask and answer. A? > a stomachaché What's the matter with ce) 6 Listen, read, and sing. tr:asi Take care of yourself. You know what to do. Exercise a lot and eat the right food. But once in a while, when you don’t feel well, here are some things that you should do. If you have a stomachache, you should tell your mother. If you have a broken arm, you should see the doctor. If you have a toothache, you shouldn't eat sweets. Go to the dentist and stay away from treats. CHORUS. If you get a scratch from climbing a tree, a first-aid kit will help you to take care of your knee. If you have a headache, you can stay in bed. or you can take some pills to help your aching head. Take care of yourself. You know what to do. Exercise a lot and eat the right food. But once in a while, when you don't feel well, take care of yourself and get well soon! 6 Work with a partner. Write the problems and the solutions. stomachache tell your mother 60 TR: ABZ | have a bad toothache. What should | do? You shouldn't wait any longer. Your mom should take you to the dentist. Read. Complete the sentences. 1. If you have a headache, you ____ (not/eat) any more ice cream. 2. Everybody (have) a first-aid kit at home. 3. He has a fever. He ________ (not/go) to school. 4, She feels dizzy. She —__ sit) down. 5. When you have a cold, you _____ {not/sneeze) on people. 6.You_____ (use) tissues. 7. What —____ you _________________ (do) when you have a toothache? 8. You _________ (exercise) two or three times a week. - 08 Read and write. Write some advice for this family. 1 3 2 Stay home. Go to the dentist. Don't go to school. Don't eat so much candy. 4 Don't cough on other people. Lie down, Cover your mouth, Don't drive your car. 1. ___The boy has a fever. He should stay home. He shouldn't go to school. 2. 3. = 4. 6 Work in a group. Act out an illness. Guess and give advice. Take turns. You have a cold. You Ugh! You should shouldn't sneeze near me! use some tissues! 63 6 Listen and repeat. Read and circle the letter. t:a33 a broken leg a scratch a bruise acut 1. Why is your leg in a cast? @| have a broken leg. b. 1 have a bruise. 2. Is that a burn? a. Yes, | have a headache. _b. Yes, 1 touched the stove! 3. | have a scratch. What should 1 do? a. You should put a bandage on it. _b. You should go to the dentist. 4. What an ugly bruise. What happened to her? a. She had a bike accident. _b. She ate too much chocolate. 5. How did you get that cut? a. | ran with scissors. Bad idea! _b. | ate too much ice cream. Bad idea! © Work with a partner. Listen. Talk and stick. tr:a34 What happened on Monda\ His brother got a cut on his finger. J @® Read and write. Complete the sentences. 1. Last week 1 ran with scissors and | fell. 1 cut - een 2. When my sister touched the stove, she burned . It was terrible. 3. If you scratch — , you should put on a bandage. 4, My brother didn’t listen to me, and he hurt ——--_ Play a game. Cut out the cards on page 165. Glue the cards. Listen. rr:as6 65 ® Listen and read. tr: a37 Why Do We Sneeze? Aaaaa . . . choo! When you have a cold, you often sneeze. Why? Because germs make a home in your nose, and they tickle you! Sneezing is your body's way of sending germs out of your nose. Many animals sneeze, too! What happens? Your nose doesn’t like the germs, so it sends a message to a part of your brain called the “sneeze center.” The sneeze center sends a message to your muscles. Then all your muscles push hard. Even your eyes push. That's why you close your eyes when you sneeze! You should have a tissue ready because the sneeze happens very quickly. A sneeze can travel as fast as a car! Some people sneeze when they don’t have a cold. It happens when they go out into the sunshine. They are called “photic sneezers.” Photic sneezing is an inherited trait. It comes from one of your parents. Do you know anyone who sneezes because of the sun? A sneeze from one person ‘on the subway can reach 150 other people. * Iguanas sneeze more than any oh), other animal ® Read. Check T for True and F for False. 1. Germs live in your nose all the time. @®® 2. The sneeze center is in your brain. @® 3. People always sneeze because they have a cold. @® 4. We get colds from our parents. They are inherited. @©® © Read. Read the text again. Put the sentences in order. | _ Your nose tickles. The germs go out of your nose. Your muscles push hard. _—_ Your brain tells your muscles to stop the tickle. © Work with a partner. Ask questions and take notes. Take turns. Why? How many people can a sneeze reach? Bit 4s Your nose sends a message to the sneeze center in the brain. It can reach 150 people. Who? How? How fast? How many people? 67 Paragraphs of Cause and Effect Ina paragraph of cause and effect, you explain what happens and why. You use words like because, that’s why, and that’s because to show cause and effect. @ Read. Read the paragraph of cause and effect. How does the writer explain what happens and the reasons why? Circle the words and expressions. Ice Cream Headaches Do you ever get a headache when you eat ice cream? Many people do. Why? Because your body doesn't like the cold temperature of the ice cream! Here’s what happens. The ice cream is very cold. When the ice cream touches the roof of your mouth, the nerve center doesn't like the cold. It sends a message to your brain. Then the brain sends a message to your blood vessels, and they get big very quickly. That's because they are trying to Keep your head warm. So that's why you get ice cream headaches! But they aren't serious, so don't worry! They are easy to prevent, too. Just Keep cold food and drink away from the roof of your mouth! You should eat cold food slowly, and put the ice cream in the front of your mouth first. © Write. Choose another common health problem. Write what happens and why. Use words and expressions to explain the reasons. ® Work in a group. Share your writing. Listen and take notes. 68 ie NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC Tey “My mission is to find simple, inexpensive Pron reied Xone Ural Op aeey ant CIR Ta ee CriTn CTCL OL ” Hayat Sindi, UNESCO Goodwill ‘Ambassador for Sciences Goer Men Me- Te MOM clei te cele USSU Teele Thera ly a a small group. Think of ideas. Talk and write the best ones in it lon.g Cn ele a Tne eh tar 1Re 0) oo - SECM m c(h Um ale a sco RRS CMe lme icc) an nan ideas does everyone like best? Nese Le RN 69 (4) Make a first-aid kit for your family. 1, Research what you need ina first-aid kit. a. Find out about basic needs. b. Find out about special needs, such as medicine. 2. Make a list of what you need. 3. Make a kit. a. Find a lunchbox (or other strong box). Decorate it. b. Put all items and supplies in it. 4, Write down some important telephone numbers. Put them inside the box. Add the numbers to your cell phone. 70 ould have bandages. NowlIcan... © talk about health and illness. CO describe actions. In this unit, | wi + identify different types compare people and act + talk about my favorite people and things. * give my opinion. Check T for True and F for False. 1. Everyone looks happy. @ ©) 2. Some people look scared. (t) (F) 3. They are riding a roller coaster. @ ©) | Ry «i es ily eee 6 Listen and read. tr:a3s 6 Listen and repeat. tr: 035 Wax museums are amazing. You can see hundreds of famous people. The people aren't real, but they look real! In these cool museums, you can say “Hi” to all your favorite actors and popular TV stars. You can hear some of them, too! Meet a talented singer or actor from a funny movie. Take photos with a famous person. or a brave superhero! There are many pretty women and handsome men. You can meet interesting characters from history, like Cleopatra or Genghis Khan. You can stand next to an athlete like Yao Ming. He's great. Don't miss. J.K. Rowling’s characters. She is the author of the Harry Potter books! They are wonderful! Who would you like to see in a wax museum? Cleopatra, Courtesy of the Wax Museum of Madrid 74 Yes, you can Yao Ming is there! 76 ) Listen, read, and sing. rr: as0 You’re the Best How do! know what I'll want one day? How do | know what I'll be? Who can help me to find my way and show me how to be a better me? I really like to play soccer. One day | could be great! learn from my favorite athletes: work hard, practice, and wait! Some days | dream of fans and fame in movies and on TV. 1 study the moves of my favorite actors. I'll be just like them, you'll see! CHORUS | really love the natural world: jungles, mountains, and caves. Like my favorite explorers, I'll go on adventures for days and days! I read the most talented writers, and dream about writing a book. I'll work very hard in school. Becoming a writer would be so cool! CHORUS Work with a partner. Choose two professions from the song. Make a list of three cool things about each profession. Then share your lists with a small group. Are they the same or different? & 5 g sg Ed Py jar & a & & é Fi i 4 Ey e Read. Complete the questions. 1. Who is —_— in the world? (amazing / singer) 2. In your opinion, who is _? (cool / athlete) 3. In your opinion, what is ___________? (pretty / flower) 4. What is ____________ you watch? (interesting / TV show) 5. What is _____________ of all? (funny / movie) 6. In your opinion, who is ________? (talented / TV star) 8 Look at the pictures. Write sentences. 78 1. big >) 2. beautiful >t 3. cool What about you? Work with a partner. Ask and answer. Complete the chart. Take turns. Ques) bd Dara Ute 1. who / talented / singer 2. who / cool / TV star 3, what / interesting / video game 4, who / amazing / actor 5. what / funny / movie 6, who / great /athlete 6 Work in a small group. Compare your opinions. Decide who or what is the group's favorite. Who is the most talented singer? Are you kidding? He's the greatest opera singer ever! 79 ® Listen and repeat. Then read and match. rr:a4z aTV show a sport a writer 1. What's your favorite sport? a. | like playing sports and going out 2. My parents watch a lot of with my friends. boring TV shows! b, Well, 1 like tennis. But | think soccer 3. Which country is that Se writer from? c. | don’t have one. 1 like all my school subjects. 4. What are your favorite hobbies? 5. What's your favorite d. She's from India. She's very talented. school subject? e. My parents do, too! ® Work with a partner. Stick and talk. Take turns. | put sports first. | love soccer! | put sports last! | don't like them 80 ® Complete the sentences. 1. Many video games are _________ because they're boring. But “Harry Potter, the Goblet of Fire” is ___ than other games because it’s cooler. You can be Harry, Ron, or Hermione in the video game. Harry is person to be in the game because he’s handsome, and he helps other people. Ron is person to be because he isn’t funny. 2.1 love soccer. It is _________ free time activity of all! It’s much than TV because you go out and have fun. 1 think TV is —__ — for your health because you don't get any exercise. And video games are than TV because you don’t learn anything! What's the best ® Play a game. Cut out video game? the cards on page 167. 1/ Play with a partner. The new Harry Potter video game is the best. Listen and read. tr: ass Many acts we see in circuses today have roots in ancient societies. Jugglers and acrobats were popular in ancient Egypt and China. Today, Chinese circuses are more popular, more colorful, and more exciting than ever. Most Chinese acrobats join the circus when they are six years old, but they can spend ten years practicing just one of these acts! a, Juggling: Acrobats use their feet to juggle things. They juggle tables, chairs, umbrellas, plates, and even people! b. Cycling: In this act, acrobats use “monocycles” (bicycles with one wheel). The most famous act is the “bird.” ¢. Tight-wire: This act is about 2,000 years old. Brave acrobats walk, cycle, or jump on a wire that is high in the air. d. Pole-climbing: This act is about 1,000 years old. Athletes climb up poles, jump from one pole to the other, and balance on the poles. e, Plate-spinning: The acrobat holds a pole with a plate on it. The plates spin fast. The acrobat dances, jumps, or stands on one arm. Don't miss Chinese acrobats. They're the best! Some Chinese acrobats called “gastriloquists” make the sound of birds, animals, crying babies, and Machines while they do their acts. © Read and write. 1. In what ancient societies were jugglers and acrobats popular? 2. How old are many children when they start to learn acrobatics? 3. How long do acrobats have to practice to learn some acts? 4. What things do acrobats juggle? © Read. Label the pictures a-e, . oa Work in a group. Compare your opinions. Write your group’s decision in each box. ver aL cy Easiest Coolest Group favorite Most difficult | think juggling is the most difficult much more difficult. z a g = & ze 83 © ® 84 Reviews When you write a review, you tell the reader about the story and give your opinions. Use words like in my opinion, I think, and I believe. Use descriptive words like interesting, exciting, and boring. When you give your opinions, you can give a reason, too. Read. Read the book review. How does the writer express her opinion? Underline the words and expressions. Last weekend I went to the library with my dad, and : I found a wonderful book by Jacqueline Wilson. It’s called cul “Cligthanger” I always look for her books. In my opinion, ig she is one of the best writers in the world, “cliffhanger” is about a boy called Tim. He likes TV shows and puzzles. He's very smart, too, and he's the best student in most school subjects, But he's the worst student at sports! So when his parents send him to a sports camp, he has a bad time. ? Every day at camp Tim has to play sports, and he never gets better, He hates sports, But one day he has a smart idea on how to win the game. After that, he helps his team win, and he's the most popular person at camp. Then he doesn’t want to leave! I loved this book. Jacqueline Wilson helps us remember some important things. First, we're all different, Second, you shouldn't feel bad if you're not handsome because everyone is talented in some way. Finally, sometimes you are not popular, But you have to try! Write. Write about something you liked, for example, a book you read or a movie you watched. Tell the story and say why you liked it. Work in a group. Share your writing. Listen and take notes. NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC aN “When I was a young r myMC a ee aT paar Sc aeeu eh Pineda re merece teachers in school who 7 Cem Kennan k aay naa i Find a role model. MUTED O Tei: if TT VREM Molar Beya]-Ye =] F OVE e wc Wildlife Biologist TASC eet mse iT MCT ac suaahateptas LC ec aera (0) be aie TRA Cece au tols (lea: {cata Tea EL CMT i LATTE Ura MM LCM nt) 1-10} Work with another group. Share your OUCH enced Mute lee) RMU a ceed eit =24 Gy Make a class book about famous people. 1, Think about who your favorite famous person is. ¢ What does he or she do? Why is he or she famous? ¢ What do you like about him or her? 2, Research some information about your favorite person. 3. Make a page for the class book. ¢ Glue a picture. ¢ Write a summary about your favorite person. as ‘ Kid. ae t San ren sister But-she ee ate amen te yne day she was OT EY Qo | faov> BSc ‘nad a reall B station Oe ca hoy Who rea, Bd 380 nen she get of A cchoo\! V xed WHITIND- 86 eee 5 yc My favorite person is J. K. Rowling my opinion g OT es Wonders.” e he SEQ> jescribe characteristics of sea life. alk about protecting the oceans. * write a paragraph of contrast. Check T for True and F for False. 1. There are many animals in the picture. 2. There is an octopus. 3. An octopus has six arms. ce Eitan err Listen and read. Listen and repeat. re: We use the oceans for fun, for transportation, and, more importantly, we use the oceans for )p pollution. We must protect ill disappear. Mace ni ROC OMICS MIM NSC the creatures we know stay near the top layer a ee of the water, called the sunlit zone. In this zone, ETT ee ueat OM COe ot meV AC Sonos ee" oan, xX 2 OS a whale GUS ENTE Con Comte ee TRAIL GS Pome ee era ekeN MCCA em : zone goes down to about 1,000 m (3,300 ft.). oi LOW Macc c LCL N ee te The mysterious bottom layer of water is Co SNM ERMC Lit ail aeaes because sunlight doesn’t reach below 1,000 m (ERO MSO ie vAnte me LEONORA Cleo eyay eee di rererees 90 J (2 Pa 2 oe J ys Ke 5 = a) _ Work with a partner. What did | a _@you learn? Ask and answer. ve re ye 92 Listen, read, and sing. tr:e4 Protect the Seas Please, please protect the seas. 4 Put good deeds into motion. : Help save the oceans. CHORUS We must protect the wonders of the seas, to make a better world for you and me, We must stop polluting the ocean blue. An octopus would like that, and so would you. CHORUS We must protect the wonders of the seas, to make a better world for you and me. When we make a mess, we can't dump it in the sea, Sharks don't want that. Do we? There are layers in the ocean below. There are creatures there that we don't know. They live deep underwater. They don’t breathe air, but our world is a part of theirs. CHORUS > Work with a partner. Ask and answer. 1. What are two common ways we pollute the oceans? 2. What are some ways we use the oceans? 3. Why is it important to care for the oceans? 6 Check. Right or wrong? Right Wrong 1. We must throw plastic bags in the ocean. JV 2. Don’t leave trash in the classroom. 3. You have to throw trash in the rivers. 4. You can’t use biodegradable things. They will never disappear. 5. We must protect natural habitats. Qe Read. Complete the sentences. 94 We must protect the whales and the dolphins. throw bottles into the ocean. respect and protect nature. help with the chores at home. leave garbage in the classroom. 4d 6 What about you? Write about rules at home and at school. At home, __1 must __ At school, 6 Work in a group. Compare your rules. At school, don't leave At home, we garbage in the classroom. must clean up. 95 © Listen and repeat. Then read and write. rr:86 oil spill garbage overfishing . Banana peels, plastic bottles, soda cans, old newspapers, boxes, and broken toys are examples of 2. When companies catch too many fish all the time, there aren't enough fish left to reproduce. This is called yw Paper is With time, it disappears. + Bottles and bags made out of _____________are not biodegradable. a . Big ships called tankers transport oil across the ocean. When they have an accident and oil escapes, the result is an @® Work with a partner. Listen, talk, and stick. rr:87 Oil spills happen when tankers | have accidents on the ocean. (12) Read and answer. 1. Oil pollution affects the sunlit zone of the ocean. What if there is a big oil spill? 2. Pollution affects oxygen levels in the midnight zone and creates areas with no oxygen. What if there are animals in these areas? 3. Plastic bottles and plastic bags cause a lot of pollution. What will you do? ® Play a game. Cut out seven pictures and the bingo card on page 169. Listen and play. Discuss. re:89 This is not biodegradable. 97 ® Listen and read. ra:s10 Colorful Corals When you first see corals, you may think you are looking at a colorful underwater garden. But corals are animals, not plants. Corals are made up of small individual animals called polyps. Polyps have soft, transparent bodies with no bones inside. What's for dinner? Polyps have a mouth, stomach, and tentacles to catch food. How polyps get food depends on where they live. Polyps lucky enough to live in warm, sunlit zones eat tiny plants called algae. In contrast, polyps that live in cold, dark zones don’t eat algae. They must find a place to live with a strong current of moving water. They use their tentacles to catch tiny animals called plankton in the water. Underwater communities. Most corals live together in huge groups called colonies. Some build a protective skeleton around themselves. As old generations die’and new ones grow on top, polyps slowly build up coral reefs. Some are millions of years old. These beautiful reefs are home to more than 4,000 kinds of fish and thousands of other organisms. The Great Barrier Save the reefs! Coral reefs are a source of food for many Reef is over 2,250 km communities. They are also a source of tourism and jobs for (1,400 miles) long! local people. Scientists use reef animals to develop new You can see it from ‘outer space! medicines and other products. But coral reefs are in danger. Because of pollution, many coral reefs will disappear. Some experts predict that only 30 percent of the world’s corals will exist in the year 2050. We must protect our corals now. © Read. Complete the definitions. 1. Corals are made up of individual animals called 2. Warm-water polyps eat tiny plants called 3. Cool-water polyps eat tiny animals called 4. Most corals live in very large groups called © Label. Look and read the text again. Then write a label for each number. @ Work with a partner. Choose warm or cool corals to talk about. Your partner will listen and complete the first column. Then listen to your partner and fill in the second column. Type of coral They are made up of They live in They eat Paragraphs of Contrast Ima paragraph of contrast, you write about the differences between two things. You can use facts and descriptive words to show differences. You can also use words that show contrast, such as but and however, and expressions such as in contrast. ® Read. Read about land turtles and sea turtles. How does the writer show differences? Underline the words and expressions. Land and Sea Turtles All turtles begin their lives on land. Mother turtles lay their eggs in holes and then cover them up to protect the eggs. But after that, the baby turtles’ lives are very different. Depending on the Kind of land turtle they are, the baby land turtles crawl away to live in woods, swamps, grasslands, or deserts. In contrast, the baby seq turtles crawl to the ocean to live their lives and turtle in the water. Land turtles and sea turtles look different, too. Land turtles have hard, high, round shells. When they are afraid, they hide in their shells. Sea turtles, however, have soft, flatter shells. They can't hide inside, but they can swim away really fast. When cold weather comes, land turtles dig holes in the ground and sleep all winter. They are too slow to move to warmer places. In contrast, sea turtles simply swim away to find warmer waters. sea turtle ® Write. Write about warm and cool corals. How are they different? Use words and expressions that show contrast. @ Work in a group. Share your writing. 100 |] NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC Mission Protect the oceans. ¢ Why must we protect the oceans? Discuss. ° Work in a small group. What can you do to UTS YAEL Ae LoLol Mh CoD Late (ETS NAM =} PSTN MMU reg hah Co) =F-N TTL nT) Cadet =f (0)0 a Share your ideas. Are they the same or different? Which idea Glas everyone like best? SEN =u OLS Rs “With every drop of Ue maa Lat rea breath you take, you're oT ee MON ane ee tr No matter where on ya OOM TT) NO i alae i aca taking care of us.” SMEs grea De Ceeanes etiam alo) Make posters and cards about ways to help sea animals. Ba ECE Tea ee MEL lee . Make cards to hand out. . Invite people to a community a(S See aol atte Longo ORE] school newspaper article. ie. Our poster is about why it’s important to protect coral reefs. a ioyd Now Ican... identify sea life. describe characteristics of sea life. O O © talk about protecting O the oceans. write a paragraph of contrast. @ Listen. Weiwei is doing a survey. Write her questions in the chart. tr:e12 Creature | 1. octopus Writer 2. Bruce Coville Athlete | 3. Lewis Hamilton School 4. English Illness ww a broken arm eo Listen again. Write Jun and Ming's answers in the chart. tr: e122 6 Write. Prepare five questions like Weiwei's for your classmates. handsome cool actor TV show popular funny person movie pretty great hobby relative wonderful best / worst sport singer 6 Work in a group of three. Take turns. Ask and answer the questions you wrote. Do you have any favorite things in common? 104 ae Look and read. Look at the pictures below. What's wrong? Match the sentences. 1. The stove is still hot. a. Adults should always put medicine away. 2. The milk bottle is near the window. b. If the cat touches it, it will fall. c. He must not touch it, or he’ll 3. The girl is wearing a cast. burn himself. 4, The medicine bottle is open. d. She shouldn't climb a tree. © Look and write. Look at the pictures again. What else is wrong? 1. The boy is running with scissors. He ____________ with scissors. 2. The man isn’t wearing his hat. He —_____a hat in the sun. 3. The girl wants to touch the knife. She ——_______it. 8 Work with a partner. Ask and answer. 1. Why shouldn't you sneeze on people? What should you do instead? 2. You feel dizzy. Is it better to lie down or do some exercise? 3. Why shouldn’t we throw plastic in the ocean? 6 Work with another partner. Compare your answers. Are they the same or different? 105 Let’s 6 Listen and read. te: 513 Aziz: What's wrong? Sawsan: I feel sick. Aziz: Oh, no. What's the problem? Sawsan: | have a stomachache. Aziz: Why don’t you tell Mom? Sawsan: Yeah, that’s a good idea. Mom! What's wrong? | feel sick. Oh, no. Why don’t you Hey, what's up? | don't feel good. I'm sorry. ? What's the problem? | I'mnot feeling well. Oh, 'm really sorry. You should What's the matter? I'm tired. That's too bad. Maybe you should 'm hungry. I'm mad at my brother. 6 Work with a partner. Describe how you feel. Use the chart. Take turns. 106 | don’t understand. 6 Listen and read. tr: 514 Nikolai: Let's start the game. Olga: Hang on! I'm lost. How do we play? Nikolai: First, you have to spin the spinner. Then you move your counter. Got it? Olga: Yeah, I think so. Thanks. Nikolai: No problem. Hang on! I'm lost. Got it? I think so, No problem. Wait amoment, please. | I don’t understand. | Does that make sense? | Thanks. You're welcome. Wait. I don't get it Does that help? Oh, I see! That's OK Wait a minute. OKs Thanks. Sure! Hold on, Oh, I get it now. Thanks. 6 Listen. You will hear two discussions, Read each question and circle the answer. tr:215 1. Does the boy understand the instructions after the girl explains them? ayes 2. Which expression does the boy use? a. Do you see now? b. Got it? c. OK? 6 Work in pairs. Practice discussions. Imagine you are playing one of these games. One student doesn’t understand. The other explains. 1. Tic-tac-toe 2. Bingo 3. Rock, paper, scissors 107 In this unit, twill. * talk about inventions. * talk about habits in the past. + describe how to use an invention. * write about facts and opinions. © Usten and read. BIE @ Listen and repeat. tr:217 Inventions are everywhere. Look around you. What inventions can you see? phe eprpeps 5,000 years ago people had a problem. They couldn’t move things! Then someone found the 1 | solution—the wheel. It ch: d our lives. aa ra electricity Imagine your life without electricity. Before electricity, we didn’t have useful things such as batteries, computers, and cell phones. Inventors need imagination and 7 a creativity. Before the eraser, people | used bread to erase writing! In 1839 | Charles Goodyear had an idea. He invented the modern eraser. The Wright brothers tried to fly many times, but they failed. Finally they succeeded in 1903. Alberto Santos-Dumont also tried many times. He had the first public flight in the world. Now that we have planes, our world is very different. r o Work with a partner. What did you learn? Ask and answer. 2 When did the Wright Ee a brothers fly a plane? y They flew a plane in 1903.) @ ww 112 Listen, read, and sing. tr: 510 Creativity! Electricity! Creativity changes the world! Inventions solve problems. Problems that we used to have are gone! The wheel and the cell phone help to make our world go around! Inventions are useful, every day, in every way. Computers, cars, and airplanes help to make our world go around. CHORUS You used to have to walk to get from place to place. Years ago, you could only talk ‘face to face. You could take only boats to get across the sea. Now, we fly across the sky. Inventions are the reason why. CHORUS Imagination and ideas can change the world, every day. Can you solve a problem? Can you help our world today? CHORUS, Work with a partner. Discuss. 1, What inventions are mentioned in the song? 2. Which invention do you think is the most important? Why? 6 Read. Complete the sentences. Check the true sentences. 114 1. Before the invention of the eraser, people ———________ (erase) writing with water. 2. Before the invention of cars, people —____ _ (ride) horses in the city. —_ 3. Before the invention of the plane, people —— (not / travel) byair. —__ 4. In the 1950s, people (not / make) calls with a cell phone. 5.We {not / have) computers before there was electricity. Work with a partner. Ask and answer. 1. What did people use to do for fun before TV? 2. How did people use to travel before planes? 3. What did children use to play with before video games?

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