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 Today, most cars are powered by… 2. GASOLINE
 Electric cars are… 1. A NEW INVENTION
 It`s better for the environment to have… 2. ELECTRIC CARS


1. (B) In recent years there has been a lot of discussion about

the future of cars which use oil products as a means of
2. (D) Electric cars are vehicles that are powered by electric
3. (A) Electric cars are mechanically simpler compared to
gasoline cars
4. (C) One of the main problems with electric cars is that they
cannot go very far before they need to be recharged
;something which currently takes between three to six hours
5. (E) Now it might appear that electric cars are the answer to
all our environmental problems but that is far from the truth

A. The electric car is …
2(An old invention)
B. Electric cars depend on to run well…
3(Coal plants)
C. The production of electricy used by electric cars causes…
1(More pollution than the average gasoline car)
D. Electric cars can travel further than gasoline cars without
being charged


EVA is a tool that will significantly facilitate household

chores, thus having specific functions for the areas of our
house that can be adapted to EVA functions. A group of
young people saw the need to create a product to meet the
aforementioned needs since we are aware that in the future
robots are going to be in charge of making our lives easier,
which could be inferred that energy consumption It would
increase by up to 40%, from this information our work team
has designed a kind of robot-machine that will work by
replacing electrical energy with solar energy, adding that it
will work from cards with a limited use. To be changed after
exceeding this limit later we will explain what they consist of,
finally this project was carried out at the UPB university

EVA charges with sunlight, EVA has several functions

depending on which card you use, EVA will only work with
cards, EVA have 5 card each with different functions, as for
kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, general cleaning, car wash. The
usage limit for each card is 20 times.
 EVA use renewable energy
 EVA could be a little expensive
 But the cards are very cheap
 EVA would save time
 EVA could help to people of the third age

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