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The following crimes would be charged against Bob Tyrell, arson in the first degree.

Bob can be charged

with this crime because he committed an act towards burning the house which was pouring of the
gasoline and lighting the match, in addition to that he waited for the recovery team to leave before he
went on with his plan. Bob would also be charged with conspiracy, this is because Bob and Judy both
planned to burn the house down and even bought the tools to do it. According to the “7 ingredients of
crime” Bob fulfills the act requirement by making the move of pouring the gasoline, he fulfills the
legality requirement by burning of one's property and possessions is a crime. Bob also fulfills the harm
requirement because he burnt the house down, he also fulfills the causation requirement because he
went through all the necessary processes to burn the house and that exactly what he wanted to do.
Another requirement he fulfils is mens rea, bob clearly knew that what he was doing was a crime and
illegal be he still went through with it. The concurrence requirement was fulfilled because his intention
was to burn the house and that exactly what happened and what he did, and finally, the punishment
requirement is fulfilled because arson in the first degree is a crime and punishable with imprisonment of
not more than 20 years.

Rasta Paul would be faced with the charge of forcible and unlawful entry. He gained access into the
home of the Duran family with a crowbar. Although in his case it was a choice of a necessary evil
because it was either he stays outside in the hurricane or finds a place to stay and be safe from the
danger. Rasta Paul fulfills the act requirement by breaking into the house with a crowbar, he also fulfills
the legality requirement because forcible and unlawful entry is a crime. He also fulfilled the harm
requirement by breaking the door to get into the house, the causation requirement was fulfilled
because Rasta Paul went through all the processes of forcible and unlawful entry of the house. He also
fulfills mens rea by knowing that gaining unlawful entry of a property is a crime but he can object to that
because he only did it because he was outside when the hurricane started, Concurrence requirement
was fulfilled because Rasta Pauls intention was to unlawfully gain access into the house, even though
the reason was understandable he still got in illegally. Punishment is fulfilled because forcible and
unlawful entry is a crime and punishable with a fine of not more than $200 or imprisonment of not more
than a year or both.

Judy would be charged with conspiracy because she and her husband planned to burn the house of the
Duran’s and she committed an act in furtherance to the crime by buying the gasoline to burn the house.
She would also be charged with arson in the first degree because she was an accomplice to her husband
Bob. Judy automatically fulfills all the ingredients of a crime because she is an accomplice to Bob and
whatever he gets she also gets.

Charles, Nancy, Charles Jr. and Noreen would not be charged with any crimes.

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