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Comp. BIochem Physiol. 1976, Vol 53A, pp. 123 to 127.

Pergamon Press Printed m Great Br:tain


Department of Avian Sciences, University of Californm,
Davis, CA 95616, U.S.A.

Abstract--I. The intestinal absorption of amino acids in various avian species, the rat and the mouse
was studted by a tissue-accumulation procedure.
2. The orders of initial (one-rain) rates for methionine, lysine, proline, aspartic acid and glycme,
as well as the methionme/lysine, proline/glycine and proline/asparUe acid ratios of rates vaned between
species and within breeds of the domestic fowl.
3. At one extreme, the methionine/lysine ratios were 11'4 and 10.5 in the tinamous and quail, respect-
ively, and 1.46 and 1.92 in the turkey and mouse, at the other
4. Proline/glycine ratios ranged from 1.0 in the chicken, turkey and quail to 2.06 in the mouse.
5. Proline/aspartic acid ratios ranged from I'0 in the chicken, turkey and quail to 3.08 in the mouse.
6. The results are discussed in terms of the current models which assume uptake to be regulated
at the gene level.
7. The observed absorption patterns and ratios probably reflect expression of specific genotypes
found in the various species.

INTRODUCTION (Rattus norvegicus, Sprague-Dawley strain); mouse (Mus

musculus, crossbred strata).
T I E XNTr.STINALabsorption of amino acids in the The tissue handling and manipulations involved in the
domestic fowl and in various mammals has been preparation and incubation of mtestinal segments have
characterized in a number of in vitro studies. Analysis been described (Miller et al., 1974) and were modified in
has been made on the kinetics a n d specificity limits the current study. A portion of intestine on eltber side
of transport, on the ability of various regions of the of the yolk stalk (midgut), except where otherwise noted,
gut to accumulate these nutrients, a n d on develop- was excised and immersed m physiological saline (room
ment of the transport mechanisms with respect to age temperature). The intestine was stripped of mesentery and
of the animal (Miller et al., 1973; Miller et al., 1974; fatty tissue, cut lengthwise and thoroughly washed of
adherent digestive contents. It was then washed in pre-
Lerner et al., 1974). In the present investigation we viously gassed (O2:CO2, 95:5, by vol) physiological saline
have compared the initial rates of amino acid absorp- maintained at 37°C and cut into sections weighing ap-
tion in the intestines of a number of normal strains proximately 50 mg. The sections were individually preincu-
of chickens, in lines possessing inherited metabolic bated in test tubes containing 2 ml of Krebs-Henseleit
diseases, in various avian species, some being close buffer at 37°C. The tubes were fitted with capillary tubing
relatwes within the family Phasianidae, and in the rat (0.048" outer dia x 0.030" inner dia) which served to oxy-
and mouse. The results show that some major differ- genate and mix the buffer. Incubations were performed by
ences occur in absorptive ability even between closely adding 3 ml of Krebs-Henseleit buffer containing L-
[14C]amino acid (New England Nuclear Corp., Boston)
related species, and that differences occur within
and 1 mM unlabeled amino acid to the preincubatlon tube.
strains of a single species. After 1 rain the reaction was terminated by pouring the
tube contents onto a funnel (maintained under suction)
and simultaneously washing the tissue with physiological
MATERIALS A N D M E T H O D S saline. The hssue was then rolled on towel paper and sub-
Maturing or adult ammals of both sexes were used as sequently shaken 1 hr in a 2-ml portion of 2'5% trichloro-
a source of intestinal tissue and were fed standard stock acetic acid. A l-ml aliquot of the clarified extract was
diets. The following species were used: chickens (Gallus assayed for tracer by standard liquid scintillation counting
domesticus) of several breeds which included a Barred Ply- techniques. The extracted gut segments were rolled on
mouth Rock × Rhode Island Red hybrid, Line 200 New towel paper and wet tissue weights were taken. Uptake
Hampshire (control) chickens, Line 304 New Hampshire was expressed in terms of/,moles of amino acid accumu-
chickens with inherited muscular dystrophy, ichthyotic lated per g tissue in 1 rain and was corrected for the non-
chickens, White Leghorn hens, scaleless chickens and day- specific entry and diffusion by subtracting the rate of entry
old chicks (White Leghorn); turkey (Meleagris gallopavo); of 0-6 mM [t4C]/~-alanine in the presence of 100 mM pro-
quail (Corturnix coturnix japonica); chukar partridge (Alec- line. ~-Alanine uptake under these conditions was found
toris oraeca); ring-necked pheasant (Phasianus colchicus); to be nonsaturable in the avian (Miller et aL, 1974). Speci-
starling (Sturnus ouloaris); tinamous (Eudromia elegans); rat ficity studies m the rat with prolin¢ and fl-alanine strongly
suggest that fl-alanine transport can be blocked by excess
proline (Daniels et al., 1969a; Daniels et al., 1969b). The
* On sabbatical leave from the Department of Biochem- correction factors were: 0.015; 0.019; 0"028; 0.015; 0.012;
istry, University of Maine, Orono, ME 04473, U.S.A. and 0.017 /amoles fl-alanine/g x rain for hybrid, New

Hampshire, White Leghorn, dystrophic, scaleless and ich- mammalian species tested. The sequence, meth-
thyotic chickens, respectively; 0"030; 0"041; 0"049; 0.020; ionine > lysine > proline = aspartic acid = glycine,
0.019; 0.019; 0"026; 0"037; and 0"012 /amoles/g × min for was found in two stratus of chickens, the hybrid and
the chick, starling, mouse, rat, pheasant, partridge, tina- the New Hampshire, the turkey, and possibly the
mous, quaff and turkey, respectively; 0.015; 0.018; 0.031; starling, although data obtained for the latter species
0.031; 0.085 /anoles/g x rain for the proximal jejunum,
ileum, caecum, colon and serosal muscle (jejunum-ileum) was characterized by high variability which made
in hybrid chnekens, respectively. comparisons of the individual rates difficult. The same
The tissue-accumulation method was justified as an indi- order was also observed in the more proximal and
cator of absorption by the ,ntestmal brush border epithe- more distal regions of the small intestine and in the
lium in two ways Absorption by the serosal muscles alone colon of the hybrid birds. The absorption patterns
was assessed by scraping the mucosa from underlying for other types of chickens used in this study varied
muscle in jejunal-ileal segments (hybrid chickens) and incu- from this sequence only in the placement of a single
bating the serosa with 0"6 mM am,no acnds Serosal tnssue amino acid, either proline, aspartic acid, or glycine.
weights were 1/4 of whole tissue weights. The uptake
values were: 0"004+_ 0.001 ; 0.006+_.0.004; 0; Thus, the order in Leghorn and ichthyotic chickens
0.005 + 0"001 ; 0-004 + 0.001 /amoles/g whole tnssue x min was methionine > lysine > prohne = glycme > as-
for lysine, methionme, aspartie acnd, glycine and prohne, partic acnd. Relatively low absorption of aspartic acid
respectively. Compared with absorpt;on in whole gut seg- was found, in addition, in the rat and mouse, whereas,
ments, these rates were 0-6% of normal entry values in the chick its uptake was high. For this reason the
Absorption by the ehmken caecum was studied. The sequence in the chick (methionine > lysine > aspartic
uptake values were: 0.001 + 0.001; 0.002_ 0-002; 0; acid > proline = glycine) was found to differ from the
0.002 + 0.001 ; 0"013 + 0.005 /~moles/g x min for lysine, absorption patterns of the older chickens.
methionine, aspartne acid, glycine and proline, respectively. Compared with normal New Hampshire birds, the
These values demonstrate that specnfic,site medmted trans-
dystrophic strain (methionine > lysine > proline =
port by the serosa was absent in a region of the gut which
ns known to lack carrier-mediated, epithelial absorption aspartic acid > glycine) was less efficient in absorbing
(Holdsworth & Wilson, 1967; Lerner et al., 1974). glycine. The sequence, methionine > lysine > proline
Comparison of absorption between species was accom- > glycine --- aspartic acid, was common to scaleless
plished by (I) analysis of spec,fic orders of uptake for a chickens and the pheasant. Relatively high proline
series of amino acids which were assigned with the aid rates were observed also in the partridge (methionine
of a paired-difference test, and by (2) analys,s of ratnos > proline = lysine > glycme = aspartic acid), the
of absorption rates. Direct comparison of absorptnon rates rat (methionine > lysme = proline > glycine >
between species was avoided because of the likelihood that aspartic acid), and the mouse (methionine > lysine
the absorptive surface area per g tissue may vary between
them. = proline > glycine > aspartic acid). The sequence
in the quail (methionine > proline = glycine =
aspartic acid = lysine) was essentially identical to
that of certain breeds of the chicken and the turkey
with the exception of the relatively impaired lysine
Intestinal absorption rates and calculated ratios of absorption. This impairment was present, though
these rates for five amino acids which were selected much less pronounced, in the partridge. The tinamous
as representatives of the various chemical classes are absorbed most amino acids too slowly to assign an
reported in Table I. Methionine was absorbed fastest order, although methionine uptake was substantially
when compared with other substrates in all avian and higher than that of the other compounds tested.
Table 1-.I~T~Id~ A~SO~IO,~ OF 9 ( I , 0 ACID~ I~ A V I ~ AHD NA~HALIAN SE~CIES

Species Uptake
~4ole8 • 8-~ • n~Ln';
LysLne Nethlenine Aspa~Lc 01.vcine Prollne Hethionine Proltne Prollne
Acid Lysine ~ ASps~tlC
C~lcken, hybr/d° 0.18~±0.018 0.b6~0.0~1 O.OTI~O.OOT O.OTS*O.OOB 0.0T6*0.010 2.53 1.01/ 1.071
" ", proxL~al JeJu.n: l' 0.173t0.019 0.~T0*0.102 0.0T~0.012 0.0~*0.016 0.067±0.019 2.72 0.85/ 0.9~/
" ", 11e~" 0.100~0.008 0.297~0.027 0.057,0.009 0.0~9±0.007 0.052~0.01~ 2.97 1.06/ 0.91/
" "p cOlOni l 0.061+0.027 0.12~0.0~ 0.00~0.001 0.019+0.00~ 0.02]±0.007 1.98 1.101 -
Chicken, ~ev Heapablre 0.268~0.0180.621~0.085 0.1~7,0.019 0 . 1 ~ 0 . 0 1 2 0.150~0.01~ 2.32 1.08/ 1.02/
ChLckee, 1mite LeShorn 0.22~0.029 0.627,0.132 0.059±0.011 0.11~±0.01~ 0.125,0.017 2.75 1.10/ 2.12
Chicken, ~ t r o p t t c 0.160~0.0160.~3~0.0~7 0.0920.013 0.077*0.008 0.10]~0.010 2.TT 1.3~ 1.081
Chicken, scaleless 0 . 1 8 1 ~ 0 . 0 1 20.~67,0.025 0.07~0.009 0.08~*0.007 0.11]~0.011 2.58 1.27 1.53
Chicken, tchthyotlc 0.~18t0.02~ 0.80~0.101 0.115,0.012 0.171±0.023 0.185,0.026 2.53 1.08/ 1.~1
ChLck (dw-old, £e~orn)+ 0.282~0.0~ 0.70~0.099 0.191~0.016 0.138~0.01~ 0o11~0.016 2.~0 0.83/ 0.60
Turkey 0.15~0.01~ 0.23~t0.020 0.0~,0.00~ 0.0~0,0.00~ 0.0~+0.003 1.~ 1.101 1.22/
~u'41°~ 0.081:1:0.026 0.8~0~0.0~8 0.108~0.011 0.121~0.00~ 0.135,0.011 10.5 1.121 1.251
Tlnamotm ~ 0.01~0.00~ 0.18~0.0~5 0.008,0.00~ 0.00~+0.002 0.008*0.005 11.E
l~r~rl~e 0.O63~0.O12 0.369~O.018 O.O~8~O.005 O.0~9.O.OO3 0.080±0.006 5.86 1.63 1.67
~eesent 0.13h±0.032 0.~25,0.056 0.072+0.008 O.O~A~O.O06 0.C9~k0.010 3.17 1.50 1.33
8tarl~n8~ 0.12~±0.035 0.~03~0.08~ 0.072±0.021 0.033~0.011 0.0~8~0.009 3.25 1.~l 0.671
Rat, JeJueu~mmmm O.l~]_tO.02~ O.~O±O.ObO 0.0~,0.006 0.081~0.015 0.1~1~0.013 3.26 1.62 2.98
Nouns+ 0.619±0.087 1.18~t0.238 0.157,0.0~3 0.23~±0.017 0.~8~0.09~ 1.92/ 2.0~ 3.08

~8orpt£~ oF amino a¢£ds ~ 8 d e t e x ~ t n e d b y t h e p~ocedures o u t l i n e d I n t h e t e x t . ~ t l v a l u e s r e p r e s e n t t h e neen

S . ~ . N . o r 15 de t e rml n&t t ons on t i s s u e from 3 a n i m a l s , e x c e p t v h e r e o t h e r v i s e i n d i c a t e d . I n c u b a t i o n t ~ e vma i a l e ,
S u b s t r a t e c c ~ c e n t r a t L ~ 8 v e r e 0 . 6 ~4. )Ud-JeJtmtm-proxlaual i l e u m VLS 8 a a p l e d , e x c e p t vhece o t h e r v l s e i n d i c a t e d .

o B a r r e d P1):aouth Rock x M o d e I s l a n d SeA,

• 5 d e t e r m i n a t l o n a ; t i s s u e F r ~ one a n i m a l .
ee 5 determln&tton8; t i s s u e from 2 s ~ t m l l t ,
see 15 d e t e z ~ t n a t i c o s ; t i s s u e f r o a 6 a n i m a l s .
meou 5 d e t e r l i n a t t o u e ; t i s s u e Frcn 3 8 ~ e ,
+ 5 de~erninattoen ; tlenue tron 5 s,nLmols.
I mot eisnlfleent~y different from 1.0 (P • 0.05) uslns s palred-ditTereuce test on tissue ~mu one anln81.
Intestinal amino acid absorption in various species 125

Methionine to lysine absorption ratios (M/L) wore have been successful: quail x chicken (Wilcox &
observed to be similar in the various breeds of Clark, 1961); quail x pheasant (Sarvella, 1971); phea-
chickens and compared closely with the value sant x chicken and pheasant x turkey (Asmundson
obtained in the chick. Likewise, this ratio appeared & Lorenz, 1955); turkey x chicken (Oisen, 1960).
to be fairly uniform when measured along the gut Quail could not be crossed with either the turkey
from the region of the proximal jejunum through the or partridge (Woodard et al., 1973). Of this group,
ileum. The colon had a somewhat lower M/L ratio, we suspect that the turkey and quail may represent
although this experiment showed highly variable genetic extremes.
rates. M/L values varied widely between species The starling (family Sturnidae) was chosen as an
within the pheasant family, the quail being at one example of an avian which possesses an extremely
extreme and the chicken at the other. Considering short digestwe tract and a vestigial caecum. In terms
all species, M/L values ranged over an order of mag- of body size, it was similar to the quail. The tinamous
nitude, the greatest differences being seen among the (family Tinamidae) is perhaps the most primative liv-
birds, with the quail and tinamous at one extreme, ing bird (Fisher & Peterson, 1964). It is characterized
and the turkey at the other. Mammalian intestine, by its large, multi-pouched caecum and the species
in this respect, was similar to the chicken and turkey. used in this study is a desert bird, living in regions
Proline to glycine absorption ratios (P/G) were essen- with as little as 4.5" of rain.*
tially 1.0 in the various normal lines of chickens, the There is reasonable evidence from competition
chick, iehthyotic chickens and in different regions of studies to suggest that amino acid transport in the
the gut. However, the proline rate was significantly avian small intestine occurs by way of a number of
faster than that of glycine in both scaleless and dys- chemzcal processes with overlapping specificitles. Sys-
trophic birds. In addition to the chicken, both turkey tems have been proposed which absorb (I) aliphatic
and quail absorbed proline and glycme at approxi- amino acids (including glycine and imino acids), (2)
mately the same rate. The highest P/G ratios were aliphatic amino acids and glycine (excluding imino
noted in the partridge, pheasant, rat and mouse. Pro- acids), (3) imino acids and glycme (excluding bulky,
line to aspartic acid absorption ratios (P/A) were aliphatic amino acids), (4) imino acids (excluding gly-
essentially 1.0 in different levels of the gut of hybrid cme), and (5) cationic amino acids (Miller et al., 1974;
chickens, in New Hampshire stock, m dystrophic Herzberg et al., 1971; Herzberg & Lerner, 1973;
birds, in the turkey, starling and quail. The high ratios LaBelle et al., 1971). Acidic amino acid transport has
observed for the Leghorn and ichthyotlc birds reflect not been studied in the avian. Neutral amino acid,
the low aspartic acid rates. Conversely, the signifi- basic amino acid and immo-glycine pathways with
cantly low ratio in the chick reflects the high aspartic overlapping reactivities have also been described in
acid rate. The high P/A ratios found in the scaleless the rat intestine (Reiser & Christiansen, 1969). Schultz
birds, in the partridge, pheasant, rat and mouse in and coinvestigators (1970) showed that acidic amino
conjunction with the high P/G ratios in these species acids enter rabbit ileum via a carrier mechanism,
indicate the effectiveness of these tissues m rapidly although earlier work with mammalian intestine
absorbing proline. In this regard, the mammahan spe- demonstrated that these substances are rapidly trans-
cies were the most efficient. aminated by this tissue 0Vlatthews & Wiseman,
1953). The identification of genetic defects which
result in malabsorption of neutral or basic amino
acids in man provides support for the concept of
Three strains of chickens used in this investigation separate transport mediators. Thus, in cystinuria
had hereditary diseases. Muscular dystrophy occurs there Is a defect in intestinal absorption of basic
in New Hampshire chickens homozygous for an auto- amino acids and cystine in one form of the disease;
somal recessive gene. Characteristics of this disease in Hartnup disease the transport of tryptophan and
include hypertrophy and later atrophy of the superior other neutral amino acids is defective, sparing, how-
pectoral muscle, which has a higher free amino acid ever, the absorption of basic amino acids, diearboxy-
content, higher fat, and higher lysosomal enzyme acti- lie amino acids, imino acids and glycine; and in cer-
vity than that of normal chickens (Wilson et al., 1965). tain forms of imino-glycinuria a gut defect has been
Avian ichthyosis is a mutation characterized by exces- observed for proline and glycine (Rosenberg, 1969).
sive keratinization of epidermal structures, severe The indwidual absorption rates measured in this
limb deformation and dehydration (Sawyer & Abbott, study must necessarily reflect the sum of activities of
1974). Scaleless birds have an ectodermal defect which the separate systems by which a given substrate is
occurs early m embryogeny and prevents the appear- transported. Presumably, the presence of a particular
ance of all scales as well as most specialized deriva- pattern of specific systems is determined genetically,
tives of scales, including feathers, foot pads and spurs and that expression of genotype may be influenced
(Abbott & Asmundson, 1957). by feedback mechanisms at the transcriptional level
The genetic relatedness of the members of family as discussed below. Other factors, perhaps of lesser
Phasianidae (pheasant, chicken, partridge and quail quantitative significance, may include the influence of
in this study) as well as their relationship to the tur- substrate metabolism and transmembrane electrical
key (family Meleaffrididae) has been established by potential difference. Assuming that the primary deter-
cross hybridization studies. The following crosses minant of the observed rates is the genotype, we may
conclude that even closely related breeds of chickens
* Some Tinamous of Argentina and Chde, United States are genetically heterogeneous. This deduction should
Department of the Interior, Bureau of Sports Fisheries and be valid for the relative placement of as'panic acid,
Wildlife Report. even if its mode of uptake is by diffusion followed

by transamination. In this case, we might postulate single pair of allelic genes. Thus, the combination of
genetic variants in epithelial transaminases. The rela- normal and various mutant alleles is expressed in a
tively high aspartic acid transport rate observed in variety of phenotypes, characterized by excretion
the chick as opposed to the older chickens may reflect rates for the amino acids which are normal, slightly
either a change in transaminase activity or that of increased, moderately increased, or highly increased.
a membrane carrier. Antonioli & Christensen (1969) This type of model would appear to be applicable
have, in fact, reported findings on differing schedules in explaining how absorption rates vary between
of regression of transport systems for lysine and closely related avians as reported in this study.
alanine in maturing mammalian red blood cells. The
low aspartic acid absorption seen in both the Leghorn Acknowledctements---We are grateful to Leslie Earl,
and ichthyotic birds probably relates to the fact that James Adams, Adnan Miski and Drs. Ursula Abbott and
ichthyotic chickens derive from parent Leghorn stock Hans Abplanaip for their assistance and interest in this
(U.K. Abbott, personal communication). Although work.
scaleless birds were derived from New Hampshire
stock, the mutants used in this study had been crossed REFERENCES
with a number of other breeds, and therefore should
ABBO'I'r U. K & ASMUNDSON V S. (1957) Scaleless, an
not be compared on a disease basis with the normal inherited ectodermal defect in the domestic fowl J. Her-
New Hampshire line (Abbott & Asmundson, 1962). ed. 48, 63-70.
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significantly lower on a relative basis than in the con- selection under severe environmental stress. Proc. Xllth
trol New Hampshire chickens. Peterson et al. (1963) WM's Poult. Congr. pp. 30-36.
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glycine, however, was increased 3-fold. Conceivably, BAKER R. D. & GEORGE M. J. (1971) Patterns of neutral
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Intestinal amino acid absorption m various species 127

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