Activity # 1: Marcos, Napoleon N

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A. Answer the following questions. You can use the back portion of this sheet for your additional
answers. (10 points each)

1. What does information age means?

Moving beyond the industrial arts into an era where the sharing of knowledge and ideas is new driver of
power and world economy.

2. What are the negative effects of global digital divide? (List as many as you can)

> Online game adiction

> Online scam

> Bullying through social media

> Using another name to stalk someone

> gambling through social media

3. How can a person be a responsible digital citizen?

> Knowing your limitation about using online communication that affects yourself and others.

4. What are the different types of digital citizen? Explain each type.

> Digital Access…It is the full electronic participation in society.

> Digital Commerce…It is electronic buying and selling of goods.

> Digital Communication…It is electronic exchange of information.

> Digital Literacy…It is a process of teaching and learning about technology and the use of technology.

> Digital Etiquette…It is an electronic standards of conduct or procedure.

> Digital Law…It is an electronic responsibility for actions and deeds.

> Digital Rights & Responsibilities…It is the freedoms extended to everyone in a digital world.

> Digital Health & Wellness…It is a physical and psychological well-being in a digital technology world.

> Digital Security…It is the electronic precautions where it guarantee everyone to be safety.
5. What are the benefits of integrating ICT in education?

> Improves engagement.

> Improves our knowledge by using technologies.

> Encourages individual in learning something we want to learn.

> Can also incourage to collaboration.

> Students can learn useful life skills by the help of technology.

6. How can you use ICT if you want to promote an advocacy of yours for the benefit of people?

> I can use ICT by creating some videos to post in youtube channel about the squaters and the earn
money will give it to them.

B. Write TRUE if the statement is correct. Otherwise write FALSE. (1 point each)

1. E-MAIL is the most widely used resource of the Internet.


2. People Power I was the first "E-insurgency" that happened to change the type of government.


3. ICT creates business opportunities and improves links among firms, suppliers and clients.


4. Concept paper is a document used to convince a panel of potential funders to help a product,
program, or a service becomes a reality.

5. The Internet is the most valuable vehicle for information flow.


C. Write a CONCEPT PAPER for your own ICT Project for Social Change. It must contain the following five
elements of a concept paper namely introduction, purpose, description, support and contact
information. If you can't think of your own topic you can use the topics written below. (You can use the
next page and the back portion for your additional answers) (50 points)

Project Name: Education is everywhere


Education is everywhere is a project to share knowledge. Our main aim is to give free education
to those children who are living below poverty line in squatter areas. To raise the literacy ratio of an


The project is worth sponsoring for it will enable out-of-school youth develop their skills and
intellect. This will also help less fortunate families to have children participate in the free lectures,
seminars and trainings to be conducted by the proponents and invited speakers.


The project will gather children conduct the class inside the squaters area. The projects will
behappening in 16 different barangays in La Trinidad every Monday of August from 7:30 am to 12:00


The estimated budget needed for the project is ranging from 300,000 to 399,999.99. This
includes the fare, snacks, papers, book, and other related fees.

Contact Information:

The proponents can be contacted on the following:-Phone: 0938-923-6341- @educcart learning

Name: Marcos, Napoleon N. SH Applied ICT. Date: 05-25-20

A. Identify what is being asked below? (2 points each)

1. It describes technologies and equipment that can be used to store, retrieve, transmit and manipulate


2. A term for those who are involve in the development of the ICT project.

>>The Project Team

3. It involves a great number of people collaborating to produce complex one of developments.

>> Design and construction

4. It refers to a broad set of policies, technologies, and control deployed to protect data, applications,
and the associated infrastructure of cloud computing.


5. It includes areas such as software development, data centres, cyber security, research networks, and
support and is specialist application of information technology.

B. Answer the following questions. (25 points)

1. What are the 5 stages of framework for implementing ICT projects? (5 points)

>1. Examine national e-Readiness

>2. Identify and prioritize themes

>3. Develop a program of action

>4. Apply to target groups

>5. Implement Solutions

2. Differentiate Information Technology from Information and Communications Technology. (5 points)

>The Built Environment: The development of smart buildings is now taking this intensive demand for
ICT to other building types.

>Action Plan for Success:

The best way to achieve maximum benefit for ICT implementation is to have all the factors for success
with no occurrence of the factors for failure.

3. What is the importance of engaging in cloud security especially by business organizations? (5 points)

> To secuired information

> To protect data, application and etc.

> The one that can handle your privacy to protect your information from others.

4. Enumerate and explain each of items in the non-exhaustive and non prescriptive lists for creating an
ICT project. (10 points)

1. Identification of research areas in the ICT work programme.

> Base on my own understanding is the identity of the area where in the research is conducted.

2. Confirm that the funding mechanisms available are appropriate for your goals.


3. Build a quality international or local consortium that has a specific goal.


4. Identify other organizations that are complementary in terms of skills and perspective for achieving
the research ideas under consideration.


5. Familiarize consortium with specific guidance documentation and templates published by the


6. Draft a comprehensive proposal document.

>Summary of the documents.

7. Submit the proposal in line with the deadline indicated for the targeted call for proposals.

> Your going to pass the proposal in time.

Name: Marcos, Napoleon N. SH Applied ICT Date: 05-25-20

A. Identify what is being asked below? (2 points each)

1. The study of personality, values, opinions, attitudes, interests, and lifestyles.

>> Psychographics

2. It contains data of the number of times your page tabs are visited.

>> Page Visits

3. It is determined by the number of users a website including the number of pages they visit.

>> Traffic Monitoring

4. It is achieved when your website is actually being used by many users.

>> Traction

5. The process of submitting a website directly to a search engine.

>> Search Engine Submission

6. The process of increasing exposure of a website to bring in visitors.

>> Website Promotion

7. The number of clicks done to your posts.

>> Post Clicks

8. It refers to the statistics characterizing human population usually divided by age, gender, income,
location and language.

>> Demographics

9. It is a file format of image suitable for photographs with needed transparency.


10. The process of gathering, researching, and writing, organizing, and editing information for
publication on websites.

>> Web Content Development

B. Answer the following questions. (You can use the back portion of this sheet for your additional

1. What is the difference between demographics and psychographics? Explain when to use
demographics or psychographics. (5 points)

>> Demographics is they use age, gender, income, location and language, While Psychographics

Use personality, values, opinions, attitudes, interests, and lifestyles.

2. How can you upload your website on the Internet? Elaborate and explain as needed. (5 points)

>> Pick a Reliable Web Hosting Company.

>> Choose Your Website Upload Method. File Manager. File Transfer Protocol (FTP) …

>> Upload Your Website File. Using File Manager. Using FileZilla.

>> Move the Website Files to the Main Root Directory.

>> Import Your Database.

>> Check If the Website Works.

3. In what ways do people earn money from using the social media platform facebook? (5 points)

>>They are choossing a flatform to join a network for influencer’s partner with a mobile app.

4. List the file formats of image that is acceptable when uploading a website and describe each file
format. (10 points)






Name: Marcos, Napoleon N. SH Applied ICT Date: 05-25-20

A. Arrange the scrambled letters to form a terminology. (2 points each)

1. L M R B P O E


2. R C S I E V E




3. R E I A T C U R T U R S F N


4. C N L C T E H I A


5. N W N O K


6. R O E R R

B. Describe and explain the words below. (You can use the back portion of this sheet for your additional
answers) (3 points each)


>> The cause of problem and errors where in successfully destroy the work.


>> An event that results in a new status of one or more configuration items, and which is approved by
management, is cost-effective, enhances business process changes all with a minimum risk of IT


>> A process responsible for managing the life cycle of all service requests from the users.


>> Information technologies that serve as a foundation for economic activity.


>> It provides all operative Processes necessary for the handling of Service interruptions and for the
implementation of Changes.

C. Answer the following questions. (You can use the back portion of this sheet for your additional
answers) (35 points)

1. What are the main aims of change management? (5 points)

>>1. Minimal disruption of services

>>2. Reduction in back-out activities

>>3. Economic use of resources involved in the change

2. Differentiate hardware from software in relation to IT infrastructure. (5 points)

>>Hardware is any physical device used in or with your machine, while software is a collection of code
installed onto your computer's hard drive.

3. What are the techniques that you need to sustain an ICT Project for Social Change? (10 points)

>>Planning a social campaign and make concept paper using the five elements and make sure that your
project campaign must meet the SMART criteria.

4. What are the changes that ICT brought into society? (a. Work, b. Education,

c. Business) (5 points each)

>> For work it make faster than old process.

>> For education is encouragement to learn from unlearning thing you wanted to know.

>> Business can manage easily

Name: Marcos, Napoleon N. SH Applied ICT Date: 05-25-20

A. Answer the following questions. (You can use the back portion of this sheet for your additional
answers) (55 points)

1. How is ICT integrated in learning? (5 points)

>> Most of the students' today they are using their own smart phones or other devices for learning
during class time.

2. What are the positive impacts of ICT in society? Explain each positive impact.(15 points)
A. Positive Impacts

1. Faster Communication Speed.

>> With the help and capability of the bandwidth, broadband and connection speed on the Internet, any
information can travel fast at an instant. It also saves time.

2. Lower Communication Cost

>> Using the Internet is more cost-effective than the other mode of communication such as mailing and
telephone. The cost of Internet is relatively cheap. With this, we do not have to pay for any basic
services provided by the Internet.

3. Paperless Environment.

>>ICT technology has turned our environment into a paperless environment. Online chat, instant
messages and online communication via email helps in creating the paperless environment.

4. Effective Sharing of Information.

>>People can change and exchange their opinions, news and information through discussion groups and
forums on the Internet.

B. Negative Impacts

1. Social Problems.

>> People tend to become more introvert, prone to theft and/or hacking, and engage in online
gambling. This results to moral decadent and generate threat to the society.

2. Health Problems.

>>A computer may harm the user if they use it for 3 or more hours. Users tend to be exposed to bad
posture, eyestrain, physical and mental stress.

3. What is the difference between analogue media and digital media? (5 points)

>>Analog devices read the media, while digital media converted to digital to work on a computer.

4. What are the negative impacts of ICT in society? Explain each negative impact. (15 points)

>> Social Problems- They are using social media to get easy money, destroying names of others.
>> Health Problems- They becomes a malnourish.

5. List some ways on how to solve the negative impacts of ICT on society. (15 points)

>> Minimize the time when it is not important.

>> Try to find something to do instead of playing online games.

>> Don’t be late to eat

>> Give time rest your self

B. Identify if the given tool is ANALOGUE MEDIA or DIGITAL MEDIA. (2 points each)

1. Computer Laptop


2. E-mail


3. Cassette recorder


4. Radio


5. WWW


6. Internet

7. Transparency slide


8. Video Streaming Sites


9. Videotape


10. E-book


C. Reflect on the ICT learning experience by either writing an essay (title, introduction, body and
conclusion) or drawing a poster of the series of your learning experience regarding ICT. (Note: for Third
Quarter only do not include Fourth Quarter) (50 points)

Learning ICT technologies

In our life we need to move on our self in to the new generation. We can explore to our
surroundings to learn from unlearn that make us curious. This technologies make us updated to any
activities happened to our country including outside like abroad.

For the last fourth quarter I learn a lot of techniques on how the technology to function. When
creating a website page we need to follow all the following rules or procedures. I learn also on how to
make some certificate like recognition certificate and others. In making an certificate we need to draw
or make some image or shape that we want to insert. The format must be follow by indicating all the
information that we need to put in the certificate. I learn on how to create a business card including the
information that we need to indicate. The location and name of the business name of the business
owner and others that very important.

Learning ICT make us updated to all high-tech technologies. Technologies make our community
help to be progress.

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