4.2 - Metabolism and Metabolic Pathways

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2 | Metabolism and Enzymes are flexible proteins that change shape

when they bind with substrate molecules. In fact,
Metabolic Pathways this binding and shape changing ability is how
enzymes manage to increase reaction rates. In
many cases, enzymes function by bringing two
substrates into close proximity and orienting them
for easier electron transfer. Shape or
conformational changes can also act as an on/off
switch. For example, when inhibitor
molecules bind to a site on an enzyme distinct
from the substrate site, they can make the
enzyme assume an inactive conformation, thereby
preventing it from catalyzing a reaction.
Conversely, the binding of activator molecules can
make an enzyme assume an active conformation,
Cell Metabolism essentially turning it on.
A cell's daily operations are accomplished through What Are Metabolic Pathways?
the biochemical reactions that take place within
the cell. Reactions are turned on and off or sped Many of the molecular transformations that occur
up and slowed down according to the cell's within cells require multiple steps to accomplish.
immediate needs and overall functions. At any Recall, for instance, that cells split one glucose
given time, the numerous pathways involved in molecule into two pyruvate molecules by way of a
building up and breaking down cellular ten-step process called glycolysis. This
components must be monitored and balanced in coordinated series of chemical reactions is an
a coordinated fashion. To achieve this goal, cells example of a  metabolic  in which the product of
organize reactions into various enzyme-powered one reaction becomes the substrate for the next
pathways. reaction. Consequently, the intermediate products
of a metabolic pathway may be short-lived.
What Do Enzymes Do?
Sometimes, the enzymes involved in a particular
Enzymes   (Links to an external site.)are protein
metabolic pathway are physically connected,
catalysts that speed biochemical reactions by
allowing the products of one reaction to be
facilitating the molecular rearrangements that
efficiently channeled to the next enzyme in the
support cell function.
pathway. For example, pyruvate dehydrogenase is
Recall that chemical a complex of three different enzymes that
reactions convert substrates into products, often catalyze the path from pyruvate (the end product
by attaching chemical groups to or breaking off of glycolysis) to acetyl CoA (the first substrate in
chemical groups from the substrates. For the citric acid cycle). Within this complex,
example, in the final step of glycolysis, an enzyme intermediate products are passed directly from
called pyruvate kinase transfers a phosphate one enzyme to the next.
group from one substrate (phosphoenolpyruvate)
to another substrate (ADP), thereby generating
pyruvate and ATP as products.  
How Do Cells Keep Chemical Reactions in concentrations of key metabolites in the cell. For
Balance? example, a cell may take stock of its levels of
intermediate metabolites and tune the glycolytic
Cells are expert recyclers. They disassemble large
pathway and the synthesis of glucose accordingly.
molecules into simpler building blocks and then
In some instances, the products of a metabolic
use those building blocks to create the new
pathway actually serve as inhibitors of their own
components they require. The breaking down of
synthesis, in a process known as feedback
complex organic molecules occurs via catabolic
inhibition (Figure 5). For example, the first
pathways and usually involves the release of
intermediate in glycolysis, glucose-6-phosphate,
energy. Through catabolic
inhibits the very enzyme that produces it,
pathways, polymers such as proteins, nucleic
acids, and polysaccharides are reduced to their
constituent parts: amino acids, nucleotides, and Conclusion
sugars, respectively. In contrast, the synthesis of
The management of biochemical reactions with
new macromolecules occurs via anabolic
enzymes is an important part of cellular
pathways that require energy input .  
maintenance. Enzymatic activity allows a cell to
Cells must balance their catabolic and anabolic respond to changing environmental demands and
pathways in order to control their levels of regulate its metabolic pathways, both of which are
critical metabolites — those molecules created by essential to cell survival.
enzymatic activity — and ensure that sufficient
energy is available. For example, if supplies of
glucose start to wane, as might happen in the A metabolic pathway is a linked series of chemical
case of starvation, cells will synthesize glucose reactionsoccurring within a cell . The reactants,
from other materials or start sending fatty acids products, and intermediates of an enzymatic
into the citric acid cycle to generate ATP. reaction are known as metabolites which are
Conversely, in times of plenty, excess glucose is modified by a sequence of chemical reactions
converted into storage forms, such as glycogen, catalyzed by enzymes. In most cases of a
starches, and fats. metabolic pathway, the product of one enzyme
How Do Cells Manage All Their Chemical acts as the substrate for the next. However, side
products are considered waste and removed from
the cell. These enzymes often require dietary
Not only do cells need to balance catabolic and minerals, vitamins, and of the cofactors to
anabolic pathways, but they must also monitor function.
the needs and surpluses of all their different 
metabolic pathways  . In order to bolster a
particular pathway, cells can increase the amount There are two types of metabolic pathways that
of a necessary (rate-limiting) enzyme or use are characterized by their ability to either
activators to convert that enzyme into an active synthesize molecules with the utilization of energy
conformation. Conversely, to slow down or halt a (anabolic pathway ) or break down of complex
pathway, cells can decrease the amount of an molecules by releasing energy in the process
enzyme or use inhibitors to make the enzyme (catabolic pathway). The two pathways
inactive. complement each other in that the energy
Such up- and down-regulation of metabolic released from one is used up by the other. The
pathways is often a response to changes in degradative process of a catabolic pathway
provides the energy required to conduct a
biosynthesis of an anabolic pathway.In addition to
the two distinct metabolic pathways is the
amphibolic pathway, which can be either catabolic
or anabolic based on the need for or the
availability of energy.

Pathways are required for the maintenance of

homeostasis within an organism and the flux of
metabolites through a pathway is regulated
depending on the needs of the cell and the
availability of the substrate. The end product of a
pathway may be used immediately, initiate
another metabolic pathway or be stored for later
use. The metabolism of a cell consists of an
elaborate network of interconnected pathways
that enable the synthesis and breakdown of
molecules (anabolism and catabolism)..

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