Curriculum Design: Yerson Enrique Gómez Arboleda

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Yerson Enrique Gómez Arboleda

Curriculum Design

It is educational planning. Curriculum design lets us know what, how, when and where a
syllabus will be done and what are its competences and principal goals. In addition, the
curriculum design allows us to know what potential problems there are to solve before

Curriculum typically refers to the knowledge and skills students are expected to
learn, which includes the learning standards or learning objectives are expected to
meet; the units and lessons that teachers teach; the assignments and projects
given to students; the books, materials, videos, presentations, and readings used
in a course; and the tests, assessments, and other methods used to evaluate
student learning. An individual teacher’s curriculum, for example, would be the
specific learning standards, lessons, assignments, and materials used to organize
and teach a course.” – Take from the text Curriculum concept

“Curriculum is one of the foundational elements of effective schooling and

teaching, it is often the object of reforms, most of which are broadly intended to
either mandate or encourage greater curricular standardization and consistency
across states, schools, grade levels, subject areas, and courses.” – Take from the
text Curriculum concept

“Curriculum is the outcome of a process intended to determine the essential skills,

indispensable knowledge and most important values that must be acquired at
school, and what fundamental learning experiences required to ensure that the
new generations are prepared for life in the type of society that we aspired to build”
– Curriculum in the twenty first century

A big difference between the chosen definitions of curriculum is that just in the last
one the author considers other aspects that are also important in the development
of a learner in a school. The last definition call my attention since it is related to
comprehensive education which has in the curriculum not only the academic or
cognitive skills that students need to improve but also elements that take care of
them such as abilities for life.

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