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Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci.

Vol. 74, No. 8, pp. 3466-3470, August 1977
Cell Biology

Addition of colchicine-tubulin complex to microtubule ends:

The mechanism of substoichiometric colchicine poisoning
(protein self-assembly/drug binding)
Department of Biological Sciences, University of California, Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, California 93106
Communicated by Daniel Mazia, June 8, 1977

ABSTRACT Colchicine blocks microtubule polymerization buffer composed of 20 mM sodium phosphate, 100 mM sodium
by an unusual substoichiometric poisoning mechanism. We glutamate, 2.5 mM GTP, 1 mM MgCl2, and 0.5 mM [eth-
have investigated the mechanism by which this poisoning oc- ylenebis(oxyethylenenitrilo)]tetraacetate (EGTA) at pH 6.75.
curs with several experimental approaches,-and have found that All experiments with beef brain tubulin were carried out in this
colchicine acts by addition to microtubule ends as a colchi-
cine-tubulin complex. buffer unless indicated otherwise. The beef brain microtubule
protein preparation contained approximately 75% tubulin, and
Colchicine, a potent drug that interferes with microtubule as- 25% high-molecular-weight microtubule-associated proteins.
sembly both in vivo and in vitro, binds to the dimeric subunit Chick brain tubulin was extracted at 00 from 13- to 16-day
of the microtubule, tubulin, with a stoichiometry of 1 mol/ embryos by Dounce homogenization in 1 ml per brain of buffer
mol of dimer (1-6). In assembled microtubules most drug composed of 100 mM piperazine-N,N'-bis(2-ethanesulfonic
binding sites are blocked (ref 5; W. Rodgers, R. Margolis, and acid) (Pipes) (Calbiochem.), 1.0 mM MgCl2, and 10 mM EGTA,
L. Wilson, unpublished data). However, it has been impossible pH 6.9. After centrifugation at 30,000 X g for 10 min at 20,
to rule out the binding of colchicine to a limited number of sites, GTP (final concentration 2.5 mM) was added to the superna-
for instance, those uniquely exposed on either of the two mi- tant, which was centrifuged at 2° at either 30,000 X g for 20
crotubule ends. min, or at 200,000 X g for 60 min. Resulting supernatants were
The mechanism by which colchicine poisons microtubule used for the electron microscopy (EM) experiments. All ex-
assembly has remained to be elucidated. Olmsted and Borisy periments with chick brain microtubule protein were carried
(4) showed that amounts of colchicine sufficient to bind to only out with the above buffer.
a small percentage of soluble dimers could effectively poison Total protein was determined by the method of Lowry et al.
microtubule assembly in vitro. It may also be inferred that a (8), and tubulin concentration was determined by measurement
similar poisoning event occurs during exposure in living cells. of areas under curves from 640-nm scans of fast-green-stained
Taylor has estimated mitotic blockage occurs when only 3-5% sodium dodecyl sulfate/polyacrylamide gels (9).
of the tubulin is complexed with colchicine in KB cells (2). Electron Microscope Assay of Assembly Blockage. Chick
There are two attractive mechanisms that might account for embryo brain tubulin contained in a 30,000 X g supernatant
the substoichiometric poisoning of microtubule assembly with (total protein 10 mg/ml) was polymerized for 4 min at 300 to
colchicine. Tubulin molecules on the microtubule free ends may obtain microtubule fragments and then placed on a 0.5%
have a much higher affinity for the drug than does soluble tu- Formvar/carbon-coated EM grid. Those fragments that ad-
bulin, thereby permitting a preferential binding of colchicine hered to the grid in 20 sec were used as seeds for further as-
to the microtubule ends; or colchicine may bind first to a limited sembly. Grids were rinsed with chick brain buffer and dipped
number of soluble dimers, then these colchicine dimer com- for 10 sec in buffer solution containing DEAE-dextran at 0.7
plexes (CD complexes) add to the microtubule ends during mg/ml (Sigma) (10) then rinsed with buffer at 220. Grids were
assembly, thus blocking further dimer addition. then everted onto a 200,000 X g supernatant containing 2.5 mM
We report here that the latter mechanism appears correct. GTP (total protein 6 mg/ml) and incubated an additional 4 min
Colchicine poisons microtubule assembly by first binding to the at 220. Individual colchicine incubations were performed as
soluble 6S dimer, which then adds to the growing microtubule described in Results, at a final concentration of 100,uM. Grids
as a colchicine-dimer camplex during the normal process of were then negatively stained with 1% uranyl acetate according
assembly. Once added, the CD complex effectively "caps" the the procedure of Olmsted et al. (10), and observed with a
microtubule and aborts further polymerization. Of the free Philips 300 electron microscope.
dimers in solution, only a small percentage need be complexed Light Scattering Assay of Assembly Blockage. Preparation
with colchicine for assembly to be blocked. of CD Complex. CD complex was formed by incubation of
three-times-recycled beef brain microtubule protein (total
MATERIALS AND METHODS protein 1 mg/ml, in 20 mM sodium phosphate/100 mM sodium
Tubulin Preparation. Beef brain tubulin was prepared by glutamate, pH 6.75) with 100 ,gM colchicine for 30 min at 300.
three cycles of polymerization-depolymerization using a The solution was chilled to 00 and CD complex and unbound
modification (C. F. Asnes and L. Wilson, to be published) of the tubulin were separated from free colchicine by gel filtration
Borisy et al. procedure for porcine brain (7), in an assembly on a 1 X 18-cm column of Bio-Gel P-10 (Bio-Rad Laboratories).
The quantity of CD complex used in these experiments was
The costs of publication of this article were defrayed in part by the ascertained by inclusion of [3H]colchicine (New England Nu-
payment of page charges from funds made available to support the
research which is the subject of the article. This article must therefore Abbreviations: CD complex, tubulin dimer containing bound colchi-
be hereby marked "advertisement" in accordance with 18 U. S. C. cine; EGTA, [ethylenebis(oxyethylenenitrilo)]tetraacetate; EM, elec-
§1734 solely to indicate this fact. tron microscopy.
Cell Biology: Matgolis and Wilson Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 74 (1977) 3467

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<_dS +
FIG. 1. Chick embryo brain 30,000 X g supernatant was incubated for 4 min at 300 to form microtubules. These short microtubules were affixed
to EM grids, exposed to colchicine as described in the text, decorated with DEAE-dextran, and tested for colchicine blockage by exposure to
200,000 x g superhatants containing 6S tubulin under assembly conditions. Chick embryo brain microtubules do not depolymerize upon drug
exposure in vitro (ref. 12; K. Anderson and L. Wilson, unpublished data). Similarly, the grid-bound microtubule fragments that we observed
appeared, by EM, to be stable to all our experimental manipulations. (A) Two blocked fragments with double wall decorations, after exposure
to colchicine in the presence of tubulin, are shown. Bar = 0.2 ,m. (B) Higher magnification of a fragment blocked by CD complex. Decorations,
with this technique, were uniform and highly visible. Bar = 0.1 jsm. (C) A control microtubule with a long undecorated tail (single wall) emerging
from an end decorated region (arrow). Bar = 0.2 Mm.

clear) (6). Undt-r the incubation conditions used, approximately dextran. Further incubation with tubulin created a "decoration"
50% of the tubulin isolated from the column was complexed (10) which distinctly marked that portion of the microtubule
with colchicine. The half-time for dissociation of the complex that had been exposed to DEAE-dextran. Thus, the decoration
was no less thall 22 hr under the conditions employed. Thus, served as a marker for the microtubule's competency to as-
no more than 1.5% of the complex could have dissociated during semble before and after DEAE-dextran exposure. The grid was
the course of these experiments. then exiosed to tubulin in a 200,000 X g supernatant, which
Quantitation of the Effect of CD Complex on Microtubule polymerized only onto preformed microtubule fragments (10).
Polymerization. Microtubule assembly at 300 was followed The typical result for such a control was a population of mi-
with use of light scattering at 350 nm or by viscometry (4, 11). crotubules, most of which had short (0.25 i 0.02 Am) decorated
For light scattering measurements a Gilford recording spec- regions and long (1.72 ± 0.28 ,um) undecorated "tails" (Fig. 1C).
trophotometer (model 2400) with a constant-temperature cu- Decorated regions formed by this grid incubation technique
vette chamber was used. Whenever colchicine was present were uniformly distinct and uninterrupted.
during incubation in high concentration, measurements were To determine if colchicine adds to microtubule fragments
made by viscometry, because the drug absorbs strongly at 350 and prevents their further polymerization, we exposed mi-
nm. Total protein concentrations in these experiments were 1 crotubule fragments on grids, rinsed free of dimers, to 100 AM
mg/ml (2 mg/ml for viscometry). colchicine (sufficient to totally block assembly), decorated them,
then challenged their polymerization-seeding capacity by in-
RESULTS cubation for 4 min at 220 with 200,000 X g supernatant protein.
Either colchicine binds directly to the microtubule end, or the Alternatively, to determine if free dimers are a necessary in-
drug binds first to a dimer, which then adds to the microtubule termediate in colchicine addition to microtubules, short mi-
end and "caps" it. The following experiments were designed crotubule segments were made, as above, and colchicine (100
to distinguish between these two possibilities. AM) was added to the dimer microtubule mixture for an ad-
Electroh Microscopy Visualization of Poisoning by CD ditional 2-min (30°) incubation. Microtubule fragments that
Complex. Tubulin contained in a chick embryo brain 30,000 resulted Were then allowed to adhere to grids and assayed as
X g supernatant was polymerized to form short microtubule above for additions to decorated regions.
fragments, which were then placed on an EM grid. The ad- The results were quantified by scanning grids and scoring
hering fragments were coated by a 10-sec exposure to DEAE- every decorated region seen in a random scan for presence or
3468 Cell Biology: Margolis and Wilson Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 74 (1977)


0 ,,
0.60 a 0

.0.10 -
, , 0

0 'I
0.05 / .,
0.20 00

8 16 24 32 40 10 20 30 40 50
Min Min
FIG. 2. The effect of added CD complex on microtubule assembly FIG. 3. Specific viscosity (%p) measurements were made of the
was assayed by turbidity measurements of recycled beef brain tubulin beef brain microtubule response to colchicine in vitro. When colchi-
polymerization at 300 (see Materials and Methods). Relative to cine (100 ,sM) was added at the start of 300 incubation (@-@), no
control assembly ( ), the assembly rate of tubulin containing 2.6% assembly was evident. Two other samples, assembled to plateau before
CD complex (---) was inhibited 41%. When CD complex (2.6% of the colchicine (100 AM) was added at 18 min (---A), or at 42 min
zero-time free tubulin concentration) was added at 16 min (- -), (0- - -0), showed limited disassembly. In these experiments, 20
immediate blockage occurred. The control contained total protein ,l of colchicine solution was added to a sample volume of 2.0 ml.
at 1 mg/ml, tubulin at 0.75 mg/ml. CD complex was added in 100 JI,
containing protein at 0.5 mg/ml, to a total final volume of 0.85 ml.
Therefore, dilution of the total incubation volume was only 12% and crotubules once formed. EM samples of this material showed
dilution of total protein concentration was 6%. intact microtubules still present after prolonged incubation with
drug. The quantity of microtubules could not be visually dis-
absence of an undecorated tail at least the length of the deco- tinguished from controls. Recycled beef brain microtubules
rated region. We found that 19.7% of microtubules on control were similarly stable to podophyllotoxin (50,uM), vinblastine
grids did not elongate. If microtubules were exposed to col- (100 AM), and GDP (1 mM), all at concentrations sufficient to
chicine in the absence of dimers, 15.4% did not elongate. totally block assembly.
Therefore, the presence of colchicine, by itself, was not suffi- Potentiation of Poisoning by Preincubation. Colchicine,
cient to block assembly. If microtubules were exposed to the at low concentrations, binds slowly to tubulin (6). Under
drug in the presence of dimers, 65.2% of the microtubules were polymerization conditions, the drug must compete with the
blocked from further assembly. Fig. 1 compares decorated assembly reaction for free dimers. Microtubules are relatively
fragments blocked by CD complex (Fig. 1 A and B) with a insensitive to colchicine-induced depolymerization in vitro,
typical augmented microtubule (no colchicine, Fig. IC). thus, assembly permanently removes dimers from access to
Because microtubules or microtubule-dimer mixtures were colchicine. Therefore, if the CD complex mediates colchicine
exposed to colchicine for only 2 min in the EM experiment, we poisoning, one will obtain an inaccurately low inhibition con-
tested the binding efficiency of 100 ,gM colchicine to tubulin stant, and preincubation of tubulin with a low concentration
in this time period, using a Bio-Gel P-10 column to separate of colchicine, before assembly is allowed to occur, should po-
[3H]colchicine-CD complex from free [3H]colchicine. Nine tentiate the effect of the drug. Beef brain microtubule protein
percent of the dimers in solution had bound the drug in this (protein at 1 mg/ml, 6.8 MM tubulin) was polymerized in the
time. presence of colchicine and the assembly was followed with light
CD Complex Poisoning of Assembly. If dimers mediate scattering. Results (Fig. 4A) where there was no preincubation
colchicine action in poisoning microtubule assembly, CD
complex in the absence of free colchicine should exhibit the A 0.06 B
capacity to poison assembly. CD complex, when isolated from 0.15
No Pre-incubation Pre-incubation
free colchicine on a Bio-Gel P-10 column, showed the expected
biochemical activity. Microtubule assembly, as assayed by light
scattering, had a lesser rate and extent of polymerization when 0.04
approximately 1 of 40 dimers in solution was complexed to 51 0.10
colchicine (Fig. 2). In replicate experiments, a CD complex to 0
free tubulin ratio of 0.026 (10.001) yielded 0.41 (+0.02) of the 005 ~~~~~~~~0.02
control polymerization rate. The poisoning effect was more
pronounced if CD complex was added later during polymer-
ization (Fig. 2), possibly because the ratio of CD complex to free 0 0 -
tubulin was much higher in late stages of polymerization. --

Addition of CD Complex to Preformed Microtubules. 0 4 8 12 16 20 0 4 8 12 16 20

When CD complex was added to a solution of beef brain tubulin Min
after polymerization had reached a plateau, there was no FIG. 4. The substoichiometric poisoning effect of colchicine on
measurable depolymerization. In fact, all that was observed was recycled beef brain tubulin assembly was assayed by turbidity mea-
a limited and transient dilutiqn effect upon addition of CD surements at 300. (A) The protein was not preincubated with col-
complex (Fig. 2). Viscometry measurements of the effect of free chicine before the assembly reaction. A limited substoichiometric
poisoning effect of colchicine on assembly was seen. (B) If the tubulin
colchicine addition to tubulin after polymerization was com- was preincubated for 30 min at 300 with colchicine before assembly
plete showed a similar resistance to disassembly (Fig. 3). A was initiated by the addition of GTP, the poisoning effect was sub-
concentration of colchicinre' sufficient to totally block assembly stantially potentiated. Total protein concentration was 1 mg/ml.
(100 ,uM) produced only limited depolymerization of mi- Control; ---, 1 gM colchicine; - - -, 0.2 sM colchicine.
Cell Biology: Margolis and Wilson Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 74 (1977) 3469

showed an 8% inhibition at 0.20AM and 23% inhibition at 1.0 of- microtuibules will reach a new steady state determined by
MM colchicine. Preincubation with drug for 30 mim fat 3086, euIfibrum conditions at the primary site of depolymerization
before GTP was added and polymerization proceeded, yielded (Y). If the CD complex is sterically unable to add to the mi-
(Fig. 4B) 60% inhibition at 0.20AM and 100% inhibition at 1.0 crotubule Y end, and the X end is CD capped, a new equilib-
MM colchicine (measured relative to a preincubated control). rium will be determined by concentrations of free tubulin and
The molar ratio (0.034) of colchicine to tubulin [CD complex Y ends, independent of the CD complex population. The Y end
to tubulin ratio of 0.023 as determined by dextran-charcoal is capable of net assembly (10, 14) and conceivably could reach
colchicine binding assay (6)] that yielded 60% inhibition of a new steady state in the presence of CD complex, yielding a
assembly following preincubation was in close agreement with new microtubule population plateau.
the molar ratio of CD complex to tubulin (0.026) that yielded The third possibility for the mechanism of substoichiometric
60% inhibition in the CD complex poisoning experiment (Fig. CD complex poisoning of assembly, that a true equilibrium is
2). In that experiment, we determined the half time of disso- not present in our in vitro microtubule system, also remains
ciation of cokhicine from tubulin to be 1400 min at 00, and thus viable.
estimate no more than 1.5% of the CD complex reverted to free Perhaps, the response of the microtubule population in vitro
dimer and drug in the 30 min it took to isolate CD complex and to drug reflects a combination of preferential Y end depoly-
begin kinetic measurements. We therefore believe the CD merization and regional blockage to depolymerization along
complex to tubulin ratios derived from the two different ex- the microtubule length. It has been reported that microtu-
perimental approaches are reasonably accurate, and that the bule-associated proteins interfere with drug-induced depoly-
close agreement between them is real. merization in vitro (15). Drug-poisoned microtubules possibly,
therefore, depolymerize until a region of high concentration
DISCUSSION of microtubule-associated protein is reached.
Three independent experimental results each indicate that The situation within the cell is evidently different. Cyto-
colchicine inhibits microtubule assembly by means of a CD plasmic and mitotic apparatus microtubules are quite labile to
complex. Colchicine first binds to free dimers, and the infre- colchicine and other drugs. It is reasonable to assume that col-
quent dimers that bind the drug add to the microtubule ends chicine and other drugs act in the cell as they do in vitro, by
during the course of assembly. These CD complexes then cap poisoning assembly substoichiometrically. Podophyllotoxin, a
the microtubules, making further assembly impossible. The drug that resembles colchicine and shares a binding site on
substoichiometric blockage of microtubule assembly (4) by tubulin with colchicine, poisons microtubule assembly in vivo.
colchicine is explained by the mechanism of poisoning revealed Knowing the concentration of free tubulin in a sea urchin em-
in these studies. bryo (25 ,M) (16), and the binding constant for podophyllotoxin
Other drugs that interfere with microtubule assembly, vin- at 130 (0.76 MAM), one can estimate the ratio of podophyllo-
blastine and podophyllotoxin, also poison polymerization sub- toxin-dimer complex to free dimer present when mitosis is
stoichiometrically (12). The possibility exists that these drugs inhibited by 50% (at a podophyllotoxin concentration of 0.096
poison microtubule assembly through a similar mechanism. uM). Less than 1 of 250 dimers need be drug bound for mitotic
It is reported that microtubules are in a steady-state condition blockage to occur (C. Rauch and L. Wilson, unpublished ob-
during assembly in vitro, depolymerization occurring simul- servations). This low ratio is similar to that required to block in
taneously with polymerization (13). If such a steady-state vitro assembly of brain microtubules (12).
condition exists, microtubule poisoning by an infrequent CD Microtubules extensively depolymerize in cells when poi-
addition necessitates that disassembly not occur at the site of soned substoichiometrically with drug. This phenomenon
CD complex addition. If 1 of every 40 dimers contained col- presents most clearly the paradox outlined above, that disas-
chicine, each CD complex released from a microtubule would sembly cannot occur if it first releases the drug-dimer complex,
allow an average of 39 dimers to add before blockage again because this releases the microtubule for further assembly.
occurred. The net effect, a poisoning of assembly, would be Poisoning can only occur if the drug caps the microtubule end
nullified. and alters its ability to disassemble, or if disassembly prefer-
One or more of three possibilities can explain the success of entially occurs at the end opposite the assembling end under
the in vitro poisoning phenomenon: (i) the CD complex may physiological conditions.
have an increased affinity for the microtubule end as compared These results strongly suggest that microtubule disassembly
with an uncomplexed dimer, making dissociation of the capping following exposure of cells to drug occurs only when each mi-
complex unusually slow or perhaps nonexistent; (ii) depoly- crotubule is in active equilibrium, both assembling and disas-
merization may not normally occur at the site of CD complex sembling in the absence of drug. Thus differences in microtu-
addition; or (iii) a steady-state may not exist under our assembly bule sensitivity to mitostatic poisons (17) may reflect in part
conditions in vitro. different intrinsic equilibria in different microtubule popula-
A conformational shift that might block depolymerization tions.
seems plausible. The existence of a true "cap" that freezes the
microtubule end is an attractive concept, although it is seem- We thank W. Rodgers for excellent technical assistance. This work
ingly contradicted by evidence that colchicine causes some was supported by American Cancer Society Grant CH4B, U.S. Public
depolymerization in vitro until a new "steady state" is attained Health Service Grant NS13560, and Anna Fuller Fund Postdoctoral
(4) (see Fig. 3). Fellowship 443 to R.L.M. A preliminary report on this work was pre-
sented at the 61st Annual Meeting of the Federation of American So-
One alternate possibility is that disassembly is not occurring cieties for Experimental Biology (18).
at the site of assembly. Microtubule assembly occurs as a biased
polar phenomenon (10, 14). This means that one end of the 1. Inoue, S. (1952) Exp. Cell Res. Suppl. 2, 305-314.
microtubule (designated the X end) augments to a much greater 2. Taylor, E. (1965) J. Cell Biol. 25, 145-160.
extent per unit time than does the other (Y end). Suppose that 3. Borisy, G. G. & Taylor, E. (1967) J. Cell Biol. 34, 525-533.
the end opposite the primary addition site is the primary de- 4. Olmsted, J. B. & Borisy, G. G. (1973) Biochemistry 12, 4282-
polymerization site (Y). Then a colchicine poisoned population 4289.
3470 Cell Biology: Margolis and Wilson Proc. Nati. Acad. Sci. USA 74 (1977)

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