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I. Tanackov et al.

Zlatni rez u vjerojatnosti i umjetnoj inteligenciji

ISSN 1330-3651
UDC/UDK 514.112:[519.217+004.896]


Ilija Tanackov, Jovan Tepić, Milan Kostelac

Subject review
The problem of the line section based on the golden ratio φ = 1,618033 has the analogy in probability. The solution of the elementary exponential distribution
relies on the value 2lnφ in particular. This value also plays a key role to Riccati hyperbolic functions with Fibonacci and Lucas numbers in continuous domain.
This establishes a close relationship between the constants e and φ. Two new theorems on the convergence between the constants φ and e were derived. The
number e is the foundation of Markov processes, which find applications in probabilistic and artificial intelligence theory. The ratio between the constants φ and
e, as well as many other natural phenomena based on the golden ratio, highlight the need to expand the field of probabilistic and artificial intelligence.

Keywords: artificial intelligence, golden ratio, Markov processes

Zlatni rez u vjerojatnosti i umjetnoj inteligenciji

Pregledni članak
Problem linijskog odsječka utemeljenog na omjeru zlatnog reza φ = 1,618033 ima analogiju u vjerojatnosti. Rješenje elementarne eksponencijalne raspodjele,
posebice ističe vrijednost 2lnφ. Ova vrijednost također ima ključnu ulogu u odnosu Rikatijevih hiperboličnih funkcija s Fibonačijevim i Lukasovim brojevima
u kontinuiranom području. Time se uspostavlja bliska veza između konstanti e i φ. Izvedena su dva nova teorema o konvergenciji konstanti φ i e . Broj e je temelj
Markovskih procesa, koji su našli primjenu u teoriji vjerojatnosni i umjetne inteligencije. Omjer konstanti e i φ, kao i mnogi drugi prirodni fenomeni na temelju
zlatnog reza, ističu potrebu za proširenjem područja vjerojatnosni i umjetne inteligencije.

Ključne riječi: umjetna inteligencija, zlatni rez, Markovski procesi

1 a+b a b a
= Û 1+ = Û
Introduction a b a b
The basis of a natural logarithm 2,71828182845…. is a 1 a a æaö
real, irrational and transcedental number. The first Û 1+ = Û +1 = ç ÷ Û
a b b èbø
application of this number was derived by a Scottish b
mathematician John Napier of Merchiston (15501617) in
his study Mirifici Logarithmorum Canonis Descriptio 2
æaö a
(1614). The well known expression for the number: Û ç ÷ - - 1 = 0.
èbø b
æ 1ö
lim ç1 + ÷ = 2,718281828459045..., Solution to this square equation is
n ® ¥è nø
æaö 1± 1+ 4 1± 5 φ
was discovered by the Swiss mathematician Jacob ç ÷ = = = = 1,6180339...
Bernoulli, (1654–1705). The first known use of the constant è b ø1,2 2 2
was in correspondence from Gottfried Leibniz (16461716)
to Christiaan Huygens (1629–1695) in 1690 and 1691. The Leonardo Pisano Bigollo – Fibonacci (1170–1250)
Swiss mathematician Leonhard Euler (1707–1783) was the mentioned the famous numerical series with initial numbers
first who used the letter e as the constant of a natural 0 and 1, and F(n) = F(n – 1) + F(n – 2):
logarithm in 1727 or 1728, and the first use of letter e in a
publication was in Euler's Mechanica (1736), 120 years 0; 1; 1; 2; 3; 5; 8; 13; 21; 34; 55; 89; ….
after the first application of the constant. Sinergy of the
number e "significance", Euler's work and authority, formed Johannes Kepler (1571–1630) first proves that the
a standard that we consider today. The number e is one of the golden ratio is the limit of the ratio of consecutive Fibonacci
most significant numbers in modern mathematics. numbers,
The golden section constant has incomparably richer
history dating from ancient times, from Egypt [1] to ancient F (n + 1) φ
lim = = 1,6180339....
Greece. Parthenon, whose construction started in 447 BC, n ®¥ F ( n)
was designed in the golden section proportions. Euclid
(325–265 BC) gave the first recorded definition of the
golden ratio: The total length (a+b) is to the length of the Charles Bonnet (1720–1793), the Swiss naturalist and
longer segment a as the length of a is to the length of the philosophical writer, first points out that in the spiral
shorter segment b, phyllotaxis of plants were frequently two successive
Fibonacci series.
It has not been determined who actually established the
identity between the geometric proportion and Kepler's
limit of consecutive Fibonacci [2] numbers. It is assumed

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The golden ratio in probablistic and artificial intelligence I. Tanackov et al.

x x x x (n)
that it was Martin Ohm (1792–1872), the German are identical (e = (e )' = (e )" = ... = (e ) ), when every
mathematician and a younger brother of famous physicist subsequent increment is equal to the base, also contains the
Georg Ohm. Martin Ohm was the first who introduced the memoryless characteristic of the exponential function. This
term "golden section" (goldener Schnitt). unique characteristic is the base of Markovian process.
Jacques Philippe Marie Binet (1786–1856), the French Application of Euclid's definition of the golden section
mathematician, established recurrence formulae for the in the theory of probability is analogous to the following
sequence of Fibonacci numbers. relations, according to Kolmogorov's axiomatic of
Edouard Lucas (1842–1891), the French probability:
mathematician, gives the numerical sequence now known - The complete system of the probability event 1 is the
as the Fibonacci sequence, its present name. Also, Edouard total value of the segment (a + b);
Lucas established a special numerical sequence with initial - Probability P < 1 is the segment a;
numbers 2 and 1: - The complete probability (1 – P) is the segment b.

2; 1; 3; 4; 7; 11; 29; 47; 199; 521; 2,207; 3,571…. The equivalence of geometric and probabilistic
definitions now has the form:
This sequence is formed by means of the identical
principle as Fibonacci numbers, L(n) = L(n – 1) + L(n – 2). a+b a 1 P
The limit of the ratio of consecutive Lucas numbers is equal = Û = .
to φ = 1,6180339…. Lucas extended the numbers to a b P 1- P
negative integers and formed a double infinite sequence
n The application of the analogous probabilistic
with recurrent relation L(–n)(–1) L(n). Binet's formulae
definition to the elementary exponential distribution with
with simple transformations were also applied to Lucas
numbers. In that way, the basis for the analysis of the the parameter λ = 1, gives the relations which are defined by
mathematical phenomenon of the golden section in a the integral quotients within the limits of the constant c (Fig.
continuous domain was formed. 1).
The value of the constant c is:
2 ¥ c
The golden section in the theory of probability -x -x
1 P
òe dx òe dx
The densities of probability of continuous random = Û 0
= 0
P 1- P c
-x -x
variables are predominantly the number e function. Those
are exponential, Erlang's, Logistic, Gamma, Gomperc's,
ò e dx ò e dx
0 c
Veilbull's, Pareto's, etc. The central position in this group of
distribution is defined with central limit theorem (CLT), ¥ éc ù

with conditions under which the mean of a sufficiently large Û ò e dx = ê ò e - x dx ú Û


number of independent random variables with finite mean c ëê 0 ûú

and variance, will be approximately normally distributed.
The density function of normal distribution also has the 2
obligatory functional participation of the number e. On Û e-c - e-¥ = 1 - e-c .
account of that, the number e has a dominant part in the
theory of probability. Relations of the defined integrals give the exponential
The elementary function of distribution density of the equation:
number e is the exponential distribution, f(x, λ) = λe . The
fact that arbitrary derivations of the exponential functions e - c = 1 - 2e -c + e -2c Û e -2c - 3e - c + 1 = 0.

Figure 1 The golden section of the exponential distribution

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I. Tanackov et al. Zlatni rez u vjerojatnosti i umjetnoj inteligenciji

With the change t = e , the exponential equation by the following correlations:
changes into a square one t – 3t + 1 = 0 with the solutions:
2 ü
F ( x) = sh((ln φ) × x)ï
3± 9-4 1± 5 5 ý for x = 2n
t1, 2 = = 1+ ,
2 2 L( x) = ch((ln φ) × x ), ïþ
2 ü
1± 5 F ( x) = ch((ln φ) × x) ï
= 1,6180339... = φ 5 ý for x = 2n + 1
L( x) = sh((ln ) × x)
φ ï
the number φ is the famous golden section constant,
borderline value of subsequent numbers of Fibonacci and The new class of hyperbolic functions emphasizes the
Lucas sequence. Apart from many special characteristics of characteristic relation between the constants e i φ. The main
the constant φ, the following is the most significant: φ = part has the constant lnφ, the same as with the probabilistic
n–1 n–2
φ + φ . Now the values of the solution of the square golden section.
equation of the exponential distribution are:
1 1 Relation between the constants e and φ
t1 = 1 + φ = φ 2 and t 2 = 1 - = .
φ φ2
The established relations between Fibonacci and Lucas
numbers with hyperbolic functions, as well as the function
If the change is returned, the solution t1 gives a negative of the golden section function in the probabilistic golden
value for the constant c, and cannot be accepted, for c ³ 0. section of the elementary exponential distribution,
From the solution t2 it follows: intuitively leads us to the connection between these two
significant constants. One of the possible relations is
1 defined by this theorem.
e-c = = φ- 2 Û -c = - ln φ 2 Û c = ln φ 2 = 2 ln φ.
φ2 Theorem 1: For sufficiently large n and ch Lucas
numbers in continuous domain, exponential relationship
Probability P is: between consecutive ch Lucas numbers and the ratio of ch
Lucas numbers with derivative of ch Lucas numbers
c ln φ 2 provide natural number e:
-x -x φ2 1 φ2 - 1 1
P = ò e dx = òe dx = 1 - e -ln = 1- = = .
φ2 φ2 φ L ( n ) ch
0 0
æ ö L ( n ) ch ¢
ç ÷
lim ç1 + ÷
The constant c = 2lnφ is the solution of the probabilistic 1
golden section of the elementary exponential distribution. n ® ¥ç L(n - 1) ch ÷
ç ÷
è L(n - 2) ch ø
New class of hyperbolic functions
Proof: in compliance with formulae (1), (2) and (3), ch
Hyperbolic functions were introduced in the 1760s Lucas numbers are obtained for even values:
independently by Vincenzo Riccati (1707–1775) and
Johann Heinrich Lambert (1728–1777): φ 2 x + (-1) x φ4 n + 1
L( n) = , x = 2 n Û L ( n ) ch = ,
φx φ2 n
e x - e- x e2 x - 1 e x + e- x e2 x + 1
sh x = = x
, ch x = = . (1) L ( n ) ch
2 2e 2 2e x
æ ö L ( n ) ch¢
ç ÷
lim ç1 + ÷
A great part of the hyperbolic functions was understood 1
later when the Russian mathematician Nikolay n ®¥ ç L(n - 1) ch ÷
ç ÷
Lobachevsky (1792–1856) discovered nonEuclidean è L (n - 2) ch ø
geometry and the German mathematician Herman
Minkovsky (1864–1909) gave a geometric interpretation of é L ( n ) ch ù
Einstein's special theory of relativity. The similarity êæ L(n - 1) ch + L(n - 2) ch ö L ( n ) ch ¢ ú
between hyperbolic functions and Binet's formulae for = lim êçç ÷÷ ú=
n®¥ L(n - 1) ch
Fibonacci and Lucas numbers in the continuous domain: êè ø ú
ë û

1 φ2 n - (-1) n φ2 n + (-1) n
F ( n) = × , L ( n ) = (1) é L ( n ) ch ù

5 φn φn êæ L(n) ch ö L ( n ) ch¢ ú
= lim êçç ÷÷ ú.
n®¥ L(n - 1) ch
êè ø ú
was first noticed by Stakhov and Tkachenko in 1993 [3], ë û
and Stakhov and Rozin in 2005 [4] gave a detailed
explanation. Symetrical hyperbolic Fibonacci and Lucas First derivation of ch Lucas numbers in continuous
functions are connected with classical hyperbolic functions domain is:

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The golden ratio in probablistic and artificial intelligence I. Tanackov et al.

Table 1 Convergence of the relation from Theorem 1 of ch Lucas numbers

n Limes n Limes n Limes n Limes
0 1,7598484918225 5 2,7181747967700 10 2,7182818213831 15 2,7182818284586
1 2,5059662351366 6 2,7182662120511 11 2,7182818274267 16 2,7182818284590
2 2,6843831565611 7 2,7182795500410 12 2,7182818283084 17 2,7182818284590
3 2,7132656285100 8 2,7182814960420 13 2,7182818284371 18 2,7182818284590
4 2,7175484460193 9 2,7182817799601 14 2,7182818284558 19 2,7182818284590

¢ é φ4 n + 1 ù known Bernoulli expression for the number e (Tab. 1).
L( n )ch = ê 2 n ú = Theorem 2: Expression
êë φ úû
1 1
4φ 4 n φ2 n ln φ - 2φ 2 n ln φ ( φ 4 n + 1 ) 1 ¥ 1 1 ¥ 1
= = å n å n
φ 4n 2
φ n=1 n φ e =φ
n =1 n φ .
converge to number e

2 φ4 n ln φ - 2 ln φ φ 4 n - 1 Proof: From the geometric series sum

= = ln φ 2 .
φ 2n φ 2n
¥ 1 φ
1 1 φ
åφ = 1
φ -1
= φ2 Û 2 ×
φ φ -1
The ratio between derivation of ch Lucas numbers and ch n=0 1-
Lucas numbers converges to 2lnφ = lnφ2: φ

2( φ 4 n - 1) ln φ and logarithm identity

L(n) ch¢ φ 2n
lim = lim = é 1 φ ù
n ® ¥ L ( n) ch n ®¥ ( φ4 n + 1) ln ê 2 × ú = ln 1 Û
ëφ φ - 1û
φ 2n
(φ 4 n - 1) L(n) ch 1 Û 2 ln
+ ln
= 0 Û ln
- 2 ln φ = 0
2 ln φ lim = 2 ln φ Û lim = .
n ® ¥ ( φ 4 n + 1) n ®¥ ( ) ¢
L n ch ln φ 2 φ φ -1 φ -1

Now it is: for φ ¹ 0 Ù φ ¹ 1 , exponential equation

é L ( n ) ch ù φ
ln = 2 ln φ e ­ Û
êæ L (n) ch ö L ( n ) ch¢ ú φ -1
lim êçç ÷÷ ú=
n ®¥ L (n - 1) ch
êè ø ú φ
ë û 1
2 φ -1 φ -1
e = e ln φ Û e 2 =φ
L ( n ) ch
é L(n) ch ù n ® ¥ L ( n ) ch ¢ by using the Euler transform on the Mercator series,
= lim ê ú =eÛ
n ® ¥ L ( n - 1) ch
ë û a ¥
ln = å n,
L ( n ) ch ¢ a - 1 n =1 na
é L(n) ch ù n ® ¥ L ( n ) ch
Û lim ê ú =e .
n ® ¥ L ( n - 1) ch for value 1 < a = φ proves the Theorem 2:
ë û
1 ¥ 1 1 ¥ 1
Finding the logarithms of the left and right side of the ¥ å å
φ 1 2 n =1 n φ n 2 n =1 n φ n
previous expression results in obtaining their identity: ln =å n Ûe =φ Ûe=φ
φ - 1 n =1 n φ
L ( n )ch¢
æ é L(n) ch ù ö lim
n®¥ L ( n )ch
lnç lim ê ú ÷ = ln e Û
ç n®¥ ê L (n - 1) ch ú ÷
è ë û ø
1 ¥ 1
L(n) ch ¢
2 n =1 na n
Û ln φ 2 = lim ln e Û
n ® ¥ L (n) ch
is equal to number e only for value 1 < a = φ (based on
Û ln φ = ln φ × ln e Û ln φ = ln φ .
2 2 2 2 unique properties of golden ratio constant:

which proves the theorem. The expression (4) has an φ n = φ n -1 + φ n - 2 .

extremely fast convergence. The sixteenth member reaches
the accuracy of 10 , incomparably faster than the well

644 Technical Gazette 18, 641-647

I. Tanackov et al. Zlatni rez u vjerojatnosti i umjetnoj inteligenciji

Table 2 Convergence of the relation from Theorem 2, Mercator series

1 1 1 1
1 ¥ 1 1 ¥ 1 1 ¥ 1 1 ¥ 1
n å n å n å n å
2 n =1 nφn 2 n =1 nφn 2 n =1 nφn 2 n =1 nφn
φ φ φ φ
1 4,745677375304 11 2,720001147826 21 2,718289786303 31 2,718281873768
2 3,285835819393 12 2,719269092984 22 2,718286544546 32 2,718281855648
3 2,956981468008 13 2,718851725509 23 2,718284628145 33 2,718281844788
4 2,833124699745 14 2,718612289791 24 2,718283493096 34 2,718281838273
5 2,777213875649 15 2,718474204436 25 2,718282819658 35 2,718281834362
6 2,749660476893 16 2,718394206460 26 2,718282419458 36 2,718281832012
7 2,735389810234 17 2,718347676562 27 2,718282181282 37 2,718281830599
8 2,727764075604 18 2,718320518222 28 2,718282039338 38 2,718281829749
9 2,723601753552 19 2,718304617232 29 2,718281954637 39 2,718281829237
10 2,721294761752 20 2,718295281378 30 2,718281904034 40 2,718281828928

The established relations between the constants e and mathematics, where Alexey Stakhov work is
φ, shown in the new class of hyperbolic functions, in the distinguishable.
probabilistic goldes section of the elementary exponential This short summary of the importance of the golden
distribution and the conditions of ch Lucas numbers section constant in modern science first of all emphasizes
convergence, emphasize the possibility of the existence of a the range from subatomic systems to the universe. The
special class of Markovian processes related to φ. number of scientific studies and research referring to the
Golden ratio keeps increasing. On the basis of that fact we
5 can expect that the constant φ = 1,618033... will soon be
Golden ratio in modern science classified by its importance alongside e and .

The golden ratio constant, probably the oldest 6

mathematical constant, has not been considered in recent Conclusion
mathematical history. Probably the reason is the wide usage
of the Golden ratio in socalled "esoteric sciences". There is a Markovian decision processes is the method of
well known fact that the basic symbol of esoteric, the probabilistic and artificial intelligence which has been
pentagram, is closely connected to the Golden ratio. classified into the field of probabilistic methods for
However, in modern science, the attitude towards the uncertain reasoning. It is based on exponential distribution.
Golden ratio is changing very quickly. The Golden ratio has The exact relation between the constants e and φ , which are
a revolutionary importance for development in modern shown, state the golden ratio phenomena as a special case of
science. Markovian processes. However, this hypothesis is only
In quantum mechanics, El Nashie is a follower of the initially sustainable.
Golden Ratio and shows in his works [5, 6, 7] that the The importance of the golden ratio constant has been
Golden Ratio plays an outstanding role in physical proved from subatomic systems, over atoms and chemistry,
researches. El Nashie's theory will lead to Nobel Prize if genes, neurology and brain waves, plants, human body
proportions, the Solar system, to the universe. In this
experimentally verified. New theoretical [8] and partially
domain there is inspiration for most methods of artificial
experimental results [9] confirm the correctness of his
inelligence, like Genetic algorithms and Genetic
theories. programming, Neural networks, gravitational search
After quantum, the golden ratio constant was algorithm, etc.
established in chemical reactions [10], as an individual The golden ratio domain leads to the hypothesis that
value, and systematically, in linear and exponential artificial intelligence methods are special analytical sectors
combinations [11, 12] of the golden ratio constant. DNA of the golden ratio. In that way, the basis for the introduction
[13, 14] complied with the golden ratio after the atom of the phenomenon of the golden ratio in the area of artificial
compliance with the golden ratio, and it was also transferred intelligence has been set.
to other complex biological structures. The old observation The improvement of the suggestion starts from the
of Charles Bonnet about phyllotaxis plants was confirmed artificial intelligence definition, which is determined as a
[15, 16], then it was expanded to others, nonphyllotaxis capability of an artificial system to simulate the functioning
species of plants [17]. of human thinking at the level of perception, learning,
The function of the golden ratio constant was memory, reasoning and problem solving. The concept of
established in human brain research [18, 19]. Alongside artificial intelligence, at the moment, does not have at its
DNA structure, we get to the golden ratio constant research disposal models for emotions and ideas simulation, and
in human facial proportions and facial attractiveness their transfer between intelligent agents. Artificial
assessment [20, 21]. In that way it can be concluded that the intelligence has not achieved an analogous method for
golden ratio constant has a significant part in aesthetics and creativity yet, which is one of dominant characteristics of
art. human intelligence. Creativity is, first of all, necessary for
Butusov's resonance theory of the Solar system [22] the adaptation in a new, not previously learnt system of
based on the golden ratio, discovers the importance of this events. Creativity, at the same time, is a human need which
constant beyond the Earth, and takes us to the universe [23, is especially expressed through art. The golden ratio
24]. Certainly, all listed phenomena are led and based on constant has been declared as an aesthetic constant through

Tehnički vjesnik 18, 4(2011), 641-647 645

The golden ratio in probablistic and artificial intelligence I. Tanackov et al.

architecture, since Parthenon, and as a constant of harmony, Proved relation of Hiperbolic sinus with new class of
and according to Pitagora, harmony is in the basis of the hyperbolic functions [4], gives inverse analogy for making
universe. First important step is the introduction of the connection between constants and with hyperbolic secant.
Golden Mean and Mathematics of Harmony into university The result of golden ratio of probablistic function is based
education. on tangent function. Inverse tangent function could be
developed in Maclaren series:
Appendix: relation between the constants π and φ
(-1) n
Distribution of Hyperbolic secant has a special arctan x = å 2 n + 1 x 2 n +1
n =0
meaning in analysis of probabilistic concept of golden ratio.
As an inverse function of hyperbolic sinus:
From value [25]:
e x - e- x 2 1
sh x = , csch x = x - x = 2p φ+ 2
2 e -e sh x tan =
10 φ2
density and function of distribution of two parametric
Hyperbolic secant in a interval (– , + ) are follows

2 n +1
1 x-a φ+ 2 ¥
(-1) n æç φ + 2 ö÷ 2p
f ( x) =
csch , arctan = å ç φ2 ÷
n = 0 2n + 1 è
b φ2 10
2 and give us final connection between costants φ and p:
F ( x) = arctan(e b ).
p 2 n +1
(-1) n æç φ + 2 ö÷
Elementary distribution of Hyperbolic secant for parametar p = 5å = 3,1415926...
n = 0 2n + 1 è φ
2 ÷
values a = 0 and b = 1 has a density and function of ø
f ( x) = csch x, Thanks to Professor Alexey Stakhov Ph.D., President
p of the International Club of the Golden Section, for his
useful comments. This paper is a contribution to the
F ( x) = arctan(e x ). Ministry of Science and Technological Development of
p Serbia funded project TR 36012.

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Authors' addresses:

Assist. Prof. Ilija Tanackov, Ph.D.

Docent Jovan Tepić, Ph.D.
University of Novi Sad
Faculty of Technical Sciences,
Trg Dositeja Obradovica 6
21000 Novi Sad, Serbia

Docent Milan Kostelac, Ph.D.

University of Zagreb
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture
Ivana Lucica 5
10000 Zagreb, Croatia

Tehnički vjesnik 18, 4(2011), 641-647 647

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