3rd-4th Grade FBL - Week 5

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3rd–4th Grade

Week 5 Practice Practice Five Skill Review:

Pre-Practice Huddle 1. Catching the football 3. Backpedaling
› Welcome Players 2. Passing the football 4. Route-running
› Rules: Review rules
and cover Penalties
› Discuss game # 1 Team Warm-up
› Review previous skills 1. Slow Jog—Start out with a slow jog around the football field. Remind players this is not a race and should be done
to get the blood flowing to the muscles to avoid injuries.
2. High Knees—Each player will run 20 yards up the field and back to the starting line, running quickly while moving
gradually. Speed will be full speed, but not full strides. Emphasis will be on high knee kicks to the chest.
Teach the Rules: 3. Quick Feet—The players line up in rows of three. On your command, the first row will begin quick choppy steps
laterally (running in place). On your second command, players will sprint out past you. You can be 5 yards in front
Penalties of the row.
Encroachment: The penalty is 5 yards from the
line of scrimmage and replay of down.
Illegal rushing (enforced when players start
rushing from inside the 7-yard rush line): The
Drill One: Moving Catch
Objective: Training players to catch the ball with
penalty is 5 yards from the line of scrimmage
and replay of down. their hands away from the body.
Interference: The penalty is 10 yards from the Equipment: 2-3 junior size footballs.
line of scrimmage and an automatic first down. Setup: Line players up, single file, on one side of the
Illegal contact (pulling the jersey, holding, field, along the line of scrimmage.
blocking, pushing): The penalty is 10 yards from
the spot of the foul. Procedure: One at a time, players will begin to jog
Illegal flag pull (before the receiver catches the across the field, looking toward you. You will pass the
football): The penalty is 10 yards from the line of
scrimmage and an automatic first down
ball to each player. Use the up, slant, curl, and out
route in this drill. This is a half-speed drill to work on
Offense catching the ball while in motion.
Illegal motion (more than one person moving):
The penalty is 5 yards from the line of scrim-
Teaching Points/Phrases:
mage and replay of down. › Remind players about the “triangle” for high
Moving Catch
Illegal formation (false start, not enough men on passes and keeping their pinkies and elbows
the line of scrimmage): The penalty is 5 yards together for the low ball.
from the line of scrimmage and replay of down.
› Focus on making clean catches and tucking the football away, high in your arm-pit.
Illegal pass (a pass thrown after the ball carrier
has crossed the line of scrimmage): The pen- › Players should focus on the catching fundamental of this drill. Route-running will come later.
alty is 5 yards from the line of scrimmage and
a loss of down.
Delay of game: The penalty is 5 yards from the Intentional grounding: The penalty is 5 yards from the line of Illegal use of the hands (stiff-arming, blocking): The penalty
line of scrimmage and replay of down. scrimmage and a loss of down. is 10 yards from the spot of the foul and a loss of down.
Shielding (a non-contact block that impedes a Offensive pass interference (illegal pick play, pushing a de- Diving (diving toward the end zone or first down): The pen-
defender from making a tackle): The penalty is 5 fender): The penalty is 10 yards from the line of scrimmage alty is 10 yards from the spot of the foul and a loss of down.
yards from the spot of the foul and loss of down. and a loss of down.
Illegal run (a running play in the no-run zone or Flag guarding (intentional or unintentional use of the arm to
a quarterback crossing the line of scrimmage): prevent the flag from being pulled): The penalty is 5 yards
The penalty is 5 yards from the line of scrim- from the spot of the foul and a loss of down.
mage and replay of down.

u p w a r d . o r g / U p w a r d coach 1
3rd–4th Grade
Week 5 Practice

Drill Two: Hand Targets

Objective: Players practice hitting targets with their passes. This drill is not about the velocity
on the football, but it is about the appropriate touch and location of the pass.
Equipment: 5-6 junior size footballs.
Setup: Each player needs a partner to throw with. If you have an odd number of players, pair
up with a player to give each player a partner. Players will pair off and begin 5 yards from each
Procedure: The player receiving the pass should give a target with his hands for the pass-
er to hit with the pass. Players should pass the ball back and forth, trying to hit the hand
targets. Players should move the target to different areas (to the side, at the knees, above the
head, etc.).

Teaching Points/Phrases:
› Players should work on proper passing techniques as they pass to their target, this includes
footwork along with sound throwing mechanics.
› Encourage players to give good targets for the passer.
› Encourage players to strive for spirals on each pass.

Drill Three: Drop-Back-and-Throw

Objective: Players take what they learned through the drop-back drill
and add the pass to it. This drill works on piecing everything together.
Equipment: 5-6 junior size footballs.
Setup: Each player needs a partner to throw with. If you have an odd
number of players, pair up with a player to give each player a partner.
Players will pair off and begin 5-10 yards from each other.
Procedure: One side will be the quarterback side. When you give the
command, the quarterbacks will drop back, set up, and throw to their
partners. Repeat the drill several times, and then switch sides. Be sure
Drop-Back-and-Throw quarterbacks are keeping the proper technique and keeping their eyes

Teaching Points/Phrases:
› Players should focus on footwork, keeping their eyes upfield and the proper throwing mechanics.
› This drill gives players an opportunity to work on becoming a complete passer.
› Encourage players to work toward game speed as they progress through the drill.

2 upward.or g / U p w a r d c o a c h
3rd–4th Grade
Week 5 Practice

Mid-Practice Huddle - Devotion 5

Question: How does God see me?
Answer: As someone He loves, but who does wrong.
Verse: “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins.” (1 John 1:9a)
› Review the Bible verse with players. Give them a chance to repeat it and say it several times together. Also, ask your players if they found out what the “mystery
word” was from the TeamUpward.com devotion video. Have them raise their hands if they know, then have them all say it on the count of three. This week’s mystery
word is “Confess”. Congratulate players that found out and remembered the mystery word.
Let’s split into two teams for a really fast scrimmage game! While you huddle up and decide who will play what position, I’m going to pull one of you aside in a mini-
huddle of my own. (Obtain a player and quietly tell him that you want him to cause an obvious penalty without hurting anyone after two plays. Then tell him to return to
his team without telling anyone what you talked about.)
Okay, I’ll be the referee. Ready? Go! (Play until you must call the penalty.) Stop play! Penalty!
What happens during a game when someone does something wrong and there is a penalty? Can the player say, “Sorry, ref! I’ll do better next time!” and be excused?
No. Can the player say, “Please forgive me, ref! I didn’t mean it. I won’t do it again?” No. Do you mean there is nothing a player can do to get the referee’s forgiveness
so that he doesn’t get a penalty? No!
When we break rules in life, it’s called a sin. Sin is anything we do, say, or think that does not please God. There is nothing that we can do to take that sin back. Once
we do or say something wrong, we can’t undo it or make it go away.
That’s why today’s Bible verse is such good news! It says that if we confess our sins, God is faithful and righteous and will forgive us!
What does it mean to confess our sins? (To admit our sin). Why do we have to confess our sins? (Because God wants us to acknowledge that we have done wrong and
learn from our mistakes.) God doesn’t want us to do wrong, but there is nothing we can do that God isn’t willing to forgive. That’s why he sent his Son, Jesus to take
the punishment for us by dying on the cross. Let’s say a prayer and confess our sins, ask for God’s forgiveness and thank him for his love!
(After praying, have players again tell you what the “mystery word” was this week (Confess). Then, remind them to again go to TeamUpward.com to get next week’s
“mystery word” so they can come prepared to say it at the next practice.)

u p w a r d . o r g / U p w a r d coach 3
3rd–4th Grade
Week 5 Practice

Practice simple Offensive sets & Defensive formations

1 2 3

4 5 6

The Upward Flag Football Coach

Ministry Sport Post-Practice Meeting
Understands winning Teaches the 1. Gather players and parents for this meeting.
is more than a game fundamentals
of flag football 2. Review the learned skill from practice.
Conveys Christ to
players through Uses drills 3. Distribute Practice Cards & Practice Stars.
his/her actions to emphasize
and attitudes The Upward skill development 4. Remind parents of next practice/game time and answer any questions parents may have.
Focuses on Is a student
the unseen of the game
2 Corinthians 4:18

Pre-Practice Huddle Warm-up Skills and Drills Mid-Practice Huddle Review of Plays/Scrimmage Post-Practice Meeting
Minute 0-8 Minute 8-15 Minute 15-30 Minute 30-38 Minute 38-55 Minute 55-60
See Post-Practice
Welcome Slow Jog Drill One See Devotions on Page 3 Offensive Plays
Meeting above.

Rules High Knees Drill Two Defensive Formations

Skill Quick Feet Drill Three Scrimmage

4 upward.or g / U p w a r d c o a c h

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