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Louis Pasteur

Nine-year-old Louis
Pasteur rushed into the little
house where he lived, his face
"Mother!" he cried, "A mad
dog has bitten my friend Henri,
and now they are burning him
with red-hot irons. It's terrible!
Why are they hurting Henri like

"Rabies, Louis. Burning the

bites is the only Louls Pasteur (1829-1095)- Rrench
hope of chemist and microbiologist who
stopping Henri from catching invented the process of
the disease. If he catches it, no which consisted in
one will be able to femmentation by oxy3en. He inhbiting
cure him." vaccines for anthrax and deveioped
Henri did get rabies and died,in hydrophobia
(rabies). n 1849 he manied Marie
great pain, some days later. Lourent They hod fivee dhldren, but
Pasteur never forgot it and only two of then survived chidhooo

promised himself to do something in the future to

his little friend help people like
He made up his mind to be a research
chemist,contrary his
father's opinion whose wish was to have a teacher in
the family
After many years studying microbes, he concluded
that there
was something even smaller than a
microbe, something that he
couldn't see even under his
powerful microscope. He called it a
Pasteur was sure that rabies was caused by a virus, so he
decided to keep mad dogs to perform experiments with thenm. He
discovered that the rabies virus was strongest in the spinal cord of
the diseased animal and was able to isolate and weaken it.

After many researchesand experiments, Pasteur finally found

the vaccine against rabies. This discovery gave people new
The injections were used sucessfully all over the world. Grateful
people who had been healed sent money to help build the Pasteur
Institute in Paris. There are now Pasteur Institutes in many parts
of the world.
(Acapted from SoxGreatSoletists, Posemary Borter, The Macmlen Press Ltd, 1978, p. 43-53
1. Que acontecimento
impressionou Pasteur em sua infânia?

2. Qual foi a
promessa que o menino Pasteur feza si mesmo?

3. Como era o tratamento antes da invenção da vacina anti-


4.Qual a profissão que o pai de Pasteur queria para seu filho?

5.Transforme os substantivos abaixo em adjetivos:

a) health-
b) strength-
c) power
d) death-.
e) madness

6-A palavra even aparece duas vezes no 5

Escreva suas respectivas traduções. parágrato do texto.

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