Projek Vibrate-Report

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Mechanical vibration arising from powered processes or tools and entering

the body at the fingers or the palm of the hands is called hand-transmitted vibration.
In term of hand-arm vibration (HAV) is vibration transmitted from hand-held
equipment into the hands and arm of workers. It can be caused by operating hand-
held power tools, such as road breakers, and hand guided equipment such as powered
lawnmowers, or by holding materials being processed by machines such as pedestal

As a requirement of vibration project, we have selected the road cutter as a

tool which produces transmitted vibration into the hands and arm of workers.
However, in this project the road cutter is used to cut the road before make the
divider of road. In this project also, we need to measure the measure the vibration
that are transmitted to arm or body of worker during the process of road cutting.

1.1 Healthy

There are hindered of different type of hand-held power tools and equipment
which can cause ill health from vibration. Most of use doesn’t know that HAV can
cause a range of conditions collectively known as hand-arm vibration syndrome
(HAVS), as well as specific diseases such as carpal tunnel syndrome.

Indentifying signs and symptoms at an early stage is important. The symptoms at

an early stage are important. The symptoms include any combination of:

(i) Tingling and numbness in the fingers

(ii) Not being able to feel things properly

(iii) Loss of strength in the hands

(iv) The fingers going white (blanching) and becoming red and painful on
recovery (particularly in the cold and wet, and probably only in the tips at

For some people, symptoms may appear after only a few months of exposure, but
for others they may take a few years. They are likely to get worse with continued
exposure to vibration and may become permanent.

Figure 1.1: White fingers

The symptoms effects on people include:


(i) Pain, distress and sleep disturbance

(ii) Inability to do fine work such as assembling small components or

everyday task such as fastening buttons.

(iii) Reduced ability to work in cold or dump conditions which would trigger
painful finger blanching attacks.

(iv) Reduced grip strength which might affect the ability to do work safely.

These effects can severely limit the jobs an affected person is able to do, as
well as many family and social activities.

1.2 Road Cutter

Road cutter is a tool to cut the road by diamond tool. However during the process
to cut the road, there has a coolant to maintain the life tool and also to avoid any
accident. To monitor this machine, there has safety factor need to obey. The operator
needs to wear safety boot, safety jacket, and also wear ear lug. This is important
things to avoid any accident.

Figure 1.2: Road Cutter


1.3 Tool Measurement

Human Vibration Meter (HVM 100) is used to measure the level of vibration at
arm or hand of worker. HVM 100 is a sensitive tools as well as accurate to measured
the transmitted vibration. This tool used the battery power as a power supply.
However the HVM 100 also can measure displacement, velocity and acceleration.
The result of vibration that is measured will transfer by using software that is
relevant with HVM 100. HVM 100 is containing with analyzer, accelerometer,
transfer cable and holder.

Analyzer is used to measure and analysis level of vibration at worker’s arm. The
result will be saving in analyzer memory. Analyzer can be operate at -100C until

Accelerometer is a sensor of vibration which receives the signal of vibration and

sends to analyzer to store. This tool contains a piezoelectric which has a shape
change when receive the signal. Result will be measure at three axis is x, y, z. The
accelerometer holder is used to hold the accelerometer to receive the vibration. The
T-shape of accelerometer holder enhances accelerometer to measure the transmitted
vibration from road cutter.

HVM 100 contains two type transfer cable which use to transfer result of
vibration from accelerometer holder to analyzer. The second cable is use to transfer
the result from analyzer to computer that will produce the result in graph.

Figure 1.3: Set Human Vibration Meter (HVM 100)

Figure 1.4: Human Vibration Analyzer


Figure 1.5 : Accerlerometer Figure 1.6 : Accelerameter and holder

a) Transfer cable - analyzer ke komputer b) Transfer cable - pemegang ke


Figure 1.7 : Transfer Cable



2.1 Vibration

Vibrations arise when a body oscillates due to external and internal forces (Figure
2.1) In the case of hand-arm vibration, the handle of a machine or the surface of a work piece
vibrates rapidly, and this motion is transmitted into the hand and arm. Vibration is typically
an oscillatory motion of a mechanical system or body. The magnitude of vibration can be
described by the displacement (mm) of this motion above some reference point or,
alternatively by the rate of change of this displacement [ie. velocity (m/s) or acceleration
(m/s2)] with reference to time.

Figure 2.1: Hand Arm Vibrations

2.2 Vibration, Hand-transmitted


Excessive vibration can be transmitted from vibrating tools, vibrating

machinery or vibrating workplace to the hand and arms of operators. These situations
occur, for example, in the manufacturing, mining and construction industry when
handling pneumatic and electrical tools, and in forestry work when handling chain
saws. These vibrations are transmitted through the handarm to the shoulder.
Depending on the work situation, these vibrations can be transmitted to the arms
simultaneously. Hand-transmitted vibrations generally occur in the frequency range
of 8 - 100Hz.

2.3 Vibration, Whole-body

Vibration transmitted to the body as a whole through the supporting surface,

namely the feet of a standing man, the buttocks of a seated man or the supporting
area of a reclining man. Such forms of vibration transmission are common in
vehicles, vibrating building structures and working in the vicinity machinery. In
principle, it applies to vibration transmitted from solid surfaces to the human body in
the frequency range of 1 - 80Hz. Vibration in the frequency range below 1Hz creates
special problem, associated with symptoms such as kinetosis (motion sickness),
which are of a character different from the effects of higher frequency vibrations.
The inception of such symptoms depends on complicated individual factors not
simply related to the intensity, frequency or duration of the provocative action.

2.4 EU Directive 2002/44/EC (the ‘Vibration Directive)


The ‘Vibration Directive’ (Directive 2002/44/EC ) sets minimum standards

for controlling the risks from hand-arm vibration. The Vibration Directive requires
that member states of the European Union implement national legislation to
implement the requirements of the Directive by 6th July 2005. National legislation
may apply more favorable provisions than those required by the Directive, and
should not reduce the protection afforded to workers by any preexisting national
legislation. The Vibration Directive sets an exposure action value for daily vibration
exposure, above which it requires employers to control the hand-arm vibration risks
of their workforce and an exposure limit value above which workers must not be

• A daily exposure action value of 2.5 m/s²

• A daily exposure limits value of 5 m/s².

However, there is some risk of hand-arm vibration injury where exposures

are below the exposure action value. The Vibration Directive places responsibilities
on employers to ensure that risks from hand-arm vibration are eliminated or reduced
to a minimum

2.5 Frequency of Vibration

Vibration is defined by its magnitude and frequency. The magnitude of

vibration could be expressed as the vibration displacement (in meters), the vibration

velocity (in meters per second) or the vibration acceleration (in meters per second per
second or m/s²). Most vibration transducers produce an output that is related to
acceleration; so acceleration has traditionally been used to describe vibration. To get
a complete picture of the vibration on a surface, vibration must be measured in three
axes, as illustrated in Figure 2.2.

Figure 2.2: Axes of hand-arm vibration measurement

2.6 Frequency And Frequency-Weighting

Frequency is the number of times per second the vibrating body moves back
and forth. It is expressed as a value in cycles per second, more usually known as
hertz (abbreviated to Hz). For rotating tools the dominant frequency is usually
determined by the speed at which the tool rotates (usually expressed as the number of
revolutions per minute or rpm; dividing the rpm by 60 gives the frequency in Hz).
For hand-arm vibration, the frequencies thought to be important range from about 8
Hz to 1000 Hz. However, because the risk of damage to the hand is not equal at all
frequencies a frequency-weighting is used to represent the likelihood of damage from
the different frequencies. As a result, the weighted acceleration decreases when the

frequency increases. For hand-arm vibration, only one frequency-weighting curve is

used for all three axes.

2.7 Vibration parameters are used for exposure assessment

From each vibration axis a frequency-weighted root-mean-square average

acceleration is measured. This is referred to as ahw. The value used for assessment
of exposure is the vibration total value, which combines the three ahw values for the
axes x, y and z, using:

Some examples of vibration total values for common hand-held power tools
are shown in Figure 2.3 and 2.4.

Figure 2.3 Examples of vibration magnitudes for common tools


Figure 2.4 Examples of vibration magnitudes for common tools


Figure 2.5: Estimating exposure for some typical vibration levels for common tools

2.8 Vibration Measurement

It is essential that human-vibration is accurately measured such that an

assessment can be made on:

i. The discomfort produced by the vibration; and

ii. The possible danger involved in being exposed to the vibration, and
the necessary steps can be taken to reduce these factors.

The accuracy of human-vibration measurement depends on the quality of the

measurement instrumentation, the analysis and recording of data. The transducer
which is now almost universally used for whole body and hand arm vibration
measurements is the piezoelectric accelerometer. Is extremely important when
measuring human vibration that the vibration is measured as close as possible to the
point or area through which the vibration is transmitted to the body.

2.8.1 Hand-arm vibration

When a vibrating object is held in the hand vibration transmit to the hand and
arm through the palm of the head. The transducers shall therefore be mounted at a
location on the surface of contact between the palm of the hand and the vibrating
object. The measurement exercise shall not interfere with the work process, or of the
hand on the vibrating object. When hand-arm vibrations are measured in work
situations. Care shall be taken to protect the cable connecting the accelerometer to
the measurement-recording equipment.

2.8.2 Vibration measurement system

A typical human-vibration measurement system is illustrated in the diagram


Pick-up vibration signal

Vibration signal are weighted to allow of

human response to vibrations of different


Acceleration in RMS values

Analysis of the vibration signal to the various parameters to


Instantaneous and equivalent RMS values

Instantaneous and maximum peak values
Maximum and minimum RMS values
Equivalent acceleration value
Frequency spectrum of the vibration (vibration frequency

Figure 2.5 A typical human-vibration measurement system

2.9 Calculating daily vibration exposures

The daily vibration exposure, A(8), is calculated from a magnitude and

exposure time. Like the vibration magnitude, the daily vibration exposure has units
of meters per second squared (m/s²). Examples of the calculation of daily vibration
exposures are as below.

2.9.1 Just one machine is used

The daily vibration exposure, A(8), for a worker carrying out one process or
operating one tool can be calculated from a magnitude and exposure time, using the

Where ahv is the vibration magnitude (in m/s²), T is the daily duration of
exposure to the vibration magnitude ahv and T0 is the reference duration of eight
hours. Like vibration magnitude, the daily vibration exposure has units of meter per
second squared (m/s²).

`A forest worker uses a brush cutter for a total of 4½ hours a day. The
vibration on the brush cutter when in use is 4 m/s². The daily exposure A(8) is:

This daily exposure of 3m/s² is above the exposure action value but below the

exposure limit value.

2.10 Tools For Calculating Daily Exposures

2.10.1 Daily exposure graph

The graph in Figure 2.6 gives a simple alternative method for looking up
daily exposures or partial vibration exposures without the need for a calculator.
Simply look on the graph for the A(8) line at or just above where your vibration
magnitude value and exposure time lines meet. The green area in Figure 2.6 indicates
exposures likely to below the exposure action value. These exposures must not be
assumed to be “safe”. There may be a risk of hand-arm vibration injury for exposures
below the exposure action value, and so some exposures within the green area may
cause vibration injury in some workers, especially after many years of exposure.

Figure 2.6 Daily Exposure Graph


2.10.2 Daily Exposure Nomogram

The nomogram in Figure 2.7 provides a simple alternative method of

obtaining daily vibration exposures, without using the equations. For each tool or

1. Draw a line from a point on the left hand scale (representing the vibration
magnitude) to a point on the right hand scale (representing the exposure time);

2. Read off the partial exposures where the lines cross the central scale;

3. Square each partial vibration exposure value;

4. Add the squared values together;

5. Take the square root of the result to give the overall A(8) daily vibration exposure

Figure 2.7 Hand-arm vibration exposure nomogram


Figure 2.8: Indication of vibration level and duration affect exposure.



3.1 Introduction

Hand-arm vibration is vibration transmitted from work processes into

workers' hands and arms. It can be caused by operating hand-held power tools, such
as road breakers, and hand-guided equipment, such as powered lawnmowers, or by
holding materials being processed by machines, such as pedestal grinders.

Regular and frequent exposure to hand-arm vibration can lead to permanent

health effects. This is most likely when contact with a vibrating tool or work process
is a regular part of a person’s job. Occasional exposure is unlikely to cause ill health.

Hand-arm vibration can cause a range of conditions collectively known as

hand-arm vibration syndrome (HAVS), as well as specific diseases such as carpal
tunnel syndrome.By law, as an employer, the operator must assess and identify
measures to eliminate or reduce risks from exposure to hand-arm vibration so that the
operator can protect their employees from risks to their health.

Where the risks are low, the actions can take may be simple and inexpensive,
but where the risks are high, we should manage them using a prioritized action plan
to control exposure to hand-arm vibration.Where required, ensure that control

measures to reduce vibration are properly applied; and provide information, training
and health surveillance.

Review what we are doing if anything changes that may affect exposures to
vibration at our worker places.

3.2 Surveying

All information and data find from searching in internet, reading the
books and journal also. Get the information about effect from vibration at
hand arm instruments are used in Jabatan Kerja Raya (JKR) or PLUS.

3.3 Investigating Procedure

For get the effective result, some of these methods are need including
in this project and compare with theory we know before it.

3.3.1 Literature review

The knowledge about Vibration for Hand Arm gets from internet,
library and industry information.

3.3.2 Overall review at the construction place

When the company receive the application for make the experiment
and analysis, review all information and get the data.

3.4 Interview

Get the information from contractor and operator has in charge the
instrument about safety, how to use the instrument, the effect of vibration
come out from the instrument to operator and advantages and disadvantages
this apparatus in our life.

3.5 Experiment

3.5.1 Collecting the data

Collect the data for every reading when the hand arm vibration instrument is

3.5.2 Experiment Procedure to Apply the Hand arm Vibration Apparatus

(a) Experiment for hand operator

1. On the hand arm vibration, ‘operation mode’ will appear

2. Then, select ‘vibration’ with push the arrow is right direction.

3. Choose hand arm, and tick (√ )


4. Setting the time for measurement at each reading is taken, with arrow is
below direction. For example, select 1 minute and tick (√ )

5. Push arrow for below direction until find the ‘hand arm’ function.

6. Put the coordination at the hand arm apparatus to hand operator like in the
Figure 3.1.

7. Then, ‘run’, after 1 minute the apparatus will stop from read the
measurement and auto save (store)

8. Reset again, and run for taken 3 time reading the measurement for each

9. Three times reading for first case is when the road cutter is on but not run

10. After that, repeat step 5 – 8, when the road cutter start run on the road

Figure 3.0: LARSON DAVIS HVM100 button position.


Figure 3.1: Basicentric coordinate system for the measurement of hand-

transmitted vibration

(b) Experiment for road cutter

Detailed Equipment Description

Weight: 100KGS
Incise Depth: 140MM
Linear Velocity of Sawing Blade: 90M/S
Engine Model: Robin EY-28
Rating Rotal Speed: 3600R.P.M.
Sawing Blade Diameter:350MM~400MM
Dimension: 98CM 61CM 94CM

11. Other cases, for road cutter, repeat step5 -8 for measure after road cutter
run and rest but still on.

Figure 3.2: Measurement at Road Cutter

Safety Guide

(a) When use instrument


1. Operator wears the buts, goggle, mask, safety jacket, and ear plug.

2. Must put the ‘AWAS’ signboard along the construction.

3. Before use the road cutter, check first for awareness step. The road cutter
must have a coolant, the manual engine must have a better cord condition
for avoid hand injury and cover for diamond cutter must be has a good

4. When operating the machine (road cutter) for divide the road, operator
must carefully with diamond cutter at that instrument.

(b) Warranty for Operator

5. Compulsory to take the life insurance from company in charge such as

Jabatan Kerja Raya (JKR) and the worker in control below police traffic.

6. The worker not to able operates the machine directly 8 hours, but for
safety, the instrument just limit the fuel consumption per tank is 1.5 
and can operate about 4 hours only.

Figure 3.3: Safety signboard when run the machine Figure 3.4: Safety boot

Figure 3.5: Cover for Diamond Cutter Figure 3.6: Cutter is run

Figure 3.7: Operator use the Google and Mask

3.5.3 Analysis the data

Develop the data in graph, diagram or solution type for analyses.


3.5.4 Generate the result

From analysis, make a conclusion base on the objective and show the results
for this research.




In this chapter we will states the result that has been obtained from the
experiment on hand-arm vibration equipment so-called road cutter. We have
managed to conduct the experiment on road cutter in the construction site. The road
cutter was being used to cut the concrete of the road in order to build up the road

The instrument that has been used to measured the vibration have the smart
function to records the particular data which is important for us to analysis the
vibration that being produced by the road cutter.

The instrument have recoded the vibration at all axis (X, Y, and Z) and
performed the automatic calculation to indicate the sum of the vibration and also the
exposure time to handle the equipment.

Even though the data from the instrument are complete we also can uses the
formula and tools to calculate the daily exposure value to handle the equipment.

X Axis Y Axis Z Axis Sum Units
Aeq 5.41 8.11 3.67 10.4 m/s²
Amax 8.29 14 5.25 16.2 m/s²
Amp 26.8 31.9 12.8 34.3 m/s²
Amin 0.921 1.29 0.865 1.93 m/s²
A(1) 0.698 1.05 0.474 1.34 m/s²
A(2) 0.494 0.74 0.335 0.948 m/s²
A(4) 0.349 0.523 0.237 0.671 m/s²
A(8) 0.247 0.37 0.167 0.474 m/s²
Exp 2.14 0.954 4.66 0.581 Hours

Table 4.0: The complete data recoded by the instrument.


4.1 Calculation

X Axis Y Axis Z Axis (m/s2)

Aeq 5.41 8.11 3.67


Vibration Total Value, a hv

2 2 2
a hv = a hwx + a hwy + a hwz

a hv = 5.41 2 + 8.11 2 + 3.67 2

= 10.417 m/s2

Daily Vibration Exposure, A(8),

A(8) = a hv

1 min
A(8) = 10 .417
60 ×8hour

= 0.475 m/s2



Table 4.1: The result of road cutter vibration

Hand-arm Vibration Exposure Daily Exposure

Nomogram Graph

EAV 28min 29min

ELV 1hr54min 1hr55min

Table 4.2: The time history of the vibration by road cutter in 60 seconds

Time History

Number Date Time AeqX AeqY AeqZ Sum

1 07 10:11:29 6.49 8.87 3.4 11.5
2 07 10:11:30 6.35 9.77 3.25 12.1
3 07 10:11:31 5.8 9.74 2.92 11.7
4 07 10:11:32 5.73 9.63 3.06 11.6
5 07 10:11:33 6.56 8.68 3.81 11.5
6 07 10:11:34 6.34 8.35 4.04 11.2
7 07 10:11:35 6.92 10.1 4.57 13
8 07 10:11:36 5.99 9.31 4.56 11.9
9 07 10:11:37 5.71 8.38 5.06 11.3
10 07 10:11:38 6.23 7.78 5.22 11.2
11 07 10:11:39 6.37 7.85 4.69 11.1
12 07 10:11:40 6.75 7.4 4.72 11
13 07 10:11:41 6.8 7.68 4.69 11.2
14 07 10:11:42 7.1 7.42 4.91 11.3
15 07 10:11:43 6.87 8.46 4.76 11.8
16 07 10:11:44 7.02 9.88 4.96 13
17 07 10:11:45 6.49 10.8 4.33 13.2
18 07 10:11:46 6.23 10.6 3.91 12.8
19 07 10:11:47 6.36 10.8 3.99 13.2
20 07 10:11:48 6.15 10.8 3.83 12.9
21 07 10:11:49 5.7 10.2 3.42 12.1
22 07 10:11:50 4.82 8.9 2.81 10.5
23 07 10:11:51 3.85 6.85 2.91 8.34
24 07 10:11:52 4.29 7.98 3.53 9.7
25 07 10:11:53 4.27 5.91 3.91 8.25
26 07 10:11:54 5.7 5.26 3.9 8.65
27 07 10:11:55 5.49 4.48 4.58 8.41
28 07 10:11:56 4.52 3.79 4.65 7.5
29 07 10:11:57 3.83 3.84 4.82 7.23
30 4-Sep- 10:11:58 4.41 4.34 4.8 7.81

31 07 10:11:59 4.24 4.42 4.49 7.57
32 07 10:12:00 4.21 4.79 4.54 7.8
33 07 10:12:01 4.47 5.84 4.28 8.48
34 07 10:12:02 5.25 7.28 4.12 9.84
35 07 10:12:03 5.68 8.55 3.83 10.9
36 07 10:12:04 5.42 8.85 3.43 10.9
37 07 10:12:05 5.09 8.96 3.06 10.7
38 07 10:12:06 4.93 9.11 2.83 10.7
39 07 10:12:07 4.98 9.34 2.79 10.9
40 07 10:12:08 4.61 8.94 2.54 10.3
41 07 10:12:09 4.07 8.09 2.2 9.28
42 07 10:12:10 3.97 7.88 2.15 9.05
43 07 10:12:11 4.2 8.2 2.3 9.46
44 07 10:12:12 4.26 8.15 2.3 9.45
45 07 10:12:13 5.48 7.53 2.45 9.59
46 07 10:12:14 4.31 5.72 2.67 7.62
47 07 10:12:15 4.42 4.74 2.68 6.99
48 07 10:12:16 4.52 6.32 2.84 8.25
49 07 10:12:17 5.27 9.44 3.1 11.2
50 07 10:12:18 6.75 12.9 3.67 15
51 07 10:12:19 7.88 12.2 4.29 15.1
52 07 10:12:20 7.59 10.2 4.15 13.3
53 07 10:12:21 6.75 10.2 3.58 12.7
54 07 10:12:22 6.25 10.2 3.32 12.4
55 07 10:12:23 5.6 8.47 3.32 10.7
56 07 10:12:24 3.44 5.18 2.19 6.57
57 07 10:12:25 2.11 3.15 1.37 4.01
58 07 10:12:26 1.3 1.93 0.902 2.47
59 07 10:12:27 1.11 1.64 1.53 2.48
60 4-Sep- 10:12:28 1.09 1.29 1.05 1.97





acceleration (m/s2)


1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 28 31 34 37 40 43 46 49 52 55 58
Time (sec)

Graph 4.1: The graph of road cutter vibration in 60 seconds

4.2 Graph analysis

The graph above has plotted based on the data that recoded by the instrument in
60 seconds. The 60 seconds is the total time for the instrument to get the reading in a
cycle. During this period the data are consist of vibration at all axis (X, Y and Z).

From the graph we can see that the amplitude of acceleration is not consistent.
The maximum amplitude is 15.1m/s2 and the minimum amplitude is 1.97m/s2. The
inconsistency of acceleration occurs due to the different hardness of the road
concrete and also due to the different depth of cut during the operational.

From the trend showed by the graph we can see that the worker will expose to
the high risk of vibration at any time the cutter hit the hard and deep road part. That

means the worker will expose to the risk of excessive vibration in every single

The graph also determines that the equipment is producing the risky vibration in
most of the one cycle time (1 minute). So the worker should control the limit time to
operate the equipment in order to prevent from the physical injury due to the

4.3 Discussion

After the experiment have been completed the data from testing is use to find
the daily exposure time. Two type of standard have been use to determine the daily
exposure time consist of Hand-arm Vibration Exposure Nomogram and Daily
Exposure Graph.

The daily exposure time obtained from Hand-arm Vibration Exposure

Nomogram is 28min for Exposure Action Value (EAV) and 1 hour 54 minutes for
Exposure Limit Value (ELV). When Daily Exposure Graph is used, the daily
exposure time for maximum speed is 29 minutes for EAV and 1 hour 55 minutes for

As described previously, two type of standard is used to get the daily

exposure time. And the conclusion is Hand-arm Vibration Exposure Nomogram is
the most suitable for this project. This is because all the value of daily exposure time
needed is easier get from this standard and the most important is the result is accurate
due to the obvious scale that provided. The Daily Exposure Graph is less suitable in
this project, because we can not obtain the accurate value because no obvious scale is

provided. So, the most suitable standard to determine the daily exposure time for this
project is Hand-arm Vibration Exposure Nomogram.

From this experiment, we can see that the instrument is very smart because it
can recorded and produces the detail reading about the vibration value and the
exposure time limit for the equipment. The time recoded by the instrument is
exposure action value only. To get the exposure limit value we need to use the
nomogram as show in the calculation.

4.3.1 Discussion on the equipment

From the experiment that has been conducted on the road cutter we found that
the sum of the total vibration value is 10.4m/s2 and the daily vibration exposure is
0.475m/s2. The total vibration is greater than exposure limit value (ELV) of 5 m/s2.
The exposure limit value (ELV) is the maximum amount of vibration an employee
may be exposed to on any single day. It represents a high risk above which
employees should not be exposed. The greater the exposure level, the greater the risk
and the more action employers will need to take to reduce the risk.

We can see that the vibration level of this equipment is risky to the worker
since the daily exposure time for exposure action value is about 28 minutes and 1
hour 54 minutes for the exposure limit value respectively.

We notice that from our interview and observation with the equipment
operator the continuous time of working they spent to perform their jobs are more
than 3 hours. These periods are even longer than the limit time exposure. There is
some action should be taken to reduce the risk to the worker like

a) Reduce the duration of continuous operational from 3 hours to 1 hour

only and then take a break to get refresh.

b) Modify the handle of the equipment by install some absorption material

like span to reduce the value of vibration being transmitted to the hand
and arm.

c) Redesign the equipment to the automatic and remote control movement


4.3.2 Safety precaution

We should take the safety precaution to handle such equipment in order to

safe our worker or person who uses to operate the risky vibration equipment by:

a) Alternative work methods should be considered to replace the current method

that not safe to be used.

b) Equipment selection should be done properly to suit it with the job to be


c) Purchasing policy for replacing old equipment and tools.

d) Workstation design must be suitable with the type of job to be carried out.

e) Maintenance must be performed in order to ensure the equipment is in the

good and safe condition.

f) Work schedules

g) Clothing must be complete and suitable with the type of job.




In this project, we have learn how to use HVM 100 to measure the
transmitted vibration from hand-arm vibration. We also knew that symptomps affect
from hand-arm vibration. Vibration will give a lots of negative effect relative to
positive effects. Vibration at hand or arm of worker need to pay attention because it
will affect at healthy of worker such as pantfull, distress and else.

Most of use dosen’t know that we can control the risk of hand-arm vibration.
The way that we can control are:

(i) Improve the design of workstation to minimize load on worker hands, wrists
and arms caused by poor posture.

(ii) Use device such as jigs and suspension system to reduce the need to grip
heavy tools tightly.

(iii) Limit the time that workers are exposed to vibration.

(iv)Plan work to avoid individuals being exposed to vibration for long,

conyinuous periods.

(v) Provide worker with protective clothing when necessary to keep them warm
and dry. This will encourage good blood circulation which should help
protect them from developing vibration white finger.

Nowadays in terms higher technology, there has anti-vibration gloves. This anti-
vibration glove have little protection against developing vibration-induced white
finger syndrome. This is another way to reduced transmitted vibration at arm or




1. Manual Model HUM100 Human Vibration Meter; Larson Davis

2. Rebecca Hutt BEng MIOA and Elizabeth Brueck. (2005). “Hand-arm vibration
and noise measurements of high pressure water jetting equipment.” Health
and Safety laboratory.





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