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3 READING: recognizing cognates page 10

In English, long words that look difficult are often cognates in other
languages. Look at long words carefully. You can often Understand what
the Word means even if you recognize only parto f it.
A. Read this text. Find all the wordsthat are similar to words in your
language. Compare the words you find with a partner.

Celebrities have free time---and they

Have money! So what hobbies do they
Have, and can you do the same thing?

Actor B Match each

Tom Hanks celebrity to the
collects old typewriters! correct picture.
Maybe you like nwe computers, but Hanks
1 likes old machines. Does your family have a Tom Hanks
2 typewriter in the attic?Very old typewrites in Quentin Tarantino
3 Good condition cost about 25-500.Maybe Mila Kunis
you can sell your typewriter to Tom Hanks!

Movie director
Quentin Tarantino
has a collection of old board games and toys from
televisión shows!
The value od a board game in perfect condition is 5-
500 or more. Like Tarantino, try to select at theme.
For example,Tarantino likes games and toys from
action movies and superhero televisión shows.
Mila Kunis
plays the online video game World of Warcraft!
In this game, you find and destroy your enemies.
Characters in the Warcraft universe work in groups
or as individuals.It’s a very complicated game and
it can continue for a long time.It’s important to
practice playing similar video games before play

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