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Feeney 1

Michael C. Feeney
Professor Thomas Ingram
MBA 517

Module 2: Case 5

1. What is your opinion of Bree’s belief that it is difficult to be creative in a field such as commercial real
estate selling?

I think this is Bree “taking the easy way out”. Bree uses a weak response to back her claim that creativity
within commercial real estate selling is difficult when she states “Either someone wants to buy a property
or not”. It seems that Bree needs to reexamine the world of real estate and more generally sales. Sales is
all about presenting the product in a way that attracts people to buy it. If Bree approaches her job thinking
everything is predetermined then she will not achieve her potential. I believe that if Bree took the time to
look at each property through the client’s eyes, she may be able to present her properties more creatively.
I think ultimately it comes down to Bree needing to get more education related to commercial real estate
selling and this will provide her with more creativity.

2. What practical steps might Bree take to become more creative in her selling?

While Bree may feel as though it is difficult to become more creative in commercial real estate selling
there are things she can do to improve upon her creativity in her selling. Bree can begin by attending
commercial real estate conferences to get a macro understanding of the commercial real estate market.
Such conferences can relay valuable information related to market trends, leasing packages, and
commercial real estate marketing. Gathering more information can arm Bree with crucial knowledge to
advertise and leverage in discussions with potential real estate buyers. When you know more about
something it makes creatively thinking about solutions much easier. In Bree’s case it may be beneficial in
the way she frames her available real estate offerings. Another benefit of attending conferences is that
Bree can interact directly with potential clients and network herself to build relationships with new

A second avenue the Bree could explore to increase her creativity is she could attend local planning and
zoning meeting so she’s better acclimated with local procedures. Often times properties are rezoned or
request zoning variances to accommodate different uses. Bree could use this strategy in cases such as the
35-acre Castle Road property. Rezoning a property from residential to commercial can open many doors
and can turn a formerly useless property into a highly coveted piece of land.

Overall, Bree can use this newfound information in conjunction with using a systematic thinking process.
A simple step-by-step guide which Bree could follow is as follows:

1. Discover that a new opportunity exists or a problem needs resolution

2. Concentrate on the problem
3. Keep all relevant information in your mind for a period of time and allow your subconscious
mind to help solve the problem
4. Experience and aha! moment
5. Verify and apply the new solution

This process is taken from Fundamentals of Organizational Behavior, 6 th edition page 98. Using a method
such as this will allow Bree to focus on the problem and find new solutions.
Feeney 2

3. What role should Courtney play in helping Bree become more creative as a real estate agent?

Courtney could actively assist Bree in becoming a more creative real estate agent by becoming somewhat
of a sounding board for Bree’s ideas. Having open communications with Bree and group brainstorming
sessions could really jumpstart Bree’s creativity. Two people will always inherently look at the same
situation in a slightly different manner. As a result, Courtney could help Bree by vocalizing her ideas for
marketing/selling different properties and ask Bree how her ideas might differ. The back and forth
dialogue will inevitably benefit both Bree and Courtney. In addition, Courtney could become somewhat
of a mentor to Bree and show her different ways she’s been successful in the past. All in all, Courtney
should play an active role in Bree creative development. Court can help Bree tremendously by providing
her with guidance and mentorship.

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