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One Page Summary of Lecture Dated 08/31/2020

Shashwat Anant

• The Lecture Initiated with the Introduction about the course Construction Planning and
Scheduling by Dr Najafi.
• Dr Najafi introduced us through the various resources available in Canvas and got us familiar
with the Assignments, Course Video Lecture, Weekly Schedule and Syllabus.
• We got insights about the whole tenure of the Course schedule and about the topics that are to
be covered in this semester.
• Coming to the Recorded Lecture, it started with the introduction to concepts of Construction
Planning and Scheduling, the various tools such as Primavera P6 and MS project to do
Scheduling of various Projects.
• We got Insights about the disadvantages of Scheduling a project with conventional approach
such as Bar charts.
• Got Insights about the Construction Process, Activities and their Characteristics, Significant
difference between “planning” and “scheduling”.
• The various process of performing Scheduling prepared in the form of Gantt Chart in their
respective timelines.
• Explanation about the difference between Gant Chart and Bar Chart.
• Expiation about the difference between Event and Duration.
• The Concept of CPM, PERT Analysis and Matrix Schedule.
• The Process of Work Breakdown Structure, Examples of Various Components of Construction
Breakdown of Projects such as WBS for a Storage Facility Project.
• Introduction of the Arrow Diagrams Comprising Nodes, Events (Representation and
• Types of relations found in arrow diagrams,
• Insights about the different types of Activity Relationships such as One – One, Many-on-One,
• How to do Node numbering.
• How to do Designation of an Activity through Dummies.
• How to do Network Diagram, Forward Pass, Backward Pass, Total Float, Free Float.

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