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Steve LACY FINDINGS © My experience with the soprano saxophone i i I 1 } 1 k ! \ y 1 # J i ) I 1 \ \ i ' ' 1 I h 1 ' I } i 4 ' | woul lie to dedicate (his ook 5 to the memory of my first teacher on clarinet i «and soprana: Ceci Scott. it vas fe that fist showed me how to handle the instrument, how to hear and know what u're playing, and how to * a handle yourself on the bandstand. Thanks to him, got to play wth all the wonderful musicians from the different z schools (styles) that were playing in New Yorkin the 50's, like Red Allen, Lips Page, Max Kaminsky, Rex Stewart, Vic Dickenson... and too many others to name, My ex-> How icky can you get? Every one of those great musicians lefime with an indelible memory Imprint—a Sound, a way NoTIce e ‘Through the years, many saxophonists (soprano and other) have come to see me, seeking my advice on what to a practice and how to develop their own playing styles. In general {have told them all. pretty much the same things: what | ‘work on myself, and how | approach the technical and musical problems inherent to the soprano saxophone. e More than 40 years have gone by since | began learning how to play this wonderful instrument: ! have managed to - dominate it but not to subdue it, Challenges remain, pills are always present, and itis stil avery difficult hoa to play well ~ ‘There are no absolutes inthis book. Only suggestions. Everything can, and should be, tried in as many different ways a5 e possible. This goes for the exercises and the.pieces. 25 wel. e My owe records are exactly that: records of particular performances, tive and inthe studio. The best | could do that ie day, in those conditions: they are not definitive, buc indicative. A day, ora year, or more, afterwards, would be a diferent story, a diflerene solution, to the same problem. a ‘This is aspéctally true for the two CDs included here. Soprano not a mechine ~ and neither am It Sax is an a instrument to bring to life, and to play with, for a limited time only. prepare essael a Jaimerais dédicacer ce livre & fo,mémoire de mon premier professeur de clarinette cet de soprano : Cecil Scott. A Cast lui le peemiée qui m's monte’ comment tenir instrument, comment entendre et savoir ce que Ion jove. €x comment se comporter sur seine. Grice 4 [via pu jouer avec ‘ous lez mervelleax musiciens des diférences Ecoles (styles) qu ousiene 8 New York dans = Jes annéer $0, comme Red Allen, Lips Page, Max Kaminsky, Rex Stewart, Vie Dickenson... davies trop nombres pour que je puisse les nommer tous. ) Josqu’s quel poin la chance peucele jouer ? Chacun de ces grands musicins mia lassé un e souvenir indie ~un son, une direction a NOTE is ‘Année aprés année, de nombrevt saxophonistes (Sopranos et auces) sont venus me voit pour me demander consell sur ce qui fut travaler ac comimenc développer leur propre style - dejo. En genécal je leur a tous dic & peu pric mime chose : ce que je tavalle motméme, et ‘omment faborde ls dfs cechniques et musicales inérentes a saxophone soprano. 5 Plus de 40 ans ont passé depuis que fi commencé i apprendre & jouer de ce magnifique a instrumene : fa woud moyen de le mafviger. ait sans le soumeare. Les dfs demeurent, es plége: sone toujours, et Cest encore un ingtrumenc vent dont lettres difcle de bien jouer. It n'y a pas dabsolu dans ce livre. Seulement des suggestions. On peut (et-on devrait) a cszayer chaque chose de toutes les maniéres possibles. Ceci vaiut aussi bien pour los a lexercices que pour les morceatx. = Mes propres disques sont précisémenc cela: Fearegstrement de performances partculéres, ten pubic ex en studio, Le mieux que Je pouvas faire ce jour la dans ces conditions; is ne a Sone pas défi, mais indiatfs. Un jour plus ard, ou un an, ou davantage, et ce seraic une a autre histoie, une autre solution pour le méme probléme - (Ceci est partculéremene vrai pour les deux disques compacts inclus ii. Le saxophone soprano nest pas Une machine ~ et moi non plus ! Le saxophone est un instrument 3 qui fave donne vie, e¢ avec lequel on peut jouer, pendan une durée limicée seulement. c FINDINGS perience with the soprano saxophone 3 = S INTRODUCTION sot on WAKING THE INSTRUMENT UP v a REVEILLER INSTRUMENT 3 ANT SHE SWEET? 29 : wneur He 3 S’ACCORDER 9 NOBABY ~~ 33 = RHYTHM ASA BUSINESS =~ 37 < UNE AFFAIRE DE RYTHME ca FUNDAMENTALS 39 BASES ~n Tight corners ~~ 61 ° AVETROIT 3 SAX CAN MOO. Bos UN SAX PEUT MUGIR... 3 IMPROVISATION / COMPOSITION RY 71 2 SITUATIONS FOR SOPRANO SAX 1 ame SITUATIONS POUR LE SAX SOPRANO = BOOK 'H' OF PRACTITIONERS «= ~~ 79 0 COMPOSITIONS §BH-- 93 TRANSCRIPTIONS & ANALYSIS: 163 RELEVES & ANALYSES GENERAL REMARKS 201 REMARQUES GENERALES APPENDIX B--205 ANNEXES OUR DELIGHT BR-221 NOTRE ENCHANTEMENT Steve Lacy ‘Steve LACY (Steven Norman LACKRITZI. American soprano L934 saxophonist and composer [New York 23 Steve Lacy first started mixing with professional jazz musicians as 4 photographer Ia New York. And so it was that he met the man who was to be his first teacher, Ceci Scott. in the early 1950's. His first instrument was a clarinet that he found at his house. Then he discovered the soprano and for a time played both instruments. notably at the Stuyvesant Casino and at the Central Plaza, with Scott, Henry Red Allen, Pee Wee Russell, Buck Clayton, Dickie Wells, Max Kaminsky, Rex Stewart, Hot Lips Page. Pops Foster, Zutty Singleton, Willie The Lion Smith and numerous other traditional jazz players. He started taking lessons at the Schillinger School of Boston in 1953 chen at the Manhattan School of Music, playing alto, baritone, tenor and flute before settling down with his Fist love, the soprano sax. At the same time, he started working with Cecil Taylor, an association that was, to last for six years. During this time he took part in jam sessions, formed various Goodman-inspired groups, and recorded, along with trumpet player Dick Sutton's sextet, the transitional ‘Dixieland Goes Modern’ and "Progressive Dixieland’ (1954). In Boston, he performed on Taylor's first record (1955), In 1957 he appeared at the Newport Jazz Festival alongside Taylor, Buell Neidliager and Dennis Charles. and started working with Gil Evans ('8ig nif), in sn same year he recorded his fist album as ue sce: with Wyaton Kelly, Nefdlinger and Charles. For hig s2cond record (1958), consisting of seven Monk composicions. he called on Wal Waldron and Elvin Jones. Finding that the soprano repertoire was rather restricted, he played numbers by. Kurt Weill, Duke Ellington and Billy Strayhorn, in 1960 he speat four months in Monk's quintet lwith Charlie Rouse, Ioha Ore and Roy Haynes} _appeacing on stage with him, notably at the Philadelphia Festival. At that time he was also keeping company with ‘ometts Coleman, and rehearsing in 2 group prefiguring the ‘Free Jazz’ double quartet. He was part of 2 group headed by jimmy Glutfre from 1959-1960, working at the Five Spot with them, and brought together Chesty anc Higgins tand the bassist Carl Brown) for the 1961 ‘Evidence” albums, His passion for Monk crystallized at the start of the ‘60s: with Rudd, Charles and a succession of twenty ot so dauble bass players, he formed a quartet playing solely music by the pianist. LACY Steve (Steven Norman LACKRITZ), Sexophonisce soprano et composiveur amérieain (New York, 23-7-1934). Cesc comine photographe que Stove Lacy commence 4 se ler avec des jazzmei professionnels & New York. Aisi reneontre-t- il au début des années 50, celui qui v2 dovenir son premier professeur, Cell Scot Son prem instrument: une clarinetce ila erouvde cher lu. Pls i découvre le soprano et pendant quelques années joue des deux instruments, notamment au Stuyvesane Casino ec au Ceneral Para ~ avec Seon, Henry Red Allen, Pee, Wee Russell, Buck Clayton, Dickie Wells, Max Kaminsky, Rex Scewart, Hor Lips Page, Pops Foscer, Zutty Singleton, Willie The Lion Smith et nombee d'autres ‘eprésentants du jzzz vaditonnel, Ayanc commencé de sulvre les cours de la Schilinger School de Boston (1953) puis de la Manhaetan School of Music, baryton, dv ténor-et de la fice, avant de conclure avec le pratique aussi Palco, joue du soprano ce qu'il décrit comme un mariage ¢'amour. Parallélement, i commence de traviller vee Cecil Taylor (aupris de qu il passera sx an), participe & des jam-sessions, forme des petits groupes d'inspiration goodmanienae et cnregistre, avec le sextete'do trompetiste Dick Suton, une musique de transition : "Dixieland Goes Modern’ et “Progressive Dixieland” (1954). A Boston, partcpe au premier isque de Taylor (1955). E1987 joe au Fesval de Newport. avec le pianist, Buell Neilinger et Dennis Charles; commence A-vaailler avec Gil Evans (Big Stuff) et signe som premier isque en leader, avec Wynton Kelly, Neliinger ec Charles ~ pour le deuxiéme (1958), consacré & sept compositions de Monk, il fic appe! & Mal Weldon ec Evin Jones. Confroncé la rninceur u repertoire pour soprano il ous ausi das themes de Kart Weil, Duke Elingzon ex Bly Strayhorn, En 1960, il passe quavre mois dans le quintete de Monk (avec Charie Rouse, John (Ore et Roy Haynes), avec gu il apparaic normmene ss Festival de Philadelphie. A la méme époque, if fréquente Orneste Coleman, prend pare des répititons qui préfgurenc le double aquartete de Free Jaz, fat parte du groupe de Jimmy Gite (1959-60) avec qu ise produ au Five Spot. et réunic Charry et Higgins (et le bassste Carl Brown) pour album “Evidence” (1961), Sa passion pour Monk se crisalse av dabuc des années 460 - avec Rudd, Charles ef suecessivement, une vingtaine’ de contrebassictes, il forme un quarcette qui ne joue que des compositions du pianists. Décembre 1963 : i joue au Phiarmonic Hall de New York au sein d'un tentcce ditge par Monk. I se partage ensuite entre son quartecce, quelques collaborations avec Evans. une séance ? In December 1963 he played in a ten-piece band conducted by Monk in New York's Philharmonic Hall. He then split his time between his quartet, some joint projects with Evans, a session with Bobby Hackett, and some get-togethers with the ‘Jazz Composer's Orchestra’ Iwith Michae! Mantler, Paul Bley, Steve Swallow, Kent Carter, et.) till 1965, the year of his first incursions into Italian festivals Europe. He also played in Sweden, with Chesry, Kat! Berger, Jean-Frangois lenny-Clark and Aldo Romano: he met up again with Mantles, Carla and Paul Sley at an international Jazz Composer's Orchestra’ variation; then he toured with Carla Bley’s ‘Jazz Realities. In 1968, ater a stay i aly (where he was one of the soloists In Glorgio Gastini's “Nuovi Sentiment’), he left for venos Aires with Enrico Rava, Johnny Dyani and Louis Monolo, What was to be a short tour became forces stay of several months in Argentina, After a brief spell io New York (1967) during which he recorded with Gary Burton, the ‘Jazz Composer's orchestra’, he set up in Italy 1968-70), performing with Gaslini, Rava, in a trio with Irene AebI and Richard ‘Teitelbaum {syathesizeri, Giovanni Tommaso and 3 auartet, playing regularly with Jacques Thollet and many Italian jazz musicians. He then moved to Pars, performed in all manner of festivals and recorded in a vacety of situations, aking pact in most free festivals. At se same time, theoughout the 70s, he built up his most eguige zroup: Irene Aebi and Carter (later replaced by -scques Avenel} were joined by Steve Potts (1972) johnson (followed by John Betsch in the mid +s, white Michael Smith, Takashi Kako and Bobby Few succeded each other on piano. At the same time he began performing and recording solo, whilst increasing get-togethers and projects ~ with, among others, Mal ron, the percussionist Andrea Centazzo, Misha Mengelberg, Maarten Altena, Devek Bailey and ‘Company’, the Austrian teumpet player Franz Koglmann, the ‘Globe Unity Orchestra, the fute and bass-carinet player Walter Zuber Armstrong, Masahiko Togashi (percussion), and other lapanese jazz musicians on regular tours to apa, the poet Brion Gysin, the sculptor Alain Kiril and even the Indian sitar player Subroto Roy Chowdhury, plus several shows bringing together his music with dance routines (by ‘Shio-Dafmon, Susan Buirge.. ioe ARLES Naver OAVERAT Doni de it ind permission of os Reber Ln (Cl eos, avec Bobby Hackers et des réunions du jazz Composer's Orchestra (avec Michael Marler, Paul Bly, Steve Swallow, Kent Carter, tz) jusquen 1965, anode de ses promis pérégrinaions ceuropéennes, Il joue aussi en Suddo, dans ds fesaleitalens avec Cherny. Kart Berger, Jean-Frangois Jenny-Clare et Aldo Romane + retrouve Mander, Carls et Paul Bley au sein dune rmosture incernasionale du fast Composer's Orchestra: puls tourne avec ler Jazz Reales de Carla Bley. En 1966, au cerme Ad’une période itallenne (il est un des solister das “Nuovi Sencimens” de Giorglo Gasln), l pare pour Buenas Aires en compagnie @Enrico Rava, Johnny Oyanl et Lou Maholo. Ce qui ‘était qu'une brava tournée deviant un sour foreé de plusieurs mois on Argentine. [Aprés une parenchése new-yoraize (1967) pendane laquelle i ‘envegisere avec Gary Burton, le Jazz Composer's Orchestra, i ‘Sinsalle en Kale (1968-70, se produzanc avec Gas, Rava, en trio avec Iréne Aebi et Richard Teitelbaum (synth), Giovanni “Tommaso et un quateor & cordes,régulérement avec Jacques ‘Thollor et nombre de jzzmen ilies. I se fixe alors & Paris, apparaic dans toutes sortes de festivals et enregisre dans les contextes les plus divers, participant & la plupare des manifestations free. En méme cemps, 20 cours des années 70, 56 consticue son groupe le pls réguller: Iréne Aebi ec Career {que remplacera Jean jacques Avenel) #ajoutene Stave Ports et Olver Johnson (i qui suceédera Joka Betsch au mifiew des années 80), tandis que Michael Soith, Takashi Kako et Bobby Few se suockderone au plano, Paalélemene, il commence 8 se produce et enreisrer en solo, cout en muliplane renconeres cet exptriences ~ avec. entre autres, Mal Waldron, le percussionniste Andrea Centazzo, Misha Mengeberg, Maarcen ‘Altena, Drak Bailey et Company, le trompetcste autrichien Franz Koghmann, le Globe Unity Orchesers, le flatiste- Clrinetiste basse Walter Zober Armstrong, Masahiko Topashi {per céguiées au pon, fe podke Brion Gysn, fe selpreur Alan Kir cx, méme, le skarise indien Subroto Roy Chowdhury, & quot sajoucenc plusieurs spectacles associant sa musique 3 des 2) Cor em Co ae Cr Co Cee OO Co ro Fe tC 4 he \ oN 4 i z a th 2] WW a “4 | a , a 194 . a AlN re hi : ein vi ow ™ “At ar ij id 2 a 2 -. “Yl | aS ' cap wad “| [ f 2 Fl + TT APR fa al id na ll g a 2 ‘a : [ 2 (> « tr : miu) Tal hy : lft “it = 3 & = hy me WS es fir at it : : i \ wh} ao t, i a | & 8 eral a Li = # any | i : ; eth oN Je Ie OW TR A = = zg My fi we ed | 1 Hee Als ral 2 Wr” NP . re dU i \tL Wy aT ie Jah nm Wh 5 ee : * is wh a Hl, i aN “ * i “" Hl all J | "| | 7 zi =F ” 4 Be Se m ase ede ip ms = =a ws ™ eg * afte = —— ® m m ¥ mn — ” m sul tee Far oo ¥ s Scales ‘recommend ‘walking the scales while walking (erally) ~ one note one step, eventually two notes one step, never faster. Slow scales can be truly heard, listened t0, evaluated, colleced, comected, assimilated, Rapid scales lead totes’ and are completely useless. If you practice slowly, you can always play fst, its easy; but the contrary ie not beneficial Leam 2 scales = 12 major = 12 melodie minor tino tie only = amon minor 3,56,47h ~3 diminished: ~ 2 auamented: =! chromatic Then 20 practice them one time each in the ‘magic’ order: 3 tmajor. melodic minor, harmonic minor) in each of the 12 keys, thea diminished, augmented, the chromatic scale to finish. G ‘This may cake several ‘seasons’ to tearm, and then to start the method going. }y ~ minutes (one note one step) or circa 20 F ‘Thereatter 2 daily coutine wil take clea 40 minutes itwo notes one step). Play all ib AT ESSe a i [soli ent ajc nbc miner hamaicmioor 55 ~ p— Ganmes Je recommande de parcourc les gammes “pas pas” eo marchant (lisératemany) ~ une noce par pas, évenmulemert deux, jamais plus vie. Les gammes lencer peuvent acre waimene entendues, Acoutées, évaludes, rassemblées, corrigtes, assimilées, Les ‘Bimmes rapldes manent & des “rice” et sont complécement Inuttes. Si vous pratquer lentement, vous pourrex toujours over vic, cese fol; mals le eontrare n'est pas bindfique, Apprenes 42 gunmes = 12 amajores = 2 minaures mélodiqus (ercemineure seulemes ~ [2 ineures harmoniques 63.46.87) ~3 dinates; ~2augmences = | chromacgue ‘Commences & les pratquer une fois chacune dans Vorére “magique” rmineure modique, mineureharmonique) dans N trois (majeure, cchacune des 12 conalités, puis diminuées, | augments etl samme chromaique pour Bi. FA J) Seepesece bm tie nee svaac que b méchode ne tok rodée. Apcbs cela, un trval router prendra chaque jour environ A 40 minueas (une nace par pat) ou envicon 20 minutes (deux noces par pas). Jounz toutes les 5 ‘rom lowest note on the horn within - gammes de fa nore la plus basse sur Finstrument_ ie © highest available note within 3 diminished scales 4 Tincérieur de ls gamme jusqu la note la plus sie 2d one sas haute disponible airieur de gamme Esc arampie € maior scale, in 3 oaaves 16> ~ 1 chamatie ‘Aa pour ia game de Mi mje sur ocaves Gi: low 8 to high B and back down (2. (6b =Sb): Sl grove au aig ec oversamene am (orp) ‘These 42 scales contain the basic material in ‘western’ music, and reviewed (like soldierst daily will finally be assimilated in an interesting and challenging vay and will never put you fo sleep. Also many melodic ideas will present themselves, by virtue of the fact that the roots of, the seales are not always favored; most times, other modes and tonalities emerge rather than the typical ones thac che ‘aormal” way of practising scales favors. | have been working for many years in this way, and find it very stimulating and beneficial, as well 2s being great fun and challenging. Why be bored? However, take your Ces 42 gammes contennent le matériel de base de lo masque “occidentale”, ec passées an revue (comme des soldats 1) ‘quatidiennement, elles finiront par dere assimilées une smanidre incdressante et exigeante et ne vous donnerone jamais cnvie de dormir. De plus, de nombreuses idées mélodiques 52 présenteront, en vertu du fic que les toniques des games ne sone pat toujours mises en avan ; ln pluparc du temps, autres modes et tonalités émergene que coux qui sont eypiquement favorisés par fa maniére “normale” do jouer les ganmes, Je traaile de cence fagon depuis de nombreuses années, ec je trouve cela crés seimulane ex bénéique, en méme temps que nc

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