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FIELD AND SC. ia scalar6(v..y4z) isa function of the coordinates(x, function. We say that a scalar field is defined in R. x?+ 9? +27 defines a scalar field in the entire space, ofa point in R, then fis ealled a yeetor paint point| 2) ofa point in a certain region R, then is called a se Hor example. (x40 Similarly, if'a vector F(x, 2) isa funetion of the coordinates. function, We say in this case, that a vector field FF is defined in R. For example, defines a vector field in the entire space except the origin, while {defines a vector field in the prism bounded by the planes x= 41.9'= +h eV e i eVd LEVEL SUREACES = he /(x.9,2)be a scalar field over a region R, the equation f(x,.).2) = c for arbitrary values of the constant ¢ in the a family of surfaces in the three dimensional space, These are known as the level surfaces or in making the following definitions, we assume that the functions are continuous and the necessary limits exist. ct be a vector function of three scalar variables 31.2. F(x+6x,y.2)-Flny. We define the partial derivative of j with respect to. nase ly Pree DT) Similarly, the partial deri fF with OF jy Hr +89.2)-Feyet) ill the partial derivatives of with espect to and zare 3, = ft ca sani lim Fy.) | s pteptape FOF; oF,» oF, - HCP = Fi + Rj +k, we have 5 eet ae ae ee The function F is said to be differentiable ifall the three partial derivatives of Fexist and are continuous. The total differeatiat ee ays ae j ay ee For example, the second order derivatives are Higher order partial derivatives are also defined in the usual way er _e(aF) oF _ a(aF) aF_ afar rex ax Jay? ay ay @2\ az)" @ The mived derivatives such as 55> and DIRECTIONAL DERIVATIVI Let §(7)be a scalar point function defined for every point 7 in a certain region, We define the directional derivative of HF) ~ 05) 4 at point f,, ina given direetion, as tim mR along a straight line in the given direction Similarly, the directional derivative of a vector point function F(x, y at { along g line with direction cosines fi. is Page Noo Scanned with CamScanner THE OPERATOR DEL(V):- We introduce a vector differential operator, which is usefil in defining three widely used quantities, and curl. This operator is known as def or nabla, and is denoted by the symbol V For functions of three variables x..»,2 we define rien, livery ‘vector and as a differential operator bea sealar point function defined in a certain region, and let be differentiable at each point(.x, .2) of that region, Thus@ is adifferentiable sealar field. The gradient of} written as Vg, oF grad ¢ , is defined by 720, 7, coo met ag ae Thus grad defines a vector field. The component of VQ in the direction of any other unit vector @ is given by Vo-é Since g can be written as 1) +mj+nk, where I,m, are the direction cosines a line parallel to @. [V-A] is seen to be the directional and derivative of 6 in the direction of @ The directional derivative of @ is also the projection of V6 in the direction and this projection is greatest inthe dircetion of the vector VQ itself. Therefore the maximum value of the directional derivative is the magnitude of the vector Vo ie. [VOL XAMPLE :- Find the directional derivative of § = 4xz’ ~ 3x? y*z, at the point (2,~1,2), in the direction 2-37 +64 6:8 78 2. [Solution :- We have Vg =| i —+ j—+ k= |(4xz° -3x° yz) in -Wete heed Poi 2 30 i + (6x? yz) j + (12xz? -3x7y")k = 87 +487 +94K, at the point (2,-1,2). i j 21-3} +6k 37+ 6k [4+9+36) 7 JNow the unit vector in the given direction is @ = Therefore the required directional derivative is Vo- = 4(2/ +12) +218 PROPERTIES OF GRADIENT ;- i Prove! Let, be two scalar point functions, and suppose that they possess partial derivatives with respect | lox. 32. ‘Then V(o + y) = Vo-+ Vy and V(oy) = (Vo) +O(Vy) | Hie tne V4 w= TI L0+y) -2(2+2) 267i M verry, Thus, grad (6+ y) = grad 6+ grad y similarly. weave Vigy)= 7 2ey) = i(Sv-0%) =e ox ox +3, B-Tech, MCA, MBA, & Engg. Entrance Exams. Page Now Scanned with CamScanner (SiS )o-o(Er2) =(Woy+orw) ‘Thus, grad (oy) = (grad $)y + d(grad y) - twill be observed in the above results the operator de! is similar to the ore We similarly find ead( 2) Stprad y) ry differential operator of calculus. _ (ered Oy *. Letw(r,s2)be a scalar point funetion, so that the equation 4(x, 9 ce, Where cis.a ci rina t0 the level surface at(x.. represents a level surface. Then te vector Vo is Equation of tangent plane and normal fine +The e« ( Vis [F=R)-VO =O), where f The equation of the normal line to the surface O(x,'.2) = jon of the tangent plane to the surface Ox... vol tad tok f,)xVo= 0). A (Xy.Yooz9) 18 where haa tyiitagh E: EXAMPL ‘nd the equation of the tangent plane and the normal line to the surface xz? +x" y~ Solution 2h + j+3k,at (1.-3. 2 42y)tx?f+ Qxe-Dh The equation of the tangent plane through the point 7, =i 3) +24,.perpendicular to the above vector, is F-A)-VO=0 j,)-(-2i + 7 +3k)=0, Su = [xi + (43)} +(e -DAl-C2I + F+3k)=0 | > (x12) +03) +(2-2)8) = 0 | => 2x—y-32+1=0, which is the required tangent plane. | | ‘The equation of the normal line is (F-%)xV9=0 = eye of. taabyea ua F p43 = (F-%)x(-2i + +38) =6, which in rectangular cartesian form, gives — EXAMPLE --If ¢=(x? +y?+27)!” then find yp" 32.2, ay tye ons Solution ~ We have Vr" = V(x? +? +22)" Lie +yr+2") Shares Meri) | ene" F ene +242) E(x 7) = ne ). and alse the EXAMPLE :- Find the maximum value of the directional derivative of § = 2xz— y*,atthe point (1.3. direction in which it occurs, Solution:- The directional derivative of ina given direction jj is V- i that isthe projection of V@ inthe direetion ot ‘i. Thisis clearly maximum when j coincides with V6 , and its maximum value is | VO |. | Now Vo =V(2a2—y") = 22 f-2yj+2x b= 47 -6)-+ 2h. at (13,2) ‘This is therefore the direction in which the directional derivative is | maximum and its magnitude is Specialist in: +2, +3, Scanned with CamScanner [Vo l= f(a? +6 42?) =2. ee Now the equations of the surfaces are = v4yt const. Therefore the normals to them at a point are parallel to Vi = 2(xi +3 + 2k) = 47 -2j 44k, at(2,—1.2)and j-k,at(2,-1,2). (Wh)-(Wh) _ (4-27 +48) 4-27 -b) a ven by cos0 = The angle @ betwen the normals is given by eos8= SET T=" RT easy avai 02 54°23. EXERCISE (01. (i) Find the directional derivative of f = xy + yz + zx, in the direction of the vector 7 +27 42k, at the point (1.2.0) Ans: 10/3 | (ji) Find the directional derivative of u = x?yz+4xz? at the point (1,—2,—I), in the direction 2 — Ans: 373 02. Show that the greatest rate of increase of y = xyzat (1.0.3) is 9. 103. Find a unit veetor normal to the surface xy +2xz =4, at the point (2,-2,3). lans- (-F+27+28)/3 | l04. Show that the surface 5x? —2yz =9x is orthogonal to the surface 4x? y+ 2? =4 at the point (1,-1.2) 0S. Find she equation of the tangent plane and normal ine to the surface yz = 4, atthe point (1.2.2). Ans: 2xty+2=6,x+3=2y=22 106. If @ is a constant vector, show that V(F +a) =a Scanned with CamScanner

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