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Supply chain in colombia

Delay (lead time)

Tiendas de barrio vs. Éxito (inventario) (1) (10)

Advantage: Low Risk of Shortages

Advantage: Full Shelves
Disadvantage: Obsolete Inventory
Disadvantage: Storage Costs
Disadvantage: Potential Insurance Costs and Loss
Disadvantage: Tying Up Capital

Economies of scale (purchasing side or producing side) depends (higher / lower inventory)
Less competitive (35 days en internacional)

OC HC = Q/2

OC= (D/Q) * B

Marginal cost = P2
50 marginal cost
14/ marzo

Quantity discount and special order

Textbook low distance method
Ejemplo de amazon en Colombia..ayudan a tener más trabajo o en un futuro nos deja sin

Ejemplo BMW, construyen planta en francia para que ellos perciban a BMW como una empresa
europea y mejoren las compras en el país.

Load-distance method
I: number of circles

Following the expectations

Fourniture, they don’t want to sell things just to get them back if they don’t fit.

---- 21/marzo Capacity planning

Evaluate before concluding

Resource utilization vs perceived quality

Constraints & bottlenecks

Volatility in planning over time capacity.

Based on profit margin => product mix decision using bottlenecks

SOP sales & operations planning in Colombia (do you have the capacity for that demand?)

IKEA complementary demand patters

Busy not necessarily productive

Favorite: the one who is not affecting the bottle neck (D)




Pregunta abierta sobre el salario minimo

UPS - exercice 5

Pelicula the goal

Local benefits!
nutresa=> vertical integration


Quality => satisfaction = performance - expectations

Stated or implied: market research
Needs: marketing

Conformance to specification: engineering

Value for price paid: depends on your expectation

1) Expectations

Engineering ⇔ marketing

Location? Maybe they want to help people only (≠attitude)

Experience for more task to ask later.

Reputation => trust

UPS - service encounter => important

Why is the slide from USA and not Japan?

Satisfaction => loyalty => rebuy intention => higher profit
Loyal pay more


Raw material curse!

External factors > value creation products

process=> Quality => satisfaction => loyalty => rebuy intention => higher profit
Control “Performance”

Sustainable Competitive advantage => long term => differentiate from others

can it be a competitive advantage

Order winners, order qualifiers

Statistical process control

We need to measure to control it

We just take sample


We would have a lower spread and higher values

Focus on prevention

Not normativa => guidance, can always be exceptions


Empirical study: paths to sustainability

Experts: inappropriate: a free self-regulating market with no outside intervention
3 actors: consumer, producer (industry), government
Superior strong mandatory act.
Government: regulation, infrastructure, education, security, health
The individual is not alone enough to achieve this.
1500<2000 (todos deciden no) (prisoner’s dilemma)
Problem of reaching sustainability

Top 2 en biodiversity
Deforestation: still a problem that won’t recover
Poor people

No hay reciclaje en la cadena de valor de porter

Lack of intrinsic motivation
Process improvement to reduce material use, minimize waste, and improve efficiency.

Logistics in Colombia

Expectations ⇔ delivery => deceptive advertising

Satisfaction = performance(ope&log) - expectations(marketing)
Burden to achieve the customers expectation

Multinationals => emerging markets:

- Volatility
- Infrastructure
- Quality
- Culture difficulties
- Logistics

Emerging markets: all different

CIVETS vs enfermedad holandesa

Stay with raw materials and companies who come sell their products?

Lack of services?
MNC need to do better. Close gaps on processes
2% on infrastructure

- Infrastructure
- Geographic conditions
- Climate
- Less training (tecnicos, 1 curso)
- Road traffic
- Weather
- Distance
- Visibility

Make them invest on Colombia?

They consider it when they want to go to colombia

Germany =< rebuild after WW2, reunification, needed to import, structure can descentralize
people, benefit performance logistics. External reasons: higher

Core weakness (LPI: Dimensions of the Index Colombia)

No train: lack of collaboration
Unpaved roads> paved roads
Impact on traffic
Impact on cost
Potential for improvement

Also type of truck = potential for improvement

Only transport flowers cause we don’t produce anything else

Fuel 3 ⇔ 1 salaries =>

If you dont increase salaries they can cause traffic
Trade offs

Consider the implementation of x in the context of colombia.

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