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Professional Year Program

BSBWHS401 – Work, Health & Safety

Assessment Task 1.2 – WHS Hazard & Risk Identification Report
BSBWHS401 Implement and monitor WHS policies, procedures and programs to meet
Unit of Competency:
legislative requirements

Topic: Topic 1 – Australian Workplace Culture

Task 1.2 - WHS Hazard & Risk Identification Report

Assessment Task:

Submission Checklist
WHS Hazard and Risk Identification Reports
(Student must submit
all of these

Assessment Instructions to Student:

 Attempt all questions in the assessment.
 All answers to be typed using Microsoft Word
 Use complete sentences, check grammar, punctuation and spelling
Resources permitted during assessment:
 Dictionaries: Standard, Bilingual, Digital
 Electronic devices: Laptops, Computers, Internet
 Relevant Legislation Documents
 Resource materials such as WHS Procedures
Additional Assessment Instructions to Assessor:
Reasonable adjustment: Trainer/Assessors may make reasonable allowances for learners in accordance with the C&I
Learner Support Policy contained in the Participant Handbook. This may relate to the timeframe for undertaking this
assessment task in class or relate to an extension to the due date. Consult with the Curriculum & Learning Manager
prior to administering this assessment to ensure Learner Support needs are met.
BSBWHS401 Assessment Requirements

Performance Evidence

Evidence of the ability to:

 explain clearly and accurately to work team the relevant work health and safety (WHS) information
 WHS legislative and organisational requirements
 identified hazards and outcomes of risk assessment and control
 ensure that the team has access to information about WHS policies, procedures and programs in appropriate
structure and language
 implement and monitor procedures according to organisational and legislative WHS requirements including:
 consultation and communications to enable team members to participate in managing WHS risks and
 identifying WHS training needs and providing learning opportunities, coaching and mentoring as appropriate
to needs
 identifying, reporting and taking action on WHS hazards and risks
 identifying and reporting inadequacies in existing risk controls and monitoring outcomes to ensure a prompt
organisational response
 reporting on the cost of WHS training

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Professional Year Program
BSBWHS401 – Work, Health & Safety
Assessment Task 1.2 – WHS Hazard & Risk Identification Report
 keeping WHS records
 analysing aggregate WHS data to identify hazards and monitor risk control procedures in work area.

Note: If a specific volume or frequency is not stated, then evidence must be provided at least once.

Knowledge Evidence

To complete the unit requirements safely and effectively, the individual must:

 outline the legal responsibilities and duties of managers, supervisors, persons conducting businesses or
undertakings (PCBUs) and workers in relation to WHS risk management in the workplace
 identify key provisions of relevant WHS Acts, regulations and codes of practice that apply to the business and
outline how they apply in the work area
 explain organisational policies and procedures relating to hazard identification, risk management, fire,
emergency and evacuation, incident investigation and reporting
 explain the importance of effective consultation mechanisms in managing health and safety risks in the
 explain how the hierarchy of control applies in the work area. Please note, Victoria has yet to agree to the
harmonisation framework and as this is a national unit of competence you will need to state which state or
territory you will be basing your responses on.

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Professional Year Program
BSBWHS401 – Work, Health & Safety
Assessment Task 1.2 – WHS Hazard & Risk Identification Report
Using the completed incident report forms below, please analyse the data, complete a risk assessment and develop an action
plan to reduce the risks and show how these procedures will be monitored. You can use the attached risk assessment form
(Appendix 1).

Incident/injury report form 1

Name of person completing form: Manny

Signature of person completing form: Manny Bandana
Date of completion: 2/1/2011

Outcome of incident:

Near miss Injury Property damage

Details of incident

Date: 2nd January 2011 Time: 10:45am

Location: Level 2 Kitchen Area
Describe what happened and how:
John was in the kitchen making a coffee to take back to his desk. As John entered the kitchen area, he slipped and fell on his
left knee. As a result, he required first aid treatment by the first aid officer to stabilize his leg until the ambulance arrived.

Incident/injury report form 2

Name of person completing form: Aaron

Signature of person completing form: Aaron Cravat
Date of completion: 8/1/2011

Outcome of incident:

Near miss Injury Property damage

Details of incident

Date: 8th January 2011 Time: 9:15am

Location: Level 2 Kitchen Area
Describe what happened and how:
Janine was in the kitchen cutting up some fruit for her morning breakfast. As Janine left the sink area and was walking
towards the refrigerator to store her food, her heel got caught in the lino and tripped. Janine instinctively reached out and
grasped the kitchen bench, preventing her from falling. Janine sustained no injury.

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Professional Year Program
BSBWHS401 – Work, Health & Safety
Assessment Task 1.2 – WHS Hazard & Risk Identification Report
Incident/injury report form 3

Name of person completing form: Andrea

Signature of person completing form: Andrea Shawl
Date of completion: 21/1/2011

Outcome of incident:

Near miss Injury Property damage

Details of incident

Date: 21st January 2011 Time: 3:15pm

Location: Level 2 Kitchen
Describe what happened and how:
James was having afternoon tea in the kitchen area. Once James had finished, he stood up from the table and walked towards
the sink. As he approached the sink to clean his utensils, James slipped on some water coming from the refrigerator. James
fell forward and a result of trying to break his fall fractured his right wrist. The First Aid officer stabilized James’s hand and was
taken to a medical facility for further treatment

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Professional Year Program
BSBWHS401 – Work, Health & Safety
Assessment Task 1.2 – WHS Hazard & Risk Identification Report

Appendix 1
Risk assessment form

Name of person conducting assessment:

Signature of person conducting assessment:
Date of assessment:

Step 1 Hazard identification

Describe the hazard Identify the potential risk

Step 2 Assess the risk

Potential risk
Rare Unlikely Possible Likely Almost certain

Catastrophic M M H C C

Major L M M H C

Moderate L M M M H

Minor L L M M M

Insignificant VL VL L L M

IMPACT: How severely could someone be hurt

Catastrophic Death or permanent disability to one or more persons

Major Hospital admission required

Moderate Medical treatment required

Minor First aid required

Insignificant Injuries not requiring first aid

LIKELIHOOD: How likely are those consequences?

Almost certain Expected to occur in most circumstances

Likely Will probably occur in most circumstances

Possible Could occur at some time

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Professional Year Program
BSBWHS401 – Work, Health & Safety
Assessment Task 1.2 – WHS Hazard & Risk Identification Report

Unlikely Is not likely to occur in normal circumstances

Rare May occur only in exceptional circumstances

Risk level Required action

Act immediately:
Critical (C)
The proposed task or process activity must not proceed. Steps must be taken to lower the risk level to
as low as reasonably practicable using the hierarchy of risk controls.

Act today:

The proposed activity can only proceed, provided that:

i. the risk level has been reduced to as low as reasonably practicable using the
hierarchy of risk controls;

High (H) ii. the risk controls must include those identified in legislation, Standards, Codes of
Practice etc.

iii. the risk assessment has been reviewed and approved by the Supervisor and

iv. the supervisor must review and document the effectiveness of the implemented risk

Act this week:

The proposed task or process can proceed, provided that:

Medium (M) i. the risk level has been reduced to as low as reasonably practicable using the hierarchy
of risk controls;

ii. the risk assessment has been reviewed and approved by the Supervisor.

Act this month:

Low (L)
Managed by local documented routine procedures which must include application of the hierarchy of

Keep a watching brief:

Very Low (VL)
Although the risk level is low the situation should be monitored periodically to determine if the
situation changes.

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Professional Year Program
BSBWHS401 – Work, Health & Safety
Assessment Task 1.2 – WHS Hazard & Risk Identification Report

Step 3 Develop and implement controls

Level of control Short term controls Who/when Long-term Who/when

Eliminate the hazard –
remove it completely from your workplace

Substitute the hazard –

with a safer alternative

Isolate the hazard –

as much as possible away from workers

Use engineering controls-

adapt tools or equipment to reduce the risk

Use administrative controls – change work

practices and organization

Use personal protective equipment (PPE) –

this should be the last option after
considering all other options

Step 4 Monitor and review

Review date Reviewed by Reviewed by (signature) Authorised by Authorised by

(Name) (Name) (signature)

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