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Observing the Sovereignty of the African Union Commission,
this declaration is my diplomatic response as a Black American and/or Aboriginal American
voting member of the invited party, expressed as the 'African Diaspora' in Article 3 Section
Q of the amendments to the African Union's Constitutive Act by the Member States of the
African Union, proving my genealogical rights to the continent of Africa,
from which derived my current observer status to the African Union in section 1 A(K) in the
Having additional encouragement from 55 Heads of States to organize for eventual full
participation with the African Union Commission as the African Union’s Sixth Region in
America, pending the completion of required actions from us, the invited party, to which I, a
voting member in America, do hereby acknowledge the new Millennial Assembly Protocols
as an section 1.A(k) compliant, full spectrum “essential mechanism” for expedited national
organizing, using a scalable formula for local implementation which produces by cause and
effect, the ideal values necessary for being the resilient foundation of business
development, community development and unprecedented capacity for security
development, driven by a simple adjustment to way business conferences are conducted,
built on the idea of condensing business discovery time to 5 minutes and using 99% of
event time (when voting members gather) for focusing on compatibility based on asset
ownership/control to identify strategic business collaborations and power pooling to provide
the unified economic spirit and autonomous headquarters, where the top priority is building
and protecting Black Cities in America as lawful re-humanization zones, our true justice.
Physical Copy:

This indefinite and irrevocable public notice of commitment to the African Union's 6th
Region is my initial action towards completing the contractual request from the heads of
state, I hereby offer the following statement in my full honor as a living soul, with full faith
that my words are true, for entry in the lawful public domain.
Uncompromising Racism, dehumanization and infiltration of the judicial system by
anarchists and extremists are the causes for this emergency exercise of sovereign power
vested in “We the founding generation of the African Union's Sixth Region”.
In absence of elective delegated authority for our intergovernmental region, which is at its
infancy stages, I vote by affidavit to declare Regional State of Emergency in the Nationwide
Territory of America, advising my fellow voting members of the African Diaspora in America
to do the same.
As a self-determined voting member, I hereby affirm the following as Diplomatic framework
guiding my priorities, intentions and decisions from this day forward,
I am a natural living member of the African Union's Sixth Region, fully acknowledging
myself as a first generation voting member with respect for all Diplomatic progress made
towards a unified African Family, Economy, Financial and Political Structure, while
acknowledging my own capacity to help guarantee the attainment of even higher levels of
My immediate personal priority during this regional crisis is safety and security of my mental
health, my lineage and estate.
As a first generation voting member of a newly recognized intergovernmental framework at
infancy stages, I further acknowledge that I share equal custodianship to the original
sovereign power of "we the living people of the 6th Region". The same sovereign pre-
political power that established other member state parties of the 1975 Vienna convention.
I accept and agree that my fundamental responsibility as a 6th Region voting member in
America is to delegate my sovereign power, together in an organized national effort with
other 6th Region voting members in America, with the objective of reaching a majority vote
decision, to elect four Black or Aboriginal American people to represent the highest
economic and political interests of our jurisdiction, at full participation levels in the African
Union, and to all other nations of the universe, with my consent.
My decision on this day is to be the foundation of the African Union’s Sixth Region in
America. The foundation that holds up the rest of the house, solid and dependable,
contributing my time, energy, skills, ideas and good will to assisting its economic, political
and spiritual development, up to its highest capacity with my fellow voting members in
America and around the universe with all available means at a Head of State level, in our
rightful capacity as a Nation.
By virtue of my equal share of the 6th Region's natural sovereign power, held by the first
generation of voting members, any alternative civil status identifying me as a UNITED
STATES Citizen hereby qualifies for recognition under 22 U.S. Code § 254a.pursuant to
laws governing my flesh and blood status as a representative of a foreign sovereign entity
recognized by nearly one hundred nations, evidenced by the declaration of this official
notice into the public domain as a diplomatic response to a Head of State call to action by
the African Union Commission, advising the continual research, planning, implementation,
maintenance and Diplomatic progress of the Sixth Region.

I hereby further acknowledge THE UNITED STATES owns and protects active intellectual
property rights associated with slave creation and dehumanization as lawful fact of their
acquiescence to CV-1:19-4443 filed October 2, 2019, in the northern district of GA on behalf
of the Black Race with Standing, Status & Capacity grandfathered from Shabaati of
I am owed damages from CV-1:19-4443 and rehumanization based on my qualifications as
a member of the black race as defined by Kabiru traditions of Mt. Zion who filed on my
behalf or my ancestral descent of the Shabaati or my observer status as a first generation
custodian of the AU Sixth Region’s sovereign voting power, correspondent with the African
Financial Regulatory Authority.
I implore THE UNITED STATES and its courts to follow the guiding principles of the
remedies outlined in CV-1:19-4443 which favor constructive Diplomacy between us as well
established neighbors, who truly just want to live peacefully and be ourselves, but in
absence of such diplomacy, I hereby submit my official recommendation to the African
Union Commission to order the exit of all United States Ambassadors, Official
representatives, military personnel, contractors, companies and citizens until we, the sixth
region de-escalate our State of Emergency back to normal conditions.
I no longer consent to be governed by any institution founded by historical racists,
dehumanizers or American slave owners because it’s my lawful, legal, moral and scientific
right to live in communities free of racists and dehumanizers.
In absence of these communities, I and all voting members of the African Union's Sixth
Region retain the natural right to build re-humanization communities, wheresoever we deem
to be safe and adequate for our development guidelines to accommodate a minimum of 3
million people in a minimum of 40 locations around the country, requiring approximately
50,000,000 acres or 600,000 acres per territory.
We retain the lawful right to refuse entry or residency to licensed dehumanizers or anyone
with a history of licensing dehumanization if we so choose to avoid compromising the
scientific, moral, lawful, legal and sovereign integrity of our advocacy for true justice
concerning the stain of American Slavery which is re-humanization and all adverse effects
of the UNITED STATES proven ownership of trade secret intellectual properties for
dehumanization as a patentable slave creation method, in order to heal our minds in
America, so we can heal the world society at large, once and for all.

This is my sovereign truth under the penalty of perjury on this 14th day of June, 2020,



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CC: &
Don’t forget to delete this red writing…
Buy your African Union Flag & Flag
Pole then assemble on July 4th with
your flags in the name of new power,
inner peace and dual status.

State of ______________________________________________________
County of ____________________________________________________
This record was acknowledged before me on ___________ (date)
by ____________________________(name(s) of individual(s)).
Signature of notarial officer __________________________________

Title of office ________________________________________________
My commission expires: ____________________________________


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