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‘fator tae SOUTHERN RAILWAY B/N. A/U/Z. 735/1/AM3/CS/faa Stt/18 Fea artes, Divisional Office, aiaetrer Confident Section, Wey Madurai FE Dt 14.06.2018. wz NOTE fava Sub:-Leveraging of technology - Uploading of information in Southern Railway Website ~ reg. A list of approved cases of compassionate grounds appointment as on 01.06.2018 is enclosed for uploading the same in the Southern Railway website ca boRe Rete Ase tae waue & fae ahaa aera Ch.S&WSystems SN CateN Name of the 121 2675 31ene 419n6 5236 e2ue ‘employee M Sathiaseeian PAlagarsamy RSdirem Nageswaran Sekar MRamachandran SSiKON Sr SCPIMES ‘cTvsuMDU JEICAWANDU ‘comm. curity sc sc st UR ‘TechliPainter! UR ‘SSEPWITEN ‘SrTech/Tele/T OBC Ve On APPOINTMENT ON COMPASSIONATE GROUNDS -APPROVED CASES ON 01.06.18 occu. 241214 25.415 17.0418 731013 10.1013, 0200.13 Reason (Death MDG) NUFY missina) Death Death Name of the candidate ‘S Rajasekar A Parasalthi ‘STarane NVighneshwaran ‘8 Tharmenthira Sugumar RAshwin Balaj Rela ton-Date of, ship Mau Son Son Son Birth 24988 181189 23.09.90 25.07.96 120896 Edn, Dateof ualins Approval (ec) BE(Civl) 20.415 MA, BEd31.12.15 BEIECE) 11.06.17 Dee DME — 27.0217 Hse 01.0016 Approv W.Test falfor heldon orem ce o7aie cc 20318 © 1003.18 ©) 100818 © 1003.16 © 171216 whether ‘ualied or rot Not quaifed Remarks He has not qualifed for the post ‘Of JE in socond chance also, Offered the post of TechliCaW (0n 08.12.17 Offered the post of TE on 250418 Proposal sent to Hars on 31.05.17 for JE suitabilty Feiled in the 8.Test held on 10.3.18. Offered the post of Techn.iliSig. on 02.05.2018, Proposalsent to Hars for JE ‘suitability on 20.01.17. Falled in the §.Test held on 7.102017, (Offered the post of Tech. IIC8W (0n 12.04.2018. Proposal sent to Hars for JE ‘suitability on 22.05.17. Failed in the S-Test neld on 10.3.2018 (Offered the post of Tech IICAW 0 0205 018, ‘Subjected fr eutabilty tests for NTPC andekilled artzan on 1712.18, not qualified. Halvng qualified in the Stest on 28,08:2016 as second chance and offered the post of TE on 24.10.2017. 72516 SSenthurpandian Constable(0G UR 06.0714 Death SSeravanan Son. 100793 HSe 27.08.18 C 17.1216 ‘Subjected fr suitably tots for NTPC andekilied artzan on 17.12.16, not qualifed. Offored ‘SCP on 29.082017 834/04 RSaraswathi —Sr.ClerkWE/ UR 08.0483 Death —R.Venkataramanan Son 22.03.90 BCom, 10616 C 17.1216 ‘Subjected fosuitabulty tests for Mou a NTPC. andskiled arszan on 2206.17 17.1216 and graduate level ‘exams on 22.04.17 and qualifed , (Offered the post of CC on ¥ 28072017 92816 V.Ramar HelKenneyMOU SC 21.0315 Death Bharath Son 28.0588 B.Com 27.0816 C 17.12.16 822.0417 subjected for suitability tests for NTPC and ekiled artizans on 25.08.16 and not eutabie. He has been subjected for the ‘suitabilty on 17.12.16 for NTPC second chance, not qualified. Aeady appointed 2s ‘Track Maintainer provisionally. f Having been qualifed in the second chance, offered the post of Tech IIVCRW on 5.122017, 102016 P.Ravindran —SSITIP ur Death Sudha DivDau 270884 MCA 150817 C 10.0818 Failed inthe suitability test for ‘SSE held on 103.2018, 11.95/16 RKolanchianathan IPF/SNPIMOU UR 19.11.13 MUFVR KMukla Daughter 08.0193 MSc, 041016 © 17.1218 ‘Subjected for NTPC and skilled MPhil a ‘artizan on 17.12.16 and graduate 220617 level exams on 22.04.17, not (qualfed. Qualified in suitability test for Skiled Artizan held on 23.08.2017 as second chance. (Offered the post of Tech I/Sig (9n 05.12.2017. 123246 S.Ramar CCCIRIPM SC _— 2906.16 death —-R.Chandrakanthan Son 04.08.91 B.Com 29.11.16 © 17.12.1882204.17 Subjected for NTPC and skied artizan on 17.12.16 and graduate : level exams on 2204.17 Failed no in both the test. Offered the post of Safatwala on 25.10.2017. 19.85/04 S.Muthupandian 14 44107 KThangavolu 1840/16 RPalanisamy 16.4216 E Murugan 17 44/16 N.Gandhi 1846/16 S.Ganesan 1947/16. P.Veerapancian Pass. GUITEN UR Keymay UR, PWIPLNI Techni SC Pworos Techn TU UR TEN Techn IWTUMOLUR ConstablesMDU SC ‘rackmain- SC tainer Gr! MoU 20.48/16 K.Sivasubramanian JE/PWIAPK UR S.R. 30.11.93 Death (02022007 Death 160818 160818 7308.16 3009.16 1011.18 Death Death M-Sivasubramanian Son T. Mukesh Son P.Ramakcishnan Son MRathiMecna Dau. G Sivarama krishna Son GRohini Dau Kuyt wie RIndumaths wife 140885 180598 250577 240391 280782 HSe 1908.16 DME 21.12.16 ssic 240207 BTech AT 27.12.18, 2303.17 MBA Bsc, 77.0217 BA 200217 Bsc. 11.07.17 Bes a1216 22.10.18 10318 2308.17 280917 730617 230817 ‘Subjected for NTPC and eked artizan on 17.12.16, pot {ualiied. Failed in the second chance also. Offered the post of Helper Mechi. on 23.11.2017. [Not qualified in the JE suiabilty held on 22.10.18. Notatonded ‘the suitabity test as second ‘chance held on 10.3.2108, Appointed as Track MaintainerIV (provisional) Offered the post of SCPon 25.05.17 Not qualified in the JE suitabilty held on 10.03.18, Offered the post of Techilisig_ on 02.05.18. ‘Quaid inthe sutabiity test {or NTPC on 23.08.17 and ‘offered the post of TNC on 24.10.17 ‘Qualifedin the suitability tost held on 28.09 17, Ofered the post of commercial clerk on 24.10.17. ‘Qualedin the sultabilty test held on 28.08.17. Offered the post of Tech. II/CRWon 48.122017, Called for medical exam on (02.08.2017. Having qualified ‘Test for Skiled Artizan on 238.2017, she has been offered the post of Tech I/SBT on 8.122017, 21 49/16 225016 326 24037 2504n7 28 0817 27067 28077 290817 a 207 M.Sahabudeen G.Venugopalan P.Kanagera} C.Ramanathan 'S Meenakshi MAndavar M.Sundaraesan K Sudalaimuthu MNazar Khan Y Sankaran Trackmain UR tainer GclllVPT. Srlascarl UR wemou SrPeoniPB/ UR Peon to TUSCT UR CMavsW UR Techn iluP/ UR MoU HARHIMDU SC PMATEN UR Mae Ga MDU UR Techcaw! SC Mou o2t116 200716 zr01a7 01.04.17 sonar 28:12:18 06.0217 20147 Death Death MUFIVR Death Death 'S Farid Hussain \V.Narayanaprasad K Gopinagarajan R.Chidamabara vadivu M.Subbaraj Karthikeyan S.Manmaran MSathiya NMagdumkhan ‘8 Suresh Son Son Dau wie ‘Son Son 270294 020989 15.0485 230998 11.0879 08.1290 28.0793 9.1091 21.05.89 DME 11.08.17 seve) 190217 Hsc 28.10.16 BBA 11.08.17 Hsc 19.04.17 Hsc 0807.17 Mse, 0407.17 Bcom 1808.17 B.Com MB.28.07.17 Operain 28.07.17 Adorable Ere, 10.0318 2800.17 2308.17 11217 230817 30817 73.0817 7308.17 461217 2308.17) 2809.17 10.0318 Proposal sent to HOrs. for assessing suitability forthe post (Of JE on 28.5.2017, Not qualified Inthe JE tast on 10.32078, (Offered the post of Tech CRW 199 0205.2018 ‘Guaifed in the S tos for Skiled ‘Artzan on 28.9.2017 and ofered the post of Tech II/C&Won 0.122017, ‘Appointed as Track Meitainer on 24.4.2017. Failed inthe suitability tast hold 0n 238.17 & 18.1217, Offered the post of SCP on 08.01.16, Failed inthe suitability tast held (on 238.17. Offered the post of ‘SOP on 18.10.17, Called for medical exam on 25.07:2017. Qualified inthe Skiled Arizan s.test on 23.817 Casa transferred to GOC on 12122017. ‘Sent for medical examinaton on 187.2017, Qualfiedin the S Testheld on 238.17 & 289.17 and offered the post of Goods (Guard on 24.10.2017. Fall inthe sultballty test held on 238.17 & 16.1217. Offered the post of HelperiMechi. on 13.02.2018 ualfed in the sutabilty tests and offered the post of Goods. Guard on 24.10.2017. Fall in the suitability test for JE ‘hold on 10,3.2018, Posting under process, 31107 32147 33127 3417 36 18h7 36 157 37 1817 381787 30187 40 1917 41 2017 42.207 43.2417 44 25117 48 26117 ‘A Shanmuganathan Sr Tech/SM/NIMUR MMuthuramalinganT.MWMES — OBC Asoyes NArandan R Thangavelra T.BRengarajan Alndirant Paulpandi MJeyaveeran T.Saleem Sebastine GY Mohanram ‘8 Karthick Wiayaselvi Negara) “J.LakhemanaReja TMpOKT SC TMywM UR Trmpu UR, Trimpu onc. SanCleaner! ST De KoymanmG UR PuMDU UR casR/MOU UR Tech I/CEWIM UR bu popu UR TMS UR Cleric UR, BrMioU Holper/ Elec UR RM 2a03.17 1602.17 10.0018, 111116 z30417 02.0417 0909.12 210417 17.08.17 270417 31.05.17 150417 07.05.17 0208.17 Dest Death Death Death Death Death Death Death Death ‘ASKesavarajan Son MSagadevan Son ‘A Thirunavukkarasu Son K Priya Wite TDhivyah Dau ‘TBR Sachin Sebarie!Son ‘ASoundararajan Son P.Gowhamkumar Son JYalini Daw S.\NissaBegam Dau. Stephen Dominic Son GM Sudharshan Son 8.Sridevi wie NAnukeithika Daughter SSubha wife re0292 s008.94 01.0882 09.09.84 31.05.96 04.08.08 15.05.84 18.00.08 01.03.89 11.03.00 08.03.96 28.11.90 03.0287 27.1083 30.09.88 DoE 230817 suc, Im 2807.17 vista ssic 06.08.17 MBA 20.1217 y20217 vew ssic 11.09.17 Bsc. 121217 ME 080017 Hsc 280717 Bicom 080817 Bcom 16.08.17 Be, BE11509.17 vu °° 16.1217 2001.18 181217 2001.18 16.1217 2001.18 100318 230817 161217 2308.17 280917 161217 Qualified in the s test for NTPC ‘0n 20.01.2018, Offered the post of Tech C&W ‘0n 05.12.2017. Not considered for want of ‘educational qualification Not qulfed inthe stest_ Offered the post of SCP on 29.09.17, CQualtied in the s test and offered the post of TNC on 14.02.18, Minor case registered. Advised tw apply on 04.06.2024 Not considered for want of ‘educational qualifcaton Fell in the 6 toet. Offered the post of HelperSig. on 13.02.18. Competent authority has not considered the claim and the ‘widow avised ofthe same on 2001.18 Offered the post of SSEVElec. uatfiod in the 6 test for Skiled ‘Attizan and offered post of Tech lVC&W 08.12 2017, Quaifed in the s tests and offered the post of TE on 08.01.18. Quaitfiad in the s test held on 289,17 and offered the post of CC on 24.10.17. ‘Qualifedin the s test hholdon'6.12.17 and offered the postofTE ‘she has been advised to produce erderetrom court of law as we ’ CPOE otc a RE 46.277 47 2817 48.20/17 493017 503117 51 92n7 2316 53.247 54.3517 55.3617 56.3717 s7ine .Balamurugan TMAVINNM Algnatious Sahaya Hd TE/SUTN R.Chandrasakaran KeymanMDU Val XAntonydoss S.Muthura ARadrakiishnan ‘SeTrack womarvMNM (C.Man/ 0G TMAISVKS ComannaDu {A Sivasubramarian C.Mard NZT P.Sankar P.Veetiah NRajen (G.Mohd Kader Ansari ‘TMA PNGI Tochil/ SM/ MINN Leemmou ASIPETEN uR ur UR UR se sc ose UR 0806.17 2307.17 7.0412 25.9.14131,08.17 MOC Harimurug 270517 235.8" 40017 jaoa1e 19.0717 2707.71 to1117 03.08.17 0306.15 Death Death Death Death MocwR Death Death Death MUFIVR Death Death Saraswathi G.Mariammal C-Prkash pandian pandian Ader MRaghy Ashok Kumar Kanth ‘S manojkumar \V.Naganathan Ranjan! MMshaboob Roshan Wie 30.05.95 wife 07.02.83 son 3.05.98 Son 2201.84 Daughter 09.04.95 Son 17.0598 Son 09,0889, Wie 28.1289 ‘minor son 05.06.05 Son 050684 Daughter 27.0494 Daughter SsLc 061017. Bicom 241017 Hse sic m BTech(T)09.10.17 DME 24.1017 DEE 02.11.16 BABEd 07.11.17 Hsc 201217 McA, BA 201217 & 161217 161217 21.40.17 07.1217 10.0318 10.0318 161217 2001.18 001.188 21.04.18 Failed inthe test held on 16.12.17 for froupC. Put up for posting orders inGroup “D" ‘service Qualifed in the S.test held on 1612.17 and offred the post of TE 0n08.01.18 ‘Advised the candidate that the request isnot agreed to by Competent authority as it ist barred Offered the post of Clesner in Canteen Falla inthe suitoity test for technicaleatagoriesheld on 100318 Offered the post of TMV. Proposal sant to Hrs. on 49122016. Failed in the ‘suitably tot for SSE held on 103.2018. Found suitable in the stesthe on 16.12.17 and offered the postof TE on 08.01.18 ‘Advised the widow to apply for ‘cpa again on attaining mayor ison 05.06 2028, Qualtfed in the suabliy test land offered the post of TNC on 21.03.2018 Not considered on the grounds of citference in the community of ‘employee and the ward. Advised Vide lator dt. 27.12.17, Qualified in the suitability test held on 21.04.18, posting in process. 56 0218 s90318 y eooane 61 05/18 620818 3.078 es 088 65 1018 68 1218 er 138 es 148 69 15118 70917 S.Veluchamy Coney RPFI RuPM N.Govindaraj—-HC/SNP/MOU GThiupathi ——_Sr-TechiSM/NI MoU LMalaiarasu——CTISU/TEN MMahalingam —Sr-Lascer/WW/ Mou Hemraj Meena T.MIV/ MMM SPalanivelu —-SSE/PWSCT Jeyakumar Pman/ KRUR C.Murugan Toot! ‘caWrTEN ‘S\Nelaiyappan —HOIRPFIVPT RGranasekaran SrTech/CeW/ RM MuJayasoolan — ACCATVC PS Saikvishnamoor Sub HelperiC& WIEN, sc sc sc ur sc uR UR 3008.12 16.0516 07.1017 321217 2308.17 zana7 091017 yannar 06.04.15) 11.1215, 01.02.18 120800 0408.17 Death Death Death Death Death MUFIVR Death Death Death V.Sindhuja GRanith T keith M.Deepak M.Karthikeyan Laxmi Moone P.kiruthika J Saravanen Msuiya NSiipriya GBalajthi James Selvakumar ‘SSuganya Daughter 08.07.99 Daughter 30.01.97 Minor 21.11.08 Daughter Son 16.08.90 Son 120496 Wie 06.07.95 Minor 07.1205 Daughter Minor 27.10.04 ‘son ‘minor son 08.11.01 Daughter 13.09.82 Wie 20.04.85 Son 05.0897 Wie 25.02.86 BA BTech/ B.Com Hse B.Tech Butt ssic Hse 2247 219247 05.03.18 05.03.18 0904.18 za0318 05.03.18 2308.18 04.04.18 0503.18 0505.18 04.18 s30118 2001.18 2001.18 170218 21.04.18 2403.18 25.05.18 2505.18 Quatfed in the suitability test held on 20.01.18. Faled in the PET. 0n 23.04.18. Posting ‘orders for dh. Post under process ‘Quaid in the suitability test held on 17.02-18 8 second chance, Failed in the PET. on 2304.18. Posting orders fora. ost under process Minor case registered. Advised tw apply on 05.03.2021, Proposal for JE/SSE suitability sent to HOr. On 08.2018 Qualified in the sutability test on 21.04.18, posting orders under process Case transferred to Kota Division Of W.C Rly. On 25.04.18 Minor case registered. Advised to apply by 07.12.2023, Minor case registered, Advised to.apply by 27 10.2022 Minor case registered. Advised to apply by 06.11.2019, Qualified in the sutabliy test on 23004,18, ofered the post of TE (on 28.06 2018, Qualified in the suitably test Mecical test resut awaited [Not qualified in the sultabity test hheld on 25.05 18, Case transferred to S&T WSIPTJ on 07.08.2018. it e me T1168 AMPandian — ANFARCAOIOMISC 0505.15 Death —_Lakhsana Sri Daughter 08.0298 HSC 08.0418 © ‘To be subject to suitably test 7220/8 IMarimuthu —T.M/UMMM—SC_—=«10.08.17 MDC —-MiKrishnakumari Daughter 07.0898 BA 17.0418 D Posting under process. 7308/8 JNaseer Ahamed SSKON UR 10.01.18 Death NAbdul Samad Son 11.0884 BE(ECE) 050818 C Tobe drected for medical examination

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