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‘eféror off Yer? SOUTH WESTERN RAILWAY Bsch ASTIHUBLI DIVISION sqdu & our wget A Agha at cea dhe wien fefea when & fe wy wT QUESTION PAPER FOR THE SINGLE SUITABILITY TEST (WRITTEN EXAMINITION) FOR APPOINTMENT ON COMPASSIONATE GROUNDS FOR GROUP “CG” CATEGORIES. ‘Rha Date : 42.10.2017 ‘Qui ape Max. Marks: 100 ‘WHY Time : 382 Hours at & fac oe Instructions for candidates: ar yer & vag fe 8 Pefka sion & oma cae gar & fed oh er We oer am ar ora wIg fire fever War Ae. Indicating the name or any other identity in the answer paper except in the columns provided on the flyieaf of the answer sheet is strictly PROHIBITED 2 ga ua Beh ay fed 7 fea var tafe smth ote fect us 8 OIE sie an war & at site wre at wa APT ore The question paper is set in English and Hindi. If there is any discrepancy between English and Hindi verston then the English version is considered correct 3 ude oa & fay fed 1a oe Tae we eeiaT THe. The marks allotted to each question are mentioned against them 4. eager, serge wis onfe & gaan & fey said ae e Use of calculator, mobile phone etc nat permitted. 5. gary sieht wa er gee steht Aa = SR were ae Se eH aH wal wel Gay feat or ote A fee ar wae 2. ga vt oI RA ate Wane. Answer for question under General English to be written in English only and tor the questions under General arithmetic and general Knowledge answer may be written in Hindi ac English version and Hindi version of this question is attached uré-U- HaTa7_oiffet PART-A- GENERAL ENGLISH (Bo sia Marks) Q.No.1 Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions: (Sx = 5 Marks) We were all so excited to learn that Mom was going to let us adopt and add a new member to our family! My brother, my two sisters, and } had worked for weeks to convince Mom that we were responsible enough to have a new puppy. Many days after school | had visited the library and researched puppy training, the proper feeding of a puppy, how to socialize a new pupay and even the meanings of names one might choose for a puppy. All of us had selected certain jobs that would need to be performed if we were lucky enough to convince Mom to get a puppy. In order to prove to Mom that she would not be the only person taking caro of our new family member, we had divided the jobs among us and created a chart for the first month, Finally, after several weeks of cajoling and wheediing, all our hard work and extra effort had been successful. Mom gave in to our pleas and agreed to let us adopt a puppy! Now the real work would begin. We decided to visit the Humane Society in order to select just the fight puppy to join our family. OF course, once we saw all the puppies and dogs available, none of us could decide on only one. Each iittie face had its own special charm. Who could resist those big brown eyes? All the puppies were so thrilled we were visiting them, but each was unaware that just one would be leaving with us, They jumped, they yipped, they wagged their tails as if each had a motor attached, They joylully licked every bare inch of skin wo had. How would we ever decide? Page 1 of 6 SOUTH WESTERN RAILWAY ‘As we stroiied through the aisles of kennels, | noticed one little bundle of fur. He sat off to the side of the temporary rame he shared with three other rambunctious puppies. He quietly watched as his unruly housemates tried to be the most outgoing, the cutest, and the perfect pet for us by showing their enthusiasm. As | welked closer to his comer, he peered at me and smiled a crooked puppy grin. His tail wagged his entire body. He tentatively jumped up to greet me with a playful lap of his tongue and | noticed his lopsided ears. One ear stood up just a little straighter than the other, giving the impression he was listening quite closely to the words ! was saying “Hi there, little buddy. What do you think?" | kind of cooed to him. He seemed to know it didn't matter that he was the smallest and the most reserved of the boisterous group of puppies occupying the kennel. | motioned for my siblings to join me at the corner and introduced them to "Buddy." “This is him, this is Buddy! He needs us, | can tell," | explained to my brother and sisters. “don’t know, he is so tiny and kind of funny looking,” my youngest sister observed, “He has character," | explained, feeling rather defensive of Buddy. He was not funny looking, he was unique! “Look in his eyes. He knows what you are saying and his feelings are hurt!” My sister looked at the little bundle of fur with the big eyes and the uneven ears, She reached aut her hand, and Buddy gave her @ lick. "'m sorry, Buddy. | didn't mean to hurt your feelings,” she said. She looked as if-she might cry. “You're right! Buddy has character.” ‘Mom joined our tittle group and introduced herself to our new friend, “Okay, Buddy, | guess you're it! Do you want to come home with us?” As | watched the little dog’s reaction to her words, | could tell he understood. He again cocked his head to one side and flashed us his crooked puppy smile as if to say he knew he was part of the family 1. What is the perspective of the mom in the story? A. She is reluctant to get a puppy C. She Is reluctant to get a puppy because because she would do all the work. she prefers cats. B. She is reluctant to get a puppy D. She is reluctant to got a puppy because because she would have to spend she is afraid of dogs. money. 2. What evidence shows the children are prepared for a puppy? A. They research puppy training and C. They get jobs to raise money to buy the care. dog. B. They beg and plead with their D. They research personalities of different mother. breeds. 3. In paragraph 7, the author is described as feeling defensive of Buddy. What is the meaning of the word defensive? A. wanting to capture Buddy C. wanting to protect Buddy 8B. wanting to tease Buddy D. wanting to admire Buddy 4, What is the lille dog's reaction to Mom's words, “Okay, Buddy, | guess you're it"? ‘A. He gives a playful lap of his tongue. C. He cocks his head to one side and flashes a smile B, He jumps up to greet the narrator —-D._ He makes one ear stand up straighter. Page 2 of 6 ‘SOUTH WESTERN RAILWAY 5. What is the main idea of the story? ‘A. following the process of adopting aC, convincing Morn to allow the adoption of a new puppy new puppy B, researching the responsibilities of D. determining the criteria for selecting a new caring for a puppy puppy Q. No. 2 Choose the synonyms of the words given below (5x1=5 3 Marks) 4. sight A oy Cc. view B. short D. sharp 2. cook A. laugh ©. sour B. bake D. crash 3. hit A. pay C. fast B. angry D. bang 4, cheer A. cook Cc. lose B. sport D. applaud 5. wonder A. question C. happy B. like D. Scared Q. No. 3 Choose the antonyms of the words given below (5x1=5 3f Marks) 1. horizontal A. complete. C. vertical B. real D. outdoor 2. total A. skill Cc. excellent B. success D. partial 3. avoid A. wonder C. peace B. force D. confront 4. together A. positive C. problem B. _soparate D. several 5. punishment Page 3 of 6 ‘SOUTH WESTERN RAILWAY A. fear ©, escape 8. reward D. power Q. No. 4 Choose the suitable prepositions and fill in the blanks given below: (5x1=5 3fa¥ Marks) On, For, OF At, By} 1. His mother died _ cholera. 2. He went to schoo! walk. 3, Rosy reaches school 8.0’ clock 4, Jhon was looking his friend, 5. She willcome __Christmas day. Q. No. § Write an Essay in English on any one of the following not less than 200 words. (10 afar Marks) A. If lwere a bird B. Ajourney by train C. Safety of Women in Metro Cities oré-a}- WTAT_st_PAR GENERAL KNOWLEDEGE Q, No. 1 Choose the conect answer /wét sar gy (5x1=5 3a Marks) 4, The constitution of india came into force on /ah sneha vita ary ga A. 26 January 1950 /26 TW 1950 —C. 15 August 1948 15 sieve 1948. B. 26 January 1952 /26 vai 1952 __D. 26 November 1949 /26 varav 1949 2. Global warming is expected to result in Teast me a wuts aOR e A. Increase in ievel of sea ae mm 8 9 C. Change in coast ine. /<1ga fra 4 aah B. Change in crop pattern waah esl Suc. Allof these /eHi a WA 3. Jaundice is caused due to infection of /2r ies Sear a ae e A. Brain afte c. Kidney J B. Liver /mga D. Spleen / sta 4. Which of the following liquids has the least density? /Pia 4% fare se ar wea wad 7H 8? A. Fresh water /arst art ©. Potrol / ae B. Salty water /amts orf D. Mercury /err 5, Biggest planet of Solar system is /apt da at aah es TES A Earth spat C. Saturn /at Bo Mars tra Di duper / yee Page 4 of 6 SOUTH WESTERN RAILWAY Q.No. 2 Expand the following / Pst or Raga va fre (8x2=10 aia Marks) 1. w/a, SE TH 2 PNR / AEN 3. SECR /Tishon 4 ISRO /RR 5 LED /vaidsll Q. No, 3 Match the following / gira Ay (5x1=5 Se Marks) Place /w Monuments /r 1. Agra /arrt A. Gate way of India /ite ¥ aire ssa 2. Lucknow/mam B, India Gate / sf¥sur te 3. New Delhi/=§ fet. Charminar /aretae 4. Mumbai /ai D. Tajmahal amma 5. Hyderabad /tewee —€, Imambara/earst Q. No. 4 Write Note about 150 words (minimum) on any two of the following / frst 48 far’ & fase am Wow 150 eH fear HE (10x2=20 Sia Marks) 41, Karnataka Tourism /ertes wea 2. Non Conventional Energy Sources /te arate: suit air 3, Means & Importance of Domestic Savings /Wtq Sea & were a we urd. eft. wraTa_ afore _PART C - GENERAL MATHEMATICS (30 si Marks) Q.No, 4 Solve the following /Am # ea ot {5x2=10 di Marks) 1, Find the odd number /#¥e sen sia et 1, 4 3, 14, 25, 36 2. Find the missing number /q=i Fea ste wt (43 [47 [227 2 [is [238 Ose 1? 3. Simplify the following / Per at wet oF (0.7319)? - (0.2681)4|/ (0.7319) ~ (0.2681)] 4. The product of two numbers is 4107. If the HCF of these numbers is 37, find the LCM. /2 wemsit er PAWS 4107 8 a eran eT eerade 97 2 at eye Tai wa oe 8. Find the sum of numbers from 110.10. /wm 8=w we a soma 7 the aT wT Q. No. 2 Solve any five questions from the following / P19 8 fer s seh ah we TE (5x4=20 dia Marks) 1. Calculate H.C.F. of 513, 1134 and 1215. / seerah 513, 1136 0 1215 AEE a sro - OY Page 5 of 6 SOUTH WESTERN RAILWAY 2.°X' can do a piece of work in 15 days while Y can do it in '30" days. If both of them at it together, in how many days will they be able to finish the work? /Tel arf why 1s BA ta THA Few wa orf Ay 50 fea A ae wert @ a aA ae fet we eet ye ot al ae arf fr fet a gr Bren > 3. The total age of A and B is 42 years more than the total age of B and C. C is how many year younger than A? x 8a “oa BA ogy ve! gen ca PA OG ar ad oiler & \ mom a Re c,4% Peat ad wie > 4. a sum af money trebles (3 times) itself in 40 years, what is the rate of interest? #1 waft 40 38 8 ont ar ae Te et ort 2, wa ome a a en a 5. A cricketer has a mean score of 8 runs in nine innings. Find out how many runs are to be scored by him in the tenth innings to raise the mean score to 61 runs. / WP fer ar 9 ufeat wT shea 5a 2 ae aad oh 3 fear we wae A wea shes of TH A oT? 6. A man tives his car 50 km towards eastward direction. He turned right went for 30 km, then he tured west and drive for 10 km. How far is he from the starting point? / (r Arar} amu wee so Phat we fee A oie 2 Tae ae ard ysoe 30 hone Tena oe UE eer a io fA ore 2 ag ort AE eT VTA Re? Page 6 of 6 SOUTH WESTERN RAILWAY

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