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ecfaior offer tad SOUTH WESTERN RAILWAY age ht why a area dk arearoay Fergfita ay fare vapor ahsarer eee (FBR wha & Fre wear ae QUESTION PAPER, FOR THE SINGLE SUITABILITY TEST (WRITTEN EXAMINITION) FOR APPOINTMENT ON COMPASSIONATE GROUNDS FOR GROUP “C” CATEGOR! \ argter Date : 27.04.2017 spot ard Moa. Marks + 100 WHE Time : 3 UZ Hours ‘seatcare & fare a7ef€8r Instructions for candidates: 1) Sere gfReranr a errs fetes HF Perelitces wwiever a area sae Gear H Pett aft eer oe aga aT ar greet wg fee Perwrarr Wea Fert FL Indicating the name or any other identity in the answer paper exept in the columns provided on the flyleaf of the answer sheet is strictly PROMIBITED, 2) wear go Starafh 3A ABaT A Pear svar Br ay adel atte Rad ors Ft ag arae sea sera & at arirsit 16 wh eet Her SITET) The question paper és set in English and Windi. Uf there is any disere} English and Hindi version then the English version is considered cor 3) wears siear fare Ret wey ster sort era etter ra BI The marks atloited to cach question are mentioned against them, > 1) oraeperex, Hrarset Byer arfe ae ssreitar By Fre sreqartel are BY Use of calculator, mabile phone ete, aot permitted. Saree wtb ver ar sae arto FH FF sik anew wiora silt ware wna seat aT at an sido A feren at gaat F1 Answer for question under General English to bé written in English only and for the questions under General Avithmetic and. General Knowledge answer miiy be wriften in Hindi or English versi 7 anata sift) PART-A - ENGLISIL : Q.NoT Read the following passuge carefully and answers the questions: (10x i= 10 32% Marks) On the death of Alexander the great his vest empire was almost immediately. broken up into three main divisions. In the Bast, his General Seleucus Nikator founded zn empire comprising Persia, Mesopotamia. Syria and par of Asia minor. that is alnvost ‘all the area trom the Hellespont to the Indusy The capital this empire was, Antioch. which became one of the greatest commercial centres of thés¢ times, through which merchandise for Arabia India and China flowed into the Mediarranean., The second division of the Alexandrian empire was the Graceo-Egyptian kingdom founded by Prolemy-l, another general of Alexander. Ils chief city was Alexandria which, with its salfe harbor and splendid library. became for along time the most important centre of Greek Civilization and cuiture in the ancient world The third and the smatlest division was Macedon, ruled’ by Antigonus and his successor. who bad partial control over Greece till 146 BC. In that, year Greece was made a Roman province-under name: dt Achaea. tates, both Syria and Egypt were also conquered paney benveen by the Romans. . 1 When Alexander died, his empire (A) _ was disintegrated 10 several pieces ()_ was broken into three division (C) was expanded by his son (DY went totally out of existence SOUTH WESTERN RAILWAY ‘2, Seleucus Nikator founded and empire in the: (A) Sow (B) West (East (D) North 3. Which of the following was not included in the empire’ of Seleucus Nikator: (A) Persia (BY Eeypt (©) Mesopotamia (D) Syria 4. The capital of Seleucus Nikalor’s empire was (A) Mecedonia (B) Athens (C). Sparta (©) Antioch 5. The second division of Alexandrian empire was founded by (A) Alexander's eldest son (B) Alexander's youngest son (C} Alexanier’s geandson (9). Pesiemny-t 6 The second division of Alexandrian empi (A) Babylonian kingdom (B) ‘urkish Kingdom (©) Assyrian Kingdom 4D) gyptian Kingdom 7. Vhe chiel city of Graeco-Egyptian kingdom was: 7 {AY Cairo (8) Damaseiss (©) Alexandria (D) Antiosh ® Which of the following cities was for a lnag time thé most important centre of Greck civilization aid cultuce in the aticient world: (A) Athens (BY Sparta (C) Constantinopie (D}° Macedonia 9. Who was Antigonus? (A) ‘The General who was responsible forthe death of Alexander (B),_ “The Great warrior to whom goes the credit of success in Alexander's Military expeditions (C) He was the founder of the third division af Alexandrian empire, known as, Mocedan, (1D) ‘The Roman emperor who conquerei! Greece and annexed it into the Rortan empice 10, When did Greece become a Roman prover fA) In l4g BC (B) ie 186 BC (C) 1n326 BC (OV fn 206. BC Q.No.lG- Four alternative, a,b,c aid d are piven uader each sentence, select the most suitable alternative to fill in the blank in the sentence to make it meaningful, (Sxi=5 aia Marks) Feat devastation: 1 The volcanic ----—--was the cause of (Ay Ourburst (8) eruption {C} erosion (O)> movement SOUTH WESTERN RAILWAY 2. Asaresult of -many unsuitable candidates was selected for the posts: (A) Tolerence — (B) + Favoritism (C)- Humiliye — (D).- Weakiness 3 He is line a body without saul, an eye without light or a flower without- (A) Smell (B) Fragrance (C) Petal (D)" colour 4 It is becoming more and more --------that the principal is losing the confidence: (A) Prominent (B) Conspicuous (C) Manifest. — (D) Apparent> -in the world My firiend says that he-drinks ea because it is the best: (A). Fluid (B), Drink (C) Beverage“ () Liquid Q.No.IIl Seicet the word that is furthest opposite in meaning to the main word. (5x1=5 3i% Marks) | FORBEARANCE (A) Patience (B) ‘Self control (C) + Intolerance {D) . Prelereice 2. SYNCHRONOUS (A) Notin working order» (B) Not in phase (C) Without Problems (D) - Without permission 3 LUCID (A) Laking resources+ (B)° Laking vitality: (C) Lating clarity (D) Laking comfort 4 SOBRIETY (A). Moderation (B) Drunkenness (C) Dizziness (D) * Stupidity 5 INQUISITIVE : (A) Inadequate (B) Immature (C) . Un comfortable (D) Un concerned Q.No.1V:- Write an essay on one of the following’not less than 250 words. (1x10= 10 3f% Marks) (a) Efect of Demonetization in India, (>) Swaceh Bharat Abhiyan SOUTH WESTERN RAILWAY art PART ‘BY WATE Fat GENERAL KNOWLEDGE (4039#/Marks) 1 Reger exter SPO Fill in the blanks: (10-x 1 si Mark = 10 af Marks) 1. Het & Yor Railway Ministerof Indiv (a) Beta @araff Mamta Banerjee (by aifvorarsia wet Mallikacjun Kharge Lc) BT F8Y Suresh Prabhu (a PRa81 BRET Dinesh ‘Trivedi 2. andra tar A ate Tal AY GEG No. of Railway Zones in Indian Railways {a)l6 (by 5 feyl3 (a) 14 [Minister of Karnatakay 5. aellcen de sper FAT C peer (a) TIS), BAR TaN HD. Kumarswamy — (by8ESZ LOU Yeddyurappa (c) Ba AST Sadanand Gouda (a) FRESATATAT Siddaramaiah 4. Aaa BRE BST Bharainatyam Dance originated in _ (a) APACE Tamilnadu. (b) TST Kerala (c) HIT Baxt Andiva Pradesh (d) GeATAT Telangana 5, SHR FSA TST HEMT! Capital, city of state of Utter Pradesh TEATS Luknow + (b) ATX Bangalore, . (c) DFE Chentiai (d) HFA Mumbai fa 6. eT STMT Ft Tre aT PR F tow falls situated in which state (a) 3497 FART Andhra Pradesh” (b) HET Maharashtea (c) BACH Karnaiaka + (d) 3 Kerata 7. He FL Me User at HI GEA No. of union territcties in India {a)5(b)6 . ()7 (AB 8, Sena Ven Her Past soa at offer Pea Number of saiellites launched by ISRO at a time__ a (a0 (G) 104 () 120 (a) 122 9, afin aida ara oat wearer aratoTe! HBh Fever F Headquarters of South Wester Railway yea) FTE Bengalucw- (bPRFT Mysura (6) grifer Hubballi (a) @ereTf Belagavi 10. a 2016 & fore teres Poem & fery avai, eaeket Phalke award nominee for (he year 2016 i (a) HBT TAH Mani Ratnam (b) ay Faget] K Viswanath (c) SoA Maya Raja (d) SA BAAV AR Balasubramanyarer SOUTH WESTERN RAILWAY Preaferar at ahd Mate | sa BLOOD ae RED a afeior 3ifthart SOUTH AF RICA | j_[npusrey |7- | Reva thet RAIL COACH G | faa Refers SuP BUILDING © “ KEY -| i MAA, strseferfiarer ant fereeiet a fered Expand ihe following abbreviations: (0x2 38% Marks = 20 3f Marks) (ay va & UF UT HTML (b) SF wa BHT PNR (©) & UH Ht UNO (d) TH BT ame PVSAARC, (ec) aS AE-ww ICE (0 FRSTARARB tg) at dt ycpu (h) 37 TH ae aT SROG) T A WTATM q) Te & avg spr STT-APART-C . (30 sie Marks) ararea afta GENERAL MATHEMATICS Lfrrar forfiaa ait gor HL.Solve the following (6 x S$ aig Marks =30 st Marks) Lathe w & ore FT B.1210 Bl wee aH ar 4/15 aAeT eee we a 2/5 set ERA a wart al w & ore fecrat Genre S? A & B together have Rs. 12104, IP 4/15 of A's amount is equal to 2/5.of B’s Amount. How. much amuunt does B have, 22, BRST SaTat TE RY ar wes arraT Stas TE A S.815/- eT AIR aS Fe. 845/- BP GTA BL PT te at ace? A sum of simple interest amounts to Rs.815/- in three years ancl 10 854 in fous years. Find the sum? SOUTH WESTERN RAILWAY MUS HEA (0 de a va ara Ge aw eT |e Arar aT aires sey 21 Reatahes ofer eer & OCS aie Bove gare away 24 Reno rae Sara HTS at NY ara ferotettey a ware | A man completes a jouney in 10 hours. Tie travels first balf of the joumey at the rate of KMPH and seconid hall at the rate of 24K MPH. Pind the Coral journey in KMS, 4. va, AR aa Sho 20% oral AM ay 8 ah Aha SB aN D af are & oral A Bea 8 ah ht oy Horst AT TT 15 Bal ag Bl RST A pat OTA sheer Pree In a certain school 20% of students are below § years of age. The number of students above 8 years of the Age is 2/3 of the number of students of 8 years of age which is 48, What is the otal nitinber of students in the school? Ad THRE 6 aret At HHer %.20500/- & att St sear sie cher erat By Brae ¥.13400/- & cit vem gant He ve aret AY Alara PBsereAT B? The cost of three goats and five cows is Rs.20500/- and the cost of-2 goats &nd 3 cows is Rs.13400/-. Find the cost of 1 goat and | cow? PAR, wer SeeN BI aT Tara 3 TY sTtsT aA at Ast 28 8] ah Hea ene If the square of a number is added (0.3 times of the number. the sum is 28. Tind. the numbers? SOUTH WESTERN RAILWAY

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