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Medical Coding and Billing


VP7a.mp3 phone message

Ricardo Smith, the prescription refill line

On 6th September 2019

Office System of Medication

Patient Joe Bagodonoughts

Date of Birth

3 November 1952

Refill Number is Narco 5/325 milligrams, the number of tablets is 325

The reason is that the grandchildren flushed the tablets in the toilet. Therefore Joe

Bagodonoughts needs a refill reason being that he is in a lot of pain. His work causes pain. He

wants to be sure if the doctor can send a prescription so that he can get it through his pharmacy,

and later he would take them. He would wish to ask the physician for more than enough refills

because of the pain.

VP7b.mp3 phone message

Jessie Adam

ID Number 111223333

Telephone Number: 937-357 1212

He finished the prescription for Lisinopril and Atenolol. Atenolol was 25 10 grams, one tablet

daily. His pulse is more than sixty, and therefore he was prescribed with 90 pills in addition to 3

refills. Lisinopril is 40 milligrams and supposed to take one pill every morning. Therefore he

requested 90 pills and three refills and if they could be sent to the pharmacy of choice in State

street known as Walgreens.

VP7c.mp3 phone message


Jennifer Adams

Date of Birth: 1st September 1985

29th February 2020 at 5:49 PM


The patient Adams Jennifer had a pap smear, which took place about 4 to 6 weeks, and she has

not yet received a call since so that she can know the test results. She would like physician

responsible, doctor, to look into it and call her at 111-1212


Bill Jones

Date of Birth: 6 June 1951


29 February 2020 at 4:59 PM



The patient, Jones Bill, stated that he got a message from Medicare, stating that they were not

covering the entire billing charges. They wanted to inform him that he has responsibility in

paying the balance, which was remaining. He is worried that so many charges were not covered,

yet he is on a fixed income. Bill Jones is not sure the amount of money he can pay when still

they owe him a balance. He would wish any person from the department dealing with billing to

call him at 555-1212 to explain what he thinks.


Hix Andrew

Date of Birth: 31 October 2016


29 February 2020 at 5:02 AM



Hix Lashawnda needs to obtain an appointment in the morning because his son Hix Andrew is

sick, and all night he has been throwing up. He would wish that someone in the medical facility

would call her back as soon as possible. He wants to know what the son will be taken to the

hospital. 222-1515 is the number she can be reached.


Work Cited

VP7a.mp3 phone message

VP7b.mp3 phone message

VP7c.mp3 phone message

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