Kokoda Trekking Brochure

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the adventure of a lifetime!

Thank you for your enquiry

about trekking on the Kokoda
Trail. We have developed a
package of information that
will help you to determine

welcome to
the right trek for you and
to prepare you sufficiently
prior to your arrival. We
invite you to read through

the information provided
which should help to answer
some of your many questions
about the adventure of a
lifetime. If you have further
questions and would like
further information you are
encouraged to contact us via
the contact page and or the
numbers provided. Please feel
free to join our Forums where
trekkers have supplied some of
there insights and knowledge
of the Kokoda Trail.



The Kokoda Trail was the scene of some
of the bloodiest battles of World War STANLEY TEMPLETON’S
II and still carries the scars of a fierce
campaign. The Kokoda Trail is the site RANGE MT BELLAMY
where the advancing Japanese forces lost MYOLA JUNCTION
their campaign to claim Port Moresby NADULI
from the ‘back door’ in their ultimate EFOGI KAGI
goal to capture Australia. For those who BRIGADE HILL
lost family members from a previous MENARI
generation in WWII this walk can be
an intensely emotional and spiritual
experience and indeed for all trekkers
the sheer beauty of the terrain and CORAL
spectacular scenery is unforgettable. To SEA
walk the trail is by far the most popular
trek in Papua New Guinea and takes OWERS CORNER
between 6-8 days to walk as you ascend
and descend a range of simply stunning WALK/TREK
but unbelievably challenging terrain OVERNIGHT CAMPSITES PORT MORESBY
including endless river crossings and rain
forests. Conditions are usually wet and
slippery and rain can be expected most
days. Temperatures range from 24 - 30c
degrees in the day and 15 - 24c degrees
at night.

An amazing experience. I found it physically
and mentally challenging but came through
with the help of the ‘A’ team. David, Ross,
David and Dominic have been amazing

and have made the trip more worthwhile.
One of the best experience of my life!
Adam Forde, Trek 301
treks “ An absolutely inspirational and unbelievable

experience. Words can’t describe the joy and
happiness I will take away from this trek.
Peter Mundey, Trek 294

Kokoda Trekking offers several different
packages ranging from a (6 day / 5 night)
trek to (9 days / 8 nights). We have
Papua New Guinean led treks as well as
Australian/ Historian led treks. A trek
on the Kokoda Trail can be done either
from the Port Moresby (Sogeri) side of the
Owen Stanley Range to Kokoda, which is
the most preferred option and historically
correct route. Alternatively to start the
trek from , you will need to take a 30
minute flight to Kokoda from Port
Moresby which is included within the
trekking costs. Trekkers are welcome to
join our scheduled treks or we can create
a trek to suit. These can be set up as a
“Private Trek” or an “Open Trek”. The
Open trek allows others to join your group
whereas a Private trek will just be for your
group of trekkers alone and will incur an
additional cost depending upon numbers

10 Day 9 Night Trek

Kokoda Trekking organises and (Kokoda - Owers’ Corner)
offers set trekking itineraries as 9 Day 8 Night Trek
well as custom made treks to (Kokoda - Owers’ Corner)

satisfy your needs. 8 Day 7 Night Trek
(Kokoda - Owers’ Corner)
Custom treks also available.
6 Day 5 Night Trek
Gona / Buna Extensions.
(Kokoda – Owers’ Corner)
Short Treks Available.
Alternate directions of the
above available
Day 1 begins when we collect you from your Hotel. We then
drive everyone to Bomana War Cemetery where you will be
given time to pay your respects and to take some photographs.
We continue our journey along snake road up to Sogeri
Monument where we again stop for photographs. Now
the fun begins as we travel via dirt road for approximately
45 min to Owers’ Corner Weather permitting. The trek
continues with your first descent down to Goldie River. We
cross over Goldie River and commence our first climb to

Imita Ridge “Golden Stairs which is no longer there”. Upon
reaching the top it is another long descent down to Ua-Ule
Creek where you will spend your first night out on the track.
Please bear in mind that we do not run a boot camp and

this may change based on the time of departure from Owers’
Corner; condition of trekkers or weather.
This morning we will leave our campsite for Nauro where
we will be crossing numerous creek crossings. We then climb
up loribaiwa Ridge, half way up your climb you will reach
loribaiwa village. We continue trekking until we reach the
top of Ioribaiwa Ridge. This is the point during World War 2
where the Japanese retreated. It is now a steep descent down
to Ofi Creek where you will enjoy your first lunch break
and swim. You will then refill your water bottles for a steep

9 Day 8 Night Trek couple of hours climb up Maguli Range to your Destination
of Nauro.
Owers’ Corner – Kokoda Today will be an easy walk down Brown River where you
will cross with care as the river may be high due to rainfall.
Example Itinerary You will then continue your trek onto the next creek where
you will refill your water bottles for your climb to the top of
Menari Lookout. From the lookout you will enjoy the views
of your next camp site in Menari.
Day 4 will have you start your morning with walking past the
Menari airstrip where you will then continue onto your first
creek crossing of the day. You will refill your water bottles for
your next climb up Brigade Hill. At the top of Brigade Hill
you will have a chance to take in some of the scenery from
the lookout. After your short break you will then descend
down to EFOGI Village where you will overnight ready for
Day 5. Most trekkers refer to EFOGI as the best guest house

At a glance
on the trail “5 Star”.
DAY 1: OWERS’ CORNER - UA-ULE CREEK Bomana War Cemetery Visit Day 5 will begin with your first climb of the day up to
Efogi 2 which is another small village. You will then have a
DAY 2: UA-ULE CREEK - NAURO Sogeri Monument steep climb down to the first creek crossing of the day. After
DAY 3: NAURO - MENARI Isurava Monument another climb up to Kagi Village you will get to enjoy your
lunch for this day. You then continue again to 1900 Camp
Kokoda War Museum Site where you will camp for the night.
Fantastic Scenery From 1900 Campsite you will start day 6 with another climb
DAY 6: TEMPLETON’S CROSSING - EORA CREEK up to Mt Bellamy. This is the highest peak of the entire track.
Kokoda History Weather permitting you will be able to look down as far as
Cultural Experience Kokoda Station. Once you have taken your first break you
will then trek down to Templeton’s Crossing 1, once you
DAY 8: ISURAVA - KOKODA Oro Haven Retreat (Kokoda) cross this creek you will the make another climb with a short
DAY 9: KOKODA – PORT MORESBY Battle Sites descent after your climb down to Templeton’s Crossing 2
where you will enjoy your lunch break. You will then start
yet another climb and then descent down to your campsite
of Eora Creek.
You begin day 7 by passing Alola village. The next step is
a climb to Isurava Monument. You will then have a lunch
break before moving onto Isurava Village campsite where you
will overnight.
Today is your last day of trekking. You will have a few short
Climbs and Descents before descending down to Hoi Village
for a short flat walk to Kokoda Village. Once in Kokoda you
will have the chance to take a break at Kokoda Station and
take in a range of must see attractions including the War
Museum and other historical memorials, the local hospital,
the library, and other attractions in and around the local area.
You will then spend your last night out on the track at our
accommodation referred to as ‘OroHaven’ Retreat.
Today is your last day in Kokoda where you will then be
transported back into Port Moresby
You will arrive in Kokoda from Port Moresby after a short
20 minute flight. You will walk from airstrip straight to the
Kokoda Station and take in a range of must see attractions
including the War Museum and other historical memorials,
the local hospital, the library, and other attractions in and
around the local area. This is where we commence our trek,
and after just an hour on foot, you will arrive at your first
Kokoda village – the village of Kovelo. After a short stop,
we will embark on another hour’s walk and soon arrive at

the well structured and organised village of Hoi. It is in
Hoi that you will begin to realise just how challenging this
trek will really be. This part of the Kokoda Trail is not easy
and presets you with a tough, steep climb in the beginning.
But don’t be disheartened – this is just a test to get you in

the mood, if you are not already raring to go. Another five
hours on from here you will arrive in Isurava. Isurava is
home to a magnificent war memorial – opened by Australian
Prime Minister John Howard in 2002 - and was the site of
a significant World War II battle. Isurava is now regarded as
one of the most sacred sites along the trail and is made all the
more special by panoramic views of the Kokoda and Yodda
valleys along the way. To rest your weary limbs after day one,
you will stay overnight at the local guest house.


After a restful evening, we set off early in the day, for our
next destination – the village of Alola, and then move on to

6 Day 5 Night Trek Iora Creek. Faced with a challenging and steep climb, and
then a sharp descent, we finally reach Templeton’s Crossing
which is where we spend the night. Imagine spending the
evening under the forest canopy and falling asleep to the
Owers’ Corner – Kokoda gentle voice of the Iora Creek splashing against the rocks?
That will be you. And if you bring a line, you can also try
Example Itinerary your hand at trout fishing.


Day Three sees your trek begin with another steep climb and
descent – much like day two. With another crossing of Iora
Creek, you will then climb to the top of Mt Bellamy, the
highest point of the Kokoda Trail and take in the panoramic
views of the area. You will be treated to a wonderful reward
here - an enjoyable walk through a carpet of moss, which
will take you to the junction of Myola and Kagi, which is
land marked by an aircraft propeller. It is here that we will
take a right turn, make a climb, and then descend to the
splendorous village of Kagi. Kagi quite simply, commands
At a glance Trek Highlights spectacular views of villages along the Kokoda Trail and is
a must see for trekkers to the area. We will continue with
Bomana War Cemetery Visit a walk to the airstrip, regarded as the steepest walk in the
DAY 1: KOKODA - ISURAVA world, where we will descend to the creek, and then ascend
Sogeri Monument to Efogi No. 2 village. If we turn back and look you will
be able to see your trekking path from Kagi and it is at this
DAY 2: ISURAVA - TEMPLETON’S CROSSING Isurava Monument point that we begin to make our descent into Efogi, where
Kokoda War Museum we stop for the evening and collect our food and supplies
thanks to a prearranged food drop.
DAY 3: TEMPLETON’S CROSSING - EFOGI Historical Memorials
Fantastic Scenery Up early again and you will begin the day with a refreshing
Kokoda History and challenging climb up to Brigade Hill. Brigade Hill, along
with Isurava is one of the most sacred sites along the Kokoda
DAY 5: NAURO – UA’ULE CREEK Cultural Experience Trail and having taken in this most beautiful area, you will
then begin your descent to the village of Menari. As you
Oro Haven Retreat (Kokoda) continue along and then begin a further climb up a steep
DAY 6: UA’ULE CREEK - OWERS’ CORNER Battle Sites hill you will be taken in by summit as it presents you with
fine views of Menari. Following this breathtaking moment
you will make a muddy, swampy, and at times leech-infested
(if you are lucky!) trek to the Brown River, which must be
crossed with great care, especially if the River is in flood.
Next take a walk onto the village of Nauro where we stop for
the night to eat and rest, ready for day five.


We begin our day by climbing the heartbreaking false peaks
of Maguli Ridge (where you will even have time to count
them yourself ). After descending to Ofi Creek for a well -
deserved break, we will then make another climb to Ioribaiwa
Ridge, and a subsequent descent to Ua’Ule Creek for our last
night together on the Kokoda track.


With one final push for day six, we do the hard graft to reach
Imita Ridge, and then descend the ‘Golden Stairs’ and
the Goldie River. As a reward, we take one last refreshing
dip in the River before climbing up to Owers’ Corner.
Congratulations! You and your fellow trekkers have just
completed one of the world’s toughest treks. Along the trail,
you have climbed nearly 5,500 meters (18,000 feet) and
descended almost the same amount as you weaved in and out
of some of the worlds most picturesque areas.

It has been 5 weeks since my return from Kokoda and there is not a day that goes by
that I don’t stop and think of the experience. It is my every thought. A journey that
has made me want to go back again and again.

As I said to you Gail on the night of our debriefing I have never felt such a sense
of empowerment than that of the final night in Kokoda and how I learned
camaraderie still exists between fellow country men of all walks of life and race.
Kristi, Trek 423

In order to communicate and coordinate our treks with the trek leaders, we utilise the
local radio network & Satellite Phone. This is how we keep all trek leaders, guides and
trekkers up to date with the latest developments on the Kokoda Trail. A two way radio
is carried for this purpose.A satellite phone is als o carried for use in emergencies and
for daily briefings with Head Office in Port Moresby. The official language of Papua
New Guinea is English and the other two most commonly used languages are Hiri
Motu (commonly spoken on the track) and Tok Pisin. Most guides and porters speak
fluent English, Motu, Pisin and one other (local) language. We encourage all trekkers
to ask their guide or porter if they are unsure about what is being communicated.
clo th in g
&equip m ent
What do you
need to bring?
During the day you will get quite hot and dirty so we encourage
you to bring one set of lightweight trekking clothes for day use,
and a another set of clothes that you can change into after you
have bathed in a local creek of crystal, clear mountain water for
night use. Always think lightweight when you are thinking about
what day and night options to bring. Most camping stores offer
quick drying clothes which are suitable for walk the Kokoda Trail.
You will need a sturdy 75-80ltr backpack that can be adjusted so
that 2/3 of the weight sits on your hops and 1/3 on your shoul-
ders. Also ensure it has a well padded belt to avoid chaffing. You
will need a light sleeping bag, a good set of thermal underwear
(optional if you feel the cold), a self inflating sleeping mat, per-
sonal tent, plate, canteen/cup and eating utensils. Also think about
grabbing a couple of plastic zip type bags that will protect your
spare clothing and other items inside your backpack, just in case it
rains while you are trekking.

One rimmed Hat or Peak Cap One pair of gaiters

Two shirts, one short sleeve & one long sleeve One bandana for sweat
Three pairs of lightweight camping shorts Four pair of good quality thick camping socks
One thermal top One pair of thin socks
One lightweight track suit Two sets of underwear
One or two man tent One poncho style rain jacket or rain coat
Tarpaulin ground sheet to lay tent on in case of rain One pair of lycra gym shorts. (optional)
One pair of bush walking boots (with good grip) One day pack
One pair of sneakers One sleeping mat/thermarest
One towel (the chamois sports towels) Mosquito Net – only if you plan on staying in a guesthouse
One 70-85 litre back pack Sunglasses
One light sleeping bag Head light & spare batteries or small torch
Pack Cover for when it rains Spoon/cup/bowl/utensils
Whistle for attention Zip-lock plastic bags for packing wet or dry clothes, camera, etc.
Camel pack (at least 2 litre capacity for water) Plastic garbage bags
2 smaller water bottles to mix energy/ electrolyte drink A couple of clothes pegs to hang up your washing
the adventure of a lifetime!
Trek Packages & Inclusions Australian Guided
Local Guided Trek Trek Package
Packages 1 & 2 The trekking costs include:
Australian Guide
The Local Guided trekking costs include: Expert Local/Assistant Guide
Expert Local/Assistant Guide Trekking Permit
Trekking Permit Local Trail Fees
Local Trail Fees Food for entire Trek
Food for entire Trek Internal (Port Moresby Transport - Road and
Internal Port Moresby Transport - Road and Flight transfers to begin and end the trek
Flight transfers to begin and end the trek Guide/Assistant guide
Guide/Assistant guide Food Porters to carry food for trek
Food Porters to carry food for trek Equipment Porters
Equipment Porters Shirt
Shirt Information Package - Book written by Bill
Information Package - Book written by Bill James, DVD and information disc.
James, DVD and information disc. Training Guide
Training Guide Certificate of Completion
Certificate of Completion Bomana War Cemtary (Visit)
Bomana War Cemetery (Visit) Liability Insurance ($20 Million)
Liability Insurance ($20 Million) Accommodation Orohaven Kokoda Retreat
Accommodation Orohaven Kokoda Retreat Accomodation 1st Night - Port Moresby
Accomodation 1st Night - Port Moresby

Local Guided Trek Price Australian Guided Trek Price

Cost per Trekker $2650 Cost per Trekker $3250

To hire a personal $580 To hire a personal $580

porter (optional) porter (optional)

I wanted to say THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU for the most
wonderful/amazing holiday. You’re so very well organised (the briefing, the food,
the communication). You guys really do an excellent job. Please note: I’ve already
decided to walk the trail again (yes, you heard right)!!
Judith, Trek 447
Trek Packages & Inclusions Local Guided Trek
Local Guided Trek Package Package 5: Sanananda,
4: Kakoda & Myola Gona & Buna Extention
The Local Guided trekking costs include: An Optional:
Expert Local/Assistant Guide 2 Day extention to any of the packages available
Trekking Permit on the trekking schedule. The extention can be
Local Trail Fees undertaken either prior to trek’s departing from
Food for entire Trek (Kokoda) or at the end of trek’s beginning from
(Ower’s Corner).
Internal Port Moresby Transport - Road and
Flight transfers to begin and end the trek Trekker’s will visit Sanananda, Gona & Buna
Historical sites and locations.
Guide/Assistant guide
Minimum of 4 trekker’s required to extend the trip.
Food Porters to carry food for trek
The trekking costs include:
Equipment Porters
Accommodation, Sanananda, Buna
PNG Local Guide
Information Package - Book written by Bill
James, DVD and information disc. Village fees
Training Guide Food
Certificate of Completion Internal flight and road transfers
Bomana War Cemetery (Visit) Food and equipment porters
Liability Insurance ($20 Million)
Accommodation Orohaven Kokoda Retreat
Accomodation 1st Night - Port Moresby

Package 4 Package 5

Cost per Trekker $2950 Cost per Trekker $1000

To hire a personal $580

porter (optional)
experienced small
guides & personalised
porters groups
We employ local guides
to provide you with a rich We keep our groups small (to
cultural as well as historical a maximum of 18 trekkers) so
experience. We also offer that you get easy access to guides
Australian guides and and can appreciate the spectacular
historians if you prefer. In scenery along the track. On most
the past six years over 3,500 treks the average group size is six to
trekkers have completed the nine trekkers – ensuring you receive
Kokoda Trail with us – with the best personalised experience.
many coming back for a
second (or third) time.

year round
Our treks are guaranteed to depart
with a minimum of one person, so
you don’t have to worry about any
last minute cancellations once you’ve
booked. Visit our trekking schedule at
www.kokodatrail.com.au/schedule for
upcoming treks.

quality packages at
competitive prices
Our _trekking packages <http://www.koko-
datrail.com.au/packages.html>_ include fresh
local village food, high quality ration packs,
and accommodation in Kokoda at our own
OroHaven Kokoda Retreat. We are one of the
few trekking companies to have our own vehicles
to get you on and off the track, making the pro-
cess efficient and reliable.

If you are a member of a sporting club, group of

friends, or are trekking for a special occasion, con-
sider one of our _private treks_ or _custom treks_
that can be tailored to suit your group’s needs.
advice on how
to prepare for
the trek
All trekkers receive an introductory
pack which includes a DVD of
the trek, a book on Kokoda by Bill
James and checklists
Checklist.pdf of what to bring. This
ensures you can adequately prepare
for the trek so you get the most out
of the adventure.

online updates
for loved ones
Loved ones back home can stay
up-to-date with your progress by
visiting our website forum
We can post replies back to them
from you so they know you are
travelling well, and so they feel
they are sharing the adventure
with you.

australian owned &

We are a local Australian business with a
strong relationship with Papua New Guinea.
We abide by the Kokoda Track Authority rules
and regulations, and have valid work permits
for PNG. We are also fully insured in both
Australia and PNG, giving you peace of mind
as you prepare for your trek.
contact details
Contact: Nathan Thomas
Phone: (07) 55 716 512
Mobile: 0415 499 495
Email: trekking@kokodatrail.com.au

Please join our Online Community on the website and Facebook where you can meet past / new trekkers.
Website URL: www.kokodatrail.com.au/forums/
Facbook URL: www.facebook.com/pages/Boroko-Papua-New-Guinea/Kokoda-Trekking/374403025970

If you would like to view the trekking schedule for upcoming treks please visit the schedule section of the site.
Website URL: www.kokodatrail.com.au/schedule.html

If you would like to make a booking please visit the booking section of the site.
Book Now Section: www.kokodatrail.com.au/booking.html

If you have other questions please contact us or visit the FAQ section of the site.
Frequently Asked Question: www.kokodatrail.com.au/faq.html

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