Ammonium Perfluorooctanoate Production and Occupational Mortality

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Ammonium Perfluorooctanoate Production and

Occupational Mortality
Jessica I. Lundin,a Bruce H. Alexander,a Geary W. Olsen,b and Timothy R. Churcha

mmonium perfluorooctanoate (CF3(CF2)6CO2⫺NH4⫹)

Background: Perfluorooctanoate (PFOA) is a synthetic chemical
widely detectable in blood of nonoccupationally exposed persons.
A is a thermally stable synthetic surfactant manufactured
for use as a polymerization aid in fluoropolymers produc-
Its human health effects are not well-characterized.
Methods: We conducted a mortality study in a cohort of 3993 tion.1 In the presence of biologic media, ammonium per-
employees of an ammonium perfluorooctanoate (APFO) manufac- fluorooctanoate rapidly dissociates to perfluorooctanoate
turing facility. APFO rapidly dissociates to PFOA in blood. We (PFOA, CF3(CF2)6COO⫺) from the perfluorooctanoic acid2,3
estimated standardized mortality ratios (SMRs) compared with the and can be absorbed through inhalation, ingestion, and, to a
general population, and fit time-dependent Cox regression models to lesser extent, dermal contact. PFOA can be formed from
estimate the risks using an internal-cohort referent population. A environmental and metabolic degradation of telomers.3
priori diseases of interest were liver, pancreatic, prostate, and tes- High human exposure to ammonium perfluorooctano-
ticular cancer; cirrhosis of the liver; and cerebrovascular disease. ate occurs in occupational settings, where median serum
Results: APFO exposure was not associated with liver, pancreatic or PFOA levels in the range of 100 –5000 ng/mL have been
testicular cancer or with cirrhosis of the liver. SMRs (95% CI) for reported.4,5 PFOA is also a wide-spread environmental pol-
prostate cancer with no, probable and definite exposure strata were lutant, with exposure to the general population arising di-
0.4 (0.1– 0.9), 0.9 (0.4 –1.8), and 2.1 (0.4 – 6.1), respectively, and for rectly through ammonium perfluorooctanoate manufacturing
cerebrovascular disease 0.5 (0.3– 0.8), 0.7 (0.4 –1.1), and 1.6 (0.5–3.7), as well as through indirect pathways of exposure.6 In 1999 –
respectively. The diabetes SMR for probable exposure was 2.0 (1.0 – 2000, the United States general population had an average
3.2). Compared with an internal referent population of nonexposed serum PFOA concentration of approximately 5 ng/mL (parts
workers, moderate or high exposures to ammonium perfluorooctano-
per billion); this declined by 25% by 2003–2004.7 The
ate were positively associated with prostate cancer (HR ⫽ 3.0
geometric mean serum half-life of elimination of PFOA is
关0.9 –9.7兴 and 6.6 关1.1–37.7兴, respectively) and with cerebrovascular
estimated at 3.5 years (95% confidence interval ⫽ 3.0 – 4.1)
disease (1.8 关0.9 –3.1兴 and 4.6 关1.3–17.0兴, respectively). Diabetes
and may be the consequence of a saturable renal resorption
was associated with moderate exposure 3.7 (1.4 –10.1); no deaths
from diabetes occurred in workers with high exposure. process in humans.8
Conclusion: We did not observe ammonium perfluorooctanoate Chronic ammonium perfluorooctanoate feeding studies
exposure to be associated with liver, pancreatic, and testicular of Sprague Dawley rats found an increased incidence of
cancer or cirrhosis of the liver. Exposure was associated (albeit benign testicular Leydig cell tumors,9,10 and one study re-
inconsistently) with prostate cancer, cerebrovascular disease, and ported an increased incidence of hepatocellular and pancre-
diabetes. atic acinar cell adenomas.9 Ammonium perfluorooctanoate is
an agonist for the peroxisome proliferator activated receptor
(Epidemiology 2009;20: 921–928)
alpha11–13 and a number of other receptor agonists have been
shown to produce liver tumors in rats.14 However, this path-
way is generally considered of low relevance to humans.14
The Leydig cell and pancreatic acinar cell tumors observed
Submitted 13 March 2008; accepted 18 December 2008.
From the aDivision of Environmental Health Sciences, University of Min- are not common to all peroxisome proliferator activated
nesota, School of Public Health, Minneapolis, MN; and bMedical De- receptor alpha agonists in the rat, and other modes of action
partment, 3M Company, St. Paul, MN. have been proposed.2,15
Supported by the 3M Company.
Supplemental digital content is available through direct URL citations Occupational exposure to ammonium perfluorooctano-
in the HTML and PDF versions of this article ( ate at a 3M Company manufacturing facility in Cottage
Correspondence: Bruce H. Alexander, Division of Environmental Health Grove, Minnesota has been previously associated with mor-
Sciences, University of Minnesota School of Public Health, MMC 807
Mayo Building, 420 Delaware St S.E. Minneapolis, MN 55455. E-mail: tality from prostate cancer,16 and cerebrovascular disease.17 We present an updated mortality analysis of this cohort to
further evaluate potential associations between occupational
Copyright © 2009 by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
ISSN: 1044-3983/09/2006-0921 exposure to ammonium perfluorooctanoate and specific
DOI: 10.1097/EDE.0b013e3181b5f395 causes of death. Updates from the original study16 include a

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Lundin et al Epidemiology • Volume 20, Number 6, November 2009

more complete employment roster, additional years of fol- • “Definite occupational exposure”: Primarily jobs where
low-up, and a job exposure matrix that is specific for ammo- electrochemical fluorination, drying, shipping, packaging,
nium perfluorooctanoate exposure. and quality-control analyses of ammonium perfluo-
rooctanoate occurred. Workers were exposed on a regular
basis with potential for high exposure.
• “Probable occupational exposure”: Jobs in other chemical
The protocol for this study was reviewed and approved
division areas where ammonium perfluorooctanoate expo-
by the University of Minnesota Institutional Review Board.
sure was possible, but likely lower or transient.
• “No or minimal occupational exposure”: Jobs primarily in
Study Population the nonchemical division of the plant. Opportunity for
This cohort included employees of a 3M Company some exposure (more than the general population) due to
plant located in Cottage Grove, Minnesota, where ammonium contamination at the work site.
perfluorooctanoate production began in 1947. This cohort
differs from the previously published analysis16 by a longer Hereafter, these job exposure subgroups will be re-
period of enrollment (1997 versus 1983) and later follow-up ferred to as “definite ammonium perfluorooctanoate expo-
(2002 versus 1989), and by inclusion criteria. The current eligi- sure,” “probable ammonium perfluorooctanoate exposure,”
bility criterion was a minimum of 365 days cumulative employ- and “nonexposed.”
ment prior to 31 December 1997, while the earlier study re-
quired only 6 months of cumulative employment. This change Exposure Classification for Analysis
was to exclude the relatively large number of short-term work- We incorporated 2 approaches for characterizing ammo-
ers, many of whom were summer interns. We also located nium perfluorooctanoate exposure in the analysis. The primary
employment data on an additional 169 employees who were analysis is based on ever attaining a minimum time in jobs with
eligible for both studies. The original study identified 398 probable or definite exposure. A secondary analysis used a
decedents while the updated study identifies 807. cumulative exposure model with a weighted exposure based
Human resource records were abstracted for demo- on duration of employment and qualitatively-specified expo-
graphic information, including the worker’s name, Social sure intensity.
Security number, employee identification number, date of
Exposure by Job Classification
birth, and details of work history. Demographic information
First, we characterized the mortality experience of
and vital status were verified using consumer credit reporting
workers compared with that of the general population of
sources and the Social Security Administration service for
Minnesota with respect to ever working in jobs with definite
epidemiologic research studies.
exposure, ever working in probable exposure jobs but no
definite exposure jobs, or working only in nonexposed jobs.
Mortality Assessment Subsequently, a more restrictive classification was developed
The cohort was followed until 31 December 2002. Vital for an analysis using an internal referent population that
record searches were performed through the National Death classified the cohort members as (1) working in a “definite
Index for all cohort members not employed by the company exposure” job for 6 months or more (high exposure), (2)
on 31 December 2002 or not previously identified as de- working in a “definite exposure” job for less than 6 months,
ceased.16,17 The underlying cause of death was coded in the or never working a “definite exposure” job but ever working
International Classification of Disease (ICD) revision in ef- in a “probable exposure” job (moderate exposure), or (3)
fect at the time of death. working only in jobs not exposed to fluorochemicals (low
exposure). Entry into the first 2 categories could occur at
Exposure Assessment varying points in the work history.
The goal of the exposure assessment was to classify
jobs by exposure to ammonium perfluorooctanoate. We used Cumulative Exposure
work history records and expert historical knowledge of the Comprehensive biologic monitoring data were not
manufacturing process to classify each job held by likelihood available for this cohort. Estimates of exposure intensity were
of exposure. An expert panel of veteran workers and plant limited to a qualitative assessment in the form of relative
industrial hygienists reviewed job titles and administrative exposure weights assigned to the job exposure matrix. The
department codes by year to determine where the perfluoro- exposure weights were derived, in part, from serum PFOA
chemical production, or the development of the perfluoro- concentrations collected in 2000 from 131 employees in the
chemical products, took place over the history of the facility. chemical division of the plant. These data provided relative
The available information permitted classification of jobs in ranges of serum PFOA for selected areas of the plant. Areas
the work histories into 3 general categories of ammonium where jobs were classified as having definite exposure had
perfluorooctanoate exposure. median serum PFOA levels ranging from 2.6 to 5.2 parts per

922 | © 2009 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

Epidemiology • Volume 20, Number 6, November 2009 Mortality of Ammonium Perfluorooctanoate Workers

million (ppm ⫽ ␮g/mL), and jobs classified with probable prior analyses of this cohort16,17). Bladder cancer mortality
exposure had levels ranging from 0.3 to 1.5 ppm.18 No data was associated with perfluorooctanesulfonate (PFOS) in an-
were available for jobs in the nonexposed areas of the plant. other occupational cohort,19 although subsequent research of
Serum half-life of PFOA is approximately 3.5 years,8 and incident cases offered little support for an association.20 We
thus short-term peak exposures may equate to longer-term included ischemic heart disease as an a priori disease of
lower exposures over time. The initial cumulative exposure interest due to the hypolipidemic effect of ammonium per-
assigned weights of 1 in jobs with no exposure, 30 in jobs fluorooctanoate in laboratory animals and the inconsistently
with probable exposure, and 100 in jobs with definite expo- reported and contradictory association of increased serum
sure. These weighting factors, while somewhat arbitrary, cholesterol levels in relation to PFOA biomonitoring data.4,5
were chosen to reflect the relative exposure intensity of jobs
and long biologic half-life of PFOA. We calculated cumula- Analysis
tive exposure for each worker as a sum of the days of The mortality experience of the cohort was initially
employment at each level, multiplied by the exposure weight- compared with the mortality rates for the state of Minnesota.
ing factor (weighted exposure level ⫻ days exposed), which We computed age-, sex-, and calendar-period-standardized
provides a time-dependent exposure metric. The cumulative mortality ratios (SMRs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs)
exposure was categorized into groups selected a priori, rep- using the PC Life Table Analysis System.21 The all-cause and
resenting the equivalent of up to 1 year (36,499 exposure- cause-specific SMRs were first computed for the full cohort
days), 1– 4.9 years (36,500 –182,499 exposure-days) and 5 or and then for the exposure-specific categories and wage type.
more years (182,500 exposure-days) of employment in a job To model the risk as a function of PFOA exposure
with definite exposure. Because the true form of the cumu- using an internal referent population, we estimated hazard
lative exposure model is unknown, we conducted a sensitivity ratios (HRs) and 95% CIs were estimated with time-depen-
analysis to explore how alternative weighting schemes may dent Cox regression models.22 The time covariate was from
affect the results. The alternate weighting schemes were 1, date of entry into the cohort until death or end of follow-up.
10, 50 and 1, 10, 100, which would limit the extent to which Exposure was characterized by job classification and cumu-
workers in jobs with “probable exposure” for longer periods lative exposure. We adjusted the models for sex and year of
would be classified with workers who held jobs with “definite birth. Age at entry into the cohort, smoking status, and wage
exposure.” type were also examined as potential confounding covariates.
Smoking History To explore potential effects of latency, the exposure models
Occupational medical records of the cohort members were lagged by 10 years. The Cox regression analysis was
were abstracted for information on smoking habit: ever conducted using the PHREG procedure in SAS 9.1.23
smoked regularly, year started smoking, number of years Because smoking data were unavailable for many of the
smoked, and cigarettes smoked per day. We classified cohort cohort members, a multiple-imputation model was con-
members by their smoking history and the availability of the structed using those with smoking data to predict the smoking
records as follows: smoking history available, medical record status of those without smoking data.24 The predictors used
available but no information about smoking, and medical for the imputation process were sex, year of birth, year of first
record not available. employment at the facility, age at entry into the cohort, and
wage type. We conducted all imputation procedures using the
Wage Type MI and MIANALYZE procedures in SAS 9.1.23 The imputed
Baseline socioeconomic status is a well-accepted pre- models were fit to further explore potential confounding by
dictor of mortality. In this cohort, there are differences in smoking status.
educational attainment and income between hourly and sal-
aried workers. To explore potentially confounding effects of
these differences, we classified cohort members by wage RESULTS
type: hourly, salaried, or both. The last was designated if the The cohort included 3993 employees, of whom 807
job history included earning each type of wage for at least died in the follow-up period. The cohort was mostly male
365 days. A dichotomization of this covariate classified (80%), particularly in the “definite exposure” subgroup
workers as hourly or salaried based on the predominant (92%) (Table 1). There was a higher prevalence of smoking
wage type. in those who ever worked a job with definite ammonium
perfluorooctanoate exposure (65%) compared with nonex-
Causes of Death of Interest posed workers (47%). However, smoking data were available
A priori causes of death of interest were cancers of the for 66% of the definite-exposure subgroup, whereas it was
liver, pancreas, and testes and cirrhosis of the liver (selected available for only 20% of the nonexposed. A majority of the
based on results from toxicological studies2), and prostate workers holding “definite exposure” jobs were hourly em-
cancer and cerebrovascular disease (CVD), (selected from ployees, while most nonexposed workers were salaried.

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Lundin et al Epidemiology • Volume 20, Number 6, November 2009

TABLE 1. Characteristics of Ammonium Perfluorooctanoate Manufacturing Cohort by Job

Exposure Subgroups
Definite Probableb Nonexposedc Total
(n ⴝ 513) (n ⴝ 1688) (n ⴝ 1792) (n ⴝ 3993)

Deaths; no. 68 368 371 807

Men; % 92 82 74 80
Women; % 8 18 26 20
Age at follow-up (years); mean 55.6 60.0 60.6 59.6
Person-years follow-up; mean 29.3 31.6 31.6 31.3
Year of birth; mean 1945 1938 1938 1939
Years of employment; mean 17.8 16.4 9.7 13.8
Age at death; mean 60.1 65.6 64.9 64.8
Wage status; %
Hourly 77.6 56.4 22.0 43.7
Salaried 5.1 31.2 73.9 47.0
Bothd 17.3 12.4 4.1 9.3
Medical record data on cigarette smoking; no. (%)
Record found, with smoking data
Smoker 220 (42.7) 396 (23.5) 167 (9.3) 783 (19.6)
Nonsmoker 118 (23.0) 341 (20.2) 188 (10.5) 647 (16.2)
Record reviewed; no smoking data 92 (17.8) 414 (24.6) 368 (20.5) 874 (21.9)
No record found 83 (16.4) 537 (31.7) 1069 (59.6) 1689 (42.3)
Ever employed in a job with definite ammonium perfluorooctanoate exposure.
Ever employment in a job with probable ammonium perfluorooctanoate exposure, but never in a job with definite exposure.
Never held a job with definite or probable exposure.
Held both hourly and salaried jobs while employed at facility.

The all-cause and cause-specific SMRs were generally 1.0兴), and heart disease (0.6 关0.5– 0.7兴). The results were
lower for the entire cohort and for exposure subgroups than somewhat different for hourly employees: all cancers com-
for the general population of Minnesota (Table 2). (Results bined (1.0 关0.9 –1.2兴), respiratory cancers (1.2 关0.9 –1.6兴),
for all causes of death are presented in the online eTable, prostate cancer (0.9 关0.4 –1.6兴), cerebrovascular disease (0.7 The few deaths from tes- 关0.4 –1.0兴), and heart disease (0.9 关0.8, 1.1兴). The SMR for
ticular cancer (0) and liver cancer (3) precluded further diabetes (2.1 关1.3–3.1兴) was elevated for the hourly workers.
analysis for these causes of death. The number of deaths due In the time-dependent Cox regression models, moder-
to pancreatic cancer and cirrhosis of the liver were not more ate or high exposure work history, compared with working
than expected for all exposure subgroups. The SMRs for only in low-exposure jobs, was associated with an increased
cohort members ever employed in jobs with definite ammo- risk for prostate cancer and cerebrovascular disease. A work
nium perfluorooctanoate exposure were elevated for prostate history of only moderate-exposure was associated with the
cancer and cerebrovascular disease, although confidence in- risk of dying from diabetes mellitus (Table 3). Due to the
tervals are wide. By contrast, the number of deaths from rarity of some outcomes, the moderate and high exposure
prostate cancer and cerebrovascular disease were lower than categories were combined; these are presented in Table 3 as
expected among the never-exposed members of the cohort. well. Including wage type and smoking habit in the models
Cohort members who worked in jobs with probable exposure, did not alter the results. We further explored the models for
but who never held a job with definite exposure, had an prostate cancer, cerebrovascular disease, ischemic heart dis-
elevated risk of death from diabetes mellitus. The number of ease and diabetes by stratifying by wage type. There was no
deaths from ischemic heart disease was lower than expected. evidence that the observed associations were limited to either
The SMRs for salaried workers (data not shown in hourly or salaried workers. Lagging exposures by 10 years
tables) indicated a decreased risk of death for all cancers made unremarkable differences in the hazard ratio estimates.
combined (SMR ⫽ 0.7 关95% CI ⫽ 0.6 – 0.8兴), respiratory Hazard ratios comparing the highest with the lowest
cancers (0.6 关0.4 – 0.9兴), prostate cancer (0.5 关0.2–1.2兴), dia- cumulative exposure category indicated an increased risk for
betes (0.2 关0.02– 0.7兴), cerebrovascular disease (0.6 关0.4 – prostate cancer and cerebrovascular disease (Table 4). The

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Epidemiology • Volume 20, Number 6, November 2009 Mortality of Ammonium Perfluorooctanoate Workers

TABLE 2. Standardized Mortality Ratios for Selected Causes by Ammonium Perfluorooctanoate Exposure
Employed in Definite or Probable Exposed Jobs
Ever Definite Ever Probable/Never Definite Never
Cause No. Observed SMR (95% CI) No. Observed SMR (95% CI) No. Observed SMR (95% CI)

All deaths 68 0.9 (0.7–1.1) 368 0.8 (0.8–0.9) 371 0.8 (0.7–0.9)
All cancers 19 0.9 (0.5–1.4) 119 0.9 (0.8–1.1) 108 0.8 (0.6–1.0)
Biliary passages and liver primary 0 NE (0.0–7.6) 2 0.7 (0.1–2.6) 1 0.3 (0.0–1.8)
Pancreas 1 0.9 (0.0–4.7) 7 1.0 (0.4–2.1) 5 0.7 (0.2–1.6)
Trachea, bronchus, and lung 8 1.2 (0.5–2.3) 37 1.0 (0.7–1.4) 30 0.8 (0.5–1.1)
Prostate 3 2.1 (0.4–6.1) 9 0.9 (0.4–1.8) 4 0.4 (0.1–0.9)
Bladder and other urinary organs 0 NE (0.0–9.6) 3 1.2 (0.3–3.5) 4 1.4 (0.4–3.7)
Nonmalignant causes
Diabetes mellitus 0 NE (0.0–2.4) 18 2.0 (1.2–3.2) 5 0.5 (0.2–1.2)
Cerebrovascular disease 5 1.6 (0.5–3.7) 17 0.7 (0.4–1.1) 13 0.5 (0.3–0.8)
All heart disease 21 0.7 (0.5–1.3) 110 0.8 (0.6–0.9) 125 0.8 (0.7–0.9)
Ischemic heart disease 16 0.8 (0.5–1.4) 93 0.8 (0.7–1.0) 92 0.7 (0.6–0.9)
Cirrhosis of the liver 0 NE (0.0–2.2) 6 0.8 (0.3–1.7) 7 0.9 (0.3–1.8)
Nephritis and nephrosis 2 5.2 (0.6–18.9) 2 0.7 (0.1–2.6) 3 0.9 (0.2–2.8)
A priori endpoints of interest, and other selected causes.
NE indicates not estimable in cells with 0 observed deaths.

results combining the 2 higher exposure categories are also while the nonexposed members of the cohort were markedly
presented. There was no association between exposure and below. This difference of the nonexposed and other men in
risk of pancreatic or bladder cancer, cirrhosis of the liver, and Minnesota with respect to baseline prostate cancer and cere-
diabetes. The risk of dying from ischemic heart disease was brovascular disease risk may be related, in part, to socioeco-
lower among those with increased exposure. The sensitivity nomic status. Wage status was the only available proxy for
analysis using alternate weighting schemes did not change the socioeconomic status, which does not fully capture the com-
overall conclusions. plexities of socioeconomic status and its relation to health.
Our findings for the association between prostate can-
DISCUSSION cer and work in an exposed job are similar to the results of
We observed no association between ammonium per- Gilliland and Mandel,16 who analyzed the same population
fluorooctanoate exposure and liver, pancreatic, and testicular over a shorter period of follow-up. They reported (based on 6
cancer or cirrhosis of the liver. Exposure was associated with cases) a 3.3-fold increase (95% CI ⫽ 1.0 –10.6) in prostate
prostate cancer and cerebrovascular disease within the cohort cancer mortality associated with working 10 years in the
but not when compared with the general population. Diabe- chemical division compared with nonchemical division work-
tes-related deaths were elevated among workers with moder- ers; only one of these workers was directly involved in the
ate exposure. production of ammonium perfluorooctanoate.25 A cohort
Interpreting these results requires consideration of sev- mortality study that included about half of the workers
eral limitations. Most notably, this is a relatively small cohort potentially exposed to ammonium perfluorooctanoate during
with limited power for studying deaths from rare diseases. the production of fluoropolymers did not report an elevated
However, it is one of very few occupational populations SMR for prostate cancer based on 3 referent populations.26
exposed to this chemical. The associations of ammonium However, no exposure-specific estimates were provided. A
perfluorooctanoate exposure with prostate cancer and cere- prospective cohort study of cancer risk in the Danish general
brovascular disease were apparent with the internal referent population reported no apparent association between prostate
population. While an internal referent population may pro- cancer risk and plasma levels of PFOA.27 It is important to
vide a more valid comparison (assuming similar social and note, however, that the mean plasma concentrations in this
demographic determinants of disease), the interpretation of general population were 0.007 ␮g/mL compared mean expo-
this internal analysis should consider the stratum-specific sures ranging from 0.3 to 5.2 ␮g/mL in this occupationally
prostate cancer and cerebrovascular disease SMRs. The exposed population. The biologic mechanism for an associ-
SMRs for the exposed categories were modestly above unity, ation between PFOA and prostate cancer is not clear. There

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Lundin et al Epidemiology • Volume 20, Number 6, November 2009

TABLE 3. Hazard Ratiosa From Time-dependent Cox TABLE 4. Hazard Ratiosa From Time-dependent Cox
Regression Analysis for Cause-specific Mortality as a Function Regression Analysis for Cause-specific Mortalities as a
of Ammonium Perfluorooctanoate Exposure Characterized Function of Ammonium Perfluorooctanoate Exposure
by Job Classificationb Characterized by Cumulative Exposure (Years)b
No. Cases HRa (95% CI) No. Cases HRa (95% CI)

Prostate cancerc Prostate cancerc

Low 4 1.0 ⬍1 8 1.0
Moderate 10 3.0 (0.9–9.7) 1–4.9 1 0.4 (0.1–3.6)
High 2 6.6 (1.1–37.7) ⱖ5 7 3.7 (1.3–10.4)
Moderate/highd 12 3.2 (1.0–10.3) ⱖ1d 8 2.0 (0.7–5.3)
Pancreatic cancer Pancreatic cancer
Low 5 1.0 ⬍1 7 1.0
Moderate 8 1.7 (0.5–5.2) 1–4.9 4 2.3 (0.7–8.1)
High 0 NE ⱖ5 2 1.3 (0.3–6.4)
Moderate/highd 8 1.6 (0.5–4.8) ⱖ1 6 1.8 (0.6–5.6)
Bladder cancer Bladder cancer
Low 4 1.0 ⬍1 4 1.0
Moderate 3 0.8 (0.2–3.6) 1–4.9 2 2.2 (0.4–8.1)
High 0 NE ⱖ5 1 1.2 (0.1–10.7)
Moderate/highd 3 0.7 (0.2–3.4) ⱖ1d 3 1.7 (0.4–7.8)
Cerebrovascular disease Cerebrovascular disease
Low 13 1.0 ⬍1 23 1.0
Moderate 19 1.8 (0.9–3.7) 1–4.9 3 0.6 (0.2–2.2)
High 3 4.6 (1.3–17.0) ⱖ5 9 2.1 (1.0–4.6)
Moderate/highd 22 1.7 (0.9–3.5) ⱖ1d 12 1.3 (0.7–2.7)
Ischemic heart disease Ischemic heart disease
Low 92 1.0 ⬍1 138 1.0
Moderate 103 1.2 (0.9–1.7) 1–4.9 42 1.2 (0.9–1.8)
High 6 0.9 (0.4–2.1) ⱖ5 21 0.8 (0.5–1.2)
Moderate/highd 109 1.2 (0.9–1.6) ⱖ1 63 1.0 (0.8–1.4)
Cirrhosis of the liver Cirrhosis of the liver
Low 7 1.0 ⬍1 9 1.0
Moderate 6 1.0 (0.4–10.1) 1–4.9 3 1.7 (0.4–6.6)
High 0 NE ⱖ5 1 0.6 (0.1–4.8)
Moderate/highd 6 1.0 (0.3–2.9) ⱖ1d 4 1.2 (0.3–3.9)
Diabetes mellitus Diabetes mellitus
Low 5 1.0 ⬍1 14 1.0
Moderate 18 3.7 (1.4–10.1) 1–4.9 5 1.3 (0.5–3.7)
High 0 NE ⱖ5 4 1.3 (0.4–4.1)
Moderate/highd 18 3.4 (1.3–9.3) ⱖ1d 9 1.3 (0.6–3.1)
a a
Adjusted for sex and birth year. Hazard ratio adjusted for sex and birth year.
Job classification: high ⫽ worked a job with definite exposure for 6 months or b
Weighted exposure days equivalent to ⱖ5 years (ⱖ182,500 weighted exposure
greater; moderate ⫽ ever worked a job with probable exposure or worked a job with days), 1 to 4.9 years (36,500 –182,499), and less than 1 year (⬍36,500) of working in
definite exposure for less than 6 months; low ⫽ ever worked a job primarily in the a job with definite exposure.
nonchemical division of the plant. c
Men only (n ⫽ 3184).
Men only (n ⫽ 3184). d
Two highest exposure categories combined.
Moderate and high exposure categories combined.
NE indicates not estimable in cells with 0 observed deaths.

nogenesis are possible. An effect of PFOA on the endocrine

was no histologic evidence of prostate neoplasia associated system in the rat has been described, involving the mode of
with administered ammonium perfluorooctanoate doses of 0, action of Leydig cell tumors that might involve induction of
30, and 300 ␮g/kg in a 2-year chronic feeding study of CYP19A1 (aromatase), resulting in the conversion of testoster-
Sprague Dawley rats.2 Doses of 0, 3, 10, and 30 (reduced to one to estradiol. In occupationally exposed populations, PFOA
20) mg/kg/day of ammonium perfluorooctanoate adminis- biomonitoring data were not clearly associated with changes in
tered by oral capsule to male cynomolgus monkeys for 26 circulating levels of reproductive hormones.4,25 Inhibition of gap
weeks resulted in prostate glands that were microscopically junction intracellular communication has also been associated
normal.28 Nevertheless, nongenotoxic mechanisms of carci- with peroxisome proliferators such as PFOA.29

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Epidemiology • Volume 20, Number 6, November 2009 Mortality of Ammonium Perfluorooctanoate Workers

Deaths from heart disease and cerebrovascular disease comprehensive follow-up of the cohort found an underlying
are often below unity in epidemiologic studies of chemical cause of death for 99.6% of the known deaths (804/807); all
workers,30 and thus our finding of an increased risk of deaths with unknown causes were from cohort members who
cerebrovascular disease death associated with higher expo- worked in the nonchemical division of the plant.
sure was unexpected. The risk of stroke is related to diabetes, In summary, this study did not show ammonium per-
hypertension, and life-style factors, including diet and smok- fluorooctanoate exposure to be associated with liver, pancre-
ing.31–33 In this cohort, risks of death from life-style-associ- atic, and testicular cancer or cirrhosis of the liver. Elucidating
ated diseases (eg, lung cancer, diabetes and heart disease) the observed associations between exposure and prostate
were not consistent across exposure groups. In the internal cancer, cerebrovascular disease, and diabetes will require
analysis, adjusting for smoking status and wage type did not study methods that include nonfatal cases.
alter the association between working in an ammonium per-
fluorooctanoate-exposed job and death from cerebrovascular ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
disease. Diet is also a potential factor in the risk of stroke. In We thank Diane Kampa, Nancy Pengra, Allison Iwan,
the same working population, body mass index (BMI)34 of and Richard Hoffbeck for assistance with data management
the almost 50% of the workers for whom these data were and analysis, and Harvey Checkoway and Jeffery Mandel for
available ranged from 25 to 30 kg/m2, which is considered constructive comments on earlier versions of the manuscript.
overweight.35 However, the BMI distribution did not corre-
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