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Saint Mary’s University_Criminology Review Center 1

Subject: Forensic Photography


As an art, it simply means the art of taking
I. HISTORICAL EVENTS pictures. As a science, it is the study concerning
the production of images by the combined action
 ARISTOTLE - Famous Greek philosopher who of:
invented the first pinhole camera that was known
1. light on sensitive surfaces (films and
later as camera obscura literally translated as
photographic papers);
‘darkened box’
 ISAAC NEWTON - English philosopher, 2. a mechanical device (camera); and
mathematician and physicist who discovered and 3. chemicals during processing (film
proved that the strongest light is white light; he development and printing).
defended his theory by allowing a white light to
pass through a prism thus refracting and Photography is the technology geared towards
diffracting the light into its component parts the reproduction of images by using the action of
 1839 - Birth year of photography; the year when light on a sensitive surface (photographic film)
the science of photography became a public with the help of an image-forming device
knowledge. (camera) and the chemical process (developing
 JOSEPH NICEPHORE NIEPCE - produced and printing) involved therein.
heliograpic drawings (contact-print image of Photography is a process or method of using light
engravings or other line copy on glass, paper or to produce identical image of an object that can
metal coated with a bitumen varnish that hardens be preserved permanently by employing:
when exposed) 1. camera to regulate, absorb, and filter
Parisian painter and theater designer, who 2. film (any sensitized material) to record
continued the efforts of Niepce to perfect a the light.
photographic process; in 1839, he was
successful enough to have his invention
purchased by the French government and made The term photography was derived from two
public. Greek words: phos (light) and graphien (to draw).
 DAGUERREOTYPE - description of the first Literally, photography means "to draw with light".
photographs that were scientifically produced In photography, the light ‘writes’ when it strikes
immediately after the birth of photography tiny crystals of light-sensitive chemical
 WILLIAM HENRY FOX TALBOT – made the first compounds (i.e. silver halide) in the film emulsion
demonstration on a photographic technique to thereby causing very subtle change in the
the Royal Society of London; the English scientist crystals. Thus, photography is the production of
who pointed out the basis of modern photography visible images by using the action of light upon a
 JOHN F. W. HERSCHEL - coined the word sensitive surface.
photography (then introduced the terms negative
and positive in the following year) and pointed out Police Photography is the study of the general
that images can be made permanent by techniques of photographing the crime scene,
dissolving away unexposed silver compounds physical evidences, and other circumstances that
with a solution of hyposulfite of soda (hypo or can be used for law enforcement purposes. It is
sodium thiosulfate), which he had discovered in a field that focuses on the practical application of
1819 photography in police work (law enforcement
 WILLIAM ABNEY – discovered the use of operations).
hydroquinone as a developing agent in 1880
 EDWIN LAND - introduced in 1947 the polaroid Forensic Photography is that field covering the
process (1-step photography) with a self- legal application of photography in criminal
processing black-and-white film that yields a jurisprudence and criminal investigation. It is that
positive print by the diffusion transfer reversal branch of forensic science, , dealing with the:
method 1. Study of the fundamental but pragmatic
principles of photography;
2. Application of photography in law
enforcement; and

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Saint Mary’s University_Criminology Review Center 2
Subject: Forensic Photography

3. Preparation of photographic evidences III. LIGHT (PHOTOGRAPHIC RAYS)

needed by prosecutors and courts of law.
 Light is the radiant energy that makes things
B. Main significance of photography in police visible. There are many kinds of radiant
work energy, including infrared rays, radio waves,
Photograph of the crime scene is a factual record ultraviolet rays, and X rays. We can see only
of an incident because it captures place, time and a tiny part of all the different kinds of radiant
event in a single photograph or in a series of energy, which is called visible light or simply
shots. A photograph is capable of ‘catching and light.
preserving’ the:  Electromagnetic spectrum - the whole range
1. ‘place’ of radiant energy that includes radio waves,
2. ‘time’ microwaves, infrared light, visible light,
ultraviolet light, x rays, and gamma rays.
3. ‘event’ of a crime. visible light, which makes up only a tiny
fraction of the electromagnetic spectrum, is
Photographs allow police investigators to the only electromagnetic radiation that
understand the elements of a crime under humans can perceive with their eyes.
investigation; clarifying and revealing what is not  Visible spectrum - a small part of the
immediately seen and understood during the electromagnetic spectrum where the visible
initial investigation of the crime scene. light is found; the portion of the
electromagnetic spectrum that affects the
Photograph provides a permanent record of the human sense of sight. visible light includes
facts discovered at the crime scene. They record all those radiation having a wavelength
facts for future references; they provide ranging from 400 mu to 700 mu.
necessary information needed in crime scene  Wavelength - the distance between two
reconstruction and logical analysis of the crime. peaks in a light wave; used in measuring the
intensity of light; common unit of
measurement of light intensity is in terms of
C. Fields of Photography Significant in Police
millimicrons (mu)
 Frequency - the number of complete waves
 Photomicrography - involves the process of
per unit of time; used in measuring the speed
photographing minute objects when
of light; unit of measuring the speed of light
magnified by means of the microscope and
maybe mu per second (mu/sec)
enlarged 10 times (10x) or larger
 186, 000 miles/sec. – approximate normal
 Photomacrography - involves the process of
speed of light when travelling through a
photographing objects that are directly
vacuum and through the air
enlarged at the negatives and magnified up
to 9X only
 Infra-red Photography - the technique of
Invisible radiation with wavelength shorter than 400
photographing or recording unseen objects
by means of infra-red light and infra-red film;
1. Ultraviolet rays
example is the practice of photographing
2. X-rays
charred or burnt materials & overwritten texts
3. Gamma rays
 Ultraviolet Photography - the technique of 4. Cosmic rays
photographing unseen objects by the use of
ultra-violet light and filters; example is the Invisible radiation with wavelength longer than 700
process of photographing overwritten text mu:
and marked money 1. Infrared rays
 X-ray Photography - X-ray photography 2. Radio waves
involves the process of photographing or 3. Hertzian waves
recording internal structure of the human 4. Long electrical oscillations
Invisible radiation conveniently used in police
1. Ultraviolet rays
2. Infrared rays
3. X rays
4. Gamma rays

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Saint Mary’s University_Criminology Review Center 3
Subject: Forensic Photography

Colors of light found in the visible spectrum: The RAT Law:

Approximate Wavelength When incident light hits a medium, 3 things may

1. Primary colors of light (in mu.) happen. The light maybe reflected, absorbed &
a. Red (longest wavelength) – 700 transmitted.
b. Blue – 450
c. Green – 550 Reflection - a condition that occurs whenever an
object changes the direction of a light wave but does
2. Complementary colors of light not allow the wave to pass through it.
a. Magenta (shortest wavelength) 400
b. Cyan 500 Refraction - the bending of light rays when passing
c. Yellow 590 obliquely from one medium to another

Color Mixing Principles Diffraction - the phenomenon that occurs when light
1. Color addition rays deviate from a straight course when partially cut
R+B+G =W off by a medium or passing near the edges of an
R+B =M opening; a  phenomenon occurring when  waves of
M+Y =W light diverge/separate as they pass the edge of
R+G =Y opaque material or through a small hole.
M+C =W
B+G =C

2. Color subtraction The camera refers to a light tight (proof) box with
W-R =C a means of forming the image (lens or pinhole), with
W-C =R a means of holding sensitized material at one end
M-R =B (film-holder), and with a means of controlling the
C-G =B amount of light needed to affect the film at the other
W-B =Y end (shutter). It is a box designed to keep out all light
W-Y =B except the light allowed by the photographer.
M-B =R
Y-G =R All cameras use the same basic principles to
W-G =M form an image. Light reflects from the scene being
W-M =G photographed and strikes the lens of the camera. The
C-B =G light passes through the lens and forms an inverted
Y-R =G (upside down) image on the film at the back of the
camera. The image can be sharpened by adjusting
The principles of color mixing can be easily the distance between the lens and the film. Many
understood and memorized using the color wheel. cameras have a focusing mechanism by which the
photographer moves the lens a short distance to
Mediums of Light sharpen the image. Other cameras automatically
adjust this distance by means of a focusing
Mediums of lights are objects that influence the mechanism that is sensitive to light, infrared rays, or
intensity of light as they may reflect, absorb, or sound waves.
transmit light; mediums of light maybe classified as:
A shutter opens allowing the light to enter the
1. Transparent objects - mediums that merely camera. The shutter may be behind the lens,
slow down the speed of light but allow it to pass between 2 lenses, or directly in front of the film. The
freely in other respects speed of the shutter's opening and closing
2. Translucent objects - mediums that allow light determines how long the film is exposed to light. By
to pass through it in such a way that the outline of opening and closing rapidly, the shutter can ‘freeze’
the source of light is not clearly visible an image in motion.
3. Opaque objects - mediums that divert or absorb
light, but do not allow light to pass through

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Saint Mary’s University_Criminology Review Center 4
Subject: Forensic Photography

Main Parts of the Modern Camera: b. F-stop ring – also called diaphragm ring
or aperture ring
1. Body – a light-tight box; light-proof chamber in c. F-stops or F-numbers - the number
which film is held and exposed indicating the size of lens opening
2. Lens – function is to focus rays of light reflected located at the inner ring of the focusing
by (or diverging from) the subject unto the mechanism.
3. Diaphragm – a circular aperture behind the lens,
operates in conjunction with the shutter to admit The lower the f-stop, the bigger the opening.  The
light into the light-tight chamber biggest lens opening in most cameras F-1.2. The
4. Shutter – the barrier of the light rays that enters proper combination of shutter speed and size of
and affects the film inside the light tight box; opening (f-stop) is the key in taking pictures under
basic function of the shutter is to control when various light conditions.  This combination is however
and how long light falls on  the film affected by the speed of the film being used.
5. Filmholder – function of this part is to hold firmly
the light-sensitive material at the correct plane 5. Film speed control – also called ISO dial or ASA
during the exposure interval dial
6. Viewfinder or viewing  system – used to 6. Flash terminal
determine what will be  included or covered in the 7. Timer (self timer)
picture; shows the entire scene coverage that
can be recorded in the film inside the camera
The Sub-components of the Camera:
The basic function of the lens is to collect
1. Focusing mechanism/control – the mechanism light rays from a subject in front of the camera and
that estimates the appropriate object's project them as images unto the film at the back of
distance from the camera to form a sharp or clear the camera. The 2 general types of lenses (classified
image on the photograph. based on their composition and ability to refract and
focus an image):
a. Focusing  ring  -  the outer ring of the lens
which  is  rotated  or adjusted  to obtain a 1. Simple lens - has two precisely regular opposite
clear and sharp  photograph;  enables  the surfaces; either both surfaces are curved, or one
photographer to adjust focal range is curved and one is plane generally produce
b. Distance scale - the focus index or range of aberrated (imperfect) images
sharp focus; a set of number which
determines the appropriate depth-of-field 2. Compound lens – composed of two or more
simple lenses fitted together to correct the
2. Film  transport mechanism - the mechanism that imperfect image
is manipulated to move new, unexposed film into
position for the next picture Types of Simple Lens (classification of lenses
according to their surfaces):
3. Shutter speed control
a. Shutter speed dial (SSD) - used to control 1. Convex lens - also called converging lens and
the opening and closing of the shutter; a dial positive lens; with at least one surface that
which sets the length of time in which the curves outwards; thicker in the middle than at the
light is allowed to enter the camera; default edges; gathers lays of light and refract them to
shutter speed for cameras without SSD are: meet in a certain point; subtypes are:
a. simple convex - convexo-convex or biconvex
125 - (or 1/125 of a second) - without flash; b. plano-convex
60 - (or 1/60 of a second) - with flash c. convexo-concave or converging meniscus

b. Shutter release button - the ‘click’ of the 3. Concave lens - also called diverging lens and
camera which releases the shutter negative lens; with at least one surface that
curves inward; lens that is thicker at the edges
4. Diaphragm control than at the center; spreads out light rays that
a. Lens aperture or diaphragm - the ‘window’ have been refracted through it; subtypes are:
and sometimes called the eyes of the a. simple concave - concavo-concave or
camera; used to control how much light biconcave
reaches the film; b. plano-concave

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Saint Mary’s University_Criminology Review Center 5
Subject: Forensic Photography

c. concavo-convex or diverging meniscus Fish eye lens is a special type with extreme
wide angle. Fish-eye lenses usually cover
Definition of Key Terms: angles between 140O and 210O and are
used for unusual wide-angle effects where
 FOCUS - the point at which light rays the distortion becomes a deliberate
converge; the point where a set of light rays pictorial element. They also have certain
meet after passing through a lens or other scientific applications, for instance, to cover
optical arrangement, or after reflection from a a horizon-to-horizon view of the sky in
mirror; the point from which rays appear to recording cloud formations.
diverge; the place where a visual image is
clearly formed, as in the eye or a camera 3. Telephoto Lens – or long focus lens; for long
distance photography; has a longer focal length
 FOCAL POINT - the point of principal focus; and provides a close-up image of a distant
the point where two or more rays that passed object; produces flat composition; far objects
thru the lens converge. appear enlarged while near objects do not
o Inside the camera, focal points are appear proportionally large
found at the FOCAL PLANE. This
plane is the space occupied by the In contrast to the wide angle lens, the
film that is ready for exposure and is telephoto lens covers a smaller field of view and
also called film plane. a shallower depth of field. Because of shallow
depth of field, there will be lack of sharpness of
 FOCUSING – the process of changing the the out-of-focus areas in the photograph to be
distance between the center of lens to the produced.
focal plane; the technique of adjusting the
focal length to get the sharp image of the Note: The longer the focal length, the larger the
object or scene to be photographed image, and the smaller/narrower the view angle
 FOCAL LENGTH - the distance between the
lens and the focal plane; this is used in Types of camera lens based on lens speed:
controlling the magnification (the size of the
image formed by the lens) 1. Fast lens - lens with high lens speed; used
during night time or in a dark room
 LENS SPEED - the largest opening of the 2. Slow lens - lens with low lens speed; used
diaphragm that the light can pass through; during daytime or where the room is very bright
determines the maximum intensity of the light
entering the light tight box Other Special types of camera lens:

1. Zoom lens - a special type of camera lens with

 ABERRATION - the failure of light rays to
variable focal length (focal length can be
focus properly after they pass through a lens
changed); allows quick adjustment to give a
or reflect from a mirror; also used to describe
wider or narrower field of vision
the lens defect of cameras
2. Macro lens - a lens used for close-up
photography particularly in taking pictures of
minute objects; using a macro lens, the subject
Groups of Lenses according to Focal Length
being photographed will appear bigger than its
and View Angle:
actual size. Macro lens is most helpful in
1. Normal lens - for normal distance
fingerprint work, in recording evidences such
photography; with focal length equal to
as pollen grains, hair, fibers and the like.
the diagonal of the image area; has a
picture/view angle of 45o which
6 major types of lens aberration:
corresponds to the view angle of the
1. Spherical aberration
human eye
2. Astigmatism
2. Wide angle lens - or short-focus lens; lens
3. Coma
producing smaller images but wider
4. Chromatic aberration
angles; has a shorter focal length than
5. Curvature of field
the normal lens thus covers a picture
6. distortion
angle of 60o to 90o

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Subject: Forensic Photography

VII. SENSITIZED MATERIALS FILM SPEED (or emulsion speed) - the sensitivity of
the film to light, the extent to which the emulsion is
Sensitized material refers to the films and sensitive to light
photographic paper that are composed of emulsion
containing silver halide crystals suspended in gelatin Two (2) classical film speed ratings that became
and coated on a transparent or reflective support. popular:
1. ASA Rating – expressed in arithmetical value
Types of film according to use: system; the speed in numbers is directly
proportional to the sensitivity of the material
1. black and white film –for black and white 2. DIN Rating –expressed in logarithmic value
photography system
2. color film – films that have names ending in color
3. chrome film – for color transparency, films that ISO Rating – the combination of ASA and DIN
are exposed by slides, mounted in cardboard for rating; the higher the ISO number, the more the
slide projectors film sensitive to light
4. x-ray film – film that are sensitive to x-radiation’s

Types of film based on spectral sensitivity Types of Photographic Papers:

(responsiveness of the film emulsion to the different
wavelength of the light rays): A. Based on emulsion used:
1. Chloride based paper – used for contact
1. Monochromatic film – film that is sensitive to a printing, the size of the positive print is the
single color of light (for black and white). same as the size of the negative used
a. Blue sensitive film – a film specially treated 2. Silver bromide paper - used for projection
that makes it more sensitive to blue rays of printing or enlarging process wherein the
light. negative image is used for projection or
b. UV sensitive film – sensitive to ultra violet enlarging
rays only 3. Silver chlorobromide paper – used both for
projection and contact printing
2. Panchromatic film – sensitive to all light found 4. Variable contrast paper – combines the
in the visible spectrum contrast ranges in one paper, it uses a
3. Orthochromatic film –sensitive to UV rays, blue special chlorobromide emulsion that
and green colors but not red. produces varying contrast responses upon
exposure to different colored lights
Red portions are recorded as dark tomes, white
and green and blue are parts appear as light B. According to physical characteristics:
tones when printed. This type of film is popular in
the marker as the Kodalith film. 1. Based on weight
a. Light Weight – used when the thickness
4. Infrared Film – special type that is sensitive to of the paper is not a consideration and
infrared and ultra violet radiation’s, it is also high degree of flexibility is necessary.
sensitive to all colors found in the visible Intended for purposes, which involves
spectrum folding
b. Single Weight - paper used for small
Classification of Panchromatic Films: print or print which needs to be mounted
1. Process panchromatic film – permit short on solid and fine details are necessary
exposures under average under average in the production. Used only for
lighting condition and has the advantage of the ordinary photographic purposes
grain structure c. Double weight – generally used for large
2. Grain panchromatic film prints because they stand up under
3. High speed panchromatic – designed originally rough treatment
for photographing objects under adverse
lighting condition. 2. Based on surface texture
a. Glossy paper – are preferred where fine
details and brilliant images are required.
b. Semi-mate paper – are with decided
textures which obscure fine details.

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Subject: Forensic Photography

c. Rough papers – used for large prints or 10. Artificial Light – light that comes to existence with
where breadth rather that detail is the intervention of man.
necessary. 11. ASA – Arithmetically progressive rating of the
senci – sensitivity of a film to light (American
3. Based on color Standards Association), ASA 200 film, for
a. White – preferred for cold-tone effect example, is twice as fast as Asa 100.
b. Cream – preferred for pictorial effect, 12. Astigmatism – A lens aberration in which light
portraits, landscape or when warmth rays that pass obliquely through a lens are
effect is desired focused, not as a point by as a line. Astigmatism
c. Buff papers – preferred for tone prints is normally found in simple lenses.
13. Automatic Exposure Control – Camera system
Grades of Printing Papers: where the photo – electric cell that measure the
lighting reaching film plain is linked to the shutter
1. Velox # 0 – used for printing from extremely or lenses aperture to adjust the exposure
low contrast negatives, the low contrast in automatically.
the paper sensitizing counteracts the high 14. Backlighting – Lighting form behind the subjects
contrast in the negative to give a new print. directed the camera position.
2. Velox # 1 – for high contrast negative 15. Barrel Distortion – A lens aberration in which the
3. Velox # 2 – for normal contrast used with shape of the image is distorted. The
normal negatives magnification decreases radially outwards, so
4. Velox # 3 – for negatives that have weak that a square objects appears barrel shaped, with
contrast the straight edges bowed towards.
5. Velox # 4 – provides sufficient contrast to 16. Bass Relief – A method of producing images that
compensate for very thin or weak negatives; appears to stand out slightly in relief. It is
useful in printing requiring high contrast produced by sand switching a positive and
6. Velox # 5 – for flat negatives that are almost negative of the same images slightly out of
unprintable register, and the printing the combination.
17. Base – the support material for a emulsion,
normally plastic or paper.
DEFINITIONS OF TERMS 18. Between-the-lens-shutter – A leaf shutter located
inside a compound lens, as close as possible to
1. Aberration – Lens defects in which light rays are the aperture diaphragm.
scattered, thereby degrading the image. There 19. Bounce Flash – Diffusion of the light from a flash
are different forms of aberration, such as unit, by directing it towards reflective surfaces,
chromatic and spherical aberrations, coma, such as a ceiling or wall. This scatters the light
astigmatism and field curvature. rays, giving a softer illumination.
2. Achromatic lens – A lens constructed of different 20. Bright-field illumination – The basic lightning
types of glass, to reduce chromatic aberration. technique for photomicrography, directing light to
The simplest combination is of two elements, one thin sections of the subject. In effect a form of
of flints glass the other of crown glass. back lighting.
3. Acutance – The objective measurement of how 21. Brightness – The subjective of luminance.
tell an edge is recorded in a photographic image. 22. Bracketing – A method of compensating for
4. Additive Process – the pass of combining lights uncertainties in exposure, by making a series of
of different colors. A set of three primary images. exposure a single subject, each varying by
5. Aerial Perspective – The impression of depth in a progressive amount from the estimated correct
scene that is conveyed by haze. aperture / speed setting.
6. Anastigmant – A compound lens, using different 23. Cable Release – A device use in pressing the
elements to reduce optical aberrations. shutter release button of the camera that avoid
7. Angle of View – The widest angle of those light incidental movement of the camera during
rays a accepted by lens that from an acceptably exposure period.
sharp image at the film plane. This angle is 24. Camera Shake – Unintentional movement of the
widest when the lens is focused at infinity. camera during exposure, causing unsharpness in
8. Angstrom – Unit used to measure light the image.
wavelengths. 25. CdS Cell – Cadmium sulfide cell used commonly
9. Aperture – In most lenses, the aperture is an in through-the-lens light meters. Its proportionate
adjustable circular hole centered on the lens axis. resistance to the quantity of light received is the
It is apart of the lens system that admits light. basis of exposure measurement.

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Subject: Forensic Photography

26. Chromatic Aberration – A lens aberration in 42. Dark–field Illumination – Lighting technique used
which light of different wavelengths (and in photomicrography, where the subjects is lit
therefore colors) is focused at different distances from all sides by a cone of light directed from
behind the lens. It can be corrected by beneath the subjects.
combining different types of glass. 43. Depth of Focus – the maximum permissible
27. Circle of Confusion – A disc from image of a point distance within which the film maybe placed
in the object. The allowable circle of confusion is without the exceeding. The circle of confusion in
usually 1/1,000 of the focal length of the lens in order to produce the image.
inches. 44. Definition – The subjective effect of graininess
28. Circle of Confusion – The disc of light formed by and sharpness combined.
an imaginary lens. When small enough, it 45. Density – In photographic emulsion, the ability of
appears to the eye as a point, and at this size the a developed silver deposit to block transmitted
image appears sharp. light.
29. Coating – A thin deposited surface on a lens, 46. Depth of Field – The distance through which the
used to reduce flare. subjects may extend and still form an acceptably
30. Color Compensation Filter – Filter used to alter sharp image, in front of and beyond the plane of
color of light. Available ion primary and critical focus. Depth of field can be increased by
complementary colors at different strengths. stopping the lens down to a smaller aperture.
31. Color Contrast – Subjects impression of the 47. Depth of Focus – the distance through the film
difference in intensity between two close or plane can be moved and still record and
adjacent colors. acceptably sharp image.
32. Color Conversion Filter – Colored filter that alters 48. Diaphragm Opening – control the amount of light
the color temperature of light. that passes thru the lens expose.
33. Color Couple – A chemical compound that 49. Diaphragm – An adjustable opening that controls
combines with the oxidizing elements of a the amount of light passing throughout a lens.
developer to form a color dye. It is an integral 50. Diffraction – The distance of light waves that
part of the most part color film processing. occurs when they strike the edge of the opaque
34. Color Temperature – The temperature to which surface.
an insert substance would have to be heated in 51. Diffuser – materials that scatter transmitted light.
order for it to glow at a particular color. The scale 52. Din – Logarithmical progressive rating of the
of color temperature significant for photography sensitivity of a film to light (Dutsche Industrie
ranges form a reddish colors of approximately Norm).
2000K through standards “white” at 5500K, to a 53. Diopter – Measurement of the refractive ability of
bluish color above 6000K. a lens. It is the reciprocal of the focal length, in
35. Coma – A lens aberration in which off-axis light metres; a convex lens is measures in positive
rays focus at different distances when they pass diopter, a concave lens in negatives diopters.
through different area of the lens. The result is 54. Diverging lens – lens which causes light rays to
blurring at the edges of the picture. spread outwards from the optical axis.
36. Complementary Colors – A pair of colors that, 55. Dye Cloud – Zone of color in a developed silver
when combined together in equal proportions grain, which itself has been bleached out during
produce white light (by means of addictive the development.
process). 56. Dye Transfer Process – Color printing process
37. Compound Lens – Lens constructed of more than that uses color separation negatives which in turn
one element, which enables various optical produce matrices that can absorb and transfer
corrections to be made. colored dyes to paper.
38. Condenser – Simple lens system that 57. Electromagnetic Spectrum – the range of
concentrates light into a beam. frequencies of electromagnetic from radio wave
39. Contact Sheets – A print of all frames of roll of to gamma rays, including visible radiations
film arranged in strips, same size, from which (lights).
negatives can be selected for enlargement. 58. Electrons – elementary particles with a negative
40. Contrast – Difference in brightness between charge, normally in orbit around nucleus.
adjacent areas of tone. In photographic 59. Electronic flash – Artificial light source produced
emulsion, it is also the rate increase in density by passing charges across two electrodes in a
measured against exposure. gas.
41. Converging Lens – Lens which concentrates light 60. Emulsion – Light-sensitive substances composed
rays towards a common point. Also known as a of halides suspended in gelatin, used for
convex lens. photographic film and paper.

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Subject: Forensic Photography

61. Exposure – In photography, the amount of light 78. Focal Plane Shutter – Shutter located close to
reaching an emulsion, being the product of the focal plane, using tow blinds that form an
intensity and time. adjustable gap which moves across the film area.
62. Exposure Latitude – for film the increase in The size of the gap determines the exposure.
exposure that can be made from the minimum 79. Focal Points – The point on either side of a lens
necessary to record shadow detail, while where light rays entering parallel to the axis
presenting detail. converges.
63. Extension – A fixed or adjustable tube placed 80. Focus – The point at which light rays are
between the lens and camera body used to converged by lens.
increase the magnification of the image. 81. The estimation or calculation of object distance
64. F-stop – The notation for relative aperture which from the camera and formed a sharp images.
is ratio of the focal length to the diameter of the 82. Fresnel Screen – A viewing screen that
aperture. The light gathering power of lenses is incorporates a Fresnel lens. This has a stepped
usually described by the wider f-stop they are convex surface that performs the same function
capable of and lens aperture ring are normally as a condenser lens, distributing image
calibrated in a standard series: brightness over the entire area of the screen, but
f1, f2, f8. f4. f11. f16. f22. f32, and so on, is much thinner.
each of these stops differ in its adjacent stop by a 83. Gamma – Measure of the steepness of an
factor of 2. emulsion's characteristics curve being the
65. Field Curvature – In this lens aberration, the tangent of the angle made by extending the
plane of sharpest focus is a curved surface rather straight lint position of the curve, downwards until
than the flat surface at the film plane. it meets the horizontals axis.
66. Film – a type of light sensitized material that 84. Gelatin – Substance used to hold halide particles
procedures negative after development. in suspension, in order to construct an emulsion.
67. Filter – a homogeneous medium which transmits This is deposited on a backing.
of absorbs different wave length of 85. Grade – Clarification of photographic printing
electromagnetic energy. paper by a contrast. Grades 0 to 4 are the most
68. Film Speed rating – The sensitivity of a film to common, although they are not comparable
light, measure on a standard scale, normally across makes.
either ASA of DIN. 86. Graininess – The subjective impression when
69. Filter – Transparent material fitted to a lens alters viewing photography of granularity under normal
the characteristics of light passing through it, viewing conditions. The eye cannot resolve
most commonly in color. individuals’ grains, only over lapping clumps of
70. Fish-Eye-Lens – A very wide – angle lens grains.
characterized by extreme barrel distortion. 87. Granularity – the measurements of the size and
71. Flare – Non-image-forming light caused by distribution of grains in an emulsion.
scattering and reflection, that degrades the 88. Ground Glass Screen – Sheet of glass finely
quality of images. Coating is used to reduce it. ground to a translucent finish on one side, used
72. Flash – See electronic flash. to make image focusing easier when viewing.
73. Flash Guide Number – Notation used to 89. Gyro Stabilizer – Electrically-powered camera
determine the aperture setting when using support that incorporates a heavy gyroscope to
electronic flash. It is proportionate to the output cushion the camera from vibrations. Particularly
of the flash unit. useful when shooting from helicopters, cars and
74. Flash Synchronization – Camera system that other vehicles.
ensure that the peak light output from flash unit
coincides with the time that shutters fully open. 90. Hardeners – Chemical agent, commonly chrome
75. Flash Length – the distance measure from the or potassium alum that combines with the gelatin
center of the lens to the film plane when tea lens of a film to make resistant to scratching.
is focus at distance objects. 91. Hyper focal distance – The minimum distance at
76. Fluorescent Lighting – Vapor discharge lighting in which a lens records a subject sharply when
which the inside of the lamp's jacket is coated focused at infinity.
with phosphors. These add a continuous 92. Hypo – Alternative name for fixer, sodium
spectrum to the single emission spectra. The thiosulfate.
color recorded on film is difficult to predict, 93. Hypo-Eliminator – Chemical used to clean fixer
depending on the type and age of lamp, but is an emulsion to shorten washing time.
generally greenish. 94. Hyper Focal Distance – the nearest distance at
77. Focal Length – The distance between the center which the lens is focus at a particular f-number to
of a lens (the principle point) and its focal point. given maximum depth of field.

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Subject: Forensic Photography

95. Incident Light Reading – Exposure measurement 112. Mercury Vapor Lamp – Form of lighting
of the light sources that illuminates the subjects sometimes encountered in available light
(or refracted light reading). It is therefore photography. It has discontinues spectrum and
independent of the subject's own characteristics. reproduces as blue-green on color photography.
96. Infra-Red-Radiation – Electromagnetic radiations 113. Mired Value – A measurement of color
from 730 nanometers to 1mm, longer in temperature that facilitates the calculation of
wavelengths that light is proportional to the difference between light sources. It is the
square of the distance from the source to the reciprocal of the Kelvin measurement (1 million
surface. per Kelvin).
97. Ion – An atom or group of atoms with positive 114. Mirror lens – Compound lens that form a
charge, because of too few electrons (positive) of image reflection from curved mirrors rather that
too many (negatives). refraction through lenses. By folding the light
98. Joule – Unit of electronic flash output, equal to paths, its length is much shorter than that of
one war-second. The power of different units can traditional lenses of the same focal length.
be compared with this measurement. 115. Monopod – Single leg of a tripod, as a light
99. Kelvin – The standard unit of thermodynamic weight camera for handled shooting.
temperature, calculated by adding 273 to 116. Nanometer – 1 x 10 meter
degrees centigrade. 117. Natural Light – Light that comes to existence
100. Latent Image – The invisible image formed with the intervention of man.
by exposing an emulsion to light. Development 118. Negative – Photographic image reversed
renders it visible. tones (and reversed colors if color film), used to
101. Lens – A transparent device for converging make a positive image, normally a print
or diverging rays light by refraction. Convex projection.
lenses are thicker at the center that at the edges; 119. Neutral lens – Lens with a focal length equal
concave lenses are thicker at the edges at the to the diagonal of the film format. It produces an
center. image which appears to have man.
102. Lens Axis – A line through the center of 120. Open Flash – Method of illumination a
curvature of lenses. subjects with a flash unit, by leaving the camera
103. Lens Flare – Non-images forming reflected shutter open, and triggering the flash discharge
that degrades the quality of the image. manually.
104. Lens Shade – Lens attachment that shades 121. Optical Axis – Line passing through the
the element from non-images forming light that center of a lens system. A light ray following this
can cause flare. line would not be bent.
105. Light – is an electromagnetic energy that 122. Orthochromatic Film – Film that is sensitive
excites the retina of light passing thru it to form to green and blue light, but reacts weakly to red
an image. light.
106. Line film – Very high contrast film, which can 123. Panchromatic Film – Film that is sensitive to
developed so that the image contains only full all the colors of the visible spectrum.
density black, with a focal length. 124. Panning – A smooth rotation of the camera
107. Lon-focus lens – Lens with focal length so as to keep a moving subjects continuously in
longer than the diagonal of the film format. For frame.
3.5mm film, anything longer that about 50mm is 125. Parallax – The apparent movement of two
therefore at least twice the standard focal length. objects relative to each other when viewed from
108. Luminance – The quality of light emitted by different positions.
or reflected from a surface. 126. Parallax – displacement of image point when
109. Masking – Blocking specific areas of an viewed at two different points or angles.
emulsion from light. For example, a weak 127. Pentaprism – Five-side prism, which rectiles
positive image, when combined with the negative the image left-to-right and top to bottom.
can be used to mask the highlights so as to 128. Photo-Electric Cell – Light sensitive cell used
produce a less contrasting print. to measure exposure. Some produce electricity
110. Matrix – Sheet of film used in the dye transfer when exposed to light; other to light by offering
process that carries a relief image in gelatin. an electrical resistance.
This is temporarily dyed when printing. 129. Photographic Paper – Paper which is
111. Means Noon Sunlight – An arbitrary but sensitive to light and produces positive print after
generally accepted color temperature of which development of image point when viewed at two
most daylight color film are balanced different points or angles.
5400.Kelvin, being the average color temperature 130. Photography – is driver from the Greek word
of direct midday in Washington DC. which means light and draw respectively. It is

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Subject: Forensic Photography

also defined as the art or science which deals 144. Reciprocity Failure (reciprocity effect) – At
with the reproduction of images thought the very short and very long exposure , the
action of light on sensitized materials. reciprocity law ceases to hold true, and an extra
131. Police photography – is the science that exposure is needed. With color film, the three
deals with the study of the principle of dye layers suffer differently, causing a color cast.
photography, its application to police work and Reciprocity failure differs from emulsion to
the preparation of photographic evidence. emulsion.
132. Photoflood – Over-rated tungsten lamp used 145. Reciprocity Law-Exposure-Intensity X Time
in photography, with a color temperature of 3400. – In other words, the amount for exposure that
133. Photomacrography – Photography at great the film receive in a camera is a product of the
magnifications using the imaging systems of a size of the lens aperture (intensity) and shutter
microscope. speed (time).
134. Photon – a quantum of light and other 146. Reducer – Chemical used to remove silver
electromagnetic radiation treated as an from a developed image, so reducing density.
elementary particle. Useful for over-developed negatives.
135. Pincushion distortion – A lens aberration in 147. Reflected Light Reading – Exposure
which the shape of the image is distorted. The measurement of the light reflected from the
magnification increases radically outwards, and a subject (of incident light reading). Through the
square objects appears in the shape of a lens meters use this method, and it is well-suited
pincushion, with the corner's stretched. to subjects of average reflectance.
136. Polarization – Restriction of the direction of 148. Reflector – Surface used to reflect light.
vibration of light. Normal light vibrates at right Usually the light at the same time.
angles to its direction of travel in every plane; a 149. Refraction – The bending of light rays as they
plane-polarizing filter (the most common in pass from one transparent medium to another
photography) restricts this vibration to one plane when the two media have different light-
only. There are several applications, the most transmitting properties.
usual being to eliminate reflection from water and 150. Raperture – The focal length of lens divided
non-metallic surfaces. by the diameter of the entrance pupil, normally
137. Posterization – Darkroom technique that recorded as f-stops, e.g. 50M lens with a
converts an image into areas of flat single stones, maximum aperture opening 25mm in diameter
using tone separations. has relative aperture of f4 (100mm/25mm).
138. Primary Colors – A set of any three colors 151. Resolution – The ability of a lens to
that, when mixed together can be used to male distinguish between closely-spaces objects, also
any other color, and when mixed together in known as resolving power.
equal proportions produce either white (by the 152. Reticulation – Crazed effect on a film
addictive process) or black (by the subtractive emulsion caused by subjecting the softened
process). Red, green and blue are one set of gelatin to extremes of temperature change.
primary colors; cyan, magenta and yellow are 153. Reversal Film – Photographic emulsion
another. which, when developed, gives a positive image
139. Printing-in – Photographic printing (commonly called transparency). So called of
technique of selectively increasing exposure over one stage in the development when the film
certain areas of the image. briefly re-exposed, either chemically or to light
140. Prism – Transparent substance shaped so as thus reversing the image which would otherwise
to refract light in a controlled manner. be negative.
141. Process Lens – Flat-field lens designed to 154. Rifle Stock – Camera support that enables a
give high resolution of the image on a flat plane. camera normally with a ling lens, to be hand-held
This is achieved at the expense of depth of field, more securely, in the same manner as a rifle.
which is always shallow. 155. Sabatier Effect – Partial reversal of tone (and
142. Programmed Shutter – Electronically color when applied to a color emulsion) due to
operated shutter with variable speeds that is brief exposure to light during development of an
linked to the camera's TTL meter. When a emulsion.
particular aperture setting is selected the shutter 156. Safelight – Light source in a darkroom with a
speed is automatically adjusted to give a color and intensity that does not affect the light
standard exposure. sensitive materials for which it is designed.
143. Range finder – Arrangement of mirror, lens 157. Sensitized Material – Materials which is
and prism that measures distance by means of a affected once Scoop-Smoothly curving
binocular system. Used on direct viewfinder background, used principally to eliminate the
cameras for accurate focusing. horizon line.

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Saint Mary’s University_Criminology Review Center 12
Subject: Forensic Photography

158. Selenium Cell – Photo-electric cell which 176. Test Strip – Test of various exposures made with
generates its own electricity in proportion to the light an enlarger.
falling on it. 177. Through-The-Lens (TTL) Meter – Exposure
159. Sensitivity – The ability of an emulsion to respond meter built in to the camera, normally located close to
to light. the instant-return mirror of a single reflex or to the
160. Sensitometry – The scientific study of light pentaprism.
sensitive materials and the way they behave. 178. Tone – Uniform density in an image.
161. Separation Negative – Black-and-White 179. Tone Separation – The isolation of areas of tone
negative exposed through a strong colored filter to in an image, normally by the combination of varying
record an image of a selected part of the spectrum, densities of line positives and negatives.
normally one-third. Used i dye transfer printing, and 180. Toner – Chemicals that add an overall color to a
also in non-photographic printing. processed black-and-white, by means of bleaching
162. Shading – Photographic printing techniques where and dyeing.
light is held back from selected parts of the image. 181. Transparency – Positive image on a transparent
163. Sharpness – The subjective impression when film base, designed to be viewed by transmitted light.
viewing a photograph of acutance. 182. Tri-Chromatic – Method of reusing or
164. Short-Focus Lens – Lens with a focal length reproducing specific colors by the variable combination
shorter than the diagonal of the film format. For the of only three equally distributed wave-lengths, such as
35mm format; short lenses generally range shorter blue, green, red or yellow, magenta, cyan.
than 35mm. 183. Tri-Pack Film – Color film constructed with three
165. Shutter – Camera mechanism that control the layers of emulsion, each sensitive to a different color.
period of time that image-focusing light is allowed to When exposed equally, the three colors give white.
fall on the film. 184. Tungsten-Halogen Lamp – Tungsten lamp of
166. Single Lens Reflex - Camera design that allows improved efficiently, in which the filament is enclosed
the image focused on the film plane to be previewed. in halogen gas, which causes the vaporized parts of
A hinged mirror that diverts the light path is the basis the filament to be re-deposited on the filament rather
of the system. than on the envelope.
167. Slave Unit – Device that respond to the light 185. Tungsten Lighting – Artificial lighting cause by
emission unit, to active additional flash unit. Snoot heating a filament of tungsten to a temperature where
generally fitting a light source, used to throw a circle on it emits light.
the subject. 186. Tripod – three legged device that support the
168. Soft Focus Filter – A glass with an irregular or camera during exposure.
etched surface that reduces image sharpness and 187. Ultraviolet Radiation – Electromagnetic radiation
increase flare, in a controlled fashion. Normally used from 13 to 397 nanometers, short in wavelength than
for flattering effect in portraiture and beauty shots. light. Most films, unlike the human eye, are sensitive
169. Solarization – Reversal of tones in an image to ultraviolet radiation.
produced by greatly overexposing the emulsion. A 188. Vapor Discharge Lighting – Artificial lighting
similar appearance can be created by making use of produces by passing an electric current through gas at
the Sabatier effect. low pressure in a glass envelope.
170. Spherical Aberration – In this aberration, light rays 189. Variable Contrast Paper – Printing paper with a
from subject on the lens axis passing through off- single emulsion which can be used in different degree
center areas of the lens focus at different distance of contrast by means of selected filters.
from light rays that pass directly through the center of 190. Viewfinder – Simple optical system used for
the lens. The result is blurring in the center of the viewing the subject.
picture. 191. Wave Length – the distance between two
171. Split-Field Filter – Bi-focal filter, the top half of successive crests. curved mirrors rather than
which consist of plain glass, the lower half being a refraction through lenses. By folding the light paths, its
plus-diopter lens that allows a close foreground to be length is much shorter than that of traditional lenses of
focused at the same time as the background. the same focal length.
172. Spot Meter – Hand-held exposure meter of 192. Wavelength of Light – The distance between
great accuracy, measuring reflected light over a small, peals in a wave of light. This distance among other
precise angle of view. things determines the color
173. Stop Bath – Chemical that neutralized the action 193. Wetting Agent – Chemical that weakens the
of the developer on an emulsion effectively stopping surface tension of water, and so reduces the risk of
development. dying marks of film.
174. Subtractive Process – The process of combining 194. Wide-Angle Lens – lens with an angle lens of
colored pigment, dyes, or filter, all of which absorb view than that considered subjectively normal by the
light. Combining all three primary colors in this way human eye (i,e more than about 50). Wide angles of
produces black (an absence of light) exposed to light. view are characteristic of lenses with short focal
175. Shutter Speed – The duration between the lengths.
opening and closing of the shutter. 195. Zone System – A method of evaluating exposure,
with implication for the photographic approach,

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Subject: Forensic Photography

developed by Ansel Adams, Minor White and other.

Light measurement is converted to exposure setting by
dividing the tonal range into specific numbered zones.
196. Zoom Lens – Lens with continuously variable
length over a certain range at any given focus and
aperture. It is generated by differential of the lens

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